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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10917486 No.10917486 [Reply] [Original]

>just got blood work results back
>extreme autoimmune reactions to cow's milk, wheat, oats and rice
>moderate reactions to yeast,corn, potato, tapioca, teff and amaranth
I am finished, paleo here I come
give me your best paleo meals

>> No.10917741

holy shit, do you have full-blown AIDS? are you even fucking human?

>> No.10917772

Just eat meat.

I like sous vide steaks, then blow torch them until they have crispy, brown crust.

Kind of expensive, tough. I'm going to supplement with ground beef in about 2 weeks (when my steak only reserves have to be replenished)

>> No.10917781

Look up Fathead pizza dough. If you can have eggs, cheese, and almonds you can use it for pizza, flatbreads, and crackers.

>> No.10917864


cool so when are you going to take the full carnivore meat only redpill. that is the true paleo, not fucking oats and rice, wheat, vegetables, fruit and everything else that is a product of modern agriculture. meat / fish / eggs / water... done

>> No.10917872
File: 774 KB, 320x180, cow-chewing-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cattle and poultry aren't a product of modern agriculture

>> No.10917875

http://justmeat.co/ is a good starting point.

>> No.10917878

More likely over diagnosis.
American health care system is notorious for it, creates revenue for big pharma.
That said, OP sounds like a genetic failiure.

>> No.10917889

>cool so when are you going to take the full carnivore meat only redpill. that is the true paleo
>true paleo
Utter retard.

>> No.10917890

the stats were there idk
my skin is by far my worst feature so changing my diet will clean that up

>> No.10917895

He wouldn't have extreme autoimmune reactions to anything if he had "full-blown AIDS" you fucking retard.
If you wanted to talk about medicine like you know a goddamn think about it you should probably have paid a little more attention in 4th grade biology when you took it last year.

>> No.10917896

Nutritionally, cattle are practically identical to buffalo, ibex, and other wild herbivores humans eat or used to eat.

I'm not a fan of eating eggs, tough. Only very rarely, same goes for fish.

>> No.10917900

they are, but animals exist without modern agriculture. vegetables, fruits, grains etc do not. at least not in any quantity that would make them a viable source of energy. vast fields full of grains, vegetables and fruits don't exist in nature, it's mad made, animals roam the lands naturally, sure it would be more difficult without modern meat farming, but it would still exist just in a more difficult form that would require hunting. if vegans/vegetarians didn't have modern agriculture what would they eat during the winter when all vegetation dies? meanwhile meat eaters could happily hunt rabbits, catch fish, hunt bigger animals, all year round.

basically 1 or 2 winters without modern agriculture and vegans would die out. here's hoping for a fucking ice age.

>> No.10917906

*man made

>> No.10917913

He does not know a "goddamn think"

Did you shit your smarty pants?

>> No.10917941

Calm down faggot

>> No.10917942

>Did you shit your smarty pants?
Very nice, I'll be taking that

>> No.10917948

fashion is to be allergic and weak today. goes well with badly fitting trowsers top hats and beards. man up and eat your food before your mum slaps shit out of your allergy. eat only the things you 'cant' eat for a month

>> No.10917955

>About 50-60 percent of all blood tests and skin prick tests will yield a “false positive” result.

Get a double blind oral challenge, or if your healthcare doesn't cover it and you want to do it cheaply jury rig a (double) blind test yourself with some friends/family. The worst that can happen is you die.

>> No.10917965

kill yourself retard

>> No.10917974

you have no fucking clue what you are talking about, 3,000 dollar blood work isn't wrong more than half of the time

>> No.10917979

>if your healthcare doesn't cover it and you want to do it cheaply jury rig...
Jury tampering is illegal, Anon. You'll get your Obamacare revoked for stealing from your insurance company and lying to them

>> No.10917987
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>3,000 dollar blood work

>> No.10917991

insurance payed 96% of it
you're only making yourself look like a fool

>> No.10917998

Doesn't really matter what the false positive rate is. Double blind oral challenges are the gold standard, blood tests are inherently imprecise.

You don't shoot up food.

>> No.10918005

>You don't shoot up food.
Speak for yourself, faggot. I'm mainlining some bone broth as we speak

>> No.10918015

>bone broth

>> No.10918020

again you have no idea what you are talking about
it is autoimmunity being tested, no whether or not you will have an allergic reaction to the touch of something

>> No.10918033
File: 247 KB, 638x359, disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok dr. smartypants
Post your diploma

>> No.10918043

it is testing if my blood cells can fucking process the proteins in these foods and if they go into attack mode when attempting to
i don't know how the hell some saliva could do that

>> No.10918104

That's not what an oral challenge is. They grind up the food and disguise it with something with strong flavour and texture so you don't know if you are eating it and then compare your reaction to placebo.

So they test if you have an allergic reaction if you consume something as food.

>> No.10918119

>they literally saw my blood cells freaking out under a microscope and attacking shit
>you need to take some bullshot test i made up with to be sure!
nigger i've had eczema since i got off breast milk, please end you're brainlet life

>> No.10918127

how many weeks is that now?

>> No.10918154

I would just kill myself at that point.

>> No.10918194

Having such a strong reaction when your beliefs are challenged isn't healthy ... be open to the possibility that you're wrong, t's better for your ego because inevitably people who aren't me are going to be wrong quite often.

From "Comparison of results of skin tests, RAST, and double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges in children with atopic dermatitis"
>Conversely, the positive predictive accuracies of both tests were found to be poor and quite variable; 25% to 75% for STs and 0% to 57% for RASTs.

>> No.10918210

It's all yours, friend

>> No.10918229

I wrote it fuckface.

>> No.10918233

Thanks for joining us tonight, Bill

>> No.10918254

Im not your Bill, Tony.