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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 997 KB, 1000x1047, apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10916144 No.10916144 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>shopping for fruit
>some women comes up to me and tells me to stop touching all the fruit
>uh, I have to feel it before I buy, there's no other way to tell if it's good
>I continue searching for peaches with appropriate softness
>I just told you not to do that! she screeches
>go away, I say

fucking normies at the grocery store, who on earth just randomly buys fruit?

>> No.10916154

you're a cunt mate. you're bruising every single piece that you test when they ripen. It's acceptable to pick it up and smell it and look around it but don't press.

>> No.10916171

dude, she wants you to fondle her peaches[breasts].

>> No.10916175

>>who on earth just randomly buys fruit?
Neets, apparently. That's the shit that you get when you do order pickup or delivery services like blue apron.

You don't have to press hard enough to bruise it. A gentle touch is all it takes.

>> No.10916176

>I just told you not to do that!
Fuck that sentence pissed me off. I have a bad temper, I probably would have told her to fuck off or something.
I don't get what that bitch's problem is, all the produce I buy, I assume has been touched anyways and needs to be washed with hot water and wiped down with a paper towel.

>> No.10916196

yeah it was weird, I just explained to her in a normal tone about why a person would feel peaches before buying, but it was like she didn't hear anything I said at all, and just repeated herself angrily. But that's how women are, and honestly, the best thing to do is to just ignore them, it makes them even more enraged and doesn't let them bait you into doing something foolish. They're very good at manipulating men with words, but if you don't talk, there's nothing for them to grab onto.

>> No.10916260

>just ignore her
that's not what you did though, you acted polite, and now you're crying about it online
>doesn't let them bait you into doing something foolish
hahahahah what, are you suggesting there's a risk you'll fly off the handle and hit her or something? How much of a beta are you?

the chad move is this;
>I just told you not to do that!
>why don't you fuck off cunt

>> No.10916271

>why don't you fuck off cunt
this. also hold your hand at your crotch and make a pumping air gesture like you're jacking off and jizzing at her the angrier she gets. And keep doing it every time she says something.
>then open your palm like you're throwing dice

>> No.10916278

certainly, that can be a risk, when women make men angry, some lose their temper and lash out, but it's almost always a mistake.

I did end up ignoring her, after I told her to go away, she just stood there seething as I finished picking out my peaches. As far as engaging in a verbal confrontation, that's what she wants, you think telling her to fuck off will work? You can scare her away, but not with such a pathetic retort like that one. Just tell her that you'll stuff a peach down her throat or something.

But mostly I advocate for silent treatment. It scares them anyway, since they think the quiet ones are the school shooter type. But it's just peaches anyway lmao.

>> No.10916281

I've told several nosy women to fuck off cunt and every time they've been stunned into submission and done it

>> No.10916282

shoulda punched her teeth down her throat desu

>> No.10916289

lol you ARE the school shooter type

>> No.10916292

oh no no mister, I haven't been to school in years.

>> No.10916297

You don't wash the stuff you buy?
Besides, half the stuff I feel in the store has a skin on it. Like the staff butts.

>> No.10916301

The point is bruising the fruit, not simply touching it. you can't wash off a bruise.

>> No.10916305

This lady in her fifties at the grocery store told me to unfold this rug on the floor at the entrance (someone could trip on it). She just looked at me and pointed at it and said "unfold that rug". I looked at her and said "no" and went about my business.
What the fuck is with people? There's no reason she can't do it herself if it bothered her so much.

>> No.10916307

It's not getting bruised from people touching it, it gets bruised from the cashier and bagger who throw it around carelessly.

>> No.10916312

>It's not getting bruised from people touching it,
Squeezing fruit to determine its ripeness does indeed bruise fruit.

>> No.10916321
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>> No.10916323

But if it's unripe, I'm not buying it, so why should I care if it's bruised?

>> No.10916326
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Air jacking is so childish, but goddamn does it get people pissed off.

>> No.10916335

Should've just asked her how she thinks the fruit got onto the display. Or arrived at the store. Or got picked in the first place.

>> No.10916341
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Multiple Miggs plz go

>> No.10916347

>so why should I care if it's bruised?
It's rude to other customers.
It also increases waste at the store, which increases prices for everybody.

>> No.10916350

how are boomers literally the worst generation

>> No.10916353

>Fuck that sentence pissed me off.
Same. Honestly, OP was too nice.
If someone would have said similar to me I would have gone off a bit, I'm not a very nice person when bothered and that sentence just implies this air of superiority and bossiness that I can not fucking tolerate.
I think my gut response would have been "So fucking what? What are you gonna do?" and stared her straight in the eye.
Fuck, I hate people.

>Squeezing fruit
You don't fucking squeeze it, you brainless faggot. Your fingertips should be sensitive enough to feel the slight give or firmness of the flesh of a peach from the act of picking it up. That's literally all the pressure that is needed to check. Confirmed underage b& faggot who has never shopped for himself before, stop being a lil bitch and defending an entitled roastie you'll never even meet, ingrained whiteknighting faggot

>> No.10916360

>other customers

things I don't worry about

>> No.10916370

>air of superiority and bossiness that I can not fucking tolerate.
So you're mad at being rightfully called out for doing something stupid? You know that the old bitch was right, that's why you're getting mad.

>That's literally all the pressure that is needed to check.
Correct. Though just because you know this doesn't mean that retarded assclowns don't get in there and deathgrip fruit on a regular basis.

>> No.10916371

>t. Toastie roastie

>> No.10916376

a little girl saw me eat a grape at the store once and she said to me 'im telling' but nothing came of it

i wonder who she told

>> No.10916377

>things I don't worry about
Nobody's perfect anon.

>> No.10916393

>there's a risk that I'll lose my temper and lash out when women are rude to me
>that you'll stuff the peach down her throat
>mostly I advocate for silent treatment

>i'm not a school shooter type

>> No.10916395

Did you respond to him twice? Get the fuck outta here you old boomer roastie.

>> No.10916399

hey, I didn't say there was a risk I'd lose my temper, I merely said that "some" lose their temper.

There is no risk of me losing my temper, I assure you.

>> No.10916423

Fuck off roastie

>> No.10916443

>doesn't let them bait you into doing something foolish.
>hahahahah what, are you suggesting there's a risk you'll fly off the handle and hit her or something?
>certainly, that can be a risk, when women make men angry, some lose their temper and lash out, but it's almost always a mistake.

yeah as an explanation as to why YOU acted like a passive little bitch

>> No.10916444

>being rightfully called out for doing something stupid
No, she wasn't right, and it's not stupid to want the best bang for your buck. Not all the produce they put out is worth buying. What bothers me is the pompous self-importance of someone who is just being controlling and obnoxious in public. Who the fuck bosses around strangers? Like, what gave her the nerve?
You're shortsighted and an idiot if you just buy the first thing you grab and don't shop for the best produce you can get out of the pile.

>> No.10916449

>be me
>be at the Italian market
>see bread aisle
>loads of freshly baked bread, looks amazing
>some disgusting-tier hobo appears
>he proceeds to take the entire loaf of bread out of the package, fondle it, put it back in the package
>repeats with every single fucking fresh loaf of bread there is, multiple time, before choosing one

Why do people do this?

>> No.10916451

how about if you're at a beach and someone throws a cigarette butt in the sand?

>> No.10916458

Am I the police? Am I the litter-snitch?
I have asthma so I wouldn't be within a hundred yards of someone smoking anywhere, and I'm not a normie so I wouldn't be at a beach.
Theoretically, I wouldn't tell them anything because it's not my fucking place to boss people I don't know.

>> No.10916474

Squeezing all the fruit in your hamfist isn't being "obnoxious in public"?

>>Like, what gave her the nerve?
Probably the same thing that gave you the nerve to fingerbang all the produce: people who think that politeness and etiquette don't apply to them.

>don't shop for the best produce you can get out of the pile.
you realize that's possible to do without smashing the fuck out of the produce, right?

>> No.10916501

Calm the fuck down, you are way too hyped up over a thread about a dumb entitled roastie.
Go whiteknight and defend womyns rights somewhere the fuck else, cuz we sure don't give a shit about that here. I think you know where you came from; it's time to go back.

>> No.10916511

how do you eat your fruit without picking it up, and thusly, smashing it with your massive paws?


>> No.10916666
File: 346 KB, 437x537, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.45_[2018.06.16_23.12.32].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-stop squeezing the fruit!
>but your husband enjoys it

>> No.10916723

kek crying online isn't affronting women's rights

>> No.10916760


In my chinese market, the old ladies would literally open pre packed veggies, pick out the bad ones, and overstuff a shitload of good leaves into those.

I've even seem them do this at costco, where everything is pretty much top quality.

Just shameless people. Or as my dad would say "mei lien ren"

>> No.10916769
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>Butthurt roasties in this thread
Your shaming tactics won't work on a based Asukafag

>> No.10916770
File: 584 KB, 716x712, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.39_[2018.07.15_00.10.36].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>costco, where everything is pretty much top quality.

>> No.10916788


Not everyone shops at whole foods, rich little liberal cunt.

>> No.10916794
File: 916 KB, 785x929, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.07_[2018.06.15_22.40.16].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole foods

>> No.10916802

Don't squeeze all the fruit, you absolute piece of shit. You are scum. You can't ruin things for other people just because you have some olfactory malfunction.

>> No.10916822


I buy all my veggies at my local organic farmers market. Only poor rednecks & trump voters would buy veggies at a grocery store like a common peasant.

>> No.10916837

>Only poor rednecks & trump voters would buy veggies

lol @ thinking Republicans can even spell vegetable, much less eat any. They're all probably too busy lynching poor black immigrant children to have a nice khale salad.

>> No.10916860

why do liberal little girls spell kale "khale" ? do they thin it's cute?

>> No.10916875


Don't you have some black churches to burn down, you republican?

>> No.10916879

>fucking normies at the grocery store

Trust me when I say that woman was not a normie. Fucking everyone handles the fruit at the grocery store. With some fruits there is no other way to tell if it's ripe or not.

>> No.10916924

Learn your fucking lines you dumb cunt: "Wash your fucking fruit if you don't like it bitch." PRESSES MORE FRUIT.

You are literally wrong at everything in life.


>> No.10916967
File: 36 KB, 491x348, Democrat Plantation Party Poster 1964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You DO realize that the KKK and most of the church burning was when the the south was all Democrats, don't you?

>> No.10916971

Were you wearing gloves? Because otherwise it is very gross to press into the fruit. And testing the fruit doesn't mean leaving a dent on it, you should be able to tell if the fruit is good just by the color anyway.

>> No.10916976
File: 50 KB, 680x485, Gendo_Ikari_by_Darthval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no mister I wasn't wearing gloves

>> No.10916999


It's so easy. I'm assuming the store had plastic gloves

>> No.10917351

>i'se not understand muh own country's history
And you do realize when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act in the mid 60's effectively ending Jim Crow apartheid laws, the white southern democrats switched affiliation to republicans.

>> No.10917397

I'm gonna go forcibly squeeze all the fruit now, just for you.

>> No.10917408

I remember my mom used to tell us to eat as many as we could while shopping because then we didn't have to pay for it. She called it "free samples". We did this with other bulk items as well.

>> No.10917417

I would punch you in the face if you did that in front of me you scumbag, my family need to eat that fruit I don't want my family eating anything your disgusting hands have touched after probably spending all day holding your dick with.

>> No.10917419

Half the shit at your local fair trade organic market is regular shitty produce from Mexico or Brazil. Farmers market shoppers are the biggest dopes.

>> No.10917423
File: 100 KB, 1024x972, Obamas Democrat Plantation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> perpetrating the "democrats & republicans all switched sides" meme

I thought 'merican's weren't this dumb.


>> No.10917429

>implying poor blacks and mexicans, the core of the Democratic party, eat any vegetables

>> No.10917431

It was you all along, anon. It was you she told.

>> No.10917437

Have you ever even been inside a grocery store? No they don't have gloves you freak.

>> No.10917441
File: 59 KB, 510x489, dank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the grocery store
>see a fellow not wearing the complimentary haz-mat suit

fucking unbelievable, these americans, in paradise we have a system where you drop a quarter in the suit and you get it back after quarantine

>> No.10917442
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, Obama's Democrat Plantation Statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Make sure to vote democrat you dumb niggers. We're the only party that "support" you."

>> No.10917448

> If you vote anything other than democrat, you're a racist sellout uncle tom. Know your place, niggers!


>> No.10917449
File: 418 KB, 600x802, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think republicans fondled peaches or is that a democratic thing?

>> No.10917465
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based asukafriend

we've met before

>> No.10917477
File: 29 KB, 448x326, I'm OFF the Democrat Plantation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Been voting democrat for 65 years
> Blacks now statistically worse off than every other racial-economic category


>> No.10917497


No worries if it's a very gentle fingertip press just to feel if the fruit isn't rock hard. Problem is when careless people sink their fingers on it like talons, avocados in particular are very prone to be ruined by this.

Also I have noticed women tend to be more culprit of hard squeezing the greens, I have even seen a couple of fake nails left there.

>> No.10917592


Really makes you think...

>> No.10917625
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>> No.10917729

>democrats have been in control of government for the last 65 years
Were you homeschooled by evangelicals?

>> No.10917794

Website is Inherently right leaning and has been since it's creation, and what with the new ledditors that have transplanted here, if they catch a whiff of leftist posting, that is 99% of the time very obvious trolling they take the bait 100% of the time and start derailing the thread. It's very possible they're also just baitposters.

>> No.10917801

I work in produce and nobody bless you're ball busting them

>> No.10917804

Wasn't always like this. Few years ago you could at least have a FEW good threads. Then "memes" made a resurgence and shitposting was seen as a good thing instead of a bad thing and now all the pre teens shitpost ironically, and it has legitimately killed 4chan

>> No.10917823

What's stopping you then hotshot, make a good thread right now. I dare you. I double dog dare you motherfucker, make a better thread. You can't, you won't, and you need to keep your fucking mouth shut.

>> No.10917824


Yeah, Obama was actually a pretty piss poor "black" president.

>> No.10917828
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>and nobody bless you're ball busting them

>> No.10917831




>> No.10917834

Organic farming is the most exploitative, retarded sales strategy going.

>> No.10917836

this one time i was getting onto a train and i thought everyone had come out already so i went up the stairs but then a person came out suddenly and some old woman grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back while yelling 'HEY, WAIT YOUR TURN, IDIOT!' i got so scared i cried inside the train afterwards

>> No.10917840

>Random person literally yells at you stop doing something that is neither illegal nor against common sense
Definitely tell her to fuck off

>> No.10917843

Thanks for proving my point ig

>> No.10917851


you're worse than the people who pop packaging bubbles at office stores

>> No.10917860

>Website is Inherently right leaning and has been since it's creation
Not really. At best it was centrist or apolitical because nobody cared about politics until someone politically attacked them. Even now there are a ton of liberals on /pol/, they just aren't retarded SJWs. Trying to claim the website for a purpose like that means you probably think 4chan is a personal army.

>> No.10917876

As a teacher, I make a point to let my male students know they should not listen to women most the time, and NEVER have to. Cops are not women by the way, so I do not want to read any cunt trying to make a point

>> No.10917885

See what you have in this post is the problem. This kid is probably about 15 to 18 years old and thinks he has the whole world figured out. This is why he can't go into a thread without injecting his political opinions into everything. When called on it he falls into an autistic rage so that he can feel superior again. Usually after this he'll start resorting to ad hominems and calling everyone who disgrees with him reddit.

>> No.10917898

>Not really. At best it was centrist or apolitical because nobody cared about politics until someone politically attacked them
That's horse shit. The website has been right as fuck way before pol, and way before new.

I don't see how that makes me think it's a personal army at all, but ok buddy nice try though. You definitely make me think you haven't been on this website before 2014 though

>> No.10917922

I haven't made a single political opinion in this thread but nice projection my guy, you really made yourself out to be the person you're describing in your post lol

>> No.10917925

THIS! i dont think only 4channers check their fruit kek

>> No.10917986

How is whole foods not a rich person's store? Everything's easily half again or twice the price of any normal grocery. I've only known upper-middle or upper class earners to shop there.

>> No.10917996

>you really made yourself out to be the person you're describing in your post lol

Right on the nose. some people have zero self awareness.

>> No.10917999

I've never seen a store that had plastic gloves available to customers and I've lived in 7 countries

>> No.10918006

The site itself wasn't political. Were there right-wing people on it? Of course, it attracted all kinds of people. But there was never any major political shit on the site for a long time. Anyone trying to claim the site as being for a major movement that they're also part of is just fucking retarded. For the lulz = apolitical.

>> No.10918064

I mean this in the least aggressive way possible, as this is a decent discussion, but you're sorta moving goalposts my man. I said the majority of users are right leaning, or that's what I meant when I said "the majority of 4chan". Of course it's not really apart of a political movement. It still isn't, pol is only one board afterall, and I don't see any /g/ movements or pushes for politically charged papercraft on/po/

>> No.10918151

Republicans would snort a line of coke off the peach, penetrate it and leave a $100 bill laying there.
Democrats would keep squeezing and pinching the peach until it's bruised beyond repair. Then they would sue the grocer for $100 because he had shitty produce.

>> No.10918179

Not trying to do that so sorry if I misunderstood what you meant, but I dunno. I don't think the majority of the site was right-wing in the early years. The common view among younger people at the time was that the right was against the video games, music, movies, etc. that people here liked which obviously caused them to dislike the right. And that they were usually associated with anti-scientific views especially regarding evolution.

Obviously that's changed now though with SJWs acting like the right of the '90s and '00s regarding media and calling science "racist", so it's normal for there to be a larger group of right-wing people today as a counter.

I don't really want to keep shitting up /ck/ with political posting, but I disagree that the early site was majority right-wing. It was honestly just something different. Probably closer to what true liberalism is supposed to be instead of being associated with the SJWs of today, even if people didn't claim it back then. I think people were just so infatuated with how the site worked and the novelty of anonymity that politics wasn't a major issue for most people because it was bringing the shitty real world to the site.

>> No.10918282

>how about if you're at a beach and someone throws a cigarette butt in the sand?

It's probably me that threw it, so I'd tell any noncey little cunt that said anything to fuck off.

>> No.10918465

Well just agree to disagree. No point in off topic posting yeah.

>> No.10918509
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>Triggered incels complaining about women on a cooking board
inb4 "dumb roastie whore!!!"

>> No.10918523
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>whole foods is twice the price of whole foods

>> No.10918529

We let you learn to write. That does not mean you should.

>> No.10918542
File: 1.34 MB, 1000x1000, 1519355339645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying cooking is a woman's job

>> No.10918567

What is this even supposed to mean?

>> No.10918571
File: 87 KB, 156x350, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.54_[2018.06.15_22.21.45].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this retarded

>> No.10918978

but who was the girl?

>> No.10918982

fuck you

>> No.10918987

>Or as my dad would say "mei lien ren"
no face man?

>> No.10918989


you should have pretended to take is as a violent sexual innuendo and complained about being harassed

>> No.10919014

I have a quality angry resting face
women never harass me about stupid shit.

>> No.10919050

how old were you?

>> No.10919059

>I have a quality angry resting face
eternity virgin face lol

>> No.10919062

what do pears have to do with peaches

>> No.10919081

sorry bro it doesn't look like that

women like manly looking and intimidating guys
they respect them more, they don't harass them as often (like OP) and they get wet over them

>> No.10919119

Can confirm I'm a femanon

>> No.10919235

Has nothing to do with the democrats and everything with niggers simply being niggers.

>> No.10920750

>eating bread

>> No.10920759

pick it up and take it to the nearest trashcan, smile and wave if they see you

>> No.10920778

Do you think they were delivered to the grocery store on a bed of feather pillows? They can stand a light touch.

>> No.10920802
File: 325 KB, 2400x2400, 1448689234094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin kek

>> No.10920809

I'll bet she doesn't even wash her produce.

>> No.10920817

>farmers markets

>> No.10920884

I put my hand inside the plastic bag before touching any fruit or veg out of consideration for others, but fuck if I'm not giving it a light squeeze to make sure it's quality before I buy it.

>> No.10920887

I just shop at places where they never sell shit produce, or if they do have any they immediately put it on the discount shelf.

>> No.10920890

I shop at places that are convenient for me.

>> No.10920931

some hobos are just fucked n miserable after years w no prospects and will just try and fuck everyone else over
fuck them types

>> No.10920988

>be me
>be at sprint store for a new phone because someone stole my phone
>loads of phones
>homeless guy wanders in and starts messing with display phones
>attendant goes to try to talk to him
>he completely ignores her and just keeps messing with the display phone
>he is still messing with the same display phone as we leave

>> No.10921040

Tits or GTFO.

>> No.10921041

>but it might not be completely ripe yet
>i might have to wait a few days before it's ready to eat
Utterly pathetic. If I were a mother I would be deeply ashamed of being responsible for producing an animal like this.

>> No.10921053

And if it's past ripe?

>> No.10921054

A good way to judge whether or not you're squeezing the fruit too hard is to try this little test.

Gently cup your testes in your hand and squeeze them the way you would your fruit of choice. If it hurts, you're squeezing too hard.

>> No.10921068

What if you don't have testes?

>> No.10921073

>I work in produce and nobody bless you're ball busting them
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10921083

This is what I'd do in that situation.

>> No.10921085

This but unironically. Sometimes shitposting gets out of control, along with people posting screenshots of clickbait instead of making OC, but I don't sit around posting all the time about how much it sucks. I make OC and good threads instead. Seeing people repost my OC gives me nice feelings.

>> No.10921087

>You DO realize that the KKK and most of the church burning was when the the south was all Democrats
Please kill yourself cuckservative scum for reminding me the Democrats used to be the sane party.

>> No.10921088

There are no women on the internet, faggot.

>> No.10921089

You can borrow mine.

>> No.10921093

>I work in produce and nobody cares unless you're ball busting them

>> No.10921102

How do you ball bust a fruit?
What drugs are you on? None of this shit makes the slightest amount of sense.
Sort your life out.

>> No.10921105

I'm not the person who originally typed it; I was just interpreting for you. It's pretty clear that 'ball busting them' refers to squeezing excessively hard.

>> No.10921120

>what is a metaphor

>> No.10921124

You might actually have autism.
Sorry guys.

>> No.10921130

I couldn't be arsed to read the thread, but here's a tip for people like this, and anyone bitching about fruit touching:
I used to work in a major regional chain grocery store, and company policy for if a piece of fruit was dropped or fell onto the floor was to pick it up, give it a very quick look to make sure it wasn't broken or split, then put it right back on the display with the other fruits. Don't wash it, don't wipe it off. Straight from the floor to the display. It is expected that the customer will wash their produce when they get home.

As dirty as someone's hands might be, think about that floor. Think about all the nasty things you've ever stepped in in your shoes. Now multiply that by hundreds of people every single day and put it on that floor. Your produce has probably seen much worse. Please just wash it and move on with your life.

(If you're squeezing it so hard you're damaging it though, kindly knock that shit off).

>> No.10921136

Are we supposed to wash it with rubbing alcohol?

>> No.10921137

Very visible. But if you accidentally buy something like that you can use it if you know how to cook. I know that precludes OP, but he could always learn.

>> No.10921145

A little bit of germs won't hurt you. You realize a lot of produce is fertilized with manure, right? Even things that grow in the ground. A rinse with water is fine for most people. If you're paranoid, grocery stores (especially Whole Foods and their direct competitors) sell produce washes.

>> No.10921150

*A little bit of germs won't hurt you, as long as you have a functioning immune system. So if you have AIDS, consider rubbing alcohol I guess.

>> No.10921167

The immunocompromised should take the time to understand the extra steps they need to take with their food, just like people with allergies should take the time to understand the extra caution they need to take.

>> No.10921170

Exactly. For everyone else, just don't be a faggot and give it a rinse. Good as new.

>> No.10921178

>Website is Inherently right leaning and has been since it's creation
Yeah, the weeabs and miscreants fleeing SA in 2003 were really fucking right wing.

>> No.10921229

Political affiliation had nothing to do with it. They were poor people who were terrified by its new financing plan.

>> No.10921369

>paper towel.
I hate people like you and you make the worst housemates. Use a fucking tea towel. The only things you should use paper towels for are oil, using one to dry a piece of fruit is one of the most retarded things I've read on this board and I'm dead serious

>> No.10921432

>who on earth just randomly buys fruit?
healthy people

>> No.10921802

>those prices

Man, what the fuck?

>> No.10921806
File: 36 KB, 783x602, 1505089819057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised to see somebody else with taste here.

>> No.10921811

The peach is the vergina

>> No.10921819

>But that's how women are, and honestly, the best thing to do is to just ignore them, it makes them even more enraged and doesn't let them bait you into doing something foolish.

No that's how crazy people are dumbass, not just "women"

If she was being that much of a cunt in a public space like that, then she obviously wasn't right in the head.

>> No.10921886
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>> No.10921887

Nope, the Dems were authoritarian racists back in the day and they're still authoritarian racists. They've just become subtle enough about it to convince the people who vote for them that it's the other guy who are racist because they want to see blacks off welfare.

>> No.10921892

A grape. The girl was a grape.

>> No.10921907

>inb4ing your own post
Yep, this one's going into my newfag compilation.

>> No.10921919

>terrified by its new financing plan
One way to say "angry about them being Jews", I guess.

>> No.10922566
File: 785 KB, 739x1013, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.03_[2018.07.15_00.44.09].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jade a cute

>> No.10922618
File: 34 KB, 400x500, Not-Nicholas-Dombrowski-mugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this post is right.
Crazy people come in all forms.
Although i still do want to call her a crazy bitch.

>> No.10922637
File: 254 KB, 620x780, 1522444285724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no anon, u a cute

>> No.10922671
File: 393 KB, 526x502, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.56_[2018.06.15_22.48.16].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Aculeatus bf to bind me and ravage my every hole with his tentacles

>> No.10922778

Wrong, 4chan has always been liberal (in a freedom sense) but the theme due jour in regards to specific has typically swung against whatever the public opinion was. I feel sorry for you that you have nothing better to do than LARP as an oldfag

>> No.10922856
File: 577 KB, 640x840, 1502474604415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is indeed what tries the soul of man in these dark days. I have high hopes for you, Anon. Go out and do great things.

>> No.10922926

4chan has always been freedom to not freedom from you delusional faggot