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File: 654 KB, 1936x2592, qfkpH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10919500 No.10919500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

His fast food isn't secured with bulletproof glass.

>> No.10919509

jesus christ...

>> No.10919518

>warmth, happiness, and Joy
Oh the ironing

>> No.10919524

prevents germs from customers getting into the kitchen area. Win win.

>> No.10919576
File: 45 KB, 500x400, 1937d0a46d5ee8a03e43d43465f7b269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat Fresh.

>> No.10919590
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>> No.10919597

NIggers. Can't live with 'em.

>> No.10919611

>not wanting to get shot to death over the $30 in your cash register is RAAAACIIIIISTTTTT

>> No.10919616
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, pizza-hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10919627

Saw these in baltimore everywhere, fucking surreal

>> No.10919640
File: 10 KB, 199x253, Bad_Ass_Blue-Harlem_Overpriced_Bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you too can pay the niggers.

>> No.10919649

Why would any human want to be in Baltimore?

>> No.10919651

>Warmth, Happiness and JOY
>JOY of Sweet Warmth
What did they mean by this

>> No.10919659

Most don't but they're too poor or stupid to move.

>> No.10919660

Seems like weird california or west coast cult shit.

>> No.10919666 [DELETED] 

Is this really that surprising to you coddled fucks? Fuckin white people dude first they make these weird politics shit about race hierarchies and how you gotta hug your pet blackie and pronouns shit and communism and now they shake in their boots at minute shit cause they never go outside cause of their helicopter parents . I hate white people man they ruined this country in the last 20 years why can't hey get over themselves and just get on with life. Fuck white people Fuck California and Fuck new york.

>> No.10919668

so... niggers?

>> No.10919674

Someone touched a nerve on this monkey.

>> No.10919677

Yes. Exactly.

>> No.10919684 [DELETED] 

Go cry about being misgendered whitie

>> No.10919683

Otakon and Magfest but that's about it

>> No.10919688
File: 561 KB, 2592x1936, FcAu5Bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Mcdonalds anon.

>> No.10919692

The only parts I agree with you on, Satan, are:
>Fuck California
>Fuck New York

White people will save this country from the nightmare the left wants for the future.

>> No.10919711


>> No.10919748


>> No.10919799

Someone started raging at wypipo for inventing bullet-proof glass, and is now taking a timeout.

>> No.10919877
File: 43 KB, 453x455, 1531543271548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was shocked by this, my cities banks don't even have bullet proof windows.

>> No.10919891

most money in a bank is a number in a database
hamburgers are physical goods that can be stolen and eaten, never to recovered

>> No.10919922

Hmm. Maybe I should go to my local Checkers.

>> No.10919929
File: 37 KB, 466x349, 1522304208608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because a certain type or group of people are quick to anger and many of them own deadly weapons

moreover, how much do you think the bulletproof shielding costs?
if someone working there is killed, the company doesn't want any liability
dealing with said group of people is basically a workplace hazard, and it is cheaper in the long run to just protect your workers from them

>> No.10919930

not really...

banks have to carry physical cash to facilitate transactions. banks will certainly have more cash then fast food joints on hand. the difference is fast food joints open late at night,

>> No.10919946
File: 119 KB, 256x256, 1529336534911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't guns supposed to fix this problem? Why would they install bulletproof glass if just handing a gun to the clerk could solve the problem!! Riddle me this gun positive people

>> No.10919958

Bulletproof glass prevents robbery, guns kill killers. Apples to oranges.

>> No.10919963

Why not cover all the student and teacher desks with bullet proof glass in American schools?

>> No.10919969

WHy don't you just fart into a plastic bag, put it on your empty head and go to sleep?

>> No.10919974


>> No.10919993



>> No.10919994

Guns are supposed to deter crime :)

>> No.10919999

They do that as well, but no national franchise is going to risked millions in lawsuit to make their 16-year-old, first-time summer job applicants think they're Clint Eastwood. Robbing something like a gun store on the other hand is looking to eat a .38 sp+

>> No.10920001
File: 459 KB, 1200x849, 1459852405302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Places where you see bullet proof windows in fast food joints are places where guns are pretty restricted.

>> No.10920003


This glass is imune to guns nigga, this is basic paper/rock/scissors shit.

>> No.10920060

Do you think they don't have guns behind the glass in case someone busts a door down? The bullet-proof glass is just fortification. You sound like a Spartan, Lycurgus
>A city is well-fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick
These people are under siege, so they'd either need constant armed security or this bullet-proof glass which doesn't require a wage

>> No.10920075
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>> No.10920110

Not in america. You can’t have any gun laws because republicans only know two ammendments

>> No.10920119

Hey retard, the reason guns are restricted in these areas is because they're infested with niggers and other undesirables who can't and shouldn't be trusted with firearms

>> No.10920131

You think that criminals buy guns legally? fucking lel

>> No.10920134

If people were smart, they wouldn’t blame black men for this but the white men in Washington that keep guns in their hands.

Fuck The NRA

>> No.10920143


>> No.10920145

Go back to Canada, faggot

>> No.10920164

Revoke their citizenship then, stop shielding them from retribution

>> No.10920167
File: 25 KB, 597x441, firearm homicide by race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not the guns. It's.........another factor. One you're not supposed to bring up in polite company, but everyone knows it's true.

>> No.10920175

It's called committing a felony. Felons can't own guns. Yet they buy them on the black market, because of course they would.

>> No.10920210

>Felons can't own guns.
Crucial difference: Felons aren't allowed to own guns. Dead men can't own guns. Who cares if deportees own guns?

>> No.10920218
File: 18 KB, 614x322, 1517619185262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guns aren't the problem
Niggers are

>> No.10920221

Stop being a retard, no country on earth deports their criminals, and no country would want to take them.

>> No.10920228
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1507215661560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no country deports their criminals

>> No.10920233

The english did. Ever hear of Australia?

>> No.10920234

extradition of foreign nationals != deporting your own citizens, bub

>> No.10920243

Stop embarrassing yourself shitbitch

>> No.10920247

Maybe you should learn english, because it's written in the present tense.

>> No.10920256

>no country on earth deports their criminals, and no country would want to take them.
What is Liberia? It doesn't matter if others want to take them, what matters is if the govt has the strength to seize land and/or make others take them. This is from four days ago:

>Mexico opposes U.S. plan to make it take asylum seekers

>> No.10920258

Thanks for the lesson. Want to do my math homework now too you fucking nerd?

>> No.10920260

words have meaning, dumbfuck. my condolences that you're too retarded to know them.

>> No.10920266


>> No.10920283

Read up on the history of Liberia, retard. Could easily be done again in one of the many failed states of the world

>> No.10920287


>> No.10920317

>Implying McDicks wants to deal with the inevitable lawsuit that happen after a cashier pulls out their gun and starts shooting at the would-be robber.
It's the more economic decision, in the long term.

>> No.10920329

I'd love to see the customers of these places.

>> No.10920343

What corporate food franchise lets their employees pack heat on the job?

To answer you question tho, the problem is obviously black people.
If you'd like to find some other explanation for why the Euro countries that allow guns aren't as crime-riddled as Chicago, you're welcome to say it.

>> No.10920353

He's completely correct.

You're an idiot.

>> No.10920368

Is this what america is like?

>> No.10920375

Not if you're in "flyover country" (hence why the city-cucks hate us).

>> No.10920410

euro indoctrination

>> No.10920445

Honestly, it seems like every euro is like this; its too uniform to be normal indoctrination.
Makes me think more of D&C shilling.

>> No.10920544

That's coming from someone that's never worked for a bank in money transactions or AML.

>> No.10920549

No, they make sure that if you know how to use one, some criminal wont get out alive or will be highly wounded.

>> No.10920556

Yeah right.

>> No.10920572

Idiots such as you, hillary supporters might come across as slightly credible if you learned the language of the land, English.

>> No.10920579

The only people that would spell it that way are niggers who want shit from the government.