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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 800x531, grilledwholefish-e1444201658487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10923327 No.10923327 [Reply] [Original]

Is juiciness or flavor sealed in better? I don't get it. Someone once told me "presentation", but just putting a whole fucking grilled fish on a plate is ghastly.

>> No.10923370

It's delicious. The skin tastes delicious (salty, crispy, fatty, savory, fish bacon basically) the fatty, meaty collar is delicious. A fillet is not all a fish can be

>> No.10923374 [DELETED] 

Wanna know how I know you're a liberal?

>> No.10923668

>Is juiciness or flavor sealed in better?
yes. also you get to eat the cheeks

>> No.10923676


m80, that's gorgeous

presumably it'll help keep juice etc in, but look at that beautiful little cunt

>> No.10923690

That looks really good. I wish there were more places in the US that cooked whole fish for you.

>> No.10923694

do you ask your mommy to cut up your tendies and partially chew them for you before serving them?

>> No.10923698

Prepared the same, which of the following has more flavor:
>Boneless, skinless chicken breast
>Boneless, skinless chicken thighs
>Bone-in chicken thighs with skin
This isn't remotely unique to chicken. A lot of the 'weirder' or sometimes less popular cuts of any type of meat will have more flavor With offal having the most flavor of all, though some types of it can an acquired taste. Leaving skin or scales on also lets a really nice crust form during cooking. Don't be so squeamish, and don't be so disconnected from food. It's a fish, do you want to pretend you're not eating something that was once a living fish while you eat it?

>> No.10923701

come on man, op may be a fag but have some respect

>> No.10923704

My local grocery store has whole fried fish in the deli, very popular with Mexicans and SE Asians

>> No.10923737

Yeah, I guess I see whole fried fish around plenty. The dishwasher at the old place I worked used to bring in fish he caught and use the restaurant deep fryers to cook them before we opened. Not exactly the same as the OP pic.

>> No.10924022
File: 438 KB, 480x202, branzino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pointless. Basically for people to LARP like it's the olden days.

>> No.10924066

t. soy

>> No.10924073


>leaving scales on
>eating scales


>> No.10925094

>putting a whole fucking grilled fish on a plate is ghastly.
Explain. How is it ghastly? I'm missing something here.

>> No.10925119

It's a corpse.

causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre.
"she was overcome with horror at the ghastly spectacle"
synonyms: terrible, horrible, grim, awful, dire; More

>> No.10925129

All meat is a corpse, even if it’s ground up or dismembered
I don’t see why a whole corpse is worse than a headless one

>> No.10925156


As it turns out, the sight of a face or head makes a huge difference to most people. I used to TA anatomy & physiology when I was university, and part of that was helping out with cadaver labs. What I learned while doing that was that covering the face isn't just a "respect" thing for the deceased, it's because a lot of students -- even ones who are fine when the face is covered -- have strong reactions to seeing the face.

Like, you know it's under the tarp, but once you lift it up there's no compartmentalizing the open chest of organs you're looking at from the fact that there's a corpse on the slab that you're looking around in.

>> No.10925166

That's a soft shell fish you just bite into it

>> No.10925169

>never had fish cooked with scales on
You don't know how to eat fish.

>> No.10925172

Fucking kek

>> No.10925176

Stop posting and go eat your dough Nicholas

>> No.10925178

at least scoop out the eyes so it doesn't stare into your soul

>> No.10925313

"People" don't do this. Goddamn barbarians.

>> No.10925342

I believe it.

>> No.10925346

You're eating a dead thing. If it were really terrible, horrible, grim, awful or dire civilized people wouldn't be eating it in the first place.
Fuck those idiots. If you can't handle what you you eat you're a stupid cunt who doesn't deserve to eat in the first place.

>> No.10925421

>Having cognitive dissonance with the nature of eating flesh
I hate this pussy ass retarded generation

>> No.10925540

Stop pretending this stupid shit didn't start generations ago when rich assholes started aping royalty.

>> No.10925548

Also, you can see the whole shape of the fish and recognize the fish as the specie of fish that you pay for.

>> No.10925557


With eating fish specifically I think it's more that fish are just gross looking animals more than just food is dead animals. Like, if the rationale is presentation, it's just some scaly gnarly looking creature on your plate.

Compare that with like shrimp, a whole roasted chicken, or like a whole roasted pig. Those are pretty aesthetic.

>> No.10925564

Royalty loves leaving the head on. It's only the domestic masses that feel any empathy with animals of prey.

>> No.10925575

I don't think you know what the scales are. Not sure if it's a language barrier or you're just fucking retarded, but no, you do NOT eat the scales.

>> No.10925595

Why not? They're delicious cooked to a crisp when they're well seasoned with salt and pepper or teriyaki sauce. Much umami

>> No.10925609


No, you dont eat scales. Fish skin is great; scales are inedible.

>> No.10925652

Depends. You can eat deenz and smelts whole.

>> No.10925670

You would overcook the meat before the scales became "edible"

>> No.10925675

>you can eat them whole right out of your hobo bindle as you hop trains

>> No.10925684


Yeah but the scales are so small. Try eating rockfish or black bass with the scales on.. gross

>> No.10925685

Nah I buy smelts fresh and bread and fry them. And I buy the sardines or sometimes large anchoa fresh and pickle them in white vinegar, they're delicious on salads.

>> No.10926029

It's called being civilized. Only a beast eats as the beasts do, you unwashed godless piece of savagery.

>> No.10926459

I used to think it was fine but when the fish isn'tr cooked properly you don't know until you dig in and also, if it's infested with parasites you may not realise until you find them and lose your appetite.

In short, it's a food practice suitable strictly for underdeveloped nations

>> No.10926470

Cuz we Chinese people lazy to pick the fish bones mang. It's not an issue either because Chinese babies have the innate ability to filter out the fish bones, we are more evolved, u see.

>> No.10927178

>fish are just gross looking animals
I don't see it. If you have a problem eating dead animals you can go vegetarian. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

>> No.10927376
File: 2 KB, 87x125, 1498337541883s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking a fish whole is great for a few reasons
The bones keep it moist and also heat up quicker than flesh which means more even cooking
The skin also keeps the good shit in
Some fish have roes and tongues, and most have cheeks; all of these are fucking delicious

>> No.10927436
File: 171 KB, 1001x564, fish-fillet-on-bread.-Common-dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with everything in this post apart from the trip-figging and thumbnail-posting.

>> No.10927453

Well fish is gross to begin with and I've never eaten it or any seafood, but since i keep an aquarium that looks especially revolting to me

>> No.10927522

Not true. There's simply more of you so when a retarded baby dies from choking on fish bones nobody notices. It also means you can circumvent the one child policy.

>> No.10927556

Look up deep fried fish scales. Just like eating fried shrimp heads.

>> No.10927559

Damn, I've never had fish cheek or tongue and had no idea these were things to eat in particular, let alone good.

>> No.10927564

sadly most dont cuz americans sue for everything so you have to have a bone warning for fucking fish to avoid some middle class mom and her little shit bowl cut wearing kids and husband whos cheating on her with some young secretary at the office from suing

>> No.10927569

cheek is easily the best part on a fish.

>> No.10928471
File: 69 KB, 504x470, 1498389641259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy cod tongues from my fishmonger when he gets lots of cod in - usually about a fiver for a kilo
They have a piece of rich meat surrounded by gelatinous skin around it, which melts beautifully and keeps the meat moist; braise with ginger and leeks or similar
honestly the best part of most animals
rich and tender and terribly full of fat and collagen

>> No.10928494

It is part of the presentation, it stays fresher longer (less exposed flesh, skin holds juice in), and as other anons pointed out the "cheeks" are supposed to be the most flavorful.

Also, if you're cooking a fresh caught "pan fish" like crappie or bluegill, it's just so much easier to gut and clean him and then throw him into a skillet or on the grill. If you filet a fish like that, you're gonna be disappointed at how little meat you get.

>> No.10929242


>> No.10930008


I've had whole rainbow trout at a number of places. Also whole red snapper and whole flounder.

They are all good.

>> No.10930024

Try the whole fried tilapia next time your at a mexican restaurant. Its really good

>> No.10930160


>> No.10930176

I should call my Ooogy.

>> No.10930685

Don't worry about that anon, he's probably a typical ignort hu-man.

>> No.10930853

I don't know what it is about whole fish but that shit is appetizing man
seriously I know it shouldn't be
it must be just that I grew up seeing it

>> No.10931263

Chinese people have it right
Frying or grilling is for subpar fish

If you have a really nice fresh whole fish, clean & scale etc, lightly salt it, put it on a plate, put the plate in a bamboo steamer over boiling water & steam it for maybe 15ish mins depending ofc
then microplane some ginger and fry it on lowish heat in a fair bit of oil
cut a fair bit of coriander, put on fish, pour ginger oil over fish

serve. Steamed fish is THE best way. Everything else is just an exercise in drying it out and masking the fact it's not fresh.

>> No.10931339
File: 700 KB, 1053x1070, 1407736477313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10931372

You never had the grilled turbot at Elkano restaurant in The Basque Country

>> No.10931776

The eyes make me squeamish also eating head meat too.

>> No.10931789

Eeeeeew so gross haha! A burger for me!

>> No.10931891

you're so fucking autistic you don't even know how autistic you are. kys retard.

>> No.10931894

>he's so stupid he thinks eating foods with the head on is a recent development
holy shit how are you so fucking stupid

>> No.10931902
File: 148 KB, 994x745, 0gL4oxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't eat noxious foul-smelling "diversity food" consisting of fish guts, fish spines, fish brains, and a ton of garlic and overwhelming spices, you're a bigot
I am so glad I don't live in a coastal liberal hellhole

>> No.10931908

>he thinks they don't clean the fish entrails out first
why do people who know absolutely nothing continue to post?

>> No.10931917

I'm not a shitskin so I don't need to know how to deal with fish guts and fish brains at the dinner table. Do you use your hands? Do you just spit it out? Do you save it in your anal cavity while doing a rain dance for your african diety? I don't really care because I live in a modern country and I act accordingly.

>> No.10932652

You sure showed those libtard cucks by getting triggered over a picture of fish

>> No.10932656

the fucking fish is gutted you nonce

>> No.10932670

>this is what passes as an argument for the average flyover amerimutt
go shit your pants somewhere else

>> No.10932685

>>this is what passes as an argument for the average flyover amerimutt

American flyover here. No, it doesn't pass for shit. Even we flyovers recognize that it's bullshit.

>> No.10932688

americans, everyone

>> No.10932742

No chips on this guy's shoulder...

>> No.10932778
File: 247 KB, 1224x1445, GENIUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the goddamn? are you retarded?

>> No.10933906

that looks pretty great op