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10966863 No.10966863 [Reply] [Original]

Hangover remedies?

>> No.10966900

There aren't any, but since you asked here's what I do: smoke pot and eat a cheesesteak or some tom yum noodle soup.

If you're too fucked to eat anything solid then something like Ensure isn't bad, easy to drink and loaded up with vitamins and minerals, they make a caffeinated version now.

>> No.10967353

Hangover pro here:

Orange juice with added megadose of vitamin c.
10mg of Valium, cool shower and dark room.

6 hours later exit dark room and consider food or weed

>> No.10967366
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couple of these brings me back to life

>> No.10967393

Klonopin and weed

>> No.10967401

more alcohol. asprin. lots of water.

>> No.10967406

>activating the same receptors the alcohol just got done with

is that supposed to work similar to hair of the dog or what?

>> No.10967408

What is do is:
1) drink a pint of water
2) take a cold shower (helps with headache)
3) mint tea (soothes your stomach)
4) go back to bed and have another hour of sleep

Or just say fuck it and have another few shots of vodka and some beer...

>> No.10967413

I just sip water while I’m going through the pre-flight checks.

>> No.10967437

this is what i did in college if i knew i was likely gonna have an exceptionally bad hangover

before bed
>eat something greasy or a big cheap steak
>drink pedialye or gatorade; if not available, chug a bottle of water

after bed
>take a pain killer with a glass of water
>make coffee
>brush teeth
>take a long hot shower
>change to cold at last minute
>have coffee
>eat breakfast meats/steak and buttered toast
>eggs if you can stomach them, avoid sugar
>chill out/wear sunglasses
>weed if thats your thing

a lot of steps but it was a regular routine that didnt feel like a process. worked pretty well. i hardly ever drink anymore though. gets me way too depressed and i get major drinkers guilt.

>> No.10967465

Wait it out

>> No.10967473

this is exactly what I do too

>> No.10967596

Bottle of lucozade and a wank

>> No.10967672

My remedy is drinking lots of water before going to sleep and have a tea spoon of ground curry on a shit glass mixed with hit water and black pepper.

Works pretty well.

This is prevention though.

>> No.10967699
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>> No.10967709

>Thinks remedy means cure

I start with a glass of water and either berocca or a multivitamin, when I can eat I have fatty and starchy comfort food, wash it down with milky coffee.

By the time I'm at work I'm back to normal.

>> No.10967712

Didn't realize the post came out that bad. Fuck phones.

>> No.10967734

phones are good, they let you make calls. but don't post from a fucking phone

>> No.10967737

Why not?

>> No.10967739

I was at the doctor's waiting room.

>> No.10967762

Gatorade. Drink it every chance you get. Before bed. Woke up in the middle of tge night to shit/piss/vomit? Drink Gatorade. When you wake up, Gatorade. If you get the chance to eat something, eat it. Then wash it down with Gatorade.

>> No.10967765

You can't tell me what to do

>> No.10967777

Benzos are the ultimate hangover cure. They take away the (possible) anxiety, are minor muscle relaxants and overall ease your hangover.

Much better solution than hair of the dog, which ultimately just reschedules your hangover.

I dont even use benzos in any other situation, but I have some around just in case I have hangover. I drink rarely and my hangovers are usually the worst

>> No.10967991

Just drink water before passing out and when you wake up, faggot.

>> No.10968032

Best is to eat some high protein food before going to bed. I usually have 2-3 boiled eggs and get minimal to no hangover the next day.

>> No.10968212

Don't work, ya big hunk o' JERK

>> No.10968342

This is one retarded meme.

>> No.10968380

dont drink so much the night before

>> No.10969420

Driink some coke zero, I always do after drinking and it feels amazing. Drink water the first hour or 2 tho

>> No.10969429

I've been drinking straight vodka lately and my hangovers pretty much disappeared

>> No.10969455

Don't drink as much next time.

>> No.10969618

not drinking in the first place

>> No.10969764

How is nobody commenting on the OP's image? That's gold. Fucking newfags.

>> No.10969773

best cure for hangover is taking a big shit, right after getting out of bed

>> No.10969780
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Came here to say this

>> No.10969815

>lots of water to flush the alcohol out
>fruit which kickstarts the mitochondrial process which will use the water to flush the alcoholic toxins out of your system

>> No.10969916

Fucking A+

>> No.10969924




>> No.10969932

>Rescheduling the hang over

>> No.10969936

>censoring yourself on a Tibetan yodeling board

No u

>> No.10969968

>Cold shower
>Beer + orange juice (3 to 1 ratio)
>Steak and eggs with toast

>> No.10969975
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>> No.10969976

Mexican food
Lots of cold water
Ice pack against back of head
Exposure to cold temperatures

>> No.10970038

What I always used was spinach water with a bit of ginger to settle my stomach.

>> No.10970083

No one asked you fucking dick

>> No.10970110

Grilled chee and beer

>> No.10970125

More alcohol
t. crippled alcoholic

>> No.10970132

Dont take nausea medication until youre sure you're done throwing up or are not going to need to throw up.
Having too much alcohol in your stomach with no way to dispel it is not great for hangovers

>> No.10970136

Don’t take pain killers for hangover if you drink a lot. You’re just asking for liver damage. The best cure for a hangover is prevention. Don’t get fall down drunk, pace yourself and drink quality alcohol. When you are hungover you need electrolytes so have something fermented like pickles or kraut (vinegar pickles don’t count). Drink water and eat a banana. Anecdotal, but if I do something to break a sweat I feel like I sweat it out. The only cure for hangover is time though.

>> No.10970451

People say hangovers are dehydration, but you have to be a fucking retard cuck to get that dehydrated.
The real nasty ones are due to sugary drinks.

>> No.10970459

>getting hangovers from getting shitface drunk
fuck off newfag