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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 265x470, our girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10927814 No.10927814 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ our girl has done it again with muffins this time!

>> No.10927816

why does she dress like she's in a cult

>> No.10927822

Fuck off, dumb waifu shill poster.

>> No.10927829

She has a tshirt on today and an apron to avoid getting messy.

don't bully molly.

>> No.10927837


it's a good look

>> No.10927852

shes fine as hell. don't know how anyone could say otherwise

>> No.10927997

"accidentally" ;) sent the recipe to the entire team ^_^ guess i haaaaave to make it now! !!! :^)

>> No.10928009

Molly reminds me of Hannah Mays. Was always cute and knew it. Then everyone found out she was retarded. Now they just let her hang out and look pretty.

>> No.10928091

not ugly but she is plain af

>> No.10928126

because some people do not have garbage taste.

>> No.10928186

I'd love to try some of Molly's muffs.

>> No.10929100

fight me

>> No.10929110

thats the appeal you dumb fuck

>> No.10929116
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What are you gay?

>> No.10929283

Why would you obsess over a 5/10? How desperate and unattractive are you?
She seems nice though. I'd bang her just to spite you

>> No.10929295

>Posting a vid of anyone but Claire

Faggot detected.

>> No.10929299
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>> No.10929301

because she fucked her way through life and now that she finally snagged a rich husband she feels like she doesnt have to "try" anymore. thats why she doesnt wear make up and only wears frumpy hippie maternity clothes. molly is trash.

>> No.10929307
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>He prefers frumpelstiltskin to Molly
I shiggy diggy

>> No.10929325
File: 695 KB, 673x510, muffs1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a something about mary going on here

>> No.10929339

>that nose
filthy jew

>> No.10929340



>> No.10929813

As if you could.

>> No.10929822

I'd eat her muffin

>> No.10929952

What the fuck is wrong with her nose, it looks sunburnt in every single video of hers

>> No.10929964
File: 26 KB, 480x360, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys waifu shill poster

>> No.10929977

>Not specifying the amounts for a baking recipe in the video and forcing you to visit their website for add money
Jews are cancer

>> No.10929983

it's big and hooked and ugly and always sunburned

>> No.10929992

Some of the least appetizing muffins I have ever seen

>> No.10930001

>our girl
That is not simply sarah

>> No.10930048

>garbage taste in women
this is how ugly keeps being born

>> No.10930056

chef john does the same faggot shit
he even shamelessly admitted double dipping in his behind the scenes video that one time.

>> No.10930087

Atleast chef John makes interesting food, these muffins suck.
>This guy does it so it is ok

>> No.10930096

I wasn’t trying to make a point, they’re both cunts

>> No.10930097

Fair enough

>> No.10930145

Molly is literally a roastie she will never be our girl

>> No.10931006

>/our girl/

that aint claire.

>> No.10931601
File: 1.00 MB, 1003x689, wifey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.10931604

Granny looking bitch lol

>> No.10931611
File: 123 KB, 1208x679, 10819118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT bully Claire!!

>> No.10931613

Seriously, with the grey hair I can't tell whether she's 30 or 60

>> No.10931619

who the fuck is this literal 3/10 and why are you shilling her youtube channel

>> No.10931874


>> No.10931881

Oh no you guys, some autist on the internet doesn't like her hair, I hope poor Claire can recover...

>> No.10931899

The only thing Molly has over Claire is bigger tits, the end.

>> No.10931916

it's an autoimmune disorder, jackass.

>> No.10931918


>> No.10931922

And a better face, voice and personality.

>> No.10931932

claire has an incredible brapper

>> No.10932014

Nobody's got aids, and I don't want to hear that word in here again!

>> No.10932210
File: 50 KB, 753x504, strokingjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Molly has a slight muff of delicate blonde hair, as awe inspiring as an angel's halo. It probably smell's slightly of vanilla because of lotion that she massages into her thighs every day, but you would get the smallest hint of her natural musk. I for one would love to go to town on it.

>> No.10932385
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>> No.10932495
File: 64 KB, 500x375, notsureifwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honey butter
Never tried this before. Seems interesting, but what strange mixture.

>> No.10933098


>> No.10933111
File: 842 KB, 1920x1080, betababs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10933197

getting freaky in the walk in

>> No.10933212

It’s actually pretty good even just on toast or waffle

>> No.10933389
File: 1.19 MB, 1207x789, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10933393

>Vegan looking thot

>> No.10933407

Post the weird ones ass

>> No.10933421
File: 55 KB, 902x762, 1530397305643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10933436
File: 726 KB, 420x236, LikelyAnimatedLemming-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to bend her over a table and ram my dick into her fine gargantuan ass until my balls are dry and shiveled and she moans and convulses in pure bliss until we both collapse on the kitchen floor and her husband in the corner shoots ejaculate until some Frito pie we all eat afterwards while watching Norris Texas Ranger

>> No.10933451

She's definitely okay as hell but I wouldn't go further than that

>> No.10933478

hot girls are overused to saturation in the media, I get seeing plain girls as a novelty/fetish

>> No.10933509

They didn't even acknowledge his existence

>> No.10933611

I don't get it

>> No.10933626

Does it matter

>> No.10933633

U mean Walker tx ranger cunt

>> No.10933648

she is not going to age well

>> No.10933653

how dare he wear that shirt

>> No.10933664

plain is good

>> No.10934267
File: 627 KB, 707x555, Claire Saffitz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already ageing well, she's in her 60's.

>> No.10934314

Dressing like a bum is one thing, but I appreciate a woman who doesn't need the make-up jew to be a passable person. Makeup makes everyone look identical to each other.

>> No.10934364

or it can just ruin natural beauty

>> No.10934368

Agreed. I had a girl who was obsessed with makeup, despite looking great without it. I tried to tell her this but girls don't listen to men on these matters.

>> No.10934384

BA Powerranking:

1. Brad
2. Claire

3. Brad

91. Carla

>> No.10934395

based ranking

Carla is old and shit, has the worst personality but somehow gets all the videos with celebrities like Natalie Portman and gets like three videos a week. Her last name “Music” is also a fucking meme.

>> No.10934398

And it will make women age like milk if they wear it nearly every day.

>> No.10934413

Women hold other women back with vulture culture. Its an endless contest of sabotage by getting advice from your rivals rather then the men you are actually trying to attract.

>> No.10934470

kind of like drinking

>> No.10934591


Absolutely based!
I also hate Carla, she talks way too much and is not funny at all. I would like to see more videos of Chris though. He comes across really knowledgeable

>> No.10934596

truth told

>> No.10934605

babish is trying so hard to fit in, it's honestly pathetic

>> No.10934640
File: 717 KB, 849x475, bradcyclops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the videos where BA brings famous people just because they are famous. It is much better when they partner with people who know their stuff and the host actually learns with us. Like when Brad sees how stuff is made or when he partnered with Claire to learn how to make that sourdough bread.

>> No.10934645

Yeah but seriously, where is the Claire porn


>> No.10934646

Brad also has a way better chemistry with Matty than with Babish

>> No.10934647

someone tell her to angle her knife so she doesn't look like a retard

>> No.10934659

I put 4:47 on loop while masturbating and pretending it was the sound of her doing sex and it was really fun.

>> No.10934774

You're right, I didn't know who she was before viewing this thread and I certainly wouldn't waste my time even trying to figure out her name kek

I definitely see the appeal in that, that makes more sense to me

>> No.10935006
File: 1.19 MB, 1044x647, 1530205498589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10936719

>ywn work at the BA test kitchen
why even live

>> No.10937076

>uptalk and vocal fry

>> No.10937080

>soyboy and chad

>> No.10937097
File: 300 KB, 1032x1242, 1530656066996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10937270
File: 72 KB, 1392x779, sniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10937292

God damn i'd give anything to sniff that

>> No.10937320

Couldn't watch more than 30 seconds of this annoying cunt. Kys OP

>> No.10937322

You forgot Andy, I really like him he looks genuine

>> No.10937323
File: 259 KB, 333x507, mecalfworking32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Molly is the millennial Pioneer Woman.

>> No.10937400

i don't know his name, but that one gay sounding guy in claire's vids seems pretty based. always gives her the best advice and isn't too much of a memer. he's a good foil to brad and keeps the whole thing seeming semi professional and not TOO much of a big fake hugbox to appeal to millenials. its a really delicate balance but they really nail it, claire's "make a gourmet version of something" videos are perfect

>> No.10937444
File: 26 KB, 187x207, Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-05 um 23.43.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10937453
File: 884 KB, 500x280, 07C3BC7F-7C51-4CAB-A534-4E38F3080A85.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10937965
File: 143 KB, 600x600, Thinking_Face_Emoji_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be on to something here anon

>> No.10937970

I don't know anything about her cooking but I'd really like to eat her cunt.

>> No.10937980

>*le cool stoner voice* nuuuh normally i'd abbreviate in my uuh videos but nyou can't call them muffs *le cool stoner voice*

wow I LOVE this channel xD

>> No.10938076

sorry 'T

>> No.10938088

dude what would happen if we incorporated youtube poop-esque humor into our boring cooking videos lmao: the channel

>> No.10938154


>> No.10938163

this girl looks like a young version of my mom and has the same name as my childhood dog
weird feels

>> No.10938181

i already buttered it senpai

>> No.10939386


the 2nd Brad was ment to be Andy

>> No.10941053

Just made these to trick my niece into eating more vegetables. They are actually pretty good, I think i should have added a little bit more pepper than recipe called for, but I like them, not too sweet and taste like light cornbread.

>> No.10941100

When will they learn

>> No.10941120

corn doesn’t even count as vegetables, it’s just sugar, you’re a shit uncle

>> No.10941142

>tricked my niece into eating bread, sugar, and butter
wow bravo

>> No.10941242

what a faggy fucking post

>> No.10941301

>the same sperg in every thread who can't shut up about her hyphenated last name
why are you so triggered by her husband's last name?

inb4 "it's weird lol". use your words and describe it better than that, dipshit

>> No.10941311

lol they don't even film vids with him anymore because he's so creepy and unrelatable. he looks like the kind of sperg who likes feet. they need to film more with amiel or whatever his name is, the guy who looks like he's high on lsd and who makes kombucha fruit roll ups- he's the right kind of weird

>> No.10941349

Fruit roll guy looked like a creepy hipster. Kind of uncool in my opinion.

>> No.10941363

bitch doesn't even know what shucking corn is and she works in the food industry

>> No.10941578

9.5/10 wife material

>> No.10941590

>you have to know how to make a car to drive it
>you have to know how colors work to see them
>you have to know everything about an ingredient to cook with it

>> No.10941992


>> No.10942026
