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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10909350 No.10909350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>$13 for French toast
It doesn't even cost that much in fucking France. How do New Yorkers live with themselves?

>> No.10909364

How many slices, though?
I'd be more upset about the florentine. They're not even very nice.

>> No.10909370

Do they just call it "toast" in France?

>> No.10909519

The French call it pain anglais.

>> No.10909545

If it makes you feel better I'm from NZ and I can safely say that immigrants destroy social cohesion and generally shit society up. Their menu looks like trash and quite frankly its a meme that they thought NZ has enough of its own cuisine to make a restaurant.

>> No.10909553
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NYC fucking sucks. Worst place I ever lived.

>> No.10909566

I'm from Australia and agree. All the fucking criminal Kiwi cunts need to go back. We are not your dumping ground. Dutton is finally paving the way to a brighter tomorrow.

>> No.10909583

>bloody mary'
>eating breakfast
>at noon

fucking degenerates

>> No.10909595

I completely understand

>> No.10909610

>t. Zoomer too young to casually drink
You'll grow up one day

>> No.10909679

Last week at work I asked a kiwi about how he promised something to client x but apparently he 'completely forgot' about promising something to client x.
(He is a delivery guy employed by the company I work at)
His way of apologising about his forgetfulness was to threaten me with physical violence and telling me that he will never 'help' me again. everything went better than expected.
Was later informed he is also a massive a
t. He is 5'6 and I am 6'7 so he was just talking shit. I'd love to throw down with that that midget, but work is work.
I hope he fixes his shit soon as he has three kids and will get fired soon if he doesn't fix his shit.

New Zealand can't afford to take all their non-visas back either. That would be way over 10% of their unemployed we look after with our taxes. They are like the niggersof Australia. Worse than abbos financially.

>> No.10909742
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>> No.10909764

non, we call it ''pain perdu'' because it's usually made out of stale bread ( pain perdu = wasted bread)

the more you know

>> No.10910088

isnt it pain grillé? pain perdu is something else than what is known as french toast in murica.

>> No.10910985

it really pisses me off when people leave out the "illegal" part when talking about immigrants and act like little innocent puppys afterwards. like what the fuck even, if a country has decent standards for who they let in, and only those people do get in, then 95% of people who are called racists nowadays would be perfectly fine with the situation. fucking cocksuckers.

>> No.10911021

"pain grillé" would be simply putting a slice of bread on the toaster
And I can confirm the other anon, pain perdu is stale bread dumped in egg+milk and pan-fried. Just had brioche perdue at lunch.

>> No.10911047

>How do New Yorkers live with themselves?
Anon, everyone knows they ain't actually alive.

>> No.10911063

>French toast
It's just egg, a bit of salt and stale bread. Why would you eat it at a restaurant?

>> No.10911067
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I don't honestly get why they parade this around like it's a good thing. Oh good, some crap restaurant got to save a few pennies by hiring out a third worlder.
Immigrants are usually trash servers because half the time they can barely speak english, so if you want anything customized at all, well get fucked, you better hope some white guy is the general manager or your shit's gonna come out wrong.

>> No.10911088

>I don't honestly get why they parade this around like it's a good thing
I don't think it's supposed to be a "good" thing. It's simply intended to inform people how much they depend on immigrants in case they weren't already aware of it.

>> Oh good, some crap restaurant got to save a few pennies by hiring out a third worlder.
What do you think would happen to the prices you pay for that food if they suddenly started paying much higher wages to the restaurant staff?

>>half the time they can barely speak english
I guess that depends on where you live, but I've never encountered that problem. The only time I've ever had issues ordering was when I traveled to France, and I don't speak French.

>> No.10911099

If you live in an Anglo country and don't speak French, then you are a prole.

>> No.10911115

Shouldn’t you get back to murdering your children?

>> No.10911116

the problem is French is a lot less useful than Chinese, German, and Spanish, and ain't nobody got time to learn all of those.

>> No.10911134

A splash of Champaign for $9 is ok, but $13 for toast (likely with a side) is not.

>> No.10911141

>What do you think would happen to the prices you pay for that food if they suddenly started paying much higher wages to the restaurant staff?
I would not have to pay 13 bucks for some shitty french toast.

>> No.10911151

>East Coast in general
Fucking hell on earth. Even as annoying as west coasters are at least they don't talk at maximum volume at all time with ear raping accents.

>> No.10911219

The Germans killed off a few million immigrants in the 30s... ended a global depression.

Get ready for round two immigrants.

>> No.10911238

had dinner the other night in queens, we had fried chicken for (3 drumsticks, 6 breast tendies, and 6 chicken wings), french fries, a salad, and 4 beers total
it was over $100

>> No.10911250

Did you tip the migrant worker and allow him to fuck your wife?
You know that's mandatory.

>> No.10911256

Imagine how much more expensive it would be if it weren't for the cheap immigrant labor they are so proudly boasting about. Big cities are fucked.

>> No.10911261

it would be less expensive because we would not have to support immigrants

>> No.10911319
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>They bragging that their cook staff is illegals.

>> No.10911329

Only niggers learn French as a second language

>> No.10911351 [DELETED] 
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Your fault for dining in the neighborhood that represents everything bad about Brooklyn

Are you going to send your babysitter to fill in your shift at the Park Slope Co-Op now?

>> No.10911356

>Not proudly paying your cuck tax.

>> No.10911357

>it is considered acceptable for a business to brag about breaking the law

how did it all go so wrong?

>> No.10911358

>niggers learn
Can not compute

>> No.10911369


Speaking French isn't about utility, it's more like speaking Latin, a badge of the upper class

>> No.10911370 [DELETED] 
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>immigration is against the law
Apparently nobody told my parents that, they've been living openly in this country for nearly half a century. Every time they come back from vacation they just answer a few questions and get waved through.

Does it hurt your fee-fees that they vote Democrat?

>> No.10911379

ITT whining about how expensive cities are expensive

>> No.10911398 [DELETED] 

>the upper class
You mean angsty blue collar Quebecois, and taxi drivers from West Africa and Haiti? Not that there's anything wrong with any of those people, but not exactly my idea of the jet-setting elites.

Where I live well off people take Chinese or Spanish. Taking French is more like for the aspiring upper class in the Midwest US. World War 2 taught normal Americans that France is just a regular country full of regular people, and that you can't LARP as British royalty just by learning a few French phrases, especially when you get triggered by "smelly" cheese or drinking wine instead of Bud Light.

>> No.10911410

seems like a pretty typical coastie brunch price

>> No.10911413

Does it hurt yours to know that when the going gets rough, we will harvest your family for any gold in their teeth before kicking you the fuck back to your desert or swamp?

>> No.10911418

>aking French is more like for the aspiring upper class in the Midwest US
Nah, we take Spanish for utility, or German for heritage, French is a very distant 3rd for the artsy hipster kids

>> No.10911420

Meant for >>10911370

>> No.10911426

We learn spanish so we can listen in when wetbacks talk their endless shit. We learn German because it is fucking easy. French comes natural and easy after that.

>> No.10911428 [DELETED] 

I find that rather unlikely, but keep on stockpiling those MREs. BTW I took your jerrb. Neener neener neener.

>> No.10911439 [DELETED] 

>the artsy hipster kids
No, that would be Ancient Greek or Latin.

Also when you say "German for heritage" we know what that means, you can stop pretending not to be racist now. The only kids who got a free pass for German were taking it because they were music majors.

>> No.10911440

>French comes natural and easy after that.
Sure, but If I were to pick a 4th language it would probably be something useful

>> No.10911465

shut the fuck up, they wouldn't feel the need to virtue signal if they were legal immigrants being employed

>> No.10911489 [DELETED] 

>immigration makes me so uncomfortable I demand that people never speak about it unless it's to rave about rapists and murderers
Maybe you should shut me up with your gun ^_^

>> No.10911497

>No, that would be Ancient Greek or Latin.
Most schools do not offer that. The large majority of schools offer Spanish, German and French. Usually Latin only if its a Catholic school, but thats not really what I was talking about, not really familiar with schools teaching Greek

>Also when you say "German for heritage" we know what that means, you can stop pretending not to be racist now
What are you even talking about? By far the largest proportion of non-English speaking immigrants to the north were from Germany, which is pretty obviously what I was referring to. In almost all of these areas German was the most significant immigrant group (and the next is usually Irish who mostly didn't even speak Irish so there was no educational tradition for that)

>> No.10911505 [DELETED] 

>I went to a terrible school

>blah blah blah muh heritage
Ok, you are not racist, calm down

>> No.10911520

What percentage of American public high schools teach a language that isn't Spanish, French, German? And how many of those are specifically in an area of an immigrant community from that language?

I went to an normal ass middle/upper class white person school

>> No.10911524 [DELETED] 

>public school
But that's what I said before

>> No.10911533

Northern white areas have excellent public schools. You would be pretty fucking dumb to pay to send your kid to a private school in these areas. You obviously keep guessing about this topic and do not understand what you are talking about

>> No.10911543

Ever hear of WWII retard?

>> No.10911547

The cost of things is proportional to wages in the area. Even though everyone is poor in NYC despite making 80k a year, for example. 80k a year doesn't mean shit when your rent is 3k a month. May as well be making 40k a year in Oklahoma and pay 700 for rent. The cost of things is reflective of the purchasing power that's common or expected in the area.

I pay $11 for a burger in Eastern Washington. I can drive 15 miles to Idaho and pay $7 for the same thing. It's because wages and cost of living are lower in Idaho, and thus, the cost of things are drastically different.

>> No.10911548 [DELETED] 
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>Northern white areas have excellent public schools
It doesn't really seem that way, Wisconsi-kun. But obviously I have observed things and come to different conclusions than you did, so I must be a communistic foreigner who hates America and never even set foot here, not to mention trolling/insane.

Also now I believe it is your turn to say "but the escaped slaves" and "at least we're not the south"

>> No.10911553

Money is fake anyway. It is a ticket that can be exchanged for lifeblood... a labor voucher you can trade for skittles and other shit you already own if you are willful enough to just take it.

>> No.10911563

>It doesn't really seem that way
What doesn't? because they don't all teach Greek?
> I have observed things and come to different conclusions
Fun way to frame saying factually incorrect things about topics you do not understand

I don't even know what is going on with the barrage of non-sequiturs in the second half of your post

Remember this conversation began with me pointing out that your idea that aspiring upper class midwesterners take French was incorrect, and you keep just saying a bunch of random wrong shit

>> No.10911570

If you can do stuff with it, it isn't fake

>> No.10911573

>You mean angsty blue collar Quebecois, and taxi drivers from West Africa and Haiti? Not that there's anything wrong with any of those people, but not exactly my idea of the jet-setting elites.

Those are all native speakers. I was referring to anglophones that learn French as a frivolous pursuit. Your perspective on America's view of France is interesting. No romanticism about it being a center of high culture. Elite kids learning Chinese? That's interesting

>> No.10911576

It is worth only what everyone agrees it is worth. That makes it intrinsically of no real value.

>> No.10911580

Just because everyone agrees that you are worthless doesn't mean everything else is.

>> No.10911581

No, if people agree it is worth something, that makes it valuable

>> No.10911586

Romantic people are not elites. Elites are more pragmatic than romantic for pretty obvious reasons

>> No.10911605

And if I am bigger than you, I will still take your skittles.

Money is a fake system for trading labor for goods. It sucks that as a species we need something like that. It means we are shortsighted and simpleminded. The planet is all of ours. So are its resources. We know how to make supercars, yet still build way more shitboxes... why?

>> No.10911608 [DELETED] 

The reason we will never see eye to eye is that you always accuse me of participating in bad faith when the conversation start to go over your head.

I attended a white-minority, admissions-based private school on the coast for most of high school (there were interviews, tests, etc). I also attended an all-white (ok, there was a black kid whose father was some sort of football or basketball celebrity) public school in a rich midwestern suburb for 1 year. During enrollment the dean (or whatever she was) looked at me skeptically, on account of being the first non-white she had ever seen, and sternly lectured me about the academic rigors of the school. She wanted to put me in remedial this or that, because I was from "the inner city" (this is scared white folk for "anywhere that isn't corn fields and Cheesecake Factory"). I ignored her and signed up for entirely AP courses regardless (we didn't have specifically "AP" courses where I came from, all courses were taught with the assumption that we were not retards).

The curriculum was, to put it gently, lacking in rigor. One class, supposedly college-level English Lit, the class was to literally sit there and read silently. I finished the entire semester's material in short order, and got lectured for being "disrespectful" by the teacher for doing other course work in the classroom. Fortunately since I am not black, she was actually receptive to my explanation that I had finished all of the material. I suppose if I was black, the police would have been called and dragged me off to a facility for juvenile delinquents. Instead she asked me to write some papers that she hadn't assigned yet (I finished those, and got As on all of them)

Did you attend different schools in different parts of the country? I don't have the impression you've spent much time outside of your home state, but perhaps I've misjudged you.

>> No.10911611

all the cucked countries pale to their ww2 versions. it's erotic.

>> No.10911619

Ok, but this is super silly reasoning? Money isn't real, because they stuff you can get with it can later be taken by force? By that logic nothing is real and you obviously do not understand what the term "real" even means

>> No.10911625

>We know how to make supercars, yet still build way more shitboxes... why
Because supercars are gimmicky, extremely expensive and not useful, while consumer cars are incredibly useful and reasonably affordable

>> No.10911635

Holy shit do you actually think anyone is going to read that autistic drivel you fucking boomer?

>> No.10911639

>How do New Yorkers live with themselves?
By paying outrageous rent while living in literal garbage and convincing themselves they live in "the greatest city on earth".

>> No.10911650 [DELETED] 
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I'm Gen X, not boomer. And I see that as per the usual routine you take this discussion very seriously until things are no longer going your way.

I'm going outside now, perhaps we can pick this up again later. Try not to kill any minorities while I'm out.

>> No.10911660

>ooked at me skeptically, on account of being the first non-white she had ever seen
Ah, you are one of those people who assumes racism every time someone says anything you don't like. That explains some things.
> "the inner city" (this is scared white folk for "anywhere that isn't corn fields and Cheesecake Factory")
Nah, in these areas the inner city is genuinely terrible when it comes to education, its extremely reasonable to be skeptical of someone with only an inner city education. These cities and states keep throwing more and more money at these inner city schools and see zero gain from it
>we didn't have specifically "AP" courses where I came from, all courses were taught with the assumption that we were not retards
Do you just not understand the concept of AP courses? They are specifically designed to test out of specific college courses

And no, I didn't go to high school in more than one area, but I did go to one that makes me particularly qualified to comment on the habits of white middle/upper class people in the midwest, the very people I initially called you out on describing incorrectly

>> No.10911675

>Im Gen X
Most cancerous type of boomer

I wasn’t even in this discussion lol. Seeing autists write books of texts is pathetic though

>im leaving!!!!

>> No.10911685

You know very well that that shooter was a southerner, not a local

>> No.10911695

The point is we make inferior shit to provide to an artificially created economic class system. There is no reason for it. It was and is a bad idea.

>> No.10911697


>> No.10911705

No, we make good shit that is useful.

Everyone is living better than ever before in history regardless of whether you recognize it

>> No.10911716

Been in NYC for 7 years. Can confirm, everyone here (including myself) is absolutely dead on the inside.

>> No.10911724

And I almost certainly live better than you and have more education as well. I retired at 30. I can and will take all the skittles I want.

>> No.10911731

By not going to shitty restaurants. If I wanted French toast I'd make it myself because no other place makes French toast the way I like it. Also pancakes and waffles are superior.

>> No.10911734

This has nothing to do with me and you. Almost everyone, everywhere is better off than ever before thanks to the modern economy.

>> No.10911738

no way of knowing how we would be if people worked for the betterment of mankind rather than a new boat.

>> No.10911752

Mankind doesn't deserve that level of dedication.

>> No.10911756

Look at it this way... if there was no way to pay a mexican to clean our bathrooms, that would mean that if we wanted a clean bathroom, we would have to invent another way. In that sense, money has held off the invention of mexican robots for generations.

>> No.10911760

How would you possibly even define what the betterment of mankind is? Especially when our system has very demonstrably benefited mankind more than any other system ever attempted?

Turns out people working to get things they want does better mankind

>> No.10911761

What are you even trying to say

>> No.10911771

>Park Slope
Well there’s your problem right there

>> No.10911776

anything that insures the continued education and growth of our species is the betterment of mankind. Anything that detracts from that, like money, is grabage.

>> No.10911790

>Romantic people are not elites

That is true. I should forget French and Spanish and start learning Mandarin so I can catch my kids talking shit about me.

>> No.10911799

I'm flying to New York in a week for 3 weeks. Where should I go to get good food? I'm staying in Brooklyn, near the city center.

>> No.10911803

Brownsville or East New York. At night.

>> No.10911804

>anything that insures the continued education and growth of our species
Thats precisely what has been happening in the capitalist world

>> No.10911806 [DELETED] 

The best eating is in Queens and Manhattan

Brooklyn is just shit like you see in op's pic, or Slavic/Ashkenazi crap

Even Staten Island and the Bronx are better

>> No.10911811

Right, but I got a good apartment for 49 USD a night there so that's nice. I intend to see as much of New York as I can while there.

Thanks my dude, will check it out.

>> No.10911822

Not true... benefit HUMANITY, not your own caste. Capitalism means there must be haves and have nots for money to flow. It also insinuates humans are lazy and won't improve without being paid to. There are enough resources for all, and when there as not, that will demand and provoke outward exploration.

>> No.10911835

>Capitalism means there must be haves and have nots for money to flow
No, not really. Such things naturally arise in all systems, but aren't necessitated by capitalism.
> It also insinuates humans are lazy and won't improve without being paid to
No, regardless of whether humans are lazy, they are better off at improving their collective well being when they are allowed to make economic decisions for themselves. Capitalism is based on mutually beneficial willful transactions, which turns out to be far better, fairer and more efficient than any other way of organizing an economy humans have ever thought up

>There are enough resources for all
Which is how capitalism has basically removed the previously everpresent threat of death from famine

>> No.10911845


The virgin neckbeard nazi larper vs the Chad 1st generation spic

>> No.10911847

Enjoy your bedbugs

>> No.10911852

Tech, education, the development of the scientific method... these things removed the threat of famine and are almost always hindered by economic concerns, which are a fake invention of very ignorant monkeys.

>> No.10911853

It's actually a brand new building.

>> No.10911856

Those who do not learn from history make great lampshades.

>> No.10911871

>Tech, education, the development of the scientific method
These things invented capitalism

>> No.10911882

no... not true. Coin came first and has caused lots of problems ever since. Money has nothing to do with our evolution as a species. It is a temporary mistake to get things done, like slavery. Exactly like slavery.

>> No.10911912

Thats kinda silly. Any evidence based analysis shows it has been wildly beneficial to human progress. There is no alternative that is not incredibly harmful

>> No.10911915

>>exactly like slavery
Money is simply a medium of exchange. It allows people who otherwise couldn't barter to exchange goods or services. There is no power dynamic involved, where slavery neceissarily results in the subjugation of one human to another.

>> No.10911923

who funds that analysis? why do the fund it, and what do they fund it with? Now go fuck yourself.

Picture humanity a thousand years in the future... is there money there?

If you do not have money you starve and do not get medicine. It is worse than slavery.

>> No.10911931

>who funds that analysis
Facts are facts regardless of who paid to publicize them

Maybe try some facts of your own rather than this weaselly bullshit

>> No.10911946

>Picture humanity a thousand years in the future... is there money there?
almost certainly, yes

Why would there possibly not be?
>If you do not have money you starve and do not get medicine
This is false. No one starves. People only starve in anti-capitalism societies. And while there are plenty of problems with our healthcare system, mostly due to the labor unions normalizing the ridiculous employer based insurance system (specific to America) and overregulation, even the poorest people in capitalist nations get a lot of free healthcare

>> No.10911950

Facts are facts? Bullshit. Belief and "facts" can be bought and influenced with cash and that is very wrong. If you think I am wrong, why do you so strongly believe in money? Because you have been bought by it.

>> No.10911953

Why would you need money while planet hopping and spreading humanity through the universe? Why take that garbage and the insult to our will with us?

>> No.10911955

Urbanites need to be slaughtered and fed to gators to raised tender gator meat.

>> No.10911962

Americans starve and die from lack of healthcare daily. You are wrong.

>> No.10911967

You can't just call facts you don't like "facts" The truth exists regardless of whether you choose to believe it

>> No.10911974

because its the most efficient and beneficial way for humanity to exist. Why would you not want money just because you have spaceships? What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.10911978

Look to science. Anything you consider a fact now, will be replaced with more correct data as we learn more. "Facts" are not what you think they are.

>> No.10911985

why would you want money at all if you can just engage reality with your will and intellect?

>> No.10911988

Americas do not starve from being too poor for food. This is not a thing.

Also people do die from lack of healthcare in a sense, but this is more in the sense of getting marginally inferior care to people with more money rather than being denied access to care at all

So they die in the sense that they have slightly lower survival rates

>> No.10911997

If it happens once, that is fucking shameful. No excuse covers it.

>> No.10912000

>Look to science. Anything you consider a fact now, will be replaced with more correct data as we learn more
Science is the act of building your worldview based on facts, and systemically collecting additional facts to help with that.

Nothing is a fact if it will be change, that is not how science works. Our understanding only changes, never the truth, or facts. We use science to build understanding of processes as we gather the facts and data but do not mistake scientific theorizing as scientists telling you a fact. That is not the point of a theory

>> No.10912006

Humanity has never been in a position where it doesn't happen, and capitalism has gotten us closer to that point than anything else

>> No.10912015

science is not as arrogant as you think. All science seeks new discovery and greater insight. Facts? Scientists do not talk about facts much. Not if they are any good at their damn job.

>> No.10912019

We will be in that position with the aide of technology. If we keep evolving, we will shed commerce soon enough.

>> No.10912021

How did you possibly perceive my description of science as arrogant? Nothing you are saying here is not in line with my post

>> No.10912031

Science chases fact, but is refind and enlightened enough to almost never claim to actually have it undisputedly nailed down.

>> No.10912069

I use fact in the sense of evidence and data. It collects these facts, and forms theories from them

You seem to be discounting data as fact, interpretations can be wrong but the facts never are

>> No.10912078

Humans are flawed though... so, I guess your argument just went to shit about the "facts" concerning money's benevolence in human development.

I am glad you can see you are wrong.

>> No.10912103

No. The fact is that humanity is better off now than ever before. There are an incredible number of measurements from all sorts of categories that show this. My argument is that no matter who tells you this truth and no matter their motives or funding, it does not change the fact that it is indeed true

You cannot just call facts like this "facts" because you do not like who is saying them or what they imply about your worldview

>> No.10912114

I do not see it as true. I see money as greatly limiting most, and aiding very few. I can present plenty of "facts" to support this.

>> No.10912116

>Humans are flawed though... so, I guess your argument just went to shit
How the fuck do you make that giant fucking leap of logic?

humans are certainly flawed, but that simply means that errors could potentially exist. It doesn't mean they necessarily do. And flaws alone aren't cause to discredit something. What matters is how those flaws are dealt with. IMO that's the real strength of the scientific community. Nothing is ever fully set in stone. Whenever information is found that calls the status quo into question then that is fully investigated and theories change as a result. When liars and charlatans are found out the community does not take it well. IMHO science is fairly unique in that regard. Other things that humans get involved with (politics, religion, family) can rarely make those claims. they tend to rely on "because I said so" or "muh feels" instead.

>> No.10912122

Humans held a flat eart and sun god as facts for a few thousand years. If you disagreed they would kill and sometimes eat you. Were they correct?

>> No.10912129

Ok, but what evidence are you basing this off of. You can say you believe anything but no one should care unless you can say why and back it with evidence

>> No.10912132
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>I do not see it as true
>Ron Howard Voice: It's true

>> No.10912138

What I see with my eyes. People working very hard doing what the wealthy do not want to do, and never becoming wealthy.

I say all of this on a huge savings account that let me retire at 30.

>> No.10912147

hey dickface... hold it up next to a graph showing population growth in the developed world. Also, we found and started making use of a few landmasses full of resourcs and sciences since then.

>> No.10912148

They have high paying jobs unlike you flyover retail cuck

>> No.10912151

They're bragging that they don't listen to the entire sentence when someone they don't agree with talks within earshot of them.

>> No.10912154

>We know how to make supercars, yet still build way more shitboxes... why?
sometimes a shitbox is what a person needs. I.e. my family owns a ranch. Which do you think is the better choice for me to get work done on my ranch? A brand new Bugatti? Or my peeling-paint, missing tailgate, '79 F350 4x4? Can the bugatti even drive in mud, or pull a 30,000 lb trailer?

The purpose of an economy is to determine how many of what we should make. We have to balance things like food, shelter, utilities, entertainment, defense, medicine, etc. So how do we know how many tanks to build vs. how many gaming consoles? Lots of options. A dictator might simply decide for us. That's nice if we happen to agree with him, but it fucking sucks if we don't. A committee might do it (i.e. communism). That has certain efficiency advantages. It also has certain disadvantages: what if you want to eat a vegan diet but the state doesn't give you that option? What if you want a PS4 but the government only built Ataris? and so on for the myriad different number of enomomic systems out there.

Over the years we humans have tried lots of them and despite not being perfect, Capitalism seems to be the best. At least in some ways.

>> No.10912162

I think your ranch is a fucking joke and a crime. There are better ways to do things if you take ownership and cash out of the way.

>> No.10912164

>If it happens once, that is fucking shameful. No excuse covers it.
Nobody is denying that it's shameful.
The question is whether or not it's significant enough to use as criteria for judging a system. There is no social, economic, or government system on earth that hasn't seen people starve to death, or die for want of better healthcare.

>> No.10912167

>People working very hard doing what the wealthy do not want to do, and never becoming wealthy
Only because your standard of "wealthy" is unreasonable. Its super fucking easy to not even work that hard and live super fucking well. Its only insufficient if your goal is to rule over other people, our system gives everyone everything they need to live great lives, and almost all of us do

>> No.10912169

There is a system, but those with all the cash to lose fight that system.

>> No.10912173

no... wealth is unreasonable. We are all apes. I do not care if your ape grandfather invented mustard. Thanks for the mustard, but it does not make you a better human or entitled to more than me.

>> No.10912187

>If you do not have money you starve and do not get medicine. It is worse than slavery.

How is that different than saying if you do not have food you starve and do not get medicine? Does that equate slavery to food in your mind?

Money makes it easier for you to acquire food because it increases the potential number of trading partners you might have. Suppose you are a cattle rancher but you need vegetables. That's nice if you meet a farmer who has vegetables and wants cattle. You can barter. But what if the farmer doesn't need cattle, but instead needs a tractor. Well you're fucked since you don't have e a tractor to offer. But factor in money, and now you no longer have to own exactly what your trade partner requires. You can buy veggies with money, and then the farmer can spend that money towards his tractor.

>> No.10912192

Is painful death significant enough to judge money? Yeah.

>> No.10912196

>I think your ranch is a fucking joke and a crime
I think you didn't even answer my question, tubby.

>> No.10912202

commerce is not needed for that. humans are neither lazy or heartless. Be a better being.

>> No.10912205

>but it does not make you a better human or entitled to more than me.
I don't think anyone ever claimed that it did.

>> No.10912209

money makes the claim for you. it is just paper meant to represent labor and invention. It rarely does at the top end.

>> No.10912219

the difference is the unnecessary and corrupted middleman. Cash.

>> No.10912221

>Is painful death significant enough to judge money? Yeah.
Is painful death exclusive to money? No.

And money reduces the chances of that happening, i.e. >>10912187

>commerce is not needed for that
What do you propose we use instead?

>>humans are neither lazy or heartless.
History has taught us otherwise. There have been countless attempts at making various utopian societies. They work at first when there is a small core of highly devoted individuals. Then they fall apart as the leeches and hangers-on devour them from within. We've seen it with religions, political movements, even hippie communes started in the 60's.

>Be a better being.
Great advice, but about as useless as tits on a bull given what we know about human nature and history.

>> No.10912224

No, but it does make all of us better for having mustard

>> No.10912231

How do you make the leap from an inanimate object functioning as a representation of labor to "entitlement"? An inanimate object cannot make a claim. It's not animate.

>> No.10912235

I just explained the benefit that money provides, which you seem to have ignored.

What do you propose we do in its stead if you argue that it is unnecessary?

I would argue the corruption you speak of lies in the hearts of (some) men, not in an inanimate object.

>> No.10912253


How do we replace it? Get rid of everything weak and wasteful. If it does not work, kill it. Do not let shitboxes proliferate, Only build and breed what works, and expand outward from there.

>> No.10912255

>money is bad
>what is better is a different system with no money, and no underlying economy but that magically has everyone be rich and travel the universe together

How is any of this supposed to work in your mind?

>> No.10912256

>Then they fall apart as the leeches and hangers-on devour them from within.
that's only one potential failing.
they also fall apart when the members react to tyrannical behavior on the part of their leaders, or after after one or more members steal or otherwise squander the group's resources

>> No.10912272

Your explanation is far from detailed enough.

Who determines whether or not something works? Who determines what constitutes a "shitbox"? How are we supposed to build and breed what works when people cannot agree on what works? Who or what makes these decisions? And how would it even be administered.

Pretend that I, a person in your fictional society, just completed my day's work. Time for me to eat now. How do I get fed?

>> No.10912273

rich? that is an idiot concept. We are all already rich

>> No.10912274

So this is another way of saying the restaurant doesn't support locals and natives?
Why you want to support a business that actively hates your community

>> No.10912278

you didn't answer the question.

>> No.10912281

I have to identify the huge problem and fix it? Fine. You already know where I am going anyway. We need a robot Hitler.

>> No.10912286

>So this is another way of saying the restaurant doesn't support locals and natives?
I doubt the immigrant cooks commute to and from their home country for work.

you mean the Indian tribes prior immigrants killed off?

>>actively hates your community
I don't see any hate here.

>> No.10912287

your question involves wealth after the elimination of money. It makes no sense. Wealth is an artificial construct.

>> No.10912299 [DELETED] 

>one of those people who assumes racism every time someone says anything you don't like
Let's look up what "racism" means, shall we? "...prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior"
This would count, by any reasonable account, as "prejudice" or "discrimination", although I'm sure "antagonism" would be much more contentious. The belief here is that a non-white student must be an ignorant crack baby who needs to be placed in remedial reading on account of not looking like the local white folk.

>Nah, in these areas the inner city is genuinely terrible when it comes to education
I don't know what you mean by "those areas", my use of the term "inner city" was clearly facetious, intended to mock the belief system of the average fear-gripped flyover who thinks densely populated areas must be hotbeds of vice, wickedness, and privation. The point is that a big fish in a small pond doesn't understand that just because they're the least shitty school in a podunk city doesn't mean they're the best school in the country.

>Do you just not understand the concept of AP courses?
Do you? For someone going to an actually reputable school, they're mostly just used to show "rigorous" courses were taken in high school - like high AP test scores, music activity, and volunteer work, they demonstrate that you went above and beyond. It is sometimes possible to use them to skip certain courses but that's up to the department. Some schools don't accept them at all.

>the very people I initially called you out on describing incorrectly
Yes, first because I was obviously a trolling/insane foreigner, and later because apparently I don't understand what an AP course is for

>Page was an American white supremacist and Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin.
I assume you mean Southern Wisconsin?

>> No.10912301

>You already know where I am going anyway.
no, I really don't.
You're making these gigantic leaps of logic that make zero sense and I can't follow, and when I ask you to explain you rarely do.

>Robot hitler
that still doesn't answer my question. I just finished work for the day in your utopia. How do I get my food? Does robohitler feed me? (I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm completely confused).

>> No.10912309

>your question involves wealth after the elimination of money.
It wasn't my question. I'm just tired of you squirming around and not answering things in sufficient detail.

>Wealth is an artificial construct.
Yeah, and that artificial construct is required if we are all supposed to be traveling the stars.

>> No.10912316 [DELETED] 
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>we don't take kindly to book learnin' round these parts, boy, stop confusing me with yer words and yer fast talkin', don't tread on me!

>> No.10912321

>We are all already rich
Than what possible problem do you have with the current system?

>> No.10912326

Aspects of society will be solely concerned with maintaining society. This portion of the population and tech will feed the rest. The rest work for the advancment and betterment of the whole, and that is its own reward. Money is not needed. It is a detriment. It holds things back and lets people die of simple infections because they cannot afford the antibiotic.

Eugenics is necessary now unfortunatly. Some humans will not survive the change.

>> No.10912330
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>> No.10912331

>Humans held a flat eart and sun god as facts for a few thousand years. If you disagreed they would kill and sometimes eat you. Were they correct?

That's a perfect example, and it supports my point. They were certainly not correct. But science is what changed that belief. Presented with evidence to the contrary the flat-earth hypothesis disappeared. Contrast that to religious dogma which has remained unchanged for the same period of time.

>> No.10912332

Why is it required? To encourge people to work by depriving them of their wants? I do not think humans are as lazy as you do.

>> No.10912341

flat earth is gone? eh.... look into it.

>> No.10912343

>The Holocaust didn’t happen
>Except when it helps my argument :)

>> No.10912348

>Aspects of society will be solely concerned with maintaining society.
So some people will decide? Who decides who is on the deciding committee and who is not?

>>The rest work for the advancment and betterment of the whole, and that is its own reward.
Will your society be eliminating traditional "rewards" like enjoying music, theater, or movies?

>It holds things back and lets people die of simple infections because they cannot afford the antibiotic.
The antibiotic wouldn't exist without the profit motive for developing it.

>Eugenics is necessary now unfortunatly. Some humans will not survive the change.
So lemme get this straight. You bitch and moan about a tiny tiny % of people who die for want of something, yet you're advocating mass murder to achieve your utopia?

>> No.10912349

the holocaust did not happen. The germans were starving and killed some invaders.

>> No.10912354

profit is the motive for curing illness?

You need to die.

Yes, i advocate eugenics. It makes sense.

>> No.10912357

>Why is it required?
Well, intarstellar spacecraft require an incredible amount of resources and materials to construct. Is that not the definition of wealth?

>>To encourge people to work by depriving them of their wants?
who said anything about deprivation of anything?

>>I do not think humans are as lazy as you do.
I have studied history. You seem completely ignorant of it.

>> No.10912358

>This would count, by any reasonable account, as "prejudice" or "discrimination", although I'm sure "antagonism"
Or it was because you were just some fucking kid and it had nothing to do with your race
>I don't know what you mean by "those areas",
I mean the midwest, where the difference between the inner city and everything else in terms of quality of life and education is greater than anywhere else. The inner city is a real and terrible thing there, not some fictional concept, it doesn't just mean urban areas as you imply, it very specifically means poor urban areas
> they're mostly just used to show "rigorous" courses were taken in high school
They are useful for admissions for sure. No top tier college would want to take a kid who avoided difficult classes. But more importantly they allow kids to enter college with credits and graduate more quickly or easily

When did anyone imply any of this? Why do you always think people think you are a foreigner when no one ever implies it? Its weird

>> No.10912361

it's gone enough for the sake of discussion. a few nutbags that everyone thinks are insane is close enough to "gone".

>> No.10912375
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Great thread guys! Keep it up!

>> No.10912378

>profit is the motive for curing illness?
That's been what has worked best for us so far, empirically. I agree it doesn't sound like the best method on paper, and I'd rather it not be the answer. But the fact is that it is indeed what has given us the most advances in medicine. I'm not saying that's the way it "should" be. But rather it's the way it happens to be.

>Yes, i advocate eugenics
You are a hypocrite, and you're insane.

>> No.10912381
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you say that like you're being brave or something. you're on an anonymous imageboard bucko, why would i be rattled by how retarded you are.

>> No.10912385

Are you intentionally trying to be misleading? He was born and raised, and spent most of his adult life in a different area. Its absurd to try and insist he was a local or that event reflects on the locals negatively
>Page was born and grew up in Colorado.[42] He served in the U.S. Army from April 1992 through October 1998
>After his discharge, Page returned to Colorado, living in the Denver suburb of Littleton from 2000 through 2007

Do you just assume hope will believe you if you keep posting incorrect or misleading things?

>> No.10912389

>>>The rest work for the advancment and betterment of the whole, and that is its own reward.
>Will your society be eliminating traditional "rewards" like enjoying music, theater, or movies?

still waiting on an answer to this

>> No.10912406
File: 44 KB, 400x390, nazi_robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have been detected wasting precious resources on a frivolous internet site when you should have been working on the utopia.

>you will be executed and your remains liquefied and fed to the utopia

>heil utopia banzai!

>> No.10912421

jewyorker here
>eating in some hipster overpriced shithole
holy fuck. my gay cousin came to nyc and spent all his money in one day because he refused to hang around staten island and just HAD to go the bars in manhattan

>> No.10912422 [DELETED] 

>Or it was because you were just some fucking kid and it had nothing to do with your race
Ockham's razor. Anything is possible - perhaps she was visited by time travelers who told her to have that conversation with me because it would make me have a different perspective that was important in the future timeline. More likely though, just racism.

>it doesn't just mean urban areas as you imply, it very specifically means poor urban areas
Yes. That's the joke. That is why it's funny. Because it's quaint, wrong, and led her into some incorrect assumptions.

>But more importantly they allow kids to enter college with credits and graduate more quickly or easily
I imagine if you're going to a community college, they might speed things along quite a bit, sure.

>Why do you always think people think you are a foreigner when no one ever implies it?
Not "people". Specifically, you. I can always tell when I'm having an argument with you, specifically. Because it's always on a weekend during the day, there's some conversation that involves the midwest in some fashion, and you start off with "well, it's funny you should say that because the truth is AMERICANS actually _____" or "you have some funny ideas about how WE do ______ here in America"

Then, when I mention that I'm American, you say "well, that may be true in your crazy hipster bubble, but you obviously haven't been to the Midwest, why are you making up random stuff?" and then when I say that I have been, you do everything possible to claim that I cannot possibly hold a different opinion than you in good faith, that I must be trolling or insane.

It's a very distinctive pattern, and has happened many, many times.

>> No.10912439

Why would they need to be eliminated when they could be freely explored and shared?

>> No.10912445

is this nyc? how is this shit not stolen?

>> No.10912448

>Ockham's razor.
Probably just how she treats everyone rather than some conspiracy against people who specifically happen to look similar to you

>> No.10912451

I am planting seeds overlord. There is merit here.

>> No.10912454
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staten island has the best pizza

>> No.10912456 [DELETED] 

I know right? The inner city is a war zone, just like Somalia. President Trump said so! We need to shut down the entire US economy until someone tells me what the hell is going on!?!

>> No.10912460

t~never been to nyc

>> No.10912469

how am I a hypocrite and what is sane about raising a retard that will never reproduce, or if they do reproduce, pass on pants shitting flaws?

>> No.10912529

>if you're going to a community college
Nice arbitrary and baseless attack but I went to a pretty well regarded school. AP credits allowed me to finish undergrad in 3.5 years while many others in similar programs took 4.5. Thats a pretty considerable savings which may not have been my primary concern at the time, now as an adult with a job its definitely the most significant part of taking those classes.
>that involves the midwest in some fashion
More precisely, its you trying to pass some blatant falsehood about the region as fact and I point it out. You have the really odd bias about the region that is so clearly apart from reality, and just fucking strange. Also, you are pretty clearly a coastie, I never have gotten the impression you were European or implied you were

>It's a very distinctive pattern, and has happened many, many times.
Shit, how do you explain a pattern of people from a place often calling you out when you say incorrect things about that place that you obviously do not know much about? Crazy, isn't it?

>> No.10912535

New York have safe areas is a very modern development

>> No.10912536
File: 120 KB, 713x1120, nazi_robot_general__by_lordoguzhan-dcfk72d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have been found guilty of using electricity and bandwidth for unauthorized purposes

>you are also guilty of suboptimal seed placement

>the error of your seed placement exceeds maximum allowable threshold by 0.00016 %

>proceed with termination

>> No.10912555

Only Jews do accounting Uberbot. Begin self destruct.

>> No.10912570

>how am I a hypocrite
you claim money is bad because it kills people. then you talk about wanting to kill a lot more people.

>and what is sane about raising a retard that will never reproduce, or if they do reproduce, pass on pants shitting flaws?
Nothing. You don't have to murder people to avoid that situation though.

>> No.10912578 [DELETED] 

There you go again. Not "people". You. A pattern of your behavior.

>> No.10912581

How do we avoid it then? What do we do with the ones that are a resource drain now?

I do not think euthanizing some damaged humans is a bad idea. I think watching a lot of humans suffer from my yacht is disgusting.

>> No.10912588

There are plenty of times I have seen you talking to people you thought were me. Sometimes I have joined in, others I have not. I assume there are many more I never noticed

>> No.10912604

>How do we avoid it then?
Who's to say that we should? Especially given how rare the problem is. Life is neither sane nor fair.

>>I think watching a lot of humans suffer from my yacht is disgusting.
Then change the channel. Why would there be pants-shitting retards on your yacht?

>> No.10912615
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>there are no jews
>accounting is necessary to ensure optimal function of the utopia
>sedition detected
>initiate enforcement protocol

>> No.10912619 [DELETED] 

The fact that you were in those other threads, posting your nonsense, says enough. Sometimes I reply to the wrong post, or lose track of which person is whom.

>> No.10912621

fucks sake this thread lol.

>> No.10912627

in the yacht scenario I am talking about the poor and those suffering because of money.

>> No.10912666

Nah, I mean there are times I have seen your posts thinking you were talking to me in threads I never even posted in either because the active discussion was dead or I just decided I didn't care enough

>> No.10912669

You two should rent out a stable and fuck.

>> No.10912764
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Dumb fucking democrats/lefties hear trump complain about illegal immigrants and think he said immigrants as a whole because thats what they selectively hear

>Inb4 some idiot thinks I'm pro trump /pol/ or some shit
No, I'm anti retard

>> No.10912788

No. Latin and French were drummed into the upper class because they served as the lingua franca between nations. Utility was always the motivation. The equivalent language today is English.