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10930969 No.10930969 [Reply] [Original]

what can I eat to avoid getting diabetes? I'm not at risk I just want to avoid ever being at risk

>> No.10930973

>baked goods
>fruit juice
boom, just saved your life. i'll take payments in bitcoin

>> No.10930975

Do what angelina jolie did and cut off your feet now.

>> No.10930978

avoid eating animal products

>> No.10930981

Uncarbonated tea.
Black coffee.
Unseasoned chicken.
One radish.

>> No.10930992

beans and legumes
black or green tea, unsweetened
chicken or fish
no white bread or white rice

>> No.10931089

>Uncarbonated tea
Never seen carbonated tea

>> No.10931090

It's about as unpleasant as it sounds.

>> No.10931128

avoid eating anything ever. and just die, for all of our sakes.

>> No.10931138

Don't eat too much in general and keep your weight at a healthy level. Being overweight increases your change of getting multiple diseases. Other than that, minimize your intake of refined carbs, especially sugar. The daily limit of refined sugar is around 40g for most people, but you should probably try to stay under half of that.

>> No.10931142

The other day I had a retard-epiphany:

Why is it that I feel compelled to eat something sweet every single day, as if it was part of a food group? You have carby food, then you need something sweet, at least once a day.

When I tried keto and quit, the first thing I had was a banana, and it tasted so good I was writhing in my chair. I think sweet things should always be that good.

>> No.10931164

>Why is it that I feel compelled to eat something sweet every single day, as if it was part of a food group?

>> No.10931173

everything you eat, your body has to break down into blood sugar. the reason sugar is attractive is because it is an easy fuel.

>> No.10931174

have fully functional islet cells and a immune system that doesn't try to kill you

>> No.10931175

you dont need to eat fruit every day

>> No.10931178

Fruit provides sugars and vitamins required for activity. Usually if you have a mostly sedentary life, you're craving fruit because your body thinks you need the boost. You crave sweets less the more active you are.

>> No.10931184

You are wrong. I run marathons and my sugar intake is huge.

>> No.10931188

>I run marathons
So why the fuck are you on 4chan?
Also, why aren't you relying on more stable energy boosters like B12 and Carbohydrates?

>> No.10931229

I am on the chans because I like hate and prick waving dick fights.

I run on protein and fat mostly, but my calorie needs are vast. I am a tall guy.

>> No.10931240

>more stable energy boosters like B12
B12 isn't a caloric source

>> No.10931244

But it does make the body process nutrients more efficiently.

>> No.10931249

sugar is a carbohydrate

>> No.10931254

Miki stop posting

>> No.10931265

Why the fuck do you idiots want to live so long being completely miserable? I'd rather die at 53 and eat all the delicious bread

>> No.10931270

Polysaccharides. Like starches.

>> No.10931281

Fruit is for birds and monkeys. Real humans eat animals and low-calorie plants that taste weird and don't want to be eaten, like peppers, spinach, and broccoli.

>> No.10931287

>like peppers
daily reminder that the spicyness of peppers is a evolutionary trick to avoid things other than birds to eat it, considering that if a bird eats it, it will shit the seeds somewhere else in a load of fertilizer.
Birds do not have receptors for capsaisin

>> No.10931297

Interesting. So I guess I shouldn't eat peppers either, then.

>> No.10931321

That's not the same thing. We might know from a nutritional standpoint that we don't need something every day but that doesn't mean our biology knows and it's still going to tell us to seek out those sweet or salty or fatty things.

>> No.10931329

>completely miserable
>from not eating sweets
that is toddler tier thinking but I get your point

Honestly anon, I'd rather live as long as possible if I can. Like a lucid centennial.

But then I think, what if I'm just extending my deadline, so that it feels like I have plenty of time to do the things i need to do, so then I have time to do absolutely nothing and procrastinate too?

>> No.10931331

>meant to

Once you as a human can eat a pepper without being disabled with pain, congratulations, you're now Meant To eat the pepper since you toughed out its only anti-herbivory defense

>> No.10931341

you can also drink mercury without dying but it doesn't mean you should
>meant to
what did he mean by this

>> No.10931343


>> No.10931358

You can eat delicious bread and not become diabetic and unhealthy. Just don't binge on it, balance out the lack of fiber and some nutrients in white bread with the rest of your food, and try to eat more whole grain breads when you can too.

>> No.10931546
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>sugar is the cause of diabetes and insulin resistance

>> No.10931623

love a good shit posting thread
-unethical meats

>> No.10931743

Look fren - we're all going to die some day of something.

>> No.10931808

sugar and carbs.

>> No.10931864
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can I eat more than one radish?

>> No.10932088

This sounds lewd.
Get a gf or if you have one (applies to wives) do this to them
Then when you make them quit, give them chocolate and prepare for exploding sex

>> No.10932262

>compelled to eat something sweet every single day
the same reason caffeine addicts feel the need to have coffee every day as though it were a food group
the same reason smokers feel the need to have a cigarette every day
carbs in general, and sugar in particular, tickle the endorphines and generate an addictive response. a lot of what's called "keto flu" are simply addiction withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.10932658

because you are a glutton with no self control

>> No.10932678

because a long time ago, before humans had unlimited access to any food he could possibly want, he had to forage for food. Finding sweet food meant that it wasn't poisonous.

>> No.10933390

>naturalistic fallacy

As I said, peppers' only anti-herbivory defense is the spice rather than being poisonous or anti-nutritive or anything inherently negative, so it being good or not to eat peppers is really only a test of character

>> No.10934494

never drink soda or beverages with high sugar.
only water, tea, coffee, and the occasional sugar free soda.

basically avoid added sugar

>> No.10934506

yes, diet is a large factor. if you're obese then your diet is probably plagued with shitloads of sugary shit and too many carbs

>> No.10934524

>basically avoid added sugar
You don't have to completely avoid it. Recommendations are usually for 40g per day but you should probably try to stay under 20, maybe even 10, and then it's fine in those amounts.

>> No.10934537

I thought it would be good, made it once with my new soda syphon — fuck was I wrong!

>> No.10934567

>what can I eat to avoid getting diabetes?
High glycemic index foods. This means foods that cause a volatile insulin reaction that spikes and crashes when you eat them. They include:
>bread, white rice, white pasta, flour
or corn tortillas, wheat/rice/corn/oat cereals
>instant products like instant oats, instant mashed potatoes, noodle packets, grits
>sugary drinks like soda, juice, and sweet or flavored tea
>candy and baked goods
>overly sugary/HFCS sauces like grocery store barbecue sauce or marinades
>>10930973 hit it right on the head.

>> No.10934682

I see a lot of rice responses but never hear about high rates of diabetes in Japan

>> No.10935490

It's probably because their obesity levels are way lower. Just not being overweight cuts disease risks. White rice still isn't the healthiest choice for a grain though.

>> No.10935496

sugar spoons

>> No.10936332
