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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 1024x753, keto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10961095 No.10961095 [Reply] [Original]

>eating carbs

>> No.10961104
File: 600 KB, 1033x765, MSvcHEt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting on /ck/

>> No.10961115


>> No.10961189

tbqh the keto diet is the only diet I feel like everyone should have a moral obligation to discourage. it puts you at the highest risk for kidney stones than any other diet and it's the most fucking excruciating pain you can ever endure.

>> No.10961219
File: 44 KB, 500x338, pepe cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to die an early death
>wanting to never feel awake in the morning
>wanting to never lose weight no matter how much cardio you do
>wanting to be depressed and sluggish
>wanting your dick to not work
>wanting to not get fat adapted as fuck so if you are in a situation where you HAVE to eat carbs you don't have such a hard time busting up the glycogen and getting back into fat-burning mode
>not wanting to increase your metabolism so you burn more calories at rest


Fact: if you eat the modern American diet, which your lardass almost certainly does just like 80 percent of the faggots here who start crying uncontrollably when someone talks about how they bettered themselves by removing shit carbs from their diet, you're at just as much of a fucking risk of not only kidney stones but a FUCK load of other preventable illnesses, especially diabetes and cancer. The cavemen literally had the best physiques and were fit as fuck and the only carbs they ate were veggies. They mostly ate good fat like nuts and animal fat of whatever they could kill and they evolved to have fucking critical thinking skill. Just because you think that "Hurrr keto is just when you eat highly processed cheese all day" because you're a faggot whose never looked into it for yourself doesn't mean your cute litlle MUH KIDNEY STONES bullshit is relevant at all.

I'm glad you are regurgitating information from some faggot vegan on youtube who probably will pass out and die from heat exhaustion at 28 though, really shows how soulless and retarded anti-keto faggots are. Maybe all of you should go back to your preferred diet of choking on dick so those of us who are actually serious about bettering ourselves can do so unabated by retards

>> No.10961243
File: 86 KB, 357x480, 1162179351195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you make this thread just to post that?

>> No.10961253

No i just get sick of fucking retards like you. It's fucking hilarious that you're such a god damn brainlet that you can't even respond with anything but stupid boomer memes from 2005 when your life wasn't so shit you had to hover around this board and wait until somebody who actually wanted to be a better person than you posted something just so you can try to tear them down

Fuck you

>> No.10961275

mad cuz u miss pasta huh

>> No.10961280

So you don't have any actual arguments huh? keke go back to /tv/

>> No.10961502

Vegan is much worse because the most common type of stone - calcium oxylate - are caused by vegetables and fruits. The other stones are much less common, and while they are caused by non-vegan foods like meat, fish, eggs, and milk, keto doesn't allow much of those foods anyway, no more than you would consume on a standard diet.
But really you just need to stay hydrated and you're fine on any diet whether vegan, keto, pesc, or SAD. If you're really worried then have some lemon juice every now and then to give you a cushion against oxylate stones. I had a 18mm stone about a decade ago and learned to keep a careful eye on my hydration levels. I've been on keto for a few years now and no stone problems.

>> No.10961528

why do people think that most people are doing keto for the long term?

Shit I'm only doing it for 6 months because studies show that low carb diets give a higher body-fat loss compared to other diets for the initial 6 months.

>> No.10962133


Do you even rice M8?

>> No.10962138

I'd go on keto with her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10962283

Their videos annoy me for some reason.

>> No.10962289

name one group of people who eat a ketogenic diet and live longer lives

>> No.10962302

>frog poster
>writes a novel
>image and text equally worthless
almost half the population is below average intelligence, and you're not going to let me forget it, are you?

>> No.10962332
File: 21 KB, 220x330, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on your meme diet

>> No.10962336

the side effects of keto are not fucking worth it, man. I tried it for a week, it felt like a prison sentence. Just CICO with a balanced diet

>> No.10962409

Cock In Cock Out?

>> No.10962417


>> No.10962423

You fell into his little trap, anon. But he probably got bored waiting and left 4chan to watch some pornos.

>> No.10962426
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>not eating carbs

do you even exercise or do you just fill your gullet with drums of bacon and call it a day

>> No.10962429

for me, arugula is a meme food,

and you??

>> No.10962451

Cock In Cunny Orifice

>> No.10962456

>left 4chan
I'd just watch some pornos here

>> No.10962481

>expectancy at birth in the Inuit-inhabited areas was about 68 years, which was 10 years lower than for Canada overall

>> No.10962484
File: 4 KB, 249x137, 1530780114426s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life expectancy at birth in the Inuit-inhabited areas was about 68 years, which was 10 years lower than for Canada overall

>> No.10962485

I said Eskimos, not Inuit. Theres Eskimos in Siberia who are well healthy, eating fat seals and shit

>> No.10962496

*les exquimaux

>> No.10962500

>life expectancy at birth in the Inuit-inhabited areas was about 68 years
How does this reflect badly on their diet? Are they even able or allowed to live as their ancestors did? They should probably stop sniffing petrol recreationally if they want to live longer.

>> No.10962503

No, This >>10962451

>> No.10962539

>falling for memes

>> No.10962549

So? You think food is THE factor in this? Not crime, accidents, alcohol & drugs, shitty health care, isolation, depression or any of the other factors?

>> No.10962647

name 1 group of people on a keto diet that live longer lives

>> No.10962673

Drink more water to compensate, it's genuinely that simple. On that point, a genuine question, is U.S tapwater not considered fit for consumption?

>> No.10962680

it's not not eating carbs
It's eating under 20g of carbs per day.

Also eating copious amount of protein is a bad idea because your body would turn that into glucose and that could throw you off of ketosis.

>> No.10962701

Isn't gluconeogenesis based off of demand rather supply? Also gluconeogenesis can occur with fat

Eating copious amounts of protein is bad because it triggers an insulin response but otherwise fine on keto if you're getting your fat in

>> No.10962706

I might be misremembering something then.

>> No.10962733

What group of people live the longest in the US? The 7th day Adventists right? What do they eat? High carb low fat. Some fish lots of veggies and whole wheat bread.

>> No.10962736

>The 7th day Adventists
Judaizer heretics

>> No.10962738

Isn't it mormons?

>> No.10962745

They found proof of hunter-gatherers making bread from wild grains. Aside from that, there are still hunter-gatherer tribes today such as the Hadza that are eating 50g+ of carbs from honey every day on top of other foods with carbs too. Low carb diets don't seem to have any basis in the science of evolution, and they probably mainly work to help people lose weight due to the fact that it's much easier to overeat refined carbs compared to meat and vegetables.

>> No.10962751

>7th day Adventists
Any data on that claim dude?

>> No.10962809

not sure, i know researchers seem to be obsessed with the "mediterranean diet" at the moment

>> No.10962816

I will never understand r*ddit's obsession with thinking that carbs are worse than satan himself

>> No.10962822

It's probably from people who were overweight and found a diet that worked, not that just simply reducing your total calories and processed food intake wouldn't work either. There's also still misconceptions with overweight people who think they have to eat nothing but chicken breast and undressed salads to lose weight, so being told that you can eat beef and cheese and butter and still lose weight is an attractive aspect to it.

>> No.10962828


Bunch of links to different studies in this wiki.

>> No.10962838

Not saying high carb is bad, but many Adventist studies were made by Adventists themselves, especially vegetarian and vegan ones, and their messiah figure promoted the religious belief that meat causes cancer (based on a vision) and that Adventists have to infiltrate medical science institutions to promote vegetarianism

>> No.10962843

>Adventist Health Studies (AHS) is a series of long-term medical research projects of Loma Linda University with the intent to measure the link between lifestyle, diet, disease and mortality of Seventh-day Adventists.
>Loma Linda University (LLU) is a Seventh-day Adventist coeducational health sciences university

>> No.10962856

Go work in construction and let me see how long will you live without carbs or protein.

Vegans don't work in heavy industry.

>> No.10962875

The inuits adapted to the volume of fat they were eating and stopped going into ketosis.

>> No.10962879

the fuck is low carb/low protein have to do with veganism

>> No.10962882

t. 90% of food is from oily shit and I don't want to feel guilty

>> No.10962894

You do know there are high performing vegan athletes right. Im not saying it's the optimal performance diet but it's not like working in construction is some kind of superhuman feat. Also the healthy ones eat plenty of carbs and protein.

>> No.10962904

>wanting to never lose weight no matter how much cardio you do
You're not supposed to exercise to lose weight. You exercise to stay fit, you eat less to lose weight.

>> No.10962907

>You're not supposed to exercise to lose weight.
Peak retardation: The Post.

>> No.10962918

It helps but the main thing is still eating less calories. You'd have to run like 3 miles to burn off the calories of a piece of pizza, it's easier to just not eat it. And 500 lb+ people aren't going to start running 15 miles+ every day. Exercise is more about just staying fit.

>> No.10962967

>idolizing the lifestyle of cavemen

>> No.10963396

fasting is legit

>> No.10963486


>> No.10963490

The "toast" was uneaten though, so it may have been a burnt offering of some kind to one of their gods. That find is unfortunately not evidence that prehistoric man actually ate that breadlike substance. We have mummies whose stomach contents we have analysed, and they're pretty uniformly meat, lots of fat, and some nuts and berries.

>> No.10963491

They weren't in ketosis because blubber contains huge amounts of glycogen.

>> No.10963497

Show us a study where exercise *alone* causes people to lose weight and keep it off. Should be easy.
I'll wait.

>> No.10963509
File: 192 KB, 400x586, black dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan is one of the thinnest nations in the world
>Even if you factor in its slight uptick in obesity after Westernization really ramped up after ww2 its still overhwhelmingly thinner than America
>eats carbs, including bad ones, from morning til night

ketofags btfo

>> No.10963512

you're missing the point, retard. exercising while maintaining and appropriate diet is vastly more effective at losing weight than dieting alone. saying "exercise isn't for losing weight" is moronic

>> No.10963516

I've read it has to do with how their bodies have acclimated to all rice all the time for centuries.

>> No.10963530
File: 184 KB, 800x791, 23DB112B-7055-4663-AF08-47F6AF130E9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They found crumbs around their fire pit, not waisted loaves of burn bread.

>> No.10963531
File: 2.75 MB, 500x280, burger feeding grounds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've read it has to do with how their bodies have acclimated to all rice all the time for centuries.

Or maybe cuz, you know, they don't eat 5 servings in one sitting

>> No.10963555

a harsh reality fatties will never accept

>> No.10963572

Nice trips
It really is strange how Americans get viscerally confused and even frightened when they see people eat small portions. Its absolutely hilarious whenever fat Americans chastise others and even feign concern for their well being because they're only eating one cup of something instead of 8 with ketchup squirted allover it

>> No.10964223


Imagine having such a strong allegiance to a diet that you're willing to pass spiked rocks through your dick.

>> No.10964406

Yeah I'll never understand vegans.

>> No.10964476

no kidding

>> No.10965745

vegetarians and vegans have a lower incidence of kidney stones though

ketards are unironically part of a cult

>> No.10965754

Keto cured my kidney stones. I'm not even joking. Went to the doctor because of excruciating pain, found out I had a kidney stone, also got told I have turned diabetic, went on keto, diabetes is under control and no the kidney stones cleared up after a few months of it.

Wa-la. Vegan shills BTFO.

>> No.10965805

>Its absolutely hilarious whenever fat Americans chastise others and even feign concern for their well being because they're only eating one cup of something instead of 8 with ketchup squirted allover it
I see people online talking about this all the time but I've never actually seen it happen. Most fat people know they're fat and unhealthy.

>> No.10965808

type 1 diabetics, type 2 diabetics, and people suffering from epilepsy.

>> No.10965812

>found out I had a kidney stone, also got told I have turned diabetic
So how much soda were you drinking every day? You don't have to be vegan or follow a keto diet to be healthy.

>> No.10965820

do you have ay evidence that ketofags have a higher incidence of kidney stones after going on keto? they eat fewer vegetables than vegans, and vegetables cause calcium oxalate stones, and no more meat than the standard american diet. So where is the kidney stone risk?

>> No.10965825



>> No.10965826
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegan calling keto people cultists

>> No.10965834

Anyone who does keto isn’t a person, they’re a fat cuck paying for jewish dietary fads

>> No.10965838

do you personally suffer from any of those ailments?

>> No.10965844

>The "toast" was uneaten though, so it may have been a burnt offering of some kind to one of their gods.
It was made from flour though, if it was a burnt offering they probably would've just burned the whole grains instead of turning it into flour for no reason. And burnt offerings are usually things that have some kind of significance to the people, if they weren't eating it there's not much else to do with it as a hunter-gatherer unless you're using it for shelter or bedding or something, in which case you also wouldn't bother turning it into flour.

>> No.10965848

crumbs. wow that's proof of fuckall.
get back to us once they find a >10000 yr old mummy with significant levels of refined carbs in the stomach. eating tiny bits of bread was possible before agriculture. eating it as a major source of calories was much harder. find proof of that in a pre-agriculture setting and you've got something interesting.

>> No.10965853
File: 62 KB, 620x349, Begone vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10965859










>he thinks refined carbs didn’t exist in Egypt

>> No.10965866

it's funny because restricting protein consumption and increasing carbohydrate consumption increases the lifespan of pretty much all living organisms

>> No.10965869

Haha upvoted, can I share this on Facebook, bro?

>> No.10965879

>eating it as a major source of calories was much harder.
I don't think anyone was saying it's a major source of calories. Meat was still the main food source. Just that low carb diets for hunter-gatherers like what's claimed by most people who follow these diets is probably false, especially since even today we can see hunter-gatherers eating large amounts of honey and other foods that would put them out of the keto diet's range for being low carb.

>> No.10965880

There's nothing to argue, you're just pissy and hungry so you speak out of anger. It's exactly what women do.

>> No.10965883

>thinks every non-ketard is a vegan

You just keep proving more and more how indocrinated you ketards are.

>> No.10965899


>> No.10965902
File: 241 KB, 710x698, 1430163799716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my anecdote disproves cross sectional data

Wa-la. Your McEducation at work ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.10966194

ketofags on suicide watch

>> No.10967714

>diabetes under control

whats your A1C?

>> No.10967717

both T1D and epilepsy.

>> No.10967835
File: 46 KB, 619x825, 1467411219618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epileptic kids
>on multiple epilepsy meds, several of which are known to interfere with kidney activity
>in therapeutic levels of ketosis, which is roughly 10x higher than a normal keto diet
>no details on which foods the kids were eating
>ignores the dozens of long-term studies of LCHF diets in the last 20 years in which there was no significant elevated risk of kidney stones
>reeee guise ketofags btfo

so this is what passes for vegan reasoning and logic. its probably due all those persistent vitamin deficiencies and elevated estrogen levels.

>> No.10967837
File: 413 KB, 1600x1200, cowd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no guis I'm totally not a vegan, rilly
you're not fooling anyone

>> No.10967838


>> No.10967850

nobody serious ever claimed that hunter gatherers ate solely low carb. honey would be an occasional treat, and fruit would be readily available in season, and vegetables were occasionally available even before agriculture. but without agriculture they weren't high carb all the time like a modern diet, or even most of the time, except for the ones living in the tropical areas where fruit is available year round. a lot of the keto guys that have been doing it for extended periods of time follow this same idea, my fig trees are making figs like crazy right now and I've been eating them without hesitation, I've been out of ketosis for several weeks, and probably will be for a few more weeks. then when the figs are done I'll be back into ketosis till next year.

>> No.10967875

OR.... you could exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet with a low quantity of processed sugars.

>> No.10967929

Sorry, I was educated.

>> No.10967943

>soyboy thinks ketofats should enjoy a life of type 2 diabetes, complete with limb amputations, heart attacks, strokes, 5x daily insulin injections, and 3x week dialysis. Because vegan soyboy had a stone once and it hurt his feminine penis.
Why are vegans such pussies?

>> No.10968724

>I don't care what medical literature says! Keto is just magic!

Why are you people so invested into this diet holy fuck

>> No.10968731


>> No.10968733

>nobody serious ever claimed that hunter gatherers ate solely low carb.
yeah that's not true
>honey would be an occasional treat
except some eat it every day

>> No.10968737

The Amish

>> No.10968742

It's because they are retards

>> No.10968747
File: 141 KB, 1200x900, 0839-MomDesi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating barbs

>> No.10968749

Exercise is for internal health by itself it does fuckall for weightloss unless you're doing Olympian tier training.

>> No.10968763

God I just watched this the other day. It legit looked like the woman was struggling to breath throughout her meal. I thought she was going to keel over at any minute.

>> No.10968785

I've noticed newer restaurants selling smaller portions lately. I'm totally okay with this too. The amount of food you get from most places in the states is retarded. The only time I was ever able to finish a whole plate was as a child. Now I eat half and take the other part home for later. It just feels shitty to eat that much food in one sitting

>> No.10968797
File: 16 KB, 198x254, 1525199172498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever wondered why keto fags never post their physique?

>> No.10968833

t. eats back his exercise kcals and wonders why he's still fat

>> No.10968849

>pretending to be keto while in reality you are eating 2% carbs, 48% protein and 50% fats and just watching your muscles atrophy away

>> No.10968884

All actual doctors, recommend if you go on the keto diet to drink plenty of water.

>> No.10969498

Comparing construction to athletics is a bit of a misnomer. Most pro athletes train under heavy supervision, the vegan ones even moreso.

>> No.10969708

That's probably the real risk with keto, normally we get a lot of our daily water requirement through our food, but that doesnt happen as much with a keto diet so you have to drink more than you normally would to stay hydrated.

>> No.10969716

No. For one, they aren't soyboy faggots hoping for cock tributes, for another they are all overweight type 2 diabetics hoping desperately to avoid a lifetime of dialysis followed by a few amputations and then death from a heart attack.

>> No.10970036

But most of the longest living and healthiest groups today have carbs. The trick is caloric intake and portion control with a balanced diet. These hardcore diets that severely limit what you can eat aren't going to help the average person as much as simply counting calories and being honest with yourself. The only real devil in dieting is added sugar.

>> No.10970055

Hes sort of right. Exercising combined with strict dieting is dangerous because it makes you hungrier more often and your body doesn't burn fat as efficiently when its stressed from exercising. Exercising is for maintaining and building muscle and improving overall fitness, not for weight loss. Plus the amount of exercise you have to do to lose a significant amount of calories takes hours of your day compared to just skipping a meal/snack.

>> No.10970056

If you were about bettering yourself, you wouldn't be on 4chan, now would you?

How's the weather on that high horse? Is 'lonely' the forecast?

>> No.10970235

most of the shortest living and sickest groups today have carbs too, anon.
however, what the longest living and healthiest groups eat has very little to do with what someone with type 2 diabetes should eat in order to live a long and healthy life.

>> No.10972009
File: 490 KB, 683x515, j5hy0v5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea who this Anon >>10967838 is. I'm the Anon who wrote this comment >>10965754

Last time I got my A1C checked it was 5.7. When I was diagnosed with diabetes it was 10+.

Because I haven't had any blood sugar problems in almost a year now, I haven't been going back for checkups. I probably should soon, but the docs here really kinda suck. All they wanted to do was shove pills and insulin at me, and they told me I'd never be able to do without them, and that I'd have to eat shitloads of carbs to offset the drugs. Thanks to keto, I'm not going to balloon up into a 600lb Walmartian riding a hoverhound because my feet got amputated.

>> No.10972056

>ignoring their over all diet and they fact they eat way less carbs than we do.

>> No.10972072 [DELETED] 

Lol no they don’t you deluded lying fuck. Why even bother making up such obvious bullshit

>> No.10972080


>> No.10972414

I will always find amazing how the average redditor has such an inmense hate and fear towards the mere concept of carb consumption

>> No.10972653

So this whole keto diet thing
You mean to tell me I can make cheeseburgers and eat them so long as I make the buns out of fuckin cauliflower or something and it'll be good for me? This shit really does sound like it was made up

>> No.10972666

I don't. Literally everyone who talks about keto working is some fatass who is trying to adhere to a diet for the first time in their lives.

>> No.10972848

don't mind the vegan, he's just projecting. 80% of all kidney stones are oxylate stones, and oxylate comes pretty exclusively from vegetables - spinach beans wheat leeks tea etc are all sky-high in oxylates.

>> No.10972852

you mean you're suprised that the dietary advice from the global food {{{megacorps}}} might not be good for you? are you a child?

>> No.10972853
File: 222 KB, 1024x1024, F061EAE6-441E-4239-8F46-B71B5448A9D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wheat is a vegetable

>> No.10973224

they only have females

>> No.10973251
File: 891 KB, 862x3832, fasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10973436
File: 367 KB, 1024x736, 1532447554386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking into but it seems like a fucking joke to me. Look up keto meal ideas and it's all just pizza, bread sticks, bacon wrapped cheese and oil. Like how the fuck do you think I started getting out of shape to begin with? It's a fucking meme for fatasses. Thinking about going largely vegetarian aside from occasional fish or chicken.
Also preaching that food is bad for you? Yeah, no shits stupid.
>Pic related is a cat on a keto diet

>> No.10973450

Depends greatly on where you are. It's a huge country with many different socioeconomic areas. Places like Flint or near oil fracking villages absolutely fucking not. Most other places it's fine. Some places it top quality.

>> No.10973474

>vegan larping as nonvegan
You aren't fooling anybody faggot.

>> No.10973495

I'm by no means a vegan. Actually I watch an unhealthy amount of liveleak animal fighting in my off time, I hunt when I have the time and lamb veal is uncontestably the best but of meat one can manage to buy. I just wanted to find a healthier diet. Looked into keto and it is very obviously fucking pants on head retarded. Also I just really like veggies and unless meat is high quality it isn't worth the time.

>> No.10973571

Your dietary knowledge is about 20 years out of date anon.

>> No.10973580

Eating fat, oil, red meat, carbs, and cheese is healthy? My roommate lived on that and he was a disgusting fatass.

>> No.10973594

>Look up keto meal ideas and it's all just pizza, bread sticks
are you even trying

>> No.10973621

For a start...

>> No.10973626

>my invented anecdote beats your scientific peer reviewed study
Every time.

>> No.10973635

>bread sticks
You vegans aren't even trying anymore. Step up your game anon.

>> No.10973674

Educate me then.

>> No.10973687

>momscience clickbait vlogs

Keto in a nutshell

>> No.10973713

Just a reminder that there is literally zero metabolic advantage to keto (cuck porn)

>> No.10973721

who is this semen demon

>> No.10973737

>6 weeks
>small sample study

>> No.10973761

The only thing that is guaranteed to make you live longer is restricted diet. Eating less than you'd want to. Japs live long because they have a habit of eating until 80% full.
Keto does make life better in many ways tho.

>> No.10973780

>Missing the entire point of keto this badly

>> No.10973803

I have to eat a quasi-keto diet because bread or anything else carb heavy causes extremely bad acid reflux. Feels bad man

>> No.10973818

I'm sorry I offended you anon, I was trying to keep it simple for the vegans.
Here you go for a start.










>> No.10973824

Have you tried not being obese, pregnant, or simply eating smaller meals?

>> No.10973826

given that you're out here claiming to have found carb heavy "keto recipes" i have no reason to believe you're interested in anything other than shitposting. educate yourself.

>> No.10973829

They walk a lot, I mean a LOT. Amerifats get carted door to door by an SUV and never have to move their lower appendages more than a few yards. Nips are also all skinnyfats who stick to the 80% rule (stop eating when you're 80% full), eat small portions, and generally starve themselves.
There was a swedish woman who thought you only needed water and sunlight to survive on.
She died.

>> No.10973835


>> No.10973838

Well then you should seek medical advice from a doctor covered by obamacare.

>> No.10973865

What is a doctor going to do except put me on a bunch of medications? I think I'll survive

>> No.10973890

If you keep needlessly exposing your throat to acid it's just going to get worse over time.

>> No.10973911

Which is why I stopped eating the foods that cause it

>> No.10973916

>Being THIS mad