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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10954669 No.10954669 [Reply] [Original]

Just ate a whole large pepperoni and extra cheese pizza, and about to purge. Male btw. Who else has a fucked relationship with food?

>> No.10954692

Bulimia vet here.
>mashed potatoes
>soft cakes

>peanut butter
>ground beef
>leafy greens

>> No.10954699

male bulimia here

worst foods : BAGELS

best : pasta

>> No.10954717

>tfw almost 400lbs
>eat four meals a day, one of them being fast food guaranteed
>separate meal solely for desserts

I'm gonna die, /ck/ help

>> No.10954748

OP here. I wish you the best. For your extreme situation, GO TO A DOCTOR HOLY SHIT PLS DONT DIE EATING MCDICKS. What's worked in the past for m was a combo of keto, intermittent fasting, EC stack, and calorie counting.

I think I would die long before I reached 400. I have enough health problems (due to diet) as is and I'm less then half what you are. I guess kudos that you're still alive, and I believe you can can make it back from your situation.

>> No.10954755

I can only eat when I have a good amount of vodka in my system. I don't vomit, though. The only times I get the urge is when I wake up sober and it's brought on by coughing fits, but then I just take ondansetron.

>> No.10954756

I'm more interested in the timeframe where puking is most viable, particularly the upper threshold. 1-2 hours?

>> No.10954773


>> No.10954782

Why Did krillin name is daughter after his ex?

>> No.10954792

As quickly as you're willing to, past the hour point it's sometimes too late to dodge the calories.

>> No.10954794

Is Maron canon? I only remember her from filler episodes.

>> No.10954812

I always have a hard time purging pizza, it comes up in chunks but no matter how much I flush I still get bits and pieces of cheese and dough up

>> No.10954821

For me the easiest things to purge are non doughy things, and it helps when I start off a binge with full fat ice cream

>> No.10954831

yes. also the new movie looks rad af.
also, anybody get marks on their face after a particularly rough purge sesh? what should i tell my peers/coworkers if they ask? i usually just say its due to allergies.

>> No.10954871

yes, I get red spots under my eyes and on my cheeks and my face swells a lot. the allergies excuse usually works for me because I sniffle a lot and blow my nose a lot afterwards, but I also find that it helps to splash my face with cold water afterwards to reduce the swelling, or to say that you're picking at your pimples

>> No.10954885

I still eat "secretly" at night whenever i visit my parents because they have way too much temptations in their kitchen.
I'm, still pissed at myself that when i allowed myself to become as fat as a typical American i did it so with literally shitty food instead of gorging on actually delicious quality stuff.

>> No.10954906

Post proof

>> No.10954915
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Bulimics are just failed Anorexics, step up your game

>> No.10954937

being anorexic is hard if you arent a NEET
u rly wanna see? fugg off breh

>> No.10954949

So you're a liar

>> No.10954977

no, you're just fucked

>> No.10954980
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you want to see vomit? okay, weirdo

>> No.10954985

Do you regret it? It seems hard.
I tried it, once, but couldn't go through with it, because I'm kind of terrified by vomiting. Lacking even that level of discipline probably explains why I'm 400lbs.

>> No.10955096

in the beginning, naw, i thought it was great and convenient
now, i fucking hate puking. it fucking sucks, I sometimes put it off, and when i delay it for too long, yes, I'm regretful, because like what >>10954792
says, you have a somewhat limited window where purging is actually effective. im also a binge drinker, and i hate drinking, but i like being drunk, so there's that too. Sometimes, I mix both, but drink too much and pass out before i remember to puke. it weirdly works out sometimes because there's a good probability that my hangover is so bad that i wont have the appetite to eat anything the next day or two.

>> No.10955185

Be sure and brush/floss a lot after purging.

>> No.10955481

>TFW on the path to developing an eating disorder
>Realized what was happening
>Eating a shit ton of food in fear of it
>Just making me fatter, making the urge worse
>Urge to just stop eating/start purging whenever I see my stomach/look in a mirror/eat
Think I can fight it off forever, /ck/, what do?

>> No.10955635

i dunno dude i was hoping one of you could tell me

>> No.10955657

I mean, it doesn't make much sense that women do it either, but at least I kind of understand that women are more like objects than people and therefore have an incentive to keep from getting fat.
But I don't see why you would care about this as a guy. I would think if you care about weight at all you would care about weight as an issue for health reasons, in which case bulimia wouldn't help.

>> No.10955678

We should make this the new al/ck/.

>> No.10955708

i totally approve. it seems like alck and eating disorders go hand in hand
i was fat throughout childhood. early twenties i got my shit together and got normie-tier. now late twenties im getting fat again and i hate that shit. also single, so i still have that biological imperative to attract a mate, maybe?

>> No.10955738

>also single, so i still have that biological imperative to attract a mate, maybe?
You can be a fat guy and still have sex. In fact that's the majority of men having sex in America today, fat.

>> No.10955797

Is it a good idea to wait a while 30min or an hour after vomiting to brush? I thought vomit might weaken the enamel and brushing might remove more enamel that it otherwise would. I don't purge but I still will wait a while after eating before I brush because of this.

Or is this bullshit?

>> No.10955914

i guess im just a retard with the charisma of a rock. i havent gotten laid in about 2 months.
no, brush, or at least rinse, directly after

>> No.10956288

I envy you mias that can throw up on command. I have to starve and exercise. i can't purge if i fuck up sucks.

>> No.10956312

I usually just fast, but when I do eat and didn't like the food or feel bloated I just puke and shit.

Recently puked up some spicy chicken wings, onion rings, and mozzarella sticks, devil cake, and apple pie.

Replacing it with rice, vegetables and 3 small meatballs.

>> No.10956326

are you stupid? being fat is uncomfortable, you look gross and disgusting, you sweat more, can't wear nice clothes, jiggle and more health problems.

The fact that people are so idiotic that they think being skinny is "only to be attractive to others' and not themselves or to feel good is why people are massive pigs.

>> No.10956330

>Bulimics are just failed Anorexics
lmao @ people who are actually fat and bulimic, you might as well not puke at all. I enjoy being a skeleton

>> No.10956342

Kill me

>> No.10956343

Damn man. Get some help. I saw a guy who died of positional asphyxiation because he was right around 400 pounds, fell down between a wall and a toilet, and couldn’t roll over or stand up. He must have had so many regrets lying there. Don’t be that guy.

>> No.10956348

Living in America really does a number on people

>> No.10956361

you're really doing something wrong if you aren't both

>> No.10956395
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Bulimia is just anorexia post caving due to a lack of discipline

>> No.10956403
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>> No.10956414
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t. you

>> No.10956478 [DELETED] 

>are you stupid?
I'm not the one forcing myself to vomit because I have an inexplicable feminine body image hangup.
>nice clothes
lol, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm baffled that this is an actual concern a man would have.
Granted I've never been fat, but I really don't think I would care at all if somehow got fat in the future (unlikely since I'm already in my 30s and very set in my ways, I just don't feel the need to eat that much food all the time).
My view on clothes is wearing the first combination of underwear, shit, and jeans I can cobble together in the morning that has relatively less in the way of odor or stains than other combinations thereof so I don't look homeless enough to prompt someone at work to call security on me.
Do you not have non-physical things you value or identify with? Like a craft you're skilled at, or an interest you're deep into?
This is such an alien mindset to me, I'm halfway convinced you "male bulimics" in this thread here are just making all this up.
Also speaking as someone who worked at a hospital for a bit back in college nearby the eating disorder section. At the time I was back in college 100% of this section was composed of female patients.

>> No.10956483

>are you stupid?
I'm not the one forcing myself to vomit because I have an inexplicable feminine body image hangup.
>nice clothes
lol, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm baffled that this is an actual concern a man would have.
Granted I've never been fat, but I really don't think I would care at all if I somehow got fat in the future (unlikely since I'm already in my 30s and very set in my ways, I just don't feel the need to eat that much food all the time).
My view on clothes is wearing the first combination of underwear, shirt, and jeans I can cobble together in the morning that has relatively less in the way of odor or stains than other combinations thereof so I don't look homeless enough to prompt someone at work to call security on me.
Do you not have non-physical things you value or identify with? Like a craft you're skilled at, or an interest you're deep into?
This is such an alien mindset to me, I'm halfway convinced you "male bulimics" in this thread here are just making all this up.
Also speaking as someone who worked at a hospital for a bit back in college nearby the eating disorder section. At the time I was back in college 100% of this section was composed of female patients.

>> No.10956499


Holy crap are all of you me?

I usually purge once or twice a week, when I go overboard with delicious fatty greasy meals or lots of meat. It so delicious but I know the huge excess I just ate is NOT good news for my body or my long term health. A lot of if is in fact of a distorted self image and I'm fully aware of it, right now I'm about 160 and 5'9, which is not bad, but I some how tell myself I could be leaner and more attractive. Furthermore, I like chicks that are lean and athletic and I reason, if they take care of themselves and make a considerable effort to look that fugging hot, then I too should make at least some effort to be attractive if I want to fuck them. Now this sentiment is purely with the end goal of having sex. I'm aware that a meaningful relationship is much more than sexually attraction, but at this point in my life I just want some good looking ass. Anyway I'm fully aware of my eating disorder and I'm trying to lessen the frequency.

In any case I agree that beans and beef are terrible to feel when vomiting. Honorable mention goes to artificially sweetened beverages and blood sausage/any other sausage

>> No.10956827

oh, and some milk of magnesia after too

>> No.10956914

Male alcoholic. Everything's terrible. My ass should be made into a Holocaust memorial. It's all poison gas and burning.

>> No.10957037

If anyone is interested in losing weight, I highly recommend MyFitnessPal (there may be alternatives but this is what I use).

It's not just about counting calories, but learning which foods will make you feel satisfied without using up too many calories. That way you get better at sticking to your diet as time goes by.

I've been eating a lot of Jamaican style rice and beans lately, and in spite of what people say about white rice, it's very filling.

>> No.10957371
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tfw it’s so hard to not purge. I’m getting there bros. Now I only purge once a week sometimes less. I used to do it 4-5 times a day. I cringe at the damage I’ve caused to my body, but the road to recovery can be bright for anyone. Don’t give up bros

>> No.10957501

Just because you're bulimic or anorexic doesn't mean you don't know how to keep the weight off. bulimia has absolutely nothing to do with binge eating, binge eating is a separate disorder.

>should i let the acid just sit in my mouth or should i remove it

I only do it 1-2 times a day, but I usually don't eat at all instead, so I do not have to do it very often.

>> No.10957507

binge eating disorder for me, sometimes i just drink cans of condensed milk
yesterday i ate a kilogram of powdered sugar

>> No.10957618

Try exercising, eating healthier, and praying

>> No.10957621

I just said a prayer for all the gluttonous people here to change their ways

>> No.10957769
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>> No.10958127

I literally dont care

>> No.10958183

>slightly overweight
>feel guilty af every time I eat
>like beer
>feel guilty af after every single one
>crave fast food but never indulge
>all I want is mcdoubles and the caesers
>look in the mirror and want to die

>> No.10958203

>thread bout bulimia
>doesn't choose bulma pic for gigs

>> No.10958227

You're gay

>> No.10958266
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We're less common, but we do exist, edgelord.

>> No.10958269

anorexic here
i heavily restrict my caloric intake most days and i exercise 2-3 times per week
idk my current weight though since i dont have a scale right now

>> No.10958278

I was once like you anon, then I started learning to hate myself enough to run.

Most days I get about 7-8 miles in and that means about 700 calories for funzies, also I lost a good amount of weight and have killer legs so that's a plus

>> No.10958330

You might as well be women. Please return your testicles at desk 3.

>> No.10958457

Wait an hour or two before brushing. Instead, right after purging rinse with baking soda and water to neutralize the acid. Brushing rubs the acid further on your teeth or alternatively peels away the weakened enamel.

>> No.10958576

Add strawberries and yogurt to that. God it tastes so bad.

>> No.10958595

I instinctively read that as bulimics are just failed Americans

>> No.10960428

Be sure to return your penises to its fat folds.

>> No.10960682

Haven't got any. And I also don't have fucked up teeth and mout lining from frequent puking. :)

>> No.10962108

try to focus on meals being healthy and getting you through your day, try not to restrict but introduce healthy and vaguely healthy homemade food as a way of taking care of yourself. I have to fight real hard against guilt around food but this really helps me not binge and eat healthier

>> No.10962118

you're doing fuckin great.
digging yourself out of this hole is hard as hell but you've got a lot to be proud of.

>> No.10962129

Ramen is easy as fuck to vomit.

>> No.10962222

I typically always overeat some. Not too bad though, I eat three meals a day max. When I go to my local Chinese buffet, I fucking fast all day before in prep for gorging myself with like 4 or 5 plates of food. Mostly all different meats and protein. The only carbs I'll eat is the sushi rice on the sushi, and those pot sticker wraps. $9 well fucking spent. Then I waddle out of there and take a fucking two hour coma.

>> No.10962323

I puked vodka, light beer, licorice, and a bunch of chocolate cracker cookie things last month. It was like pooping through my mouth you should try it

>> No.10963548

>puke ramen
>it's whole
What did my stomach mean by this?

>> No.10963609

Males who purge or who are bulimic make the best sissies to fuck. If you are the point of feeling bad over food and cant lift weights your destiny is to sit on my cock while i eat a pizza.

>> No.10963631

Ate so much garbage yesterday (2 medium domino's pizzas, a full size gelatin pudding, half a watermelon, 2 glasses of cranberry flavor vodka and a bunch of water) all in like 1 hour and it literally felt like I tore my stomach and i had to sit deadly still on the couch for well up to 1 more hour in order to not feel like I was dying

>> No.10963720

Probably liked the name, I would've preferred something like Kuriri

>> No.10963740

it's begging you to slow down and chew your food

>> No.10963755

You guys make me glad I am only an alcoholic.

>> No.10963821

I don't know if this counts as an ED but in college I was so depressed for 6 months the only thing I would eat is that "tomato and rice in rice cooker" thing that was popular a few years back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_9QImcJmSg

And then I would frequently just not eat because I was never hungry, the most was for about 3.5 days before my roommate reminded me to eat

>> No.10963826

addendum: I ended up at 120 lbs before my professor was like wtf is going on and made me go to the student health center (i'm 6')

>> No.10964190

how does an anorex not have a scale? Larper

>> No.10964218

we don't like humblebragging

>> No.10964294

Like how is it even possible to fit that much in a stomach. People are disgusting.

>move around from place to place for job
>carry around a scale
Ribs, collar bones, hip bones must all be sticking out at all times, and a lot, not just covering the surface.

>> No.10965057

Man that's good to hear, thanks. Got me feeling like a hopeful faggot now. I know I gotta be more active and I know I feel better once I do.

>> No.10965077

Seriously.. no one's going to say anything..

>> No.10965130

I don't think I've ever done that in an hour, certainly that much in a day tho, but your tolerance for how much food you can eat increases.

The 10k challenge that was a meme a while back is easy for me

>> No.10965140

pretty sure nobody needs to tell you that you're a freak

>> No.10965153

To be fair, all the posters with EDs are freaks

>> No.10965177

>Just ate a whole large pepperoni and extra cheese pizza

Wait, thats it? Nothing to drink and no desserts?

A large pizza isnt even 2k calories ffs.

>> No.10966616

lmao this

>> No.10966636

Jesus that's sad as fuck. Imagine how he felt, lying there helpless, slowly suffocating under the weight of his own morbidly obese body. He must have wept before he passed.

>> No.10966647

I ate nothing for three days this week
Purged twice as well. Haha

>> No.10966651

I'm trying not to puke up my dinner right now
Don't puke don't puke don't puke don't puke don't puke

I'm gonna puke...

>> No.10966667

>this fucking thread
Wew lads, I wish yall the best but holy shit yall have no conviction. Go to >>>/fit/ and learn to fast or if you can't handle that just get prescribed adderall for a little while.

>> No.10966749

jesus christ is it even possible to eat two large pizzas at once???

>> No.10967001

fuck off, it's a lfiestyle choice and anorexia is superior

>> No.10967026
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I was never really bothered by hunger since I was young. I would sometimes have one meal a day, but if I was doing something physical I would need to eat because no energy. I can't really empathise with the plight of fatties because it just seems as simple as not eating like a fat pig.

>> No.10967411

Honestly, best case is to prevent that rage eating + puking behaviour in the first place.
If you "have to do it", make sure you drink atleast 1liter of water beforehand, chew your food really good and get rid of it in max an hour.

>> No.10967420

i just moved a while ago and i havent had time to buy one
but ill get one soon

>> No.10967756
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>tfw never put a finger in my throat to purge

feels good

>> No.10967758

its so good to feel the chuncks falling tho

>> No.10968063

Your body takes hours to digest the food, and certain food is digested/absorbed faster or slower than others.

There is no need to rush, I usually go within 2-4 hours.

>> No.10968069

I've caught several big lifting bros purging at the gym. It's uncomfortable. Should I offer to help them in some way?

>> No.10968086

My thing is tired/bored looking chicks. unkempt, bags under their eyes, love it

>> No.10969295


>> No.10970653

yeah that's fucked but at least the food you *were* eating wasnt total shit

>> No.10971043

Yeah but 120 for a 6ft guy is really underweight. Rapid weight loss wrecks your bones and muscles.

>> No.10971074

>Who else has a fucked relationship with food?
I ugh..jerked off on a cinnamon bun once...then ugh...ate it.
was good

>> No.10971759

damn those were some lucky pigs

>> No.10971772

not one of these bulimics but you're projecting your insecurity about masculinity on a korean pubic hair braiding forum

>> No.10971849
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Hi! How y'all doin? I gonna need you to lose 200 pound in next 30 minutes or you not getting on my plane.

>> No.10972062

OSFED. Currently in a restrict phase. I had 50 cals of asparagus for dinner. Planning a fast tomorrow.

>> No.10972073

Eating disorders are for women you fairyboy.

>> No.10972228

>combo of keto, intermittent fasting
This, lost 45 pounds in 4 months doing this, just also make sure to count Calories. I see so many people say you don't need to count Calories on keto, that's usually because protein fills you up, but still count Calories just in case. If you eat over your TDEE, you are not going to lose weight.

>> No.10972479

I cant make myself puke :<
someone teach me how

>> No.10973134

Drink tons of water hour before
Go to toilet
Stick finger down throat

>> No.10973411

I did something similar but I only ate chicken breast

>> No.10973428

I just binge eat without purging
Its emotional eating

>> No.10974193

it's called being a failure

>> No.10974212

In my personal experience, overdoing it with water beforehand can make it seem too liquidy and less satisfying. Always fucked with my head and made me feel l was only purging the water and not the food. So a little water (a pint or so) beforehand with a lot afterward is what I'd recommend.

>> No.10974310

I eat extremely fast and some of my food isn't even chewed when I swallow, so it works great for me. But I guess you're right depending the person.

I personally puke out whole bits of food.

>> No.10974876


>> No.10975069


Then start lifting you fucking faggot. With the right powerlifting routine you will struggle to get enough food.

>> No.10975087

/ck/ told me that's for fags.

>> No.10975180

I eat, on average, like once a day. Usually just eggs and toast. I forget to eat quite frequently because I don't really get hungry. Eventually I get light headed and if I'm at work I just grab a soda out of the vending machine for a few calories. Do yall figure I have a lesser eating disorder or am I just a poser or something?

>> No.10975207

Anybody else never satisfied unless they eat food they like?

If I eat food I don't like I'll puke it out and eat something else, etc. I hate wasting my body on sub par tasting food.

>> No.10975233

I'm a fat fuck from over indulging on fattyfuck tasty homemade meals and baking my own pastries. I legit only drink water, because i would rather eat my sugar than drink it not because I am healthy.

Grew up in rural area out of the way from most fast food chains and such. But was raised making comfort food constantly.

anyway, puking up Gatorade is the best. I don't try to puke though, it's only ever been from being sick.

>> No.10975294

What's your height and weight. Whatever you choose to label it, you should probably eat more. If you like eggs and toast don't be afraid to eat it for dinner too, breakfast food for dinner is one of my guilty pleasures.

>> No.10975461

Nah you're just normie skinny person. You're not obsessed with food/flab/body image so it's not ED. I envy people who just don't think about it/are bored by eating.

>> No.10975548

hey bingers
I eat once a day and vomit it back up. anyone else ever break an ED with vaping or smoking? I honestly only binge because I'm fucking bored after I eat and have no hobbies or motivation. if I had something to focus on other than eating at night then it would stop

>> No.10976654
File: 169 KB, 674x630, 0AE08418-6CA7-47D6-9318-4B3868E27397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earlier today
>scroll past this thread
>”lol these dumb faggots just need discipline”
>hour ago
>decide to consume 700+ calories in cold cuts and bark chocolate with almonds in like a minute
>just finished purging
is this the power of meme magic?

>> No.10976765

I'm addicted to salt flushing. The feeling of being completely empty of waste is so satisfying.

>> No.10976798

>milk not worst of all time

coming back up its always curds but you feel so heavy.

>> No.10976818

This thread makes me nauseous, maybe it's because I puke only once every several years and all of them have been absolutely awful.
I think I try to prevent myself from puking as much as possible even while sick because I had acid reflux as a coke guzzling kid and it fucked my sense of taste up for a good week.

>> No.10977333

All you purgers are gross. Terribly unhealthy and unsustainable. The true patrician ED practice is to binge a shit ton and then fast+exercise until you're back to where you want to be.

>> No.10977352

>spent last two days eating a ton of junk food, sweets and going out to an okayish restaurant
>plan to not eat anything today other than mineral water, tea and gum

It's a bit of a shame I can't seem to be able to purge anymore but fasting can also be pretty fun in a masochistic sort of way.

>> No.10978016

Spoken like someone who has never had an ED. Basically all purgers know it's disgusting and unsustainable. That's not why they do it. It's an addictive behavior.

>> No.10979231

Help guys! I'm 5'8 and weight is about 210 pounds. How do I start purging or any eating disorder for that matter. I've always hated my looks.

>> No.10979254

Ha. This.

>> No.10979545

I can't seem to do it either, even tried using a toothbrush

>> No.10979692
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Why do you people do this to yourselves?

>> No.10979826

This is not an eating disorder. You're clearly eating within your limits.

>> No.10979937

Same reason a drug addict continues to use despite the consequences.

>> No.10980300

i did something similar also, but only ate pussy

>> No.10981577

feels good

>> No.10981864
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Dont know if I have an ed now, but I used to when i was younger because
>eat EVERYTHING or get beat
>never have food at the same time

Ive been ""bulimic"" in the sense I will force myself to throw up when I eat a tub of ice cream, but thats it. I have been eating less than 1k calories consistently for 2-3 months and inconsistently for 6 months. I haven't lost any inches on my waist at all. Ive lost all my thicc on my legs, but fuckhuge shoulders and a stomach that sticks out is a fucking curse, doods

>> No.10982261


larpers, how can you be anorex without checking your weight every bite you take to chexk your weight?

>> No.10982533

I had an ED for about 5 years, mostly ano.
I would eat maybe every second day, usually a small bowl of rice and vegetables.
It was a vicious cycle of self-hate and body image issues, not helped by having a partner who was bulimic.

One day I just said enough is enough, dumped the gf, threw my bathroom scales in the bin, and started trying to eat at least 1 decent sized meal a day.
I still struggle to eat normal portion sizes, but I'm at the low end of healthy BMI now and don't look like a sick drug addict.. slowly getting better.

>> No.10982651

>you're a larper because you don't adhere to some false extremity I just made up