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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 172 KB, 800x992, Red_Creol_Onionsexport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10977644 No.10977644 [Reply] [Original]

Why does EVERYBODY hate red onions so much?

I run a semi popular food blog and occasionally post on YouTube, here and other sites

Anytime I use a red onion, on every place I post, everyone spergs out in comments about how awful red onions are

>> No.10977646

I like them

>> No.10977649

People are fags, op

>> No.10977658

all blanket statements are patently false

>> No.10977664

>Only a sith deals in absolutes.

I see what you did there.

>> No.10977666

Whay lt is Hyperbole you gigantic faggot. Enjoy being an incel and 'that guy's, Poindexter

>> No.10977668

fuck off, lucifer

>> No.10977673

I fucking love red onions. I put them on any sandwich I eat, just big raw slices. Love the bite they give.

>> No.10977692

Everyone I know loves red onions. I'm sorry you live a flyover hellhole where black pepper is considered too spicy, anon

>> No.10977697

Ive worked in emseveral restraunt and Red onions are easily the most thrown away thing have ever seen.

I seriously don't get it, they fucking taste incredible.

>> No.10977713

Says the coastie who pays $2500/month to split a 400sqft apartment with a pajeet where your stove is conveniently located 1inch from your toilet and on your way to work, you pass countless homeless people, piles of human shit and other garbage and smell nothing but piss 24/7 except when you dip into the bar and pay $18 for a 'craft cocktail' and $8 for a microbrew as you try to pick up a chick, but your only option are girls who have had 10 miles of disease infested nigger cock in everyone of their holes.....die liberal scum

>> No.10977720


>> No.10977728

>being this fucking insecure about being born in Indiana

>> No.10977738

Red onions take a quick pickling sooo well. Fucking delicious on a quality brautwurst.

>> No.10977741

this is your brain on exclusively yellow onions

>> No.10977766

this is correct

>> No.10977814

Post blog so we can dox your faggot ass.

>> No.10977822

Red onions are the best. I suggest banning anyone that says otherwise

>> No.10977872

red onions are bae
they pack a real punch unlike whimpy white onions

>> No.10977880

They're objectively best for anything raw. Cooked red onions are shit, unless they're pickled. I wouldn't consider that cooked, though, I guess.

>> No.10977964

raw its good
white/yellow are much better cooked

>> No.10977974

Lucifer and satan are two different fictional characters.

>> No.10977982

>this is what inbred flyovers actually believe

>> No.10977987

Brown onions are much better.

>> No.10977992

I buy my onions at discounters and the red onions are always old and rotten because idiots prefer the white ones.
Such is life.

>> No.10977996
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All onions taste the same

>> No.10978050

>liberal scum
>40% of my shithole BFE flyover state's budget is literally funded by federal taxes paid in from the coasts and my state would collapse w/o that fed money
>damn coastal athiest socialists why can't they be libertardian like us'n MAGAs?

>> No.10978054

To be fair, the reality is only about half as bad as this. Just divide every figure by two (except the $8 microbrew) and there is life in NYC described 100% accurately.

>> No.10978058

>amn coastal athiest socialists why can't they be libertardian like us'n MAGAs?
What does any of this mean?

>> No.10978281


>> No.10978293

Every day I thank Indiana for existing, for the sole reason that Ohio feels infinitely better by comparison

>> No.10978298

Red onions belong on burgers and sammiches and in salads
White onions are for cooking with
Yellow onions are for deep fat frying

>> No.10978312
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>t. butthurt flyover

>> No.10978427

no they dont bite into two different onions and youll taste the diffrence my man

>> No.10978477

>White onions are for cooking with
see: salsa, guacamole, salad, etc.

>> No.10978480


>> No.10978519

Red onions trigger my stomach problems

>> No.10978522

I fucking love red onions.

>> No.10978571

>t. Probably makes 100k/yr but still lives at poverty levels because of cost of living

>> No.10978577

No. U.

>> No.10978693
File: 85 KB, 492x280, 1526353060101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does EVERYBODY hate red onions so much?
If anything, people seem to love red onions most of all onions.

>> No.10978721
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>I run a semi popular food blog and occasionally post on YouTube, here and other sites

>> No.10978750
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This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.10978770

Nah but if it makes you feel better about living in your shitty, dying fly over state you say what you need to say buddy

>> No.10978777

>all this triggered blown out cunts
truth hurt doesn't it

>> No.10978901

Imagine being this butthurt about people who have a better life than you

>> No.10979022

>I've never been outside in 10 years starter pack

>> No.10979074

That never got to me. Red onions are basically like white ones, just less intense. Perfect for salads or sandwiches when raw. Sorry to hear you're around a lot of morons, anon. I'd still like to check out your channel, you seem like an okay dude.

>> No.10979082

Wew lad

>> No.10979154

now that right here is a butthurt worth of legends

>> No.10979167
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I love onions but I'm ignorant to the differences.
What are the differences of the onions and what are they best used for?

>> No.10979249

hiroshimoot needs to put a word filter on the word "flyover". it's completely taken over /ck/, it's never on topic, and it always starts a shit fight. i'm convinced it's a mod/janitor who's doing it too. just further proof that moderation is always a bad idea.

>> No.10979365


>> No.10979392

red onions have a sharp taste and taste that holds up well to beef, often used raw on burgers. They are the least sweet. Yellow onions are the sweetest and are often used to make caramelized onions. White onions are not as sweet as yellow and not as sharp as red. They have the cleanest taste and are commonly used in tacos and other mexican foods, though they are also good for cooking and most other uses.

>> No.10979403

Red is mildest. They are commonly used for salads and sandwhiches where they are not overpowering and the red color looks nice.

White is next. Yellow is even stronger. Yellow onions are rarely served raw and are usually cooked. Shallots are even stronger than yellow onions.

Do not confuse yellow onions with sweet onions, despite the fact that they are both yellow in color, like the idiot above me did. Sweet onions are indeed very sweet, but they are not the same thing as "Yellow onions".

Source: The Professional Chef.

>> No.10979414

White onions are your go-to for frying and best in combination with garlic. Well suited for chili
Red onions are "spicier" than white ones while still being mildly acidic. Good for sandwiches, burgers and salad. Best when raw and thinly sliced with a mandolin. Goes well with a tiny bit of balsamic vinegar in salads.
Shallots are like red ones minus acidity. Good for soups and stews if not added too early. Popular dishes for shallots are French recipes like coq au vin or beouff bourgignon.
Green onions are good as garnish for anything savoury and for combining with soy sauce. Add both to sticky rice, it's good.
Leeks also exist but mostly for soup, haven't made a lot with it, so I can't really judge. Same goes for yellow onions. Beer batter slices and deep fry them for good onion rings.

The best method to find out would be to cook the same dish multiple times with different kinds of onions. Tedious? Yes but the best way to get your own idea.

>> No.10979455

Red onions have more antioxidants in them, a sharper crunch, and sweeter flavor when cooked down.

>> No.10979489

I like yellow, white, and green as well as shallots, but I have to admit I just would rather not work with red onion.

>> No.10979504

>Shallots are even stronger than yellow onions.
Are you Anthony Bourdain level high Anon?

>> No.10979510

Based and redpilled.

>> No.10979525

Jesus Christ let me fuckin tell you something, I had to grow up in Indiana and I can tell you it's the shittiest place I've ever been in my life. Been all around the country and to countries in Europe as well. Not only is Indiana itself shitty, but a lot of the people there are also incredibly weird and shitty. I'm glad I was finally able to move out of there.

>> No.10979534

Is this some fresh pasta?

>> No.10979562

IMO red onions taste WAY too strong, and completely overpower the taste of whatever you put them on. I mean I know some people like putting them on sandwiches and burgers but whenever I do that, I take one bite and all I can taste is the onion.

>> No.10980238

This pasta is al dente, made from scratch

>> No.10980258

Jokes on you, I am the pajeet and I pay 1200. But yes, all of this is actually true. But I'd rather put up with 8 dollar microbrews than watch the important people of the world fly over my house every day, wishing I could be relevant

>> No.10980270
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I think I'm even more confused now. Thanks anyways.

>> No.10980292

Move to North Dakota. This place is like Indiana, but 20x worse. Blue laws, natives stealing cars, lethal winters, no hills, constant 15mph wind, no trees, everyone hates you if you mention that it kinda sucks, and everyone acts like trash ass bedazzled jeans and Nickelback are God's greatest gifts. Lord release me from this hell.

>> No.10980352


I love red onions. What's there to hate about them? I know lots of people that hate onions but never met anyone who hated a specific type of onion.

>> No.10980358

I only eat red/purple onions. Everything else is just too bland.

>> No.10980366

666 is the mark of the beast. It has nothing to do with lucifer or satan, but for >>10977666 it is the sign of autism.

>> No.10980370

But that is completely wrong. lol

>> No.10980460

The red onions in my garden are monsters. They taste really fucking strong. The white ones aren't any better, but I thought red onions were supposed to be more mild

>> No.10980483

It was determined to be 616 a few years ago due to a long-unchanged mistranslation, but everyone just kind of forgot.

>> No.10980487

they're terrific raw on sandwiches or in salads. don't think i've ever tried cooking them though

>> No.10980501
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>.....die liberal scum

>> No.10980512

If you cook them down, they won't differ as much. That being said, red onions are my favorite variety. Only onions I don't like as much are sweet onions, since they don't have the bite.

>> No.10980514

I lived in NYC and this is 100% accurate. The whole city smells like hot piss.

>> No.10980525

Based and redpilled

>> No.10980527

>red is mildest
Not at all, I think they're the hottest.

>> No.10980531

This is accurate

>> No.10980585

That's been a debate longer than all our ages added together. Also, mistranslation? Shit, dude, they rewrote everything thing each time they rewrote everything. Check the dead sea scrolls it is like reading old first drafts.

>> No.10981671
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>> No.10981827

it's not supposed to be, hence it's widely used raw in sandwiches for instance

telling the truth, reds can be hot and can be mild, i guess it depends on the actual species, whereas whites are always hot

>> No.10981834

Yeah? Red onions don't caramelize as well as brown onions. It sounds like you can't cook.