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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10959661 No.10959661 [Reply] [Original]

>I HATE water

why are parents allowed to do this to their kids?

>> No.10959676

Freedom means the option to make bad decisions. Nothing worse than a benevolent tyrant

>> No.10959679

they dont care in the first place

>> No.10959696

Uhhh... wouldn't a malevolent tyrant be worse?

>> No.10959701

>why are parents allowed to do this to their kids?
They're ignorant or just don't care. I had soda as a kid but was only allowed one can or cup, and still drank plenty of water.

>> No.10959725

Shhh, you'll hurt his libertarian sensibilities.

>> No.10959795
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No, because a benevolent one can get retards like you to support him while someone who is openly just shitting on you because he enjoys it will forment revolution.

You don't have to be a Libertarian to think that you, as a grown man or woman, should get to decide what you feed your kids.
But yeah, let's talk about unhealthy habits in your own life and weather the State should take those away from you for your own good; how much time do you spend on this site in a week?

>> No.10959797

>drink 2 galliters of soda in one gulp

>> No.10959801

>I hate this flavorless inoffensive liquid that my body naturally craves

>> No.10959806
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>> No.10959808

americans ACTUALLY do this?

>> No.10959819

Takis are vile. I got some because they were namedropped on OITNB and they were fucking gross

>> No.10959833
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Pretty good while high otherwise they're over seasoned to the bone.

>> No.10959845

Soda is literally just carbonated water with sugar and caffeine optionally included you retard.
Brush your fucking teeth and you'll be fine.

>> No.10959855
File: 86 KB, 1074x796, Screenshot_20180715_181335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soda is literally just carbonated water with sugar and caffeine optionally included you retard.

Who's the retard now?

>> No.10959857

what need does a child have for any of that?

>> No.10959864

You for not understanding all soda isn't Mountain Dew.
Ted Bundy was a serial killer, that doesn't mean everyone else is a serial killer too.

>> No.10959877
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>hurr let's call it "flame retardant" so it sounds really scary to retards
Baking powder is a fucking flame retardant, you daft cunt. Stop falling for bullshit like this and actually read up on what these "dangerous chemicals" are.
Yes, bromine by itself will fucking kill you, but so will chlorine and you still eat salt, don't you?
Find a real scientific source for these claims instead of ABC and Huffpo for fuck's sake, man.

Inb4 "but it's banned in Europe"
Take a look at some of the other shit they ban in European countries and use your fucking brain.

>> No.10959887

>No, because a benevolent one can get retards like you to support him while someone who is openly just shitting on you because he enjoys it will forment revolution.


Also, this is stupid. A malevolent tyrant can still have supporters. Be honest, you've only ever discussed government on the internet, right? It's ok. When you graduate high school you'll be exposed to a wide world of thought. Try again then, ok sweetie?

>> No.10959892
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What need do you have for 4chan? You could be out running or doing work that pays into the taxpile.
We should probably just get rid of it, right?
In fact, do you really NEED any other nutrition besides Soylent and water? No, surely you don't. And surely of the State carefully meted out exactly how much you were getting of each you'd be healthier.
It's benevolent.

>> No.10959896

What did they expect a pumpkin carving kit to have in it?

>> No.10959899
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pic related, you

>> No.10959906
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LARPIng an adult the both of you are retards
They just don't make em like they used to

>> No.10959916

>What need do you have for 4chan?
Nothing. But I am not a child. It's OK for me to make self-destructive choices if I want to. It's not OK to allow a child to do that.

>>We should probably just get rid of it, right?
Actually, I think we probably should. No joke.

>>In fact, do you really NEED any other nutrition besides Soylent and water?
Soylent is pretty fucking dumb, anon.

I never claimed it should be illegal to give your kids soda. But it's a pretty fucking dumb parenting move.

>> No.10959921

I also love how they claim it was a "Sharp serrated blade". My nieces and nephews have those...they're as dull as the average soyboy's wits.

>> No.10959938

Why is the mouse on its side?

>> No.10959949
File: 169 KB, 400x400, bess 2hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you please explain to the class what's wrong with using the word "forment" in this context?
"to promote the growth or development of"
When you act as an asshole you promote the growth of resentment towards yourself.

And simply saying "hurr, you're wrong and you sound like a child" is not really an argument, is it? I do remember learning THAT in school even though it was many many years ago, sweetie.

This thread is not about children making those choices. It's about the parents making them. So this is not about imposing a law on children in the first place.

>> No.10959962

Ohh, I see now. I made a SPELLING ERROR.
Yeah, that certainly proves my arguments wrong. Tell me more about how grown up you think you are for finishing HS.

>> No.10959977

Honestly, that shit should be banned entirely in the US. Also meat of any kind.

I would be completely down with food fascism if it's for the right ends.

>> No.10959981

>So this is not about imposing a law on children in the first place.

Agreed, I just felt the need to make sure given that the doublenigger I just replied to started going off about 'the state' and 'tax pile' so it seemed like it was trying to turn this into a legal argument.

>> No.10959987

Benevolent tyranny is the single greatest form of government.

>> No.10959991

Not that guy, but maybe just stick to words what you know what they are.

>> No.10959994

Why won't people realize that enlightened despotism was always humanity's only hope?

>> No.10960001

Of course it's a legal argument, you fucking retard.
What else do you think it means when someone says "why is this allowed?"?
Parents are either allowed or not allowed to feed their kids as they choose, by the State.
I'm starting to think that whole thing about you making it through high school was just a big ol' fib.

>> No.10960017

you also spelled "whether" like "weather" lol retard

>> No.10960029

So should parents be allowed to give their children cigarettes?

>> No.10960030

>ok sweetie?
Go the fuck back to Facebook

>> No.10960037
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>Anything but Full Luxury Gay Space Communism as the ideal

>> No.10960048

>What else do you think it means when someone says "why is this allowed?"?

On this site? It usually has nothing to do with a serious discussion and everything to do with baiting a shitstorm.

Anyway, "allow" could dervive from any number of authorities. The state is one, sure. But so is religion as well as public opinion.

>> No.10960059

ebig droll :DDDDDDD

>> No.10960064

Yeah, I did notice that one but figured it's 4chan so who cares. English is my third language but I don't suppose that's a good excuse for being sloppy.
I notice you are still attacking spelling instead of arguments, by the way.

Yes. I wouldn't give my kids cigarettes but I don't think the State should get to tell me I can't.
What do you want done to parents who give their kids cigarettes anyway? How do you punish them without also punishing the kids?

I'm not a fan of the State in general but I can see the good praxis in putting warnings on cigarette packets and teaching about the dangers of smoking in school or public service announcements. But fining or jailing people who chose to not heed those warnings? No, absolutely not.

>> No.10960077

Of course the state (that's not a proper noun, so you don't capitalize it unless you are a crazy retard) can tell you you can't.

Take the kids away. Taking kids away from an abusive situation isn't a punishment, even if the kids don't realize it at the time.

>> No.10960089

Just as a note, though, that guy who called you a libertarian at the first offing had you totally clocked

>> No.10960112
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That's some next-tier bootlicking. What about the parents who let their kids have soda? Do we forcefully separate them from their kids too? Jesus fucking Christ.

He was replying to someone else and I don't know why you think I have to be told my political views or why you think "Libertarian" is an insult.

>> No.10960117

I suppose I think "Libertarian" is an insult because libertarians are roundly shallow thinkers.

How is it bootlicking to say you can't give your kids cigarettes? That's something only a crazy person would say, btw.

Personally, I think soda (and cigarettes) should be outlawed entirely for children and adults. That is, I think the best solution for both is that they shouldn't be allowed to be sold. That way, you are still free to give your kids what they want.

>> No.10960131

Maybe I am a shallow thinker. I'm certainly not a doublethinker like you.
I think we're done here, buddy.

>> No.10960135

lol top buzzword - if only you had a clue what it meant. But I suppose repeating buzzwords that you have no idea what they mean is peak libertarian (by which I mean shallow thinking)

And sure we're done. I'm not sure we ever started, chief.

>> No.10960143

>That is, I think the best solution for both is that they shouldn't be allowed to be sold.

Please elaborate on:
1) how such a ban would even work
2) why the money spent on it is justified.

Have you learned nothing from prohibition and the "war on drugs"? Or do you prefer to keep your head in the sand?

Don't get me wrong--I don't think that children have any business with soda or cigarettes. I just don't see how banning them would actually fix the problem. After all, we can see empirically that bans are ineffective.

>> No.10960151

lol what?
How would a ban on a substance work?

M8, they banned kinder eggs here until like last year. Have your kids ever had a kinder egg? So then are bans ineffective empirically?

>> No.10960160

The war on drugs is working exactly as intended, btw. It's SOLE goal was to lock up black people.

>> No.10960161

I think "doublethink" covers your idea of "we'll make the things I don't like illegal but you're still free to do OTHER things, so nobody has imposed on your freedom" quite nicely, actually. And if you want to call me out for using a buzzword you really need to stop making all your arguments about my spelling or simply calling me a Libertarian without in any way arguing against Libertarianism.

And now we really are done.

>> No.10960164

lol, I thought we were done, kid
Also, banning some things and not other things isn't doublethink, you retard. IT'S HOW EVERY SINGLE SOCIETY HAS EVER WORKED.

deep thoughts though m8, deep

>> No.10960170

Three glugs make a gulp?

>> No.10960172
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>tfw my drive by shitpost actually spurred a discussion

>> No.10960173

>How would a ban on a substance work?
Yes, that's what I'm asking you to explain.

>M8, they banned kinder eggs here until like last year.
They're still banned. They released a new product that packages the toy separate from the chocolate. The ones you can get now are a "kinder surprise" not "kinder egg". Anyway, I digress, even with the ban in place they were easy to get. I suppose you'd call it the "black market" since they were technically illegal, but I've bought them at flea markets, service stations, and mail-order during the ban. Never had any trouble with it.

The point is that drugs are illegal, yet still widely available.

>> No.10960186

M8, you asked me how a ban on a substance would work, but here you are talking about a ban on a substance that has worked. Nobody wants soda or cigarettes enough to make a black market for them.

But since you're asking, a ban on selling a substance works by banning the sale of the substance

And my point with the war on drugs is that, yes, they are illegal. But the goal was never to remove drugs from availability (that is why they are still so readily available). The goal was to lock up black people.

>> No.10960187

>How would a ban on a substance work?
Lets say you ban the sale of cola. What's to stop someone from making their own?

Better yet, why would you want to replace a legal market for soda with a black market? Then you have the usual problems with a black market: you feed money to criminals, and the product is of unknown purity. Same problem as drugs, really.

>> No.10960193

Nothing would stop them from making their own, especially if the ban is on the sale and not the manufacture.

There wouldn't be a soda black market. Or if there would be, it would still mean soda is significantly less widely available.

And it isn't the same problem as drugs, because as I noted, the war on drugs' purpose was to lock up black people, not eradicating drugs from society.

>> No.10960200
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>Nobody wants soda or cigarettes enough to make a black market for them.
There's a black market for tobacco NOW, you fucking retarded fascist.

>> No.10960204

lol, that's great and all, but you would still see the consumption of those things drop significantly.

>> No.10960205

>No, because a benevolent one can get retards like you to support him while someone who is openly just shitting on you because he enjoys it will forment revolution.
I see you don't pay attention to the news or history.

Not to mention that revolution just makes things even worse for 99% of people, at least in short term.

>> No.10960210

>Nobody wants soda or cigarettes enough to make a black market for them.
There absolutely would be a black market for soda, it's a multibillion dollar business. you think that's just going to disappear?

As for Cigs, there already exists a massive black market for them and they aren't even illegal. The simple fact that they are highly taxes is enough to create a black market.

>But since you're asking, a ban on selling a substance works by banning the sale of the substance
I'm aware that's the first-grade explanation, yes. I'm asking you how it would actually work in practice. Are you going to have a "soda unit" in the police who kick doors in looking for banned soda? How do you propose to punish people who break the law?

let me make sure I am understanding you correctly. I don't want to put words in your mouth: your claim is that the reason why drugs are widely available despite being illegal is that there is some kind of secret plan to lock up black people but not actually restrict the supply of drugs, despite what the law actually says? Have I got that right?

>> No.10960218

>Nothing would stop them from making their own,
So why enact the ban if it is so easy to circumvent?

>>And it isn't the same problem as drugs
Sure it is. The substance in question is illegal, yet widely available. The "purpose" of the law in your brain isn't relevant.

>> No.10960222

>Are you going to have a "soda unit" in the police who kick doors in looking for banned soda? How do you propose to punish people who break the law?
Do the answers to these questions matter? Fine, imprisonment, etc. I"m not sure why you are asking.

>some kind of secret plan to lock up black people
lol wow

You know what? I just realized that I am at work arguing with actual children.

>> No.10960225

>but you would still see the consumption of those things drop significantly.

That's not what happened during the prohibition of alcohol, the rates of tobacco use, or the rates of drug use. In all cases growth increased. There are more tobacco users today than there were 50 years ago.

>> No.10960232

Because fewer people would do it.

And no it isn't the same problem, but even if it is, there are presumably fewer drug users out there than there would be otherwise, right?

The purpose of a law isn't to eradicate every instance of an act, but rather to reduce it.

>> No.10960243

I'm not sure that you are isolating variables correctly.

>> No.10960245

I'd like to bring back a point that was made earlier in the thread; how far do you want your fascist state to go in ensuring that the oppressed masses are healthy? You want to bad sodas and cigarettes. What about banning alcohol? What about banning ice cream? Red meat? 4chan? Michael Bay movies? Books that question the state?
Should there be mandatory exercise? Should people be punished for being overweight? Or underweight? Or introverted?
And if we DO force people to do sports, for their own good, we'll surely want to ban the sports that are too risky or can cause long-term damage, right? You don't really need to go snowboarding when you can get your exercise on a treadmill, right? In fact, you don't need to go outside at all. We can pipe in the fresh air and you can get your sunlight from sitting next to a window. But not for any longer or shorter time than what the state tells you, of course. Can't have TOO MUCH sun either.
Once you open up the particular can of worms that is state-enforced bans of certain goods because they're unhealthy you are on a very slippery slope towards something so oppressive that Godwin's law can go unbroken because comparing you to the Nazis just doesn't begin to cover it.

>> No.10960254

Slippery slope arguments make no sense, because we are already on whatevewr slippery slope you have imagined. Thus, if your slippery slope fear were reasonable, we would be unstoppably on the road. Since you are trying to stop it, you don't believe your own slippery slope argument.

>> No.10960256

People like Kim Jong-Un think they're the good guys, anon. That's the point.

>> No.10960272

>we are already on whatevewr slippery slope you have imagined
I know. That's why we have retards like you advocating a police-enforced ban on sugar water. If I could stop you I would.

>> No.10960276

For a time I lived in a place that had a mega drought and they weren't bringing in more water bottles. So everyone just drank a shit ton of soda just for the water in them.

>> No.10960283

>but rather to reduce it.
Yet empirically we can see that despite our intent, there is no appreciable reduction in use, therefore the whole exercise is a wasteful circlejerk.

>> No.10960284

Well, no, you have people advocating things because people believe things.

But my point is that, if you believed in a slippery slope argument, you would have to stop trying because by your own logic, we are on an unstoppable trend. The fact that you are trying means you don't believe in a slippery slope. And rightfully so because that's retarded

>> No.10960286

Was it Flint, Michigan?
I guess I should count myself lucky to live in a place where the tapwater is drinkable.

>> No.10960290

>People like Kim Jong-Un think they're the good guys, anon. That's the point.
EVERYONE thinks they're a good guy. That doesn't mean you'd call someone like Kim Jong-Un a "benevolent dictator".

>> No.10960295

They didnt have a drought the water was just toxic
Huge difference

>> No.10960299

>Do the answers to these questions matter?
Yes. Because if we want to evaluate whether or not something is a good idea we have to weight the consequences on both sides of the fence. Bans aren't free. They cost a lot of money, court time, and law enforcement resources, to implement. It sounds to me like you're throwing out a concept without having any clue what it would actually cost to implement it. And I mean cost not just in terms of literal money, but also in terms of manpower, reduced freedoms, cluttering up an already overextended legal system, and so on.

Anyway, it's clear that you haven't thought any of this through so there's little point in continuing the discussion.

>>lol wow
I see you called me a child, but you didn't answer the question posed.

>> No.10960300

I never said it's unstoppable as it is now. If someone like you ever becomes a "benevolent" tyrant it obviously will be.
I will still fight it, though. Because I believe more in individual freedom than in throwing some single mother from the Projects in jail for buying her kid a Coke for the Greater Good.

>> No.10960301

I"m not sure that that's true, m8. I think you are making a post hoc/proptor hoc error. You would need to isolate the prohibition as a variable.

Further, we have seen bans that have been effective (lead paint, asbestos, plastic bags, assault weapons)

>> No.10960308

It means you don't get to call anyone that. That is also the point.

>> No.10960310

What? You don't have to. The structure of a slippery slope argument is that one thing inevitably leads to the others. If it is stoppable, then there is no slippery slope. But if there is no slippery slope, why did you make a slippery slope argument?

>> No.10960313

Wichita Falls, Texas. They also chemically cleaned the potable water so much that the chemicals in them burned people's skin. So Everyone and I were red skinned, chugging Dr Pepper and Coke.

>> No.10960316

Oh I see. I didn't realise your drought was so bad there was no water in the taps. My bad.

>> No.10960319

Oh my god! It contains H2O, that’s a solvent used in leathal injections!

>> No.10960323

While these questions might matter in terms of their implementation, that isn't within the purview of this discussion. What is the point in having me lay out the nuts and bolts of such a plan? I mean, do you want me to make a budget? Surely you can see why that's ridiculous, right?

>> No.10960327

I think our wires are crossed here anon
Not that it matters
I wasnt that guy but here in California were still kind of in a drought but nobody seems to give a shit

>> No.10960329

>>lead paint
The ban didn't actually work. If you study history you'll see that plenty of lead-based paint continued to be sold and used. What actually stopped it was the invention of newer pigments which provided the same color as lead-based compounds, but cheaper.

asbestos is still used in industry, anon. It hasn't gone anywhere.

>>plastic bags
sounds nice to me. I think this is one that might actually work. But I don't know of anywhere which has banned them long enough to know if there has been any impact or not.

>>assault weapons
banning assault weapons is/was useless. We had a ban in the US from '94 through 2004 and it had no impact on the rates of mass shootings or any other crime for that matter. that's a great example of a failed ban that did nobody any good. (well, except for some people in the gun business. it did serve to spike the price of high-capacity magazines nearly overnight).

>> No.10960333

>It means you don't get to call anyone that.
No it doesn't, because there really ARE people who are benevolent. They're just very rarely in a position where they might become a dictator.

>> No.10960335
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>assault weapons

>> No.10960337

No, the assault weapons ban worked to reduce/stem assault weapons. The fact that it didn't stop shootings is irrelevant. For that, you would need a shooting ban, but since bans dont' work, why bother, right?

>> No.10960342

>What is the point in having me lay out the nuts and bolts of such a plan?
so we can see where the plan falls flat. and so we can see, as we are now, that you haven't fully thought the plan through.

>>I mean, do you want me to make a budget?
Not necessarily a full budget. But a basic plan, sure.

>>Surely you can see why that's ridiculous, right?
Yes. The whole point is to illustrate how ridiculous your proposal is.

>> No.10960345

>people can be benevolent. Therefore tyrants can be benevolent.
And I already used my only slojack. Goddamn it.

>> No.10960350

The plan falls flat when you want me to lay out a budget that would take months/years to develop in a 4chan discussion. It's fine if you want to get out in that way.

>> No.10960351
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>the fact it didnt stop shootings is irrelevant

>> No.10960354

Is that Sam Hyde? He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.10960356

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I think the real problem is that the definition of "benevolent" depends entirely on who is doing the observing. Many decisions are no-win, or necessarily fuck over one group in favor of another. Whether or not you view such a decision as benevolent depends entirely on which side you happen to be on.

>> No.10960358

Is this honestly how you people "discuss" things?

>> No.10960359

>that article
I'm completely dumbfounded.

>> No.10960363

Just because you're a cynical asshole doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.10960367
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There is a shooting ban. It's highly illegal to do a school shooting.

>> No.10960369
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>say something appallingly retarded

>lev me lone!!!!

>> No.10960372

Imagine being this retarded. I know there is a shooting ban, but since bans don't work (indeed, they have the opposite effect) maybe there shouldnt' be?

>> No.10960377

I'm certainly cynical enough to think that willingly submitting to tyranny makes you a fucking idiot.

>> No.10960378

In this context, I would say that a benevolent dictator would try to make decisions that benefit most people most of the time. Obviously there are a lot of no win decisions a dictator has to make, but you can hardly count those against him.

>> No.10960380

Okay, explain why it's relevant then

>> No.10960390

>I'm certainly cynical enough to think that willingly submitting to tyranny makes you a fucking idiot.
Find me a benevolent dictator and we can try testing that theory.

>> No.10960391

>No, the assault weapons ban worked to reduce/stem assault weapons
It didn't. Firearm sales increased during that period because people were spooked. The same thing happened when it seemed like Hillary would win the most recent US presidential election. Fear and bans are great for selling guns. There were even a lot of new guns invented that were specifically designed to circumvent the legal wording of the ban. Many of those are collector's items nows.

>>The fact that it didn't stop shootings is irrelevant
Utter nonsense.

>> No.10960393
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Interesting idea. People who shoot others for not good reason would get gunned down themselves because nobody wants an asshole like that in their community.
I guess we finally found something we could agree on, yeah?

>> No.10960396

>The plan falls flat when you want me to lay out a budget that would take months/years to develop in a 4chan discussion
I'm not asking you for that degree of detail. A simple paragraph would be enough.

>> No.10960398

How is it nonsense? The so if I banned assault rifles, and that completely eliminated assault rifles, but someone was shot with a pistol, that means the assault rifle ban didn't work?

>> No.10960404

I am saying they don't exist, idiot. Dictators may think they're benevolent, but robbing people of their freedom is always oppressive and never acceptable.
We're back to the argument about banning soda and 4chan and everything else that is fun; it might be healthy for you, but you know you'd still hate it. As well you should.

>> No.10960405

>but you can hardly count those against him.
I'm not holding those against the dictator at all. I'm pointing out that the idea of a benevolent dictator depends entirely on who is doing the observing/describing.

>>would try to make decisions that benefit most people most of the time.
that sounds rational to me, but you'll never get everyone to agree on that at all.

>> No.10960407

That sounds like a ban on shooting for no good reason.

The fact that you have decided to rebrand the government as a mob (a proto government) doesn't mean it isn't a ban.

>> No.10960416

>The ban didn't actually work.

Sure it did, it banned consumer use (not commercial). So the interior house paint is lead free, so if little Shequewwlaz Jones wants to eat paint, it’s not going to limit her intellect.

>> No.10960417

>that sounds rational to me, but you'll never get everyone to agree on that at all.
That's why it's called dictatorship and not democracy.

>> No.10960425

>How is it nonsense?
The motivation for a ban on anything is that it aims to reduce a given behavior. The intent of banning assault weapons, as we heard during congressional testimony and debate before the ban was enacted, was that it would somehow reduce crime and save lives. It turns out that it did not do either of those things.

Also, it was not an assault RIFLE ban, it was an "assault WEAPON ban". It banned a very large number of things, including many types of pistols.

>> No.10960426

Try thinking for once in your life


Take a few minutes, use all that minute brain power of yours, and THINK. Then report back tobme with your findings

>> No.10960431

The thing about the NAP is that it only applies to aggression. As long as you don't force the Coke down my throat you get to drink as much as you want.
And of course you also don't get to slap the Coke out of my hand and tell me I've had enough.

Individual freedom. Hell, the NAP isn't a law either; just a mutual agreement. If you choose to violate it you forfeit the protection from it.
Simple as.

>> No.10960432

No. I meabt assault rifle, you can’t move the goalposts and backtrack like that

>> No.10960433

>Sure it did, it banned consumer use

You seem to be misunderstanding me. Yes, that was the intent of the ban. But consumer use did not stop. People still bought and used lead based paint despite the ban.

>> No.10960434

That's great, but you didn't address my hypothetical. Which was a hypothetical, btw, so your pedantry about rifle vs weapon is irrelevant because this is a hypothetical ban

>> No.10960440

>That's why it's called dictatorship and not democracy.
Yea yeah.

The point remains that the term "benevolent" still has to come from somebody's point of view.

>> No.10960444

There is no such thing as non-aggression.

You cannot have the notion of private property without the recourse to government. The very notion of it depends on force.

>> No.10960449

>my argument was so retarded now im pretending i was just kidding about it
based brainlet

>> No.10960450

>but you didn't address my hypothetical.

I wasn't aware we were discussing anything hypothetical. When I brought up weapons bans I was specifically referring to the actual bans we have enacted and therefore have good information about.

Your hypothetical band is irrelevant because we have no actual data on it, it's purely a fictional creation that lives inside your head. Whereas the real-world assault weapon bans are great examples of things which intended to solve a problem yet failed miserably to do so.

>> No.10960451

You're an idiot who never took a single history class.
That means you belong on /pol/ more than this thread does.

>> No.10960460

That's obviously stupid.
Moreover, what would having taken a history class or not have to do with this?

You know what? you might not even bother as I"m off work now

>> No.10960467

what a faggot

>> No.10960473

We were the moment I said "so if" - usual indices of a hypothetical.

My hypothetical is relevant because you brought up shootings in response to a ban on something other than shootings. I simply explained to you that the shootings were irrelevant because they were not the target of the ban, which is obviously true, but you called utter nonsense. I used the hypothetical to explain why this wasn't nonsense, and then you didn't answer it because you couldn't

in any event, as I told the other dude, I"m off work

>> No.10960474
File: 46 KB, 406x438, EE7AB4CB-8D3B-4B8A-BA9C-E85B78B972EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban everything!!!!
>well i dont have a plan on how
>wat u mean bans don’t work? who cares answer my hypothetical!!!

>> No.10960492

The entire argument was about actual things. As you brought up. Once this floundered you went into la la land hypotheticals which are completely and utterly relevant to what’s actually happened

You’re a fucking retard. You don’t have a job. You’re a stupid piece of shit desperately strawmanning his communist wet dreams as a legitimate point

>> No.10960493

I hope our conversation has not left you in such a bad mood that you spit in the Big Macs

>> No.10960498

>smack talk about what's banned in Europe
>from the country that banned fucking Kinder eggs

>> No.10960506

>shootings were irrelevant because they were not the target of the ban,
That is the statement that is utter nonsense. OFC the shootings are the target of the ban.

It's no different than your desire for a ban on soda. The point is to ban the soda so that people don't drink it....but you did't discuss a ban on drinking soda, did you?

Face it, you're a goddamn idiot.

>> No.10960510

desu water tastes nasty, nothing wrnog with soda

>> No.10960513
File: 37 KB, 500x500, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, actually. I'm Danish and am waiting on my court date for ordering one of these on eBay. Turns out that the sheath has a hole in it so that one might wear it on a necklace. That makes it an illegal "neck knife" and I am facing either a hefty fine or actual jailtime for buying for my camping trips with my brother. At any rate I'll have a record which will fuck up job opportunities for the rest of my life.
When I speak out against oppressive states it's because I live in one.

Funny enough, Kinder eggs are still legal here, though.

>> No.10960584
File: 45 KB, 438x960, 47132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm reading your knife laws. they're pretty bizarre. good luck with that

>> No.10960597
File: 217 KB, 380x469, 1515350820631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually good because it will kill the yank.

>> No.10960615

Thanks, man

>> No.10960632

Yupp sure just like alcohol, weed, opiates and any other banned substance. Banning them certainly doesn't create a higher secondary market incentivizing violence and giving money to those that will use it enforce their power.

>> No.10960637


look up what fluoride does

>> No.10960643

But assualt weapons bans are not/ were not effective ......ever

>> No.10960711
File: 94 KB, 780x521, joe-pera-talks-with-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an adult, I can have dessert for breakfast. But I also have to make good decisions.

You know... there's something I've been thinking of. What's the difference between a diner and a family restaurant. It seems simple at first, but the more you think about it, the fuzzier it gets.

>> No.10960732

Impossible to execute.


>> No.10960761

Because they believe we are already on the slop, sliding into the abyss. They believe that inaction on their part will seal our fate. But they hope that through debate and activism they can turn the tide. Either that or they want to lash out at the people they feel contributed to our current predicament.

>> No.10960806

Jesus. I thought Dutch knife laws were restrictive. No spring assisted knives or drop knives, no balisongs, no folding knives over 28 cm total, no double edged folding knives, no push daggers.

Allowed to own but not to wear in public: double edged daggers, swords, bayonets.

Any single edged fixed blade is not considered a weapon and unregulated. Though walking into a bar with a machete strapped to your hip will still get you in trouble obviously.

>> No.10960865

Talking politics outside of the internet equals talking in a left wing liberal echo chamber lol

>> No.10960867

>this thread made it to 146 replies while al/ck/ is still in the shadow realm
mods are turbofaggots confirmed

>> No.10960948

>drink like a fish for three years
>started getting acid reflux a month ago
>really bad last week
>just cut booze and eat simple, occaisional Pepto Bismol
>see this article

How many packs a day was she eating?

>> No.10960961

Esee makes some nice stuff, thinking about getting a 5 for shits and gigs
That's a bummer about your country, this is what happens when liberals and women are allowed to pass laws based on their hurt feelings

>> No.10960967

>nigger blaming somebody else for their own behaviour

>> No.10960974

Its way easier to ban some highly specific obscure product than it is to do a sweeping ban on soda which almost everyone drinks. It would backfire like prohibition (or not get passed in the first place).

>> No.10961757

LOL. Is there a black market for these shit? How shitty are your weapon laws forreal.

>> No.10961984

There have been probably single numbers in history, it's not impossible just extremely rare.

And as long as you're making effective policies and decisions that benefit everyone including taking down opposition that would compromise this

>> No.10962095


>> No.10962122

>I can’t handle mild spice
Bruh to each their own but takis are definitely solid

>> No.10962125

Google bastiat

>> No.10962132

NOOO not vegetable oil!!!!
This is exactly how groups got retards to believe that vaccines actually make you sick and cause birth defects

>> No.10962143
File: 21 KB, 600x302, c6818743ee71b35d4d9515d8a2c1a43c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ.

>> No.10962148


Not really, I would home brew.

>> No.10962166
File: 22 KB, 645x729, 1507013079510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soda binge

>> No.10962178

No its dependent on speed of consumption glug is fast gulp is slow

>> No.10962612


>> No.10962621

t. Soda shill

>> No.10962655

You either need to be a military leader with enemies to fight and an empire to expand, with a fanatically loyal military at your back, or you need religion with a fanatically devout population. All other power bases lead to corruption by necessity.

>> No.10962671

There are more people today than there were 50 years ago.

>> No.10962698

There are 4.1 billion more people on the planet then there were 50 years ago. The number if total smokers may have gone up but the percentage of people that smoke has gone down. There was a point that nearly 50 percent of adults in the U.S smoked. Though that might not be true I don't remember where I heard it.

>> No.10962927

well you need alot of stuff for guns such as being part of a gun club
for swords and such you just need a permit from the cops which im pretty sure you can get unless you are a past criminal
but none of it matters since defending yourself with any of it is against the law
but i would rather go to jail for killing a fag than to get mugged

>> No.10962940

alcohol drinkers a fags

>> No.10962951
File: 171 KB, 960x960, 6CE10B1647A04CE9A26C3AC8278ACBAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the parents themselves don't drink water themselves, I was fat sack of shite for most of my youth, I don't want to be that guy but I completely blame it on my parents, my dad is the most unhealthy sack of shit, he has the palette of a 12 year old boy, every day it's hamburgers, pizza, chicken wings, a gallon of soda, fried chicken, ketchup on everything and a ton of gross shit like that.
It wasn't until my late teens when I realized just how much of a child he was, dude just can't see you eat healthy food or live a healthier life without going ape shit, food is part of his core manliness, every other chain restaurant is a five star restaurant to this guy, can't go to the shitty pancake place with him without him acting like a food wizard, "do you now what IHOPS stands for?" (Smug arrogant face) No, not real- it's the INTERNATIONAL HOUSE of PANCAKES anon, (acts like he's a genius for reading the fucking pamphlet) what an absolutely annoying man child.

>> No.10962966

>Soda is literally just carbonated water with sugar and caffeine
Sugar is honestly one of the worst thing's you can put inside your body my dude, good luck with late diabetes my man.

>> No.10962978

im gonna put my dick inside your body

>> No.10962979

>muh kinder egg
Yeah an incidental ruling based on FDA regulations is totally the same as
>turn in all your firearms goyim you don't own nothing, be sure you license that bike wheel and get your tv license.

>> No.10962991

better late that never

>> No.10962994


Maybe in a third world shithole like America. In the rest of the OECD, lead paint use stopped.

>> No.10963003

Kinder eggs are only illegal because of a strict interpretation of confectionary law, which states that no non-edible component can be incorporated into the product unless it is necessary as a means of consumption (e.g. Lollypop sticks). Kinder eggs contain toys embedded in the candy itself that don't help you eat it so they're technically illegal. Nothing about a choking hazard or protecting people, just an outdated law that's supposed to maintain a standard of quality in the industry.

>> No.10963004
File: 67 KB, 564x1002, ph49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if I do it first, I'm hoping I cause a fissure in your butthole, I want to see your asshole get gangrene my dude.
Pretty much everyone gets diabetes in America my guy, that's how bad they eat, pretty much every 60+ grampa has it.

>> No.10963005

no its because americans are so fat they inhale food without even looking at the box

>> No.10963006

Nobody hates water, you autist. I only drink water when I'm actually thirsty, but I like soda to go with my food sometimes and I don't give a fuck what some hipster swoyboy thinks

>> No.10963008

It's funny that a lot of people who hate on soda chug tons of sugary iced tea, sugary juice or sugar iced coffee drinks.

>> No.10963013
File: 423 KB, 795x1024, 5147098878_6a70a4d0e6_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably don't live in America my guy, it's honestly shocking how much people here genuinely hate water, my 50+ dad included, it's hilarious.
Only fatties in denial my dude, water is the only thing I drink and I can't stand sugary shit.

>> No.10963019

its weird to hate water
but i wouldnt say its weird to prefer other things considering your brain literally wants you to be a fat fuck

>> No.10963030
File: 40 KB, 658x345, wisconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're not a junk food addicted ham planet you have never set foot in America and are obviously trolling and/or insane

Good morning, Wisconsi-kun ^_^

>> No.10963032

Yeah I don't know, I think it's the culture that you grow up in, people would be disgusted by a lot of the shit they drink/eat now if they didn't consume it the moment they left their mothers wound.

>> No.10963040

yeah that too
we live too good
people should go through a tough childhood so they appreciate what they have more

>> No.10963042

Both of them are pretty bangable.

>> No.10963044

both are guys

>> No.10963049

>sharp serrated blade

What? Those things are rounded.

>> No.10963053

literally military grade weapons right there

>> No.10963062

>clearly womanly hips and tits
>female facial features
Eh. I'd stick my dick in both. Even at that level of stupid.

>> No.10963079
File: 215 KB, 500x1098, while-you-were-letting-in-illegals-i-studied-the-blade-12502902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the President Gillibrand bans folding knives, the amount of internet butthurt that would flow would be well worth any minor inconveniences related to having to use sheathes on everything

>> No.10963088

>Teen’s love

>> No.10963178

A parent should be a benevolent tyrant

>> No.10963278

Are fortune cookies still legal?

>> No.10963310

>diner and a family restaurant
In technical terms, diners have a limited menu and are typically small venues for a quick meal while a family restaurant would be any restaurant thats kid friendly. There is some overlap, especially if its one of those hipster diners in an actual building instead of an old train car

>> No.10963465

I worked in a home for retarded people and they would go into huge spergouts when i gave them water. Funny stuff

>> No.10963474

>Personally, I think soda (and cigarettes) should be outlawed entirely for children and adults.
t. Kool-Aid Man and the pure cane sugar lobby

>> No.10963961

enjoy your cum eggs faggot

>> No.10964467

This is why lolbertarianism is a joke and the people who subscribe to it are degenerate stoners
>Hurr Durrr - you Cant ban something - if you ban it you create a black market for it...

And thats why jails/executions exist

>> No.10964500

Degenerate faggot/libertarian in a nutshell

>Oh noo the FASCIST STATE IS TAKING my spare CHILD SEX SLAVE because i'm only allowed ONE! Fucking FASCISTS REEEEE

There - i just reversed your strawman lolbertarian argument

>> No.10964563

Fortune cookies are baked goods, not confectionary. They're ruled under a different law

>> No.10964587


Although government may not be able to directly intervene in instances like this i.e. what the parent feeds their kids, there are other means they can indirectly intervene and hopefully set them on the right path to a healthy diet and eating habits.

A sugar and fizzy drink tax for instance and banning fast food outlets from being within X meters of a school ofr starters is pretty good. Promotional activity and other 'soft' social persuasion tactics should be implemented too.

>> No.10964594

Yep, because that's totally what happened to Stalin.

>> No.10964602
File: 7 KB, 300x168, taxes6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lolberts" do not argue against an oppressive state mainly because it doesn't work but rather because it's unethical and in the interest of nobody who isn't at the top of said state, retard.
We're not against bans because they don't work but because they're inherently against individual freedom.

The original argument was that parents should be allowed to give their own children a soda. Did you have an argument against that, bootlicker?

I know. But why have a law against one and not the other? Could it possibly be that they're just creating countless miles of red tape to stay in power?

>> No.10964611

Spergs like you make me hate my political ideologies.

>> No.10964615

Stalin was certainly a monster. Please tell me a benevolent one I can compare him to.

>> No.10964626

What are they and why?
You can't be very ideological at all if you don't have more to say than that.

>> No.10964643

Genghis Khan maybe? He's considered a monster for how harsh he was when he conquered cities, but he's also known for his benevolence for allowing his subjects to freely practice religion.

>> No.10964650

who gives a fuck what a bunch of degenerates think is "unethical"
You are not free to harm your (or anyone elses) child - period.
>The original argument was that parents should be allowed to give their own children a soda. Did you have an argument against that, bootlicker?
No. I was making a point against the retarded misrepresentations lolbertarians make to get their "Muh EBIL state" point across
Nothing is stopping you from becoming part of the state faggot
Also enjoy your gulag when the revolution comes

>> No.10964661

Because it is better to have unhealthy options and not take them, than to be forbidden from making mistakes.
>op is britbong and loves the nanny state

>> No.10964694

>the Mongol Hordes were benevolent

You seem to think you're free to harm my liberties, though. Why is that? Just because you slapped the word "degenerate" on me?
Tell me how that's different from the lefties retards who attack people like you and justify it by calling you nazis.

If it ever actually comes to that, I would rather die than submit to your kind. No gulag for me.

>> No.10964859

>4chan is unironically filled with soft communist state worshipers
Klumbf was a mistake

>> No.10964865

the absolute STATE of redditboomers lads

>> No.10964899

>irresponsible people don't sometimes drink gallons of soda within a day
It's absurd how you can be so oblivious to your own stupidity

>> No.10964905

>retard who doesn't understand the difference between autocracy and tyranny

>> No.10964948

>an edible substance your body is fully capable of processing to its own benefit is one of the worst things you can put inside your body
Garnish your next dish with cyanide you massive faggot.

>> No.10964965

I am not free to "harm your liberties" as long as you are a law abiding citizen. If you however advocate that your personal liberties are more important than a healthy and strong society - then I have some bad news for you.
>Tell me how that's different
Lefty retards are just that - retards - they have no concern about how society is run or how children are raised - they are driven by emotion alone

>He thinks Nazi is an insult

>> No.10964977

>implying the aim of the AWB was ever to stop crime and not to disarm the American people

>> No.10964992

>yet another tax so the money can be wasted on (((social persuasion tactics)))
How about we just make people pay for their own fucking healthcare and let the problem solve itself for free?

>> No.10965006
File: 313 KB, 900x659, MeetAmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah keep drinking all of those processed sugars my guy, I will laugh all the way to the bank making dough on these stupid zoomers until my late 80s while you die in your early 50s due to a coronary, keep living your miserable unhealthy life.

>> No.10965066

Four tres two uno

Listen up y'all 'cause this is it
The beat that I'm bangin' is delicious

Fergalicious definition make them boys go loco
They want my treasure so they get their pleasures from my photo
You could see me you can't squeeze me
I ain't easy I ain't sleazy
I got reasons why I tease 'em
Boys just come and go like seasons

Fergalicious (so delicious)
But I ain't promiscuous
And if you were suspicious
All that shit is fictitious
I blow kisses (muah)
That puts them boys on rock rock
And they be lining down the block
Just to watch what I got
(four tres two uno)

So delicious
(it's hot hot)
So delicious
(I put them boys on rock rock)
So delicious
(they wanna slice of what I got)
I'm fergalicious
(t-t-t-t-t-tasty tasty)

Fergalicious def—
Fergalicious def—
Fergalicious def— ["def" is echoing]
Fergalicious definition make them boys go crazy
They always claim they know me
Comin' to me call me Stacy (hey Stacy)
I'm the F to the E R G the I the E
And can't no other lady put it down like me

I'm fergalicious
(so delicious)
My body stay vicious
I be up in the gym just working on my fitness
He's my witness (oh wee)
I put yo' boy on rock rock
And he be lining down the block
Just to watch what I got
(four tres two uno)

So delicious
(it's hot hot)
So delicious
(I put them boys on rock rock)
So delicious
(they wanna slice of what I got)
I'm fergalicious
(hold hold hold hold hold up check it out)

Baby baby baby
If you really want me
Honey get some patience
Maybe then you'll get a taste
I'll be tasty tasty
I'll be laced with lacey
It's so tasty tasty
It'll make you crazy

T to the A to the S T E Y girl you're tasty
T to the A to the S T E Y girl you're tasty
D to the E to the L I C I O U S
To the D to the E to the to the to the
Hit it Fergie

All the time I turn around
Brother's gather round
Always looking at me up and down
Looking at my (uh)
I just wanna say it now
I ain't trying to round up drama
Little mama I

>> No.10965091

>I HATE water
Seriously said by no one ever. No shitposts on 4chan don't count, you'd know this if you weren't such a fucking newfag oh baby can't wait for Trump to make the purge real cause you're gonna get it when that happens mmmmmmmmm yeah fucking newfags are gonna get a wicked pile of flaming poo on their doorstep hahahahahahahaha take that bitches! Fuck reddit.

>> No.10965106

>s instead of ABC
Oh look another Drumpfkin outside of his containment board.

>> No.10965111

you mean like from the toilet.

>> No.10966496

It’s funny to see parents raising their kids incorrectly as a joke neither of them are in on. You can’t be the catcher in the rye, but you can find comedy in others tragedy.

>> No.10966538

If someone robbed me for a very small amount and then proved it was for infrastructure I'd totally be fine with it. Its why taxation is a good thing. The problem is that taxes aren't being distributed properly to the most important things.

>> No.10966548

My dad literally hates water and doesnt drink it. I havent seen him drink it in years. He gets his water from coffee and soda only, but mostly coffee. Says he hates the taste somehow.

>> No.10966554
File: 140 KB, 502x400, 04R_Fel-AcidBreath_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>benevolent tyrant who treats you well and you're loyal to them out of that treatment
>malevolent tyrant who treats you like dogshit to the point where you risk your life to rebel against him

>> No.10966569

kid i know ate mostly takis and wouldnt go for real food
mother let him indulge and his appendix bursted. kis most died