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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10904041 No.10904041 [Reply] [Original]

after reading about the benefits of periodically fasting, I've decided to give it a shot.
So far, it's been two and a half days, and I don't feel hungry at all. The hunger went away after about 8PM on the first day.

Do any of you anons fast once in a while? Or do you think it's a meme? How long do you fast for?

>> No.10904050

What do you eat when you're fasting?

>> No.10904054

>food and cooking board
>lets have a thread about not eating


>> No.10904058

I do 72 hour fasts twice a month. I broke mine earlier this evening. I enjoy it. Afterwards food is soooo good.

>> No.10904060

Impartial. To do my purge/cleanse take a laxative, drink water with ACV, and sleep most of the day. Does it help? No idea but I do what I want

>> No.10904063

How long do you plan on fasting for op? Also have you noticed changes in your ability to concentrate and libido?
Thinking emoji

>> No.10904113

Aciclovir or apple cider vinegar?

>> No.10904122

Dunno how long I'll fast for. At some point it makes sense to take some multivitamins right?
No real concentration changes. Been playing a lot of counter-strike and I haven't been getting romped on more than usual

I could lose 15 pounds desu

>> No.10904125

*I could lose 15 lb as in that's what I want to lose eventually; I don't expect to lose that all from fasting jej

>> No.10904129

Apple cider vinegar

>> No.10904161

Stick with it anon, regular fasts are a great way to lose weight. Be warned though, even though your silhouette will look much better, if you don't excersise and eat protein when off the fast you will become a skeleton with lots of extra skin and random remaining fat deposits. Shirtless, the difference might not be much better

>> No.10904164

After becoming an alcoholic, fasting is easier. hard alcohol and diet soda
i only eat maybe once a day just so i can drink more.

>> No.10904195

might as well ask this here, is there really no 'optimal' fat/carb/protein ratio? There's so much disagreement in the literature

>> No.10904221

Well, you can live your whole life without ever eating carbs and be fine, and I guess the protein intake kind of depends on how much you want keep or gain muscle but you still need some

>> No.10904228

isn't there a protein ceiling of 35-40% your total calories for humans?

>> No.10904246

I do three thirty six hour fasts a week with a mix of keto and paleo and i cheat around the full moon and eat chips and pizza. Cardio is key if you want to stay slim, i like beer so i do extra workouts. You can eat whatever you want but don't overdo it.

>> No.10904253

unrelated to OP but the food in OP's pic is so fucking good. My dad would bring home a bag of these every week. I should call him sometime.

>> No.10904276

yeah you need more fat or your liver will spaz out and kill you

>> No.10904297

There's disagreement because it depends on your individual nutritional needs. If you engage in a lot of cardio then you probably want more carbs. If you lift weights then you want more protein and more food in general.

>> No.10904414

don't try to take vitamins or other stuff while fasting. it will reduce the benefits and you simply don't need them due to your current stores and autophagy.

also, some people died trying to fast with protein shakes.

>> No.10904440

What about salt? After two day Of fasting I started getting bad cramps and slight headaches

>> No.10904447

Salt is fine, a little light salt is good too so you get some potassium. Don't overdo it though

>> No.10904450

I've been dieting, eating only around 1500 calories a day, and the thing I miss most is taking huge shits. They used to be so big my asshole would bleed. It felt so good. Now even my biggest are still roody poos and half the time it's just a phantom and I end up only farting.

>> No.10904455

are multivitamins a meme to begin with? Some people say that they're useless

>> No.10904459

Up your fiber intake. Beans, cabbage, fruit... Eat more plants and you will have bigger poops.

You can do psyllium husk supplements too

>> No.10904915

Yup i fast 23hours a day, i eat one big meal thats it. So much more convenient that having to cook 3 times a day.

>> No.10904919

Wrong. There is no evidence to suggest a high protein diet leads to kidney damage.

>> No.10904922

Nonsense. During fasting your body increases the amount of human growth hormone to prevent and maintain lean mass, you will lose some but you wont lose it all untill you have depleted all available fat stores.

>> No.10904949

I do a 3 day fasting every year for religious purposes. At least it started that way, now im just doing it out of habit

>> No.10904982
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you forgot something, OP

>> No.10904996

Protein and fat should be your "base" and adjust carbs according to your lifestyle. If you sit on your ass all day you really shouldn't eat any sugar at all

Right now people tend to have carbs as their base intake which is believed to increase anxiety and easily makes people fat. An office worker might stuff himself with 100 grams of sugar in the morning and crash by lunch

>> No.10905082

I might try to do a five day fast every week and eat only on the weekends or something similar

Finished two 72 hour fast this month and they were pretty easy. Water + Salt/Potassium Salt only.

>> No.10905089

So you're only gonna eat on the weekends? That sounds a little too much fasting.

>> No.10905139

I fast for around 14 hours a day 30 days in a row once every year, then sometimes on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the rest of the year.

It's a good way to save money.

>> No.10905140

I water fasted for 2 weeks and lost like 9 kg.

>Or do you think it's a meme
It's not, i feel great and dropped ny bad earing habits.

>How long do you fast for?
14 days. I'll be doing 21 days in 6 months.

>> No.10905142

>My bad eating habits

Sorry about that

t. Phoneposter

>> No.10905154

This 'fasting' thread is really an anorexia thread in disguise. Fasting discussion should be banned on this board. This is a food board, a hole.

>> No.10905160

it happens, u just get used to it and drinking water is all you really need

>> No.10905164

i havnt eaten in ten years and i feel great

>> No.10905171


>> No.10905182

I have a lot of calories to spare

>> No.10905209

its not a meme obv since there are sometimes valid medical reasons for fasting.
One thing that happens during a fast is your body scavenges suboptimal cells and reuses their material. I went on a 5 day fast a few months ago and noticed a scar on my leg got noticeably more faint, which I suspect is due to my body scavenging the scar tissue. Also I find that fasting will get rid of even the most stubborn migraine - I use triptans to treat my migraines, but sometimes it will come back in about 12-18 hrs, but if I start fasting when I take the triptan then the migraine doesn't come back.

>> No.10905215

I did it back from January to the end of March. I would fast for five days straight then eat regularly on the weekends. I would drink water and take a multivitamin and probiotics. Also a little bit of salt once a day to keep myself from dehydrating. Afterwards I noticed my poo was healthier. I wasn't clogging my gut biome with processed sugars and just let it heal itself. My poo went from being clay like to neat and log like.

>> No.10905225

>Afterwards I noticed my poo was healthier. I wasn't clogging my gut biome with processed sugars and just let it heal itself. My poo went from being clay like to neat and log like.

I got that from cutting out all carbs and processed foods, my shit was like mud, now it's perfectly formed and more often than not I get clean breaks with minimal wiping required, just how it should be.

>> No.10905586


>> No.10905605

salt is fine, but you shouldn't be getting cramps and headaches. perhaps you were short to begin with? try taking a calcium+magnesium+zinc combo and KCl for a couple days before starting a fast.

multivitamins are pretty useless for normies, since people usually aren't really deficient on anything other than b12. they have a funny history of correlating with lower mortality upon invention, then correlating with higher mortality probably as boomers use them as a "magical health improvement pill" to compensate poor diet and exercise.

>> No.10905621

nice to have a fasting thread without the militancy of /fit/ and the shilling of that dumbshit youtube dude advocating piss drinking. Usually do 80-90 hours per fortnight. Certainly has a lot of benefits, and I really enjoy it.

>> No.10905643

that's because the vegans are distracted by the 6 other vegan threads right now. they'll find this thread eventually...

>> No.10906980

but here's the big question, what's the first thing you eat coming out of a fast? I can't decide on anything

>> No.10906990

I take Laxatives during my fast.

>> No.10906999

Idk about you guys but I am constipated 24/7 even after fasting, don't even eat junk food. Must be nice to poop.

>> No.10907042

Fasting is fine for you. Pretty much all of the naysayers haven't actually looked at medical studies which show that it's not bad for you.

>> No.10907138

I intermittent fast every day. I don't eat until 11am-12pm and eat until 8-9pm. Every once in a while i'll do an extended fast.

It's beneficial because you are allowing your digestive system to rest. The energy that is usually used to digest food now is used to heal the body. The body heals itself.

>> No.10907162

you really think fasting has any benefits? You can't keep an healthy brain by just eating sugar and fat but you definitely can't keep one healthy with nothing.

>> No.10907174

you sound fat

>> No.10907189

isn't this just skipping breakfast?

>> No.10907191
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>heh, enjoy you're melted brain skelly. Imagine being so poor you can't afford to keep your brain running at full speed. Did you know after an hour of not eating your body starts metabolizing brain cells?

>> No.10907226

either way, is the 1 lb body weight per gram of daily protein a good metric to follow?

>> No.10907292


>> No.10907293

>kermit the frog.jpg

>> No.10907301

That's another way to phrase it, but it's an intentional fast. I'll take herbs during the the morning. Sometimes I wait even later in the day to eat, it really depends on what my body is telling me.

>> No.10907407

what do you all split your meals into, calorie-wise? ie 800 for breakfast, 1000 for dinner, 200 for snacks etc

I remember reading about benefits from not eating past 10, or something like that, but I can't recall the details.

>> No.10907537
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Well, fasting is a form of eating, kinda like how atheism is a form of religion.

>> No.10908554

Longest I've done is 23 days.

Keep it up OP, it's great for losing weight and the various health benefits from not eating seems to be rather fascinating. it's really interesting how every religion and culture advocate fasting once in a while.

>> No.10908865

fuck, I just had some roasted veggies and tilapia. First meal in three days. Felt like shit immediately after; stomach is complaining a lot.

>> No.10909173

WHO tried to set a limit on sugar intake for adults to ~30 grams a day, as the maximum healthy amount according to research. The US threatened to pull funding if they did so.

We really do eat too much sugar. Goddamn it sugar lobbyists.
I wonder if there will ever be a magic replacement Aspartame-type thing which will take off?

>> No.10909892

I disagree. Your body needs a lot of vitamins as fuel for essential enzymes, i. e. to keep important body functions running. Those can't be synthesized by the body itself by definition and *have* to come from outside. Your body only takes energy from the fat cells (in form of triglycerides), the rest still has to be taken care of in form of pills when you're fasting. Otherwise, enjoy the side effects.

That depends. The cheap ones are useless because they are presented in pure form. The problem with that is that your body may not be able to fully absorb them that way when swallowed (bioavailability). Some have to be modified in order for your body to get the proper dose, making the pills more expensive. This is especially the case for things like B12 or iron where you want to administer a large "depot" from which your body can make use over several days.

>> No.10910338

Yea. 3rd day i normally. Eat because its kind of scary waking up 3rd day and not even thinking about Food.

Make sure you eat a basic meal after fasting. Like bowl of rice and veggies. Fat loser ppl start crying after 5 hrs. These same retards are the ones that fantasize about apocalypse. They need to die. Fat fucks would kill a. Family just to not go 4 hrs without food. Fucking scum.

>> No.10910349

This is pretty accurate, carbs are good if you're very physically active.
If you're more sedentary, aim for a sparing amount of carbs, mostly from what you eat as brightly colored/higher sugar vegetables (tomatoes, onions).

>> No.10910555

Fasting is just eating your own body fat.

>> No.10910568

It actually isn’t.
Fasting doesn’t work due to several evolutionary processes that the human body has gone through.

>> No.10910571

cannibalism is illegal. the law does not have an exception for self-cannibalism.

>> No.10911372
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So is biting your nails worth a jail sentence

>> No.10911772

Actually, in the US it is legal to eat human flesh that isn't yours, only a couple states made it illegal. It's just hard to come by with legal methods.

>> No.10911812

your body absolutely can produce the vital minerals by itself, supplementing while fasting is foolish.

>> No.10911864

>produce the vital minerals

my body is a fusion reactor

>> No.10911957

Fasting doesn't agree with me. I've been on a diet since december, lost about 30 kilos, got used to eating below 1500 kcals a day, but recently my progress has stalled so I started doing a couple of 30+ hour fasts (a night of sleep, no food for the entire day, a night of sleep, eat) every week.

It's always a pain, I get hungry during the day and can't stop thinking about food during the evening, it becomes fairly hard to fall asleep as well. Even after I wake up, the hunger doesn't go anywhere, so I immediately try to seek out food. At least the day after the fast is always nice cause even the tiniest meal gets me full. But I tried doing 2+ day fast and it's been more of the same, I still feel hungry as fuck

>> No.10911966

>Only chemical input during fasting is water devoid of any minerals and vitamins
>Piss and shit out the depot your body built before the fast
>"Guys I can totally break physics!"
No you can't.

>> No.10912323

>He doesn't know about snake juice

>> No.10912337

Lol fucking ketoniggers

>> No.10912372

Eggs are pretty much the ideal ratio of macronutrutrients. Think about it. They contain everything it takes to make a chicken. The only better food would be a human fetus. That said, you're not a chicken, so get some greens and you're all set.

>> No.10914060

walk around outside for a bit. I find that helps with the hunger

>> No.10914463

what is basic biochemistry?
Seriously though don't speak about stuff that you know fuck all about

>> No.10914484

Yeah intermittent fasting is the healthiest way to do it

>> No.10914495

intermittent fasting works fine and has been proven to have health benefits

>> No.10915709


>> No.10916092

currently doing a 2 week fast. Just finished day 3. Feeling good :)

>> No.10916331

day 4 is when the headache starts to kick in

>> No.10916348

I do a combo of OMAD and 20:4 5x a week with 2 non-consecutive days where I fast for a full 24 hours. Though I just completed my first 60+ hour fast this week. So I think I might start doing a 3 day fast every week as soon as I am able to hit 72 hours.

>> No.10916375

you mean the evolutionary processes that made sure humans store bodyfat and then use it when there is nothing to eat for a month?

because humans would actually go without food pretty fucking often for a long time in the winter.

>> No.10916386

when you dont take salt like a retard maybe

>> No.10916388

how do you take salt

>> No.10916456

you put some in the water you drink

>> No.10916538
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>'optimal' fat/carb/protein ratio
This depends on your dietary needs. Are you lifting weights? Are you sedentary? Do you run or do sports? Do you work an active job? Are you trying to build muscle, lose fat, both, or just maintain your current build?

Most of your food should be fat. Avoid high glycemic index carbs like potatoes, white rice, bread, tortillas, pasta; use carb allowance to eat fruits and odd bits of flavoring etc (1g carb in 1/4tsp of garlic powder!)

To build your own diet based on macros:
>Find a carb limit that works for you.
I workout and work an active job, so I aim for about 100g or less in carbs every day (average American diet is 350g carbs). Under 50g daily is your cut-off for ketosis.
>Find your protein range.
Protein can be synthesized into 'sugar' same as carbs in your body. If you're trying to stay in ketosis, it's more important to really limit your protein intake because too much protein will kick you out of ketosis same as carbs. If you're lifting weights and trying to put on muscle, you want to make sure you eat enough; /fit/ usually recommends 1g per lb of body weight or more, but it's important if you're eating a lot of protein that most of it is lean. Fatty meats carry saturated fats which can be detrimental in huge quantities.
>Fill the rest with fat and veggies.
Good fats, especially monounsaturated fats with SOME but not too many polyunsaturated fats. There are two kinds of polyunsaturated fats: Omega-3 and Omega-6. Omega-3 are naturally found in seafood, fish, some plants, seeds, etc. Omega-6 are more found in things like soybean oil and other processed oils. It's important to watch out for your ratio of O3:O6; having an inverse ratio, that is, too much Omega-6 with not enough Omega-3, is harmful to your system. Pick oils and fat sources with more monounsaturated than polyunsaturated fats. Saturated fats are fine in moderation. I think the best fats from my chart are olive oil, chicken fat, and pork lard.

>> No.10916596

literally everything on that chart has more o6 than o3, so how do you get a proper ratio?

>> No.10916609

They're cooking oils. Cooking oil/diluted distilled product is going to increase the Omega-6 count. Get your Omega-3s from food, like fish, seafood, seeds, nuts, tofu, squash, sprouts, etc, etc. It's just important to know the difference so you don't use a high-O6 oil without eating anything O3 to counter-balance.

>> No.10916670

I do IF, OMAD, and I noticed something interesting.

When I eat my one meal in the morning, I'm a lot hungrier throughout the day and much more tired the following morning.

When I eat my one meal at night, I dont feel hungry at all and have more energy and feel more concentrated throughout the day.

It seems counterintuitive to me.

>> No.10916680

digestion is a bigger physical hamper than people think. you're spending energy to digest that big meal

>> No.10916699

>after reading about the benefits of periodically fasting, I've decided to give it a shot.
>So far, it's been two and a half days, and I don't feel hungry at all. The hunger went away after about 8PM on the first day.

You're doing the same thing as keto basically. You'll eventually find that you can eat meat during your 'fast' and it won't trigger hunger pangs, as long as you eat no carbs.

>> No.10917443
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Longest fast I've been on was 14 days, I'm currently on Day 3 of what I hope is a 30 day fast. I'm about 25 pounds overweight (185/ 6'1). Some tips, if at any point you feel like you will not be able to make it, that there is something seriously wrong, break the fast.

>Day 1
Not hard at all, just stay hydrated. Important supplements are multivitamin and brewer's yeast

>Day 2-3
People with low willpower will suffer here, it weeds out most people

>Day 4+
You will start pissing like a racehorse, water will flow right through you, which means you're drinking constantly. You need to start taking iodized salt, teaspoon or so. That will help retain your water.

>Day 5
You feel oddly good, maybe euphoric, hunger pangs very occasionally but it's not really present. You have stopped pooping entirely.

>Day 7
Your sense of smell is heightened, you can smell meat grilling a mile away. You have less energy in the morning, getting up quickly causes major head rushes. You can start adding caffeine. You can go with a zero calorie energy drink or take caffeine tablets. You will need it, I was consuming 400 mg of caffeine at this point.

>Day 10
You start feeling occasional pangs of "REAL HUNGER". Not that babby shit you feel when you don't eat but a primal instinct to consume something. These pangs pass.

>Day 12+
Pangs of "REAL HUNGER" increase but you can still do it, eventually it might make sense to begin consuming a potent broth or something and break fast for a few days, but might not be necessary. You start feeling more in touch with your body, I started feeling more aware of myself and could enter almost a trance by meditating. There is a spirituality element here.

It's a rewarding experience and when you break fast your stomach shrinks dramatically. However it can rebound quickly so eat very slowly, and non-rich feeds. So soups, broths, rice, tofu. (Think Buddhist monk cuisine). You're body has been purged of sugar addictions, so eat healthy now.

>> No.10917454

>like how atheism is a form of religion.
This bait belongs on >>>/his/

>> No.10917469

this is literally the opposite of food and cooking

>> No.10917852

crystal meth.

>> No.10917904
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4 weeks of exersize and healthy eating
6 weeks of fasting 2-3 days at a time and 1 ~1000 calorie or less meal in between
and 4 weeks of OMAD while flatbed trucking recently

lost 45 pounds in total so far with no noticeable muscle loss, I can even notice some muscle definition now with my arms

dropped 220 to 175 pounds in that time and im still losing doing the OMAD and im 5'9"

give it a try. and no, I never did snake juice, though ive been drinking sips the past 2 or 3 weeks, but im still losing weight

>> No.10919757

It's about as much of a religion as not collecting stamps is a hobby.