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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 246x205, 0047589F-11A5-4097-ADD7-827A3DF5324F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10953268 No.10953268 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been living in America for about 5 months now and I’ve noticed something about y’all’s food.

>Bag of crisps says “EXTRA HOT!!!”
>It isn’t spicy
>Resturant menu says “Careful, very spicy!”
>It isn’t spicy
>”Careful dude, that Tabasco is a hot sauce!”
>It isn’t spicy

Why the fuck do Americans think they understand what spicy food is?

>> No.10953277

>go back
>have to
choose three pls

>> No.10953298

Were mostly different from you, genetically
Its not hard to figure out

>> No.10953301

Maybe once you put some peppers in the sauce, Jamal

>> No.10953318
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Because faggots that can't handle any spice bitch at whoever sells it if they don't warn them then threaten with lawsuits.

>> No.10953325
File: 459 KB, 2048x1536, 417A2CED-B31F-43F5-A2AF-AF80E4463941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because healthcare

>> No.10953326

I’ve heard of American law suits before, but that’s going to far, you can’t sue someone because your food is “too” spicy (which isn’t even a thing)

>> No.10953341

They dont, that guy is just obsessed

>> No.10953362

They won't fill a lawsuit, but they'll make a scene and proceed to complain on twitter. Spicy food enthusiasts know the drill and just do the secret salute to the waiter to get the real menu

>> No.10953372

Nayrt but https://www.bonappetit.com/entertaining-style/trends-news/article/chile-pepper-lawsuits/amp

>> No.10953374
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>secret salute

>> No.10953375

>Were mostly different from you, genetically
Yeah, thats most probably the case, since im white

>> No.10953389

i don't know which is worse
>heh, this 'cha ain't even spicy *vapes*

>> No.10953440

Those with taste are sometimes annoying, but the weak don’t deserve to live.

>> No.10953569
File: 22 KB, 320x240, grandia_sue_and_puffy_cheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They legally have to put that on there, if they use the faintest bit of any pepper. Someone will say "yow, that's hot!" and successfully sue them for not warning.

>> No.10954069

My dad won't let you use black pepper in his food and warns me to be careful with poblano peppers

>> No.10954074

Epix remix

>> No.10954080

>being that shitskin faggot who feels the need to brag because his mother made him inhale spicy garbage as a kid

we get it, you vape

>> No.10954083

>garnished with a second bloody mary
Gets me every time.

>> No.10954088

>5 months and he's already picked up "y'all"

You must be living in the deep south, which is the backwards shit part of the country.

>> No.10954101

>Taking my white girlfriend’s parents out to dinner
>They want to go to the OG, of all fucking places, and they think I’m fucking treating them like we’re going out to a fancy restaurant
>While eating the salads, Pops starts coughing and cussing, going red in the face
>Girlfriend reaches into Pops’ salad and pulls out one of those small peppers they have mixed in
>Pops, still coughing, struggles to say “Goddamn, trying to kill me, fucking spicy peppers, in a salad!”

I honestly thought this shit was a meme until I started dating this girl and she told me not to put pepper jack cheese on her sandwich because she can’t handle “spicy”

>> No.10954106 [DELETED] 

>backwards shit part of the country.
That's actually Commiefornia and the entirety of the West coast.

>> No.10954114

>What is Twitter

Y’all is only Southern if you’re white.

It’s nationwide ape-speak

>> No.10954509

>Is mayonnaise a spice?

>> No.10954549


>> No.10954558

Because brainlets get upset when it actually is spicy. There is a great ramen noodle place near me. there are a lot of reviews that pan it on the basis of their spicy noodle dish being "way too spicy". literally the staff warns you that it is spicy when you order it.

if your food isn't spicy it will disappoint people, but if it is spicy it will actually upset people.
If I am running a business I don't want to piss off my customers.

>> No.10954640


>> No.10954643
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Nice shack you have there Cletus, maybe one day you can sell enough meth to afford a singlewide in the fancy part of West Jeebusville, AR.

>> No.10954654
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pic related

>> No.10954673
File: 64 KB, 475x502, 'Merica! Fuck Yeah!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck do Americans think they understand what spicy food is?

Fuck you mudslimes & chinks that are too ignroant to know what true 'merican cooking is.

You racist little foreigners don't know shit bout real merican culture.

>> No.10954680
File: 81 KB, 640x480, California Feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's actually Commiefornia and the entirety of the West coast.

You gottta admit though, we do have hot women here.

>> No.10954707

I already know what cuntry youre from with out you even saying it ese'

>> No.10954719

OP here

I threw in “crisps” to through you cunts off, you didn’t guess shit

>> No.10954737
File: 2 KB, 83x125, Hot California Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we do have hot women here.

This is true.

>> No.10954850


Is this a joke about mexis being so small?

>> No.10954879
File: 91 KB, 728x425, man-woman-bolivia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking of Bolivians.

>> No.10954945

I don’t care what part of Mexico you’re from, you’re all still short fucks

>> No.10954975

there are a lot of plebs here that can't handle it, but you can still find actual spicy food

>> No.10955072


>> No.10955097

mexicans are pretty diverse anon. but i like your brainlet pride. it speaks to me, you know, as a Free American myself.

>> No.10955267

Nice meme and everything and I agree amerifags eat some bland ass shit. But Tabasco sauce isn't hot? C'mon now. Just use more of it.

>> No.10955287

You can chug Tobasco. It's vinegar with peppers in it. Not spicy.

>> No.10955288
File: 110 KB, 750x942, CubtXhX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.10955314

White people cant handle spice. They simply can not.

>> No.10955356

Washington-fag here. Don't lump me in with those commies or Seattle. Just because I live in this state and on this coast doesn't mean I'm a faggot.

>> No.10955433

Heteroflexible is still full-on faggot, faggot.

>> No.10955588
File: 72 KB, 700x523, amerihealthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American health"""care"""

>> No.10955618

what third world country are you from? It can't be in Europe because they have less hot food than we do

>> No.10955625

What the fuck is that?

>> No.10955671

>a thinly veiled LEL WHITE PEOPLE CAN'T HANDLE SPICE thread

>> No.10957166



It’s probably the only meme that’s 100% true though, which is is something.

>> No.10957997

most europeans can handle hot food

they just don't give a shit about it because they're not children excited by the 'hot-hot on ma tongue tongue brooooooo'

>> No.10958005

why do amerimutts think white people don't eat spicy food? nigga we conquered nations for dem spices

>> No.10958008


They're called chips retard.

>> No.10958015

>this level of global awareness
Get a passport, my Reddit spacing friend.

>> No.10958036
File: 19 KB, 411x112, D80C09F9-807F-492A-842C-667736AAF2DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back, faggot.

>> No.10958039

It's called a USA citizenship, outsider.

>> No.10958415

There's plenty of retard dads in america who burnt their taste buds by using a bottle of hot sauce a day and now can't taste anything except a burning sensation

People in developed countries just don't have to disguise poor quality ingredients with stupidly hot food

>> No.10958420

i'm not "disguising" it, i drink hot sauce from the bottle, it's so good

>> No.10958424

Why does vaping get such a bad wrap? I smoked for 10 years and vaping was an easy transition. I stepped down the nicotine to the lowest and only smoke at night now. I think it was a great benefit. Unless you are talking about kids picking up vaping for the fuck of it

>> No.10958428

It's just a meme from when vapers couldn't shut up about vaping

But it's a handy new technology that's better for you than smoking for sure

>> No.10958445

I see. Yeah nothing to be proud of but it's better than the alternative.

>> No.10959121

Way to completely miss the joke, autismo.

>> No.10959161

>bad wrap

>> No.10959185

jesus charges a lot for a minor procedure it seems

>> No.10959207

he was a jew

>> No.10959222

I think it's partly from the the people that don't treat vaping like smoking. Had a mate who never smoked but started vaping and would do it anywhere like in the middle of a bar or Cafe when we were there.
Also shout out to the cunt who was vaping in the cinema one time trying to blow clouds large enough to block out the projection.

>> No.10960591

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.10960627

You should date someone from your own “spicy” race, you miscegenating redditor.

>> No.10960717

fuck me i wish we had shit like that here just walk in to a target and buy health insurance

>> No.10960726
File: 159 KB, 607x584, ........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts playing in the background of the thread

>> No.10960752
File: 105 KB, 337x339, 1530116190115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans sure don't know shit about spicy food and peppers, but hell if those fat dumb pragmatic fuckers don't know how to mix salty and sweet food, they're obsessed with it.
And as someone who's equally obsessed with bittersweet taste, I always have a hell of a time when i'm there with those ribs drenched in bbq sauce, which is only the beginning.
I love the states.

>> No.10961163

>those with taste

>> No.10961182

Dios mío...

>> No.10961190

>shiet dawg we wypipo be eatin’ fiah n shit
t. Shaquan Rodriguez Zhang Goldstein

>> No.10961196

Americans are the only people that hold pepper conventions with samples to new extremely hot peppers, sauces, extracts. Americans were the ones who made the damn 16 million scoville limit extract

>> No.10962316

>be me, work in turkish restaurant
>we occassionally put a small squirt of tapetia sauce in our lavash wraps for added flavor
>get a call from some typical 70 year old retired white lady who said her husband and her suffered heart burn from our wraps last night and had to take pepto bismol
>she says turkish food isnt spicy and that we should put a spicy warning on our wraps

>> No.10962421

You have to go back

>> No.10964249

>a small squirt of tapetia sauce in our lavash wraps for added flavor
that sounds good. I'd want a big squirt though.

>> No.10964430

lmao fucking looks like an ancap dream

>> No.10964959


>> No.10964966

Oh so I can safely disregard your opinion, good.