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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.86 MB, 1060x800, 1532234366037.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10946635 No.10946635 [Reply] [Original]

For me it'd have to be acai bowls. It's literally a watery tasting smoothie in a bowl topped with a bunch of fruit that don't complement each other.

Yet everyone I know loves them. I suspect it's because it "looks nice" for the 'gram, and people pretend to like it.

>> No.10947065

Pho. It was blandest and chewiest thing I've ever had the displeasure of eating.

>> No.10947080
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Man that vids sad

>> No.10947088

Plain oatmeal. As a kid I'd seen commercials make it look so delicious and comforting for winter, and when I tried it it was the most nothing I've ever tasted.

>> No.10947100

Mexican Food

>> No.10947204

Your moms shitty asshole lol

>> No.10947208


What's going on in this video?

>> No.10947212

American food

>> No.10947227


>> No.10947237

/pol/ idiot trying to stir shit up with unrelated webm

same idiot samefag responding to kickstart it

>> No.10947242
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Nice job detective

>> No.10947263

algae, paper tasted better

>> No.10947271

Chicken phillies, a cheesesteak shop at my local mall was giving out samples and I thought it tasted good. I decided to order one for dinner- tasted awful.

>> No.10947362

>what if this is not a mental illness.
Give me a break, it most definitely is.
If it makes them happy to walk around as a girl, fine. If hormone treatment is the way to deal with this illness, fine. Do whatever you want to yourself. Just don't try to make us pretend it's not a mental illness.

>> No.10947370


>> No.10947389

A father losing his son

>> No.10947405

quinoa. i watched a video where david lynch made it, so i wanted to try it, and it's awful

>> No.10947407

Should have raised him better instead of leaving that up to the Electric Jew.

>> No.10947415


Best your kids and limit their online content
No muh mental issues ever

>> No.10947425
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>mental illness didn't exist before internet

>> No.10947428
File: 62 KB, 600x510, 68207_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>webm could be considered anti-tranny
>people on /pol/ hate trannies
>therefore it came from /pol/
Really makes you think.

>> No.10947442
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In his defense, the doctor is showing him the same picture every time.

>> No.10947448

..not saying all black spots look the same, let me get that out of the way.

>> No.10947488
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There are better grains nutritionally and flavor-wise like farro, freekeh or bulgur wheat anyway.

>> No.10947544

>freekeh is einkorn
>einkorn is freekeh

>> No.10947549

>bulgur wheat
what are we in ancient rome anon? how does one even procure such an ingredient

>> No.10947564

Thai food
No matter what I pick, it's trash

>> No.10947576
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okonomiyaki (hiroshima okonomiyaki specifically)

Even with the sauce, mayo and fried toppings, the okonomiyaki itself was just bland and doughy.

>> No.10947596


i didn't try it until a few years ago due to religious reasons but when i did it just tasted really salty and made my stomach hurt

>> No.10947611

>tasted really salty and made my stomach hurt

Yep, that's bacon. I want some now.

>> No.10947628
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Of course it did, but the Internet exacerbates it.
Also, if you knew any fucking thing about actual psychology you would know that Freud was debunked decades ago.

I like it but it's too expensive to replace rice or potatoes for me. Lynch does talk it up more than it deserves in that video but it's Lynch, so you should have known better.

Did it give you temporary PTSD?

>> No.10947678
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This is the gayest post ever made on the internet.

>> No.10947686

This is how normal people react when we hear you wh*teoids saying that glancing in the general direction of nasi lemak gave you explosive diarrhea for weeks. Please don't be offended, it's just an observation.

>> No.10947699
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Is that even a real thing?
I like spicy food to some extent and once in a rare while I'll have something VERY spicy even though I prefer to actually be able to taste the ingredients. I have never had it affect my shits, though, and I'm just convinced that people aren't just talking, literally, shit when they say some spicy dish gave them the runs.

>> No.10947706

Is what a real thing, people getting diarrhea? Or people who think they do? I mean the idea had to come from somewhere, right? Also whenever I go out to eat with my wh*te friends the waiter always warns them that it's VERY SPICY (they get really butthurt over this for some reason, and also receiving a fork). Why do the waiters do that, if not out of concern for potential lawsuits for serving food that tastes like food and not packing materials from an Amazon box?

>> No.10947707

It's not. Maybe you'll feel a little heat on the sphincter, but there are people that say Taco Bell is instant diarrhea. It's retard hyperbole.

>> No.10947716

worst post in this awful thread

>> No.10947733

Either kike or mudslime. Place your bets now, anons!

>> No.10947736

>having a smug sense of superiority to whites
>referencing a malaysian dish
You can only have one, my yellow friend.

>> No.10947748
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>because I like to believe Freud is debunked in this wannabe pseudo science he wasn't a psychiatrist and therefor his (might I say: perfect) reaction picture is invalid.
kek, even non freudians will have an opinion about this level of reasoning.

>> No.10947761
File: 48 KB, 727x410, porkchops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind Freud. Why did you not address the part of my post that says the Internet exacerbates these issues? There was indeed mental illness back in the 1930s, and there were transgendered people too, but not to anywhere near the extent we're seeing now.
So, either address the part of the post relevant to the discussion at hand instead of going off on a tangent about Freud, or admit that you probably shouldn't talk shit about my "reasoning".
You also call psychiatry a "pseudoscience" while claiming that mental illness is not only real but predates the field. I guess you think the illnesses are real but the treatment of them is not?

I assume it's a riff on that classic Kuntzman article. The one about the AR-15
I'd link to it but it would seem that it's conveniently been made unavailable to Europeans. You can Bing it yourself, I'm sure.

>> No.10947793

>internet exacerbates these issues
Why would I go into that? I don't disagree.

>> No.10947817

Everytime I drive by Taco Bell or see a commercial, I instantly shit my pants. What now?

>> No.10947822

So why chime in with your strawman when someone said that limiting your kid's Internet use can help prevent these issues? >>10947425

I did actually get the shits once the day after eating in an Indian restaurant in London, but I'm not stupid enough to blame that on the spices.

>> No.10947834
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>psychology, the art of assigning names to arbitrary things everyone already knows, is capable of being "debunked"

>> No.10947842
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>Literally claims there are "NO muh mental issues ever" >>10947415 without internet
>Quickly back peddles towards "ok, ok, it just exaberates it"
>Then start acting like he never said the first retarded thing, even though it's still right there in the thread.
Lol, you may need to get some psychological help yourself, anon. You may be retarded.

>> No.10947854
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Pic related is OP

>> No.10947857

Nobody said that, retard.
Freud's theories were debunked, not the entire field of psychology.

>> No.10947865

I agree that the other anon, who is not me and I don't know why you would assume it was, is mistaken in suggesting there's a 100% guarantee of no mental issues if you raise your kid right. You can reduce the risk by a LOT, though.
Being the kind of white trash shithead who goes on the Dr. Phil Show isn't doing your kid any favours.

>> No.10947867

similar, i had a supergrain bowl or something in some weird nordic place. all the ingredients sounded nice but it was completely unseasoned and and basically flavourless

>> No.10947876

Like I said, I don't disagree either.
Just look as far as /r9k/. It's filled with crazies driving each other more crazy and further away from society, even towards murder (those incel idiots).

>> No.10947937

This is rich. Posting this when you and other inbreds like you try to use Jew as a deregatory term every other post.

>> No.10948018

ari shaffir pls go

>> No.10948082

Serious question lads: why are (((people))) shilling on fucking /ck/ of all boards? it wasn't like this a few years ago, we just had our obligatory gaynigger insults and talked about food (even if it was just mcchickens), we didn't derail thread after thread responding to someone getting paid. What point does disrupting shitty food discussions serve?

>> No.10948095

Rattlesnake tacos

>> No.10948111

Dominoes is instant diarrhea.

>> No.10948113

>the most nothing I ever tasted

I see your oatmeal and raise you plain grits.

>> No.10948175

A 40 dollar "otoro" nigiri.

>> No.10948180

Ordered a Muffuletta in New Orleans because everyone said you just have to get it
Fucking disgusting. Greasy, acidic olive salad, ugh. I like a good Italian sandwich but I couldn't even stomach more than a few bites.

>> No.10948189

I love plain grits with a tab of butter and thick salt

>> No.10948250

Did you get it at Central Grocery or some shittyass tourist trap? Central's is goat af.

>> No.10948253

I got it at a fancy restaurant, not Central's. Maybe that was the problem.
I literally hated it so much that I doubt I would like Central's

>> No.10948264

brother in law is a fat low education fuck who drives a truck. of course when we get pizza it has to have extra of every kind of meat because apparently only pussies put vegetables on pizza or say no to more meat.

the result was an abominable puddle of grease with bread cheese and meat in it. i feel like i'm getting heartburn just thinking about it. i ended up going vegetarian for like a week after just because even the sight of meat made me recoil for a while after that

>> No.10948313

Tried glob jamin at an Indian resturant. It was like someone put a donut through a pile of wet garbage.

>> No.10948332
File: 43 KB, 550x384, life-islamic-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulab jamun at most crappy generic curry joints comes out of a fucking can

Never order dessert at a place that doesn't have its own pastry chef

This applies to all restaurants, btw

>> No.10948354

Korean food.

>> No.10948355

>muslims can't mem-

>> No.10948363
File: 93 KB, 500x592, mett mohamett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave that which doesn't concern you
Such as Europe?

>> No.10948379

>/pol/ idiot trying to stir shit up with unrelated webm
>only people who visit 4chan containment boards find trannys rather off-putting
big if true

>> No.10948616

You obviously had a shitty okonomiyaki because as a japfag I can tell you that they are some of the most strong tasting Japanese foods out there

>> No.10949148

It's an Irish chain that people here love but the first time I tried it and asked for cheesy fries they didn't even bother to melt the cheese.
Second time I asked for a Pizza and it took literally 35 mins to make.
Won't ever go again.

>> No.10949160

But l jews are notorious for being inbred..

>> No.10949167
File: 59 KB, 1080x494, Screenshot_2018-07-22-11-33-35-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur a fag desu

>> No.10949170

>eat chipotle
>its awful

>> No.10949283 [DELETED] 

>You and other inbreds
Calm down there, lad. The big scary /pol/ boogeyman isn't everywhere and everyone. Would you like a Paxil for your nerves?

>> No.10949294

Based anti/pol/poster

>> No.10949693

Why do we seriously think these people are not mentally ill? If i wake up and say today i feel like im Napoleon everyone would think im mad, but why men pretending to be woman normal to people? They are mentally ill, i mean it doesnt harm anyone, but its clear they are mentally ill

>> No.10949787

Get used to the fact that you're not doing anything except arguing semantics

>> No.10949807


>> No.10949811

this literally has nothing to do with food or cooking. back to /pol/

>> No.10949819

He made it worse by visibly cringing like that. He humiliates himself even further.

>> No.10949823

This. What a bunch of nonsense.

>> No.10949831

>he made it worse by being horrified to his soul by what a disgusting monster his child became

>> No.10949842

Now the whole world is laughing at him harder, now. Never show weakness.

>> No.10949848

I hope I never degenerate to the point of laughing at a father who lost his son.

You are pitiful and you are disgusting.

>> No.10949852

Don't say it to me, say it to the other guys who are laughing.

>> No.10949883
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There's a lot of Japanese food I like, this is not one of them.

>> No.10949901

I'd fuck it but I wouldn't be proud of it.

>> No.10949922

did you put in the sauce that you were given? maybe you just went to shit ass place. I've got a pho place near me that has a pretty flavorful pho, although the meat is always the worst part of any asian meal

>> No.10949961

Chamomile tea
Dried seaweed
Cookie Crisp

>> No.10949967

Alligator. No wonder they only sell them at state fairs. Why the fuck would anyone willingly go out of their way to eat a tough, chewy, salty piece of meat unless they were there just to try it.

>> No.10950129

why not? it's just a seafood fritter

>> No.10950155

Wh*teoids usually think they're "allergic" [sic] to seafood

>> No.10950214

well shellfish and fin fish are 2 of the 8 most common food allergies so that's not that crazy

>> No.10950224

Lobster and oysters

>> No.10950230

Whoa congrats you know how to evade the postercount count whoooooooooa like whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa

>> No.10950254
File: 369 KB, 1080x683, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>o-only 1 person could possibly hate trannies!!

>> No.10950263

if I had the money I would so do this just to make my boomer dad kill himself

>> No.10950292

It takes a lot of money to put on heels and makeup?

>> No.10950313

I would need a lot of surgery and HRT if I was going that route

>> No.10950319


>> No.10950346

>>>10946635 (OP)
>Chicken phillies, a cheesesteak shop at my local mall

Mall cheesesteaks are the tilapia of cheesesteaks

>> No.10950353


>> No.10950364

Proof that even normies frequent 4chan

>> No.10950371

t. Jew

>> No.10950377

It is amazing when fresh and still warm

>> No.10950383

Will they be laughing when hellfire rains down on their sodom

>> No.10950397
File: 18 KB, 700x394, 1803261950-Binging-with-Babish-Host-Andrew-Rea-Reviews-The.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Rea's superior spaghetti cooking technique was a disappointment for me. He made it seem like finishing up the pasta in the sauce pan would upgrade spaghetti ten fold but it really wasn't that substantive of a difference. I find a lot of really interesting techniques he uses on the show seem really appealing but are not really that great in practice.

>> No.10950398

Try it out!

>> No.10950412
File: 4 KB, 220x249, 1512500484002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP starts thread on a cooking board with a webm bound to get /pol/-tier responses
>"hurr durr not /pol/, /pol/ not problem on website called 4chan. /pol/ good boy. /pol/ dindu nuffin"

>> No.10950440 [DELETED] 

>Anything I don't like is /pol/
What ever you need to sort the world out into us versus them, mate

>> No.10950458

But it's not everything I don't like. There's a handful of hot-topics on /pol/, so when someone injects them into conversation it makes it pretty easy to point fingers.

>> No.10950469

Whoooooooooooaaaaaa look guys he did it again whoooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa how does he do it man whoooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.10950484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10950490


>> No.10950508

>if you knew any fucking thing about actual psychology you would know that Freud was debunked decades ago.

Yeah I suppose in some sense the finer details of his theories were wrong but the guy completely redefined the field IMO for the better, allowing for more naturalistic answers to mental function and was in some ways instrumental (although some would argue I'm pushing it here) in the neuro-cognitivist renaissance we are having in psychology at the moment.

>> No.10950671


>> No.10950716 [DELETED] 


>> No.10951186

Yeah, fuck Charley's.

>> No.10951702

The broth and the noodles are ok but the meat tasted like a rotting tire. The worst part is that my friends were hyping it up like it was a godsend. Honestly, I hope it's just the place like you said.

>> No.10952278

The variance between good tasting pho and bland pho is astounding

>> No.10952296

So much this. So over hyped. The place I went to was full of Asians too. The other food was good. The pho was fucking bland, yet that's what they all were eating. It just ended up tasting like the sambal and hoisin I put in to give it flavor. At least it had some savory notes, and piling in bean sprouts helped liven it up.

>> No.10952298

Okay reddit

>> No.10952327

Spicy food doesn't give me shits, but Indian food does for some reason.
More poop for the poop gods.

>> No.10952329

Minorites are as dumb and prejudiced as anyone else, more news at 11.

>> No.10952416
File: 186 KB, 2048x1365, 2017718-n2.jpg-resize_then_crop-_frame_bg_color_FFF-h_1365-gravity_center-q_70-preserve_ratio_true-w_2048_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquid nitrogen ice-cream.
I mean, sure, it's showy, and smoother than regular ice cream, but at the end of the day it's still the same ice cream with nitrogen added and doubled the price. Not worth it, desu.

>> No.10952432

where did you have it? Place near me is definitely better than most ice creams. You can see them make it. its just cream, sugar, and flavor.

>> No.10952605

Not sure this counts, buuuuuuuut...

>be new homeowner on moving day
>moving shit in, haven't unpacked kitchen stuff yet and don't have any food to cook even if i did
>remember a rinky-dink deli nearby
>"i'll get some lunch meat and bread!"
>pay for a hot dog, a pound of turkey-ham, a loaf o'bread, head of lettuce, an onion, two tomatoes, a jar each of mayonnaise and brown mustard, a roll of kitchen paper and some dish soap
>eat hot dog while walking back to new house
>get in, decide hot dog has held me over and put lunch meat and veg in the cooler with the drinks (fridge not cool enough yet)
>unpack more shit
>get peckish
>wash the cutting board and a knife
>meticulously make a sandwich
>layer of mayo
>sliced tomato and onion
>turkey ham, curled up
>more mayo on top slice with shredded lettuce pressed into it
>bite into my sando, ready to savour every moment
>tastes of tuna
>all of my wut
>taste the mayo; it's fine
>taste the bread; it's fine
>taste the mustard, the tomato, the onion and everything else; all fine
>the turkey ham tastes of tuna
I have no idea how or why it tasted that way, but suffice to say, I wasn't eating the rest. Don't get me wrong, though. I like tuna. But turkey ham shouldn't taste of tuna and I have no idea what happened to that turkey ham to make it taste that way. I ordered a delivery pizza then. Haven't been back to that deli since. It's been five years.

>> No.10952625

tteokbokki without cheese

>> No.10952632

Cause of all the dairy in their curries
It's also why it tastes so good.

>> No.10952638

Greek yogurt

>> No.10952645

fried ice cream

>> No.10953892

Add butter and salt to the oatmeal. It helps immensely, also adds a more velvety texture.