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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10907050 No.10907050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

has he lost it yet?
look at his eyes

>> No.10907067

He really needs to get some sun, jesus

>> No.10907106

As he grows older I'm starting to find him attractive, I mean, he is losing that creepy vibe that he used to have, anyone else feels this way too?

>> No.10907153

>he is losing that creepy vibe that he used to have

You are full of shit, he is as creepy as ever.

>> No.10907180

He looks like he could be his own child molester

>> No.10907205

Yeah, because his weirdness is now an act. When he was a kid, he was genuinely a creepy oddball; he has matured out of this phase after more than five years of videos. However, he is smart enough to realize that the only reason people watched his videos in the first place is because of his weird mannerisms, so in order to retain his audience, he has to keep acting like a clueless idiot.

It's rather obvious that he's not genuine anymore. You can see that he's trying to suppress any hint of confident behaviour so that he comes off as a geeky weirdo, but it's not working. Go back and watch his old stuff.

>> No.10907212

Hes been self aware since like 2015 dude.

>> No.10907936

haha hit the nail there.

>> No.10907959

I liked his ihob review. I found it to be fair and impartial, once he was through with all the snark regarding the advertising campaign

>> No.10907974

>all the snark regarding the advertising campaign
That's the best part of reviewbrah though. Mocking the absurdities of modern corporate advertising campaigns.

>> No.10907987 [DELETED] 

No, it's funny. It's just sad that a genuinely good product gets buried by the incessant mocking of the advertising. We get it. You are a smart savvy consumer who does not fall for lame corporate advertising. But the burger is actually you dumb fuckfaces. Fuck you and your twitter account

>> No.10908008

No, it's funny. It's just sad that a genuinely good product gets buried by the incessant mocking of the advertising. We get it. You are a smart savvy consumer who does not fall for lame corporate advertising. But the burger is actually good you dumb fuckfaces. Fuck you and your twitter account

>> No.10908523
File: 2.67 MB, 1801x971, hell darkness my old friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10908536

I wonder if he'll ever stop wearing suits. I bet he doesn't even like suits anymore.

>> No.10908538

>mfw a nog walks into the diner

>> No.10908633

He's just a ginger, they don't do well with getting some sun. Basically vampires.

>> No.10908788
File: 54 KB, 620x465, gays are not people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10908799

he never had it in the first place

>> No.10909143

Does he still live with his grandparents and shit, or did they leave/pass on and he got the house? I have to imagine with 1M subs he's getting decent cash doing this act.
>he gets up at almost 9pm
Holy shit.

>> No.10909150

he lives in Florida with friend(s) I believe; what I want to know is if he was really ever being stalked

>> No.10909154

this dudes dick must be like 10 inches, look at those hands. He has a girly voice, but I have a really deep voice and I'm picking 5.5 inches and thin girth.

>> No.10909161
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>they are called nacho fries, because in a literal sense they are not yo fries; i bought them

lmao wtf

>> No.10909189

Shit's been an act from the start man. He knows what he's doing. Someone with that whack of a schedule and tendencies would never function outside a group home or close parental care. Still, it's fascinating watching him sometimes.
>they have a pool somehow, and they tolerate him being up at all hours cooking and being loud with the radio
No way anyone could adjust to that, and no way the neighbors would be fine with it either. Plus we've seen him do the chlorine levels in a pool; someone really as awkward as him wouldn't be reliable enough or capable enough to do it as a 'chore'.