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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 300x300, Apple_Pizza_5050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10928147 No.10928147 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't people put apples on pizza? It seems pineapple is the only acceptable fruit.

>> No.10928318

tomato is a fruit, bell pepper is a fruit, olives are a fruit
kys americunt

>> No.10929113

apple, blue vein and roasted walnut would probably work anon

>> No.10929127

the british are fruits.

>> No.10929130

its a texture thing

>> No.10929315

Ferment the apples first then. In fact, just ferment every fruit and vegetable you eat in all cases. Fermentation makes everything tastier and healthier.

>> No.10929374

actually sounds really good.

i think i'll try this.

apples + cheese isn't some new combo. there's tons of dishes that use it.

>> No.10929733

I knew some decrepit bastard who would put mustard on his pizza and mix cantaloupe preserves in his marinara sauce

>> No.10929744

Try putting small pieces of bacon with pineapple

>> No.10929781
File: 41 KB, 800x450, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue vain?

>> No.10929910
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if eating it is not to your taste, try shelving it for best results

>> No.10929922


When I lived in Maine they would add apples to pizza. They also played some shit called candlestick bowling.

>> No.10929932

Peach is common around my area and it's incredibly delicious.

>> No.10929963

The guy who owned the local pizza place I loved as a kid made a caramelized apple BBQ chicken pizza. It was novel, but good.
If you're reading this, I'm sorry I was too autistic to keep in contact, man.

>> No.10930030

Grapes on pizza is good.

>> No.10930063

Apples on pizza is way better than pineapple. naturally goes well with the cheese and adds a nice texture

>> No.10930105

i think it has to do something with how the pieces of pineapple are more resilient and prone to maintaining any sort of texture while under heat, along with the whole tartness profile that compliments the tomato sauces acidity but helps cut through it with its sweetness.

>> No.10930126

pear is a better option with a bleu cheese, i believe. maybe even fresh figs and prosciutto.

i kind of like this idea.

>> No.10930195

t. stupid faggot

>> No.10930200

No chanse…apple,pineapple,olives,color peppers
Not bad…chicken,potato,salami,prosciutto

>> No.10930235


>> No.10930647

Learn the difference between culinary and actual fruit you fucking vegetable.

>> No.10930673

Pear is really good on pizza

>> No.10930689

almost everything is good/better on pizza.

>> No.10930695

Not coffee

>> No.10930701

pear is 100% better

>> No.10930704

Pear gets soggier easier.

>> No.10930715

pretty sure coffee could be worked into a meat glaze or marinade somehow nigga

>> No.10930726

Nor whisky

>> No.10930729

da fuck? smoked beef pizza with whisky cream sauce

>> No.10930754

Pineapple is not acceptable.

>> No.10930762

Oh who actually cares

>> No.10930767

don't start filling this magical board with your lies

>> No.10930793

Pepperoni and banana slices is bretty gud

>> No.10931017

well put , your obviously a discerning gentleman of fine tastes try bacon banana cashew pizza

>> No.10931136

It's only acceptable if it's pineapple with smoked ham and instead of tomato sauce you have a medium heat teriyaki sauce. And then cheese of course.

>> No.10931141

your not the boss of me

>> No.10932749

I can't take all the credit. I'm pretty sure I got the idea from an old Ninja Turtles ep. Never had nuts on a pizza, might be interesting.

>> No.10932755

Because most of us ain't faggots

>> No.10932781
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bumping because this thread makes me go hmmmmmm.

>> No.10932794

I'd still eat it. Only the paper touched the floor

>> No.10932811
File: 14 KB, 256x268, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, the germs from the floor could crawl on the paper, and then move on up to the pizza.

>> No.10933013

They could also crawl up your leg and into your mouth. Oh no.

>> No.10934522

I once had a pizza with caramelised bananas in an Italian restaurant in Portugal

>> No.10934538

theres germs in your moms asshole but that aint gonna stop me from cleaning it out with my tongue

>> No.10934546

was it paired with something really salty or was it a desert sorta thing

>> No.10934549

At first I judged you, but then I realized that an apple pizza could be good if you made the cheese brie and used a different sauce

>> No.10934553

I had banana and kiwi once. Would not recommend

>> No.10934578


Diced pancetta and creme fraiche
It wasn't bad at all actually.
My gf still takes the piss out of me because I ordered it..
It looked like the guy won some awards for it judging by the press cuttings on a wall.