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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10948577 No.10948577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good pro-vegan movies?

>> No.10948578

super size me

>> No.10948579

Why do vegans trigger redditors so hard?

>> No.10948580

Half of that has dairy or eggs though
Is this guy retarded

>> No.10948581


Literally none of those things are good

>> No.10948582

Their are substitutes for eggs and dairy in those though

>> No.10948583

I never met a skinny vegan. They also fall of the wagon and end up as pescatarians then later give up a year later.

>> No.10948584

>no meat, eggs or dairy
>garlic bread
>hot dog
Yeah nah, that's not happening

>> No.10948585

Yeah nice try faggots

>> No.10948586

what do you eat anon?

>> No.10948587

>vegan cheese doesn't exist
>vegan yogurt doesn't exist
I'm sorry lol, but are we living on the same planet? Have you never gone to a grocery store?

>> No.10948588

so it's not the same thing anymore? i.e. you can't eat most of those things as a vegan

>> No.10948589

Because their masculinity is superficial face value shit like Bacon & Beer & MANLY MEATS, anything that challenges that they have a knee jerk reaction to like a fucking child.

>> No.10948590

>this nigga doesn't eat beans

>> No.10948591

Yeah but those are garbage

>> No.10948592

yes those things exist
they are disgusting

>> No.10948593

>pizza with no meat or dairy
so just some tomato puree on bread then

>> No.10948594

Your mom's stinky pussy

>> No.10948595

I've a vegetarian but even I think going vegan is a step too far. I mean cheese by itself is the thing I could not give up in a million years. Plus cold milkshakes on a hot day, or ice cream or...argh

>> No.10948596

I'll give you some manly meat

>> No.10948597

>oh that's a meat substitute but we'll call it steak anyway

>> No.10948598

What a stupid post.
I'm vegan and hardly anyone knows because I don't tell them (this time doesn't count)
When they ask if I want animal products, I just say no thanks because I don't want to be one of those annoying in-your-face vegans. Eat what you want and shut the fuck up.

>> No.10948599
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Do vegans feed their pets vegan animal food??

>> No.10948600

>never tried it
>but it's yucky! X3 gwoss
You child

>> No.10948601

Yeah but they taste like shit, making this comic pointless

>> No.10948602

For some it's just an ethical choice. (Not for me, though. I just can't have dairy.)

>> No.10948603

None of those things listed are enjoyable at all without meat, eggs or dairy. In fact its probably bait since it lists cereal seriously how can you eat fucking cereal without milk.

>> No.10948604

You ever had mock beef/chicken? If you can't forgo a flavor you are a weak person, but you aren't obliged to have convictions either.

>> No.10948605

not that guy but I've tried vegan yogurt

can confirm its yucky! X3 gwoss

>> No.10948606

I like how you think organizing raids to make vegan shipost threads on an Azerbaijani printmaking forum will in any way forward your cause or convert someone.

>> No.10948607

For those who don't want the estrogen, pus, and antibiotics in real milk.

>> No.10948608

Mock beef/chicken isn't a part of those foods

Write fake pizza, burgers etc in the image next time dumb cunt

>> No.10948609

Daily reminder that humans are omnivores and vegans need to get the vitamin B12 in medicinal form from factories just to survive without becoming horrifically malnourished. It is unnatural to be a vegan.

>> No.10948624

Like this board needed another vegan baitpost, retard.

>> No.10948628
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God forbid we talk about vegan movies on /tv/

>> No.10948635

movies? this is ck asshole not tv, god id like to skin you alive for making a fucking tv thread here MODS

>> No.10948638
File: 35 KB, 600x600, knowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria that live in dirt. Since humans wash our produce, we don't get any, but the plants that are fed to animals aren't washed so they get the vitamin.
At least that's how it used to be. Today, factory-farmed animals have their feed washed as well, they don't get the vitamin either, so it has to be supplemented in the diet. So by eating meat you're still taking artificial B12 supplements just one step removed.

>> No.10948650


>steamed vegetables

Oh shit! One of my favorite foods. I'm sure everybody here can agree that 「Steamed Vegetables」are the fucking best.

>> No.10948652

>didn't read the thread it all
It got moved from TV you literal retard

>> No.10948655

It got moved from /tv/* by a literal retard.

>> No.10948656

>moved to /ck/
Hey /ck/ sorry this shitpost /tv/ garbage came here

>> No.10948662

/ck/ is used to getting a middle finger from the mods, don't worry about it.

>> No.10948717


>> No.10948754
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>I've never met a skinny vegan
That's because veganism is the optimal for muscle building

>> No.10948805

There is nothing wrong with being a male homosexual, so I apologize for potentially insulting gay men, but vegans are such fucking faggots.

You asswipes literally can't go any noticable length of time without bragging about your dietary choices as if anyone outside of your bubble gives two flying fucks. You're like women and you live longer because people decide that death is a more enjoyable than having to share oxygen with you. I'd gladly shave off a decade off my life than have to listen to your insufferable humble bragging.

.t triggered omnivore

>> No.10948841

>something something pro/contra vegan
>45 replies in an hour

>> No.10948905

I had cashew yogurt and it was good. I haven't really found a good vegan cheese yet though, the kinds I've tried aren't great. field roast ciao brand is ok

>> No.10948957

My mom made me try all that "faux-turkey" and "vegan butter" shit
It's all garbage that tastes like cornmeal

>> No.10949107
File: 6 KB, 184x273, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dairy allergy and can confirm it tastes like shit. Actually I can pinpoint the exact taste, and once I tell you it you will never be able to un-taste it. You ready? Knockoff Hot Pocket "ham 'n' cheese" cheese.

>> No.10949145
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>> No.10949163


>> No.10949195
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>> No.10949274

Yeah and they taste like absolute shit. I don't get the obsession with 'recreating' dishes by replacing the fundamental animal with inferior alternatives. There's no shortage of vegetarian food that make the most of ingredients rather than shoehorning them in so they can have a frankenstein dish. It's a bizarrely top-down approach to cooking rather than bottom-up

>> No.10949306

Wrong. Some of the bacteria live in the dirt, but there's plenty in the digestive systems of animals which produce it. Even in humans, but this is so far into our intestines that it can't be absorbed. Hence why shit often contains B12 and why some animals eat it. If B12 was exclusively obtained through soil, then how do marine animals get their B12?

>> No.10949393

>ewwie, yucky xP
>daddi dis healthy food is gwoss, get me a cheeseburger so I can fill my stomach and arteries X3

>> No.10949408

why do newfags spend more time calling out "redditors" than posting anything relevant? You're worse than an actual person from reddit.

can't recall any. maybe some indy documentaries on youtube?

>> No.10949484

In your haste to make le epic meme you seem to have not read my post. The entire point is that there's a lot of great traditional vegetarian food, and limp-wristed hipsters like (you) avoid them like the plague so they can eat overpriced, shit attempts at aping food centred around meat. Probably because they're sheltered manchildren who don't actually know how to cook.

>> No.10949512

Ewwie yucky

>> No.10949615

>icecream, chocolate, yoghurt, pizza
i dont understand, how can they eat these?

>> No.10949630

They mean the flavorless abortions they make trying to replicate real food.

>> No.10949633

>being a vegan
>browsing fucking /ck/
whats the point of being on this board if you refuse to eat 70% of food

>> No.10949634

To actually answer the question, watch Earthlings. It's almost too hard to watch for some people since most of it is straight up animal torture. Cowspiracy is also pretty gud

>> No.10949639

>70% of all food is meat and dairy
Fat American spotted

>> No.10949687

t. starving eurofag

>> No.10949689
File: 29 KB, 1024x682, dominion-featured2-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominion is good if you like throwing up.

>> No.10949695


These flicks just made me hard and hungry

>> No.10949713

>ice cream
>no dairy
>no meat

>> No.10949715

Welcome Reddugees!

>> No.10949718


>> No.10949728

Being a vegan is like being a redditor x1000000

>> No.10949741

And me fucking your mum is like bestiality but you don't see me in jail, do ya

>> No.10949756

The answer is Chicken Run, Okja, and Charlotte’s Web.

>> No.10949761

I don't know, I just like this board. And I like cooking. It would be cool if there were more threads on vegan cooking because not many people know how to cook vegan stuff, and there's nowhere else to talk about veganism except reddit and I fucking hate reddit to begin with, the vegan subreddit is complete trash

I know there's at least a couple other unironic vegans here, most of it is just trolls though

>> No.10949805

it is more like necrophilia.

>> No.10949816

no unironic vegans here. go back, virtue signaling faggot.

>> No.10949821

false, chicken run just made me want chicken pot pies like you wouldn't believe. maybe if they made the pot pies less delicious looking i'd understand but man alive they made them look real comfy

>> No.10949830

Roasted veggies are honestly the best. Get some eggplant, red pepper, onion, mushroom, broccoli, cauliflower... yum.

>> No.10949833

start making threads about vegan cooking them anon. there's literally nothing wrong with being a vegan and as a non-vegan i'd be interested to see what ya'll have to offer in terms of recipes