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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10965616 No.10965616 [Reply] [Original]

just post stories of you fucking up simple foods.

>> No.10965626

You first nigger

>> No.10965629
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no u

>> No.10966780

i made an oven pizza today and cooked it 7 minutes over the recommended time and it was still undercooked. i still ate it

>> No.10966806

>recipe for sweet food calls for egg
>always fuck up and end up with chunks of cooked egg bits

>> No.10966828

>fall over while making omelette

>> No.10966852
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>recipe calls for a little bit of wine to be added at the end
>drink most of the bottle while cooking
>pee myself
>mommy yells at me
I'm so sorry!

>> No.10967018

Based and redpilled

>> No.10967080

>in amsterdam
>high (ofc)
>decide I want gnocchi in a cream and mushroom sauce
>go to buy gnocchi but accidentally buy tiny peeled potatoes
>also can't find the cream
>can only find sour cream so buy that
>mushrooms are not an issue at least
>don't realise I've bought tiny potatoes so waiting for the gnocchi to rise when boiling it and it never does
>"eh it must be done by now"
>assemble dish
>when realisation hits i laugh about it for over an hour