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File: 1.18 MB, 1296x1296, 01-new-mast-brothers-chocolate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10973539 No.10973539 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturers?
>pic unrelated maybe?

>> No.10973553

I'm sure I'm "reddit" for thinking this but those are really cool wrappers.

>> No.10973564

>$6 a bar

lol no I'll stick to my hersheys

>> No.10973619

It’s sad how poor Americans are now.

>enjoy your Mexican chocolate

>> No.10973644

I have a store in town that does bean to bar and bean to cup. I should really check it out

>> No.10973663

Mast bars are like $20 each. Mast mislead people into thinking it's some bean-to-bar operation for like first 10 years of existence when in reality they were just melting Valrhona chocolates into new shapes. They hurriedly started actual bean-to-bar factory when the story broke in press out that they're liars, and the taste turned to shit immediately, but retards keep buying them anyways. Or, so I've read. I never bought a Mast bar, before or after the debacle.

>> No.10974648

Those are some aesthetic envelopes

>> No.10974694

Lol, I know right? What kind of a fag eats eats something from where it was invented and where the tree is native?

>> No.10974762

You must be a boomer, liking things is fucking gay

>> No.10974774

Shit tier chocolate for shit tier people.
I congratulate the brothers on their audacious marketing and packaging scheme though

>> No.10974780

Is it bad? I'm an American and would like to try some actually good chocolate. What would you recommend?

>> No.10974782

Mast Bro #2 here, fuck you and thanks

>> No.10974797

It is as this poster said: >>10973663
When they tried to make their own chocolate production quality took a serious dive because they had never made chocolate before, if you get a melanger you can make better chocolate than they do very likely at home. For things that you can buy I cannot say because I dont know what you have access to in your city. Usually I just like truffles myself for chocolate though, gail ambrosius being my favorite of things I can get easily for where I live.

>> No.10974807

Don’t these faggots buy chocolate from some other supplier and pass it off as their own?

>> No.10974820

What’s the general thought of Green and Black’s here? I like their 85%, and I think they’re relatively cheap (less than $3).

>> No.10975036


>> No.10975506

What the fuck is "bean to bar?" Any bar with just the three cacao, cocoabutter, and sugar is real chocolate and nothing else is.

>> No.10975516
File: 42 KB, 250x250, 1486715700239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10975636

Bean-to-bar manufacturer buys the beans themselves and roast, grind, temper, and mould to their own specifications to have a total control of the process in order to achieve a specific taste and texture. Also, they usually
are single-origin, meaning the beans they use all come from one region and all of the chocolate components (cocoa powder, butter, etc) are from those beans only.

Most chocolate manufacturers are not bean-to-bar and just buy semi-processed cacao products (cocoa powder, butter, liqueur), all from beans of different origins by different wholesalers based on whatever is the cheapest at the moment, then mix, temper, and pour into molds.

>> No.10975641

I can taste the soy from here lmao

>> No.10975673

What are some good brands of chocolate to try?

>> No.10975691
File: 107 KB, 422x281, Valrhona-Full-Range-New-Tasting-Bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valrhona. It's the gold standard of what premium chocolate is supposed to taste like. Expensive ($20+) "artisanal" chocolates are frequently judged based on whether they taste at least as good as the Valrhona bar in the same category (milk, black, white, etc.). It's also relatively widely available and costs only about $5 (which is still quite pricey for chocolate, but cheaper than other products of similar quality).

>> No.10976026

They're not wrong. The graphic design/branding is on point.

>> No.10976050

They used to, until they got caught. Then they started making their own and it tasted like shit. Some professional tasters even said they tasted like mould.

Mast still manages to sell their worse-than-Hershey's shit tier chocolate at ridiculously inflated prices just because of the fancy packaging, though.

>> No.10976188
File: 97 KB, 710x472, 21-mast-brothers.w710.h473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Mast brothers look like.

>> No.10977879
