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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10929311 No.10929311 [Reply] [Original]

How much cream cheese is too much cream cheese?

>> No.10929321


When it starts to creampie in the middle

>> No.10929324

slightly more than enough.

>> No.10929333

thats actually a good measurement

>> No.10929349

Not even that is enough and that shit in your pic looks whipped, which is worthless, and needs 5x the amount anyways

>> No.10929356

>whipped, which is worthless

You aren't my friend anymore.

>> No.10929363

when the amount of cream cheese has more calories than the bagel.

>> No.10929390

Anything less than a whole brick is unacceptable

>> No.10929411
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You only need a schtickle of schmear, goyim. Think of it as grout to lay the foundation of your bagel. Which should include lox, red onion, and capers. Tomato is optional.

>> No.10929414

A freshly toasted everything bagel with cream cheese, smoked lox and thinly sliced red onions is one of those things I dearly miss, now that I am doing the meme keto diet.

But to answer the question, I always ask the people to go light on the cream cheese because I want to taste my lox and onions. So not too much cream cheese.

>> No.10929428 [DELETED] 

a Jew would only know about grout if they audited a job site. You sir, are a pseudokike

>> No.10929445

I like cream cheese but I don't know enough recipes to really make it worth getting regularly.

>> No.10929451

>using cream cheese instead of taramasalata
>not using picked onions

>> No.10930006

1/3 brick is too much fatty
I’ve been on a kick lately
Jalapeño cream cheese(Mt. Olive brand only) do not deviate
Or else confectioners sugar, sugar strawberries.
For veggie some chopped carrots and celery and A small amount of onion soup mix slightly rehydrated. So good

>> No.10930020
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You should die

>> No.10930033

tomatoes aren't optional you god damn jewish faith having person

>> No.10930042

or if they idk...laid tile?

>> No.10930070 [DELETED] 

Jews do not do actual work or build anything.

>> No.10930127

Jews built their own country out of a barren desert.

>> No.10930130 [DELETED] 

that is not their country. Jews have no country, or place among humans.

>> No.10930137

I don't get what the onions and tomato bring to the table here. Seems better without them

>> No.10930144

Empty words from an empty mind

>> No.10930150 [DELETED] 

Jews are not fit to judge anything. They are a parasitic nomad caste.

>> No.10930312
File: 961 KB, 4272x2848, Bagel-Cream_Cheese_Scallion_Chives-Salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that poor sad thing, it doesn't have smoked scottish salmon on it.

Now look at this one... guess which one wins?

>> No.10930339

So because you're a poor angry bitch is the fault of the jews?

>> No.10930342

No one knows what you're talking about.

>> No.10930343 [DELETED] 

I retired at 30 and my grandkids will not have to work if they do not want to unless the jews fuck shit up.

>> No.10930370

much more than enough

>> No.10930436

back in my day, a pony thread meant something

>> No.10930445

How would jews fuck up your retirement?
As Shakespeare wrote, look not to the stars but to yourself. That means don't blame others for your own problems.

>> No.10930446

There's /mlp for that now.

>> No.10930449 [DELETED] 

The run many banks... right into the ground. It is all they do.

>> No.10930457

I do not have problems. I have vision and an understanding of history that you lack.

>> No.10930460

Have you considered that it's really not all banks and they're smart?

>> No.10930468

Apparently not if you're blaming others for your problems. Let's say jews didn't exist, then who you next blame for your minimum wage job and your problems?

>> No.10930479 [DELETED] 

No. Read history. They have no country and no country wants them for long. They are an isolationistic, corrupting force.

>> No.10930487

I retired at 30. I am 43 now. Money is not a consideration in my life. My only real worry is for the betterment of mankind.

>> No.10930491

Lemmie guess, you're a palistinian lover? Actually jews do have a nation called Isreal made after WW II by treaty. They after the UK are likely the best ally of the USA.

>> No.10930502

What's your point?

>> No.10930505 [DELETED] 

No, I am vichy french. You suck at guessing. I do not care what land your people squat on in this brief historical window.

>> No.10930507

You wrote all that and failed to make a point. You're 43 years hasn't done much for you.

>> No.10930512

So then if everything is so brief to you, why do think that jews are against you?

>> No.10930515

I like it when you take a big bite and cream cheese pushes through the hole and touches your nose.

Then I like licking the hole clean.

>> No.10930519

hahahaha! yeah yeah and a bit of scallion sticks to your nose.

>> No.10930525

>toasted everything bagel
>light smear of cream cheese
>smash 1/2 an avocado in a bowl, add a little salt and pepper, if desired a tiny splash of citrus
>put on cream cheese
>fry an egg in butter
>put on avocado
>get your favorite god damn hot sauce
>put on egg
Wa la it literally doesn't get better.

If I'm eating just a bagel with cream cheese and no other toppings, of course I want to eat a shit ton of cream cheese.

>> No.10930524 [DELETED] 

I am a man. Jews are the enemy of man. They are a self-isolating tribe of uniquely selfish and self agrandizing people.

>> No.10930531

I'm not jewish but I do know that you're full of shit. I'm Prussian.

>> No.10930538 [DELETED] 

No you're not a man, you're a weak nigger.

>> No.10930547

Give me your address. If you are close I am willing to come discuss it.

>> No.10930553

disprove anything I have said. If I am wrong, show me and I will thank you.

>> No.10930559


>> No.10930585

I don't have to "disprove" your bullshit assertions, you have to prove them in the first place and you haven't done that.

>> No.10930596
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>> No.10930618

so, we are done?

>> No.10930622

Who is "we?"

>> No.10930633

Me and the idiot

>> No.10930637

However much you want.

>> No.10930890

>I'm Prussian
you mean a 56% mutt with dubious german heritage? please

>> No.10930914

Fuck it's been ages since I had a bagel. I'll definitely get some next time I go shopping. So good.

>> No.10930925

the red onions blend well with the creaminess and seafood flavors, not to mention much added bite and bit of crunch to an otherwise mushy experience. I agree though, tomatoes are completely optional and may be overwhelmingly mushy/creamy. Onions on the other hand are a necessity.

>> No.10930932

holy fuck an unironic greatest ally post

>> No.10930941 [DELETED] 

LOL. The Jews built their country by genociding the local palestinian population who they displaced, and are continuing to colonize them. The country was given to them in the first place by Europe. Israel wouldn’t have nukes to defend themselves if they didn’t literally steal uranium from the USA.

>> No.10930964 [DELETED] 

>15 shekels has been deposited into your bank account

>> No.10930993

It wasn't a gift. They were sent there because no one would take them. The Germans had been trying to get them to leave for decades before the war. They wouldn't leave and no one would take them.

>> No.10931000

when you can't taste the salmon

>> No.10931029 [DELETED] 

Shakespeare also lived in a country that, at the time, had no Jews in it.

>> No.10931041 [DELETED] 

They could just move to Poland or Romania or some shithole. They genocided the local palestinian population. Would you let a family of jews kick you out of your house because no one likes them? They actually believe that the word of their god dictates they own that land. It’s no better than jihadism.

>> No.10931075 [DELETED] 

They are deadends because of isolation and how they breed. No worries bro. Matter of time.

>> No.10931083

Depends on preference. For me, i like a healthy dollop of cream cheese on each side of my bagel.

>> No.10932735

>tomato is optional
No, but the capers are.

>> No.10933015

bagels are too many carbs by themselves

>> No.10933041

>How much cream cheese is too much cream cheese?
never put cream cheese on a bagel.
I put bean chili on my bagel. re-fried beans is also a great substitute.

>> No.10933310
File: 43 KB, 263x445, campbellsCondensed-Bean-with-Bacon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff mixed with some kind of habanero salsa instead of water, scooped up onto a bagel bite by bite (the whole thing won't stay on)

>> No.10933701

capers on top confuse me. i embed them into the cream cheese, otherwise they just fall off

>> No.10933727

Did you eat my mango body butter?

No. I shmeared it on a bagel

>> No.10934220

bagels and deenz
ye or ne?

>> No.10934246

1/4” is perfect

>> No.10934365

Nah 5/16" is way better

>> No.10935621

I usually get a shmear. But pro tip, Arla cream cheese is the best shit I've ever had in my whole life. Especially the herbs and spices blend.

>> No.10935627 [DELETED] 

used to love bagels in highschool it's a shame they're jewish

>> No.10935645

oh, that's what college is for..