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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.31 MB, 1188x1950, E88D5D8B-260D-4E88-AC08-9BE9E78BADFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10895060 No.10895060 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10895065
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>> No.10895067
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How can people actually eat this shit? Why did I love this stuff when I was a kid? It's not like it tastes any different, but every time I see """""breakfast""""" food like this I'd rather have something healthy for both better taste and health.

>> No.10895069

alright it was kinda neat at first but I've had about enough of the "aww look at the cute international corporation, it thinks it's people" now

>> No.10895071

Because it was full of sugar, and that’s all kids wanted to eat

>> No.10895076


>> No.10895078

Why is everyone acting like a nigger? It's not cool it's just depressing.

>> No.10895083

>why does a brand of cheap junk food marketed to children emulate the speech patterns and social media mannerisms of their target demographic
No idea

>> No.10895092

*insert .gif of African woman having a seizure*

>> No.10895709

Kids don’t have complicated palits

>> No.10895716

I don't get it.

>> No.10895727


>> No.10895735

Some believe they mistook a sorbet for a non-alcoholic beverage, i.e. virgin, which would otherwise be alcoholic.

>> No.10895739

thank you poptarts for shaming our children for not having sex

>> No.10895740

More like extremely cringe.

>> No.10895746

I hope children are virgins otherwise this could get pretty awkward.

>> No.10895750

It's a fine line between genuinely funny banter from these company Twitters and just cringy tryhardism.
These are firmly in the latter category.

>> No.10895755

ah, nothing like having a big company attack my sexuality.

>> No.10895757

That's what they said.

>> No.10895800

They selling in stores yet?

>> No.10895838
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>> No.10895850

God dammit
Twitter was a mistake

>> No.10895856

Is this loss?

>> No.10895863

Yeah but the flavors are strawberry and cheesecake why the fuck did they use sorbet that makes no damn sense

>> No.10895866


>> No.10895877

>tfw Buckley puts the company on blast on twitter for making jokes about his woman's miscarriage.
>Social media guy who runs their twitter gets fired
I hope this happens.
Corporations have too many rules on what they can say to use our jokes.

>> No.10896052

Proctor & Gamble tweeting at Kellogg's, epic

>> No.10896583

Can someone tell me the joke here?

>> No.10896630

>a marketing team full of young white millennials think it's trendy to copy Wendy's on Twitter
>thinks they can burn you or be "savage" as if they weren't a bunch of overpaid office workers being faux-snarky because they're paid to be

>> No.10896645

Hey man the out of touch 60 year old CEO wanted them to ape the trend, not their fault

>> No.10896657

Oh god, you nailed it. Jesus Christ, how disgusting.

>> No.10896696

These posts are both entirely believable and pretty depressing.

>> No.10897337

this is a subtle analogy of a cock's life
the right bottle is a cock
first it's small and orange then it becomes a big black cock, then it dies and become green
the red bottle represents your self, the witness of your cock's evolution
took me some minutes to get it

>> No.10897344

I don't get it.

>> No.10897360
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>> No.10897364

Underrated post

>> No.10897403

>SunnyD sucking up to better brands to remain relevant
Makes sense

>> No.10897436

I know you don't. lmao

>> No.10897470

This shit is embarrassing. Twitter was a mistake.

>> No.10897490

>Twitter was a mistake
>Facebook layout

>> No.10897524

>We live in the timeline where companies advertise through loss edits
like seriously what in the fuck
I feel like life is becoming trippier n trippier

>> No.10897527

It's the Mandible Effect.

>> No.10897540

Say what you want, but some of these companies have better bantz than any faggot on 4chan. All you retards can come up with is "hurr soy cuck nigger jew"

>> No.10897550

this isnt even bantz though. who are they talking to? their customers? what a great business decision

>> No.10897554
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They can't even say that because Dave from marketing would lose his job. Picture related.

>> No.10897566

unlike you, we dont think about dicks when we look at fruit juice. Or much at all for that matter.

>> No.10897579


No one cares if shitty companies are trying to imitate autistic man babies, get out of your room you fucking loser.

>> No.10897583

fucking mad bants

>> No.10897594

t. straight white male

>> No.10897595

Because unlike you, most people brush it off as a deliberate, albeit corny, attempt to be humorous and say "wow, they've got some cool funny dudes working there, I want to buy their stuff!" If you seriously get upset because some faggot who runs the poptart twitter page made a broad, uneducated jest that you're a virgin, maybe you should step back and ask why you take social media so seriously. This is the problem with social media, it's created a generation of snowflakes who get offended when anybody makes a statement they disagree with. Everybody wants serious, straight-forward pampering and reads too much into stupid crap like this. This criticism has nothing to do with political affiliations, people on all sides are guilty of being crybaby faggots.

>> No.10897597

>tfw 17 year olds are paid extortionate wages to shitpost under a major brand name

>> No.10897598

If you follow a company like pop tarts on twitter you should take a good long look at the suicide option

>> No.10897599


>> No.10897615

They're not 17. They're failed comedy writers

>> No.10897619

>They're failed comedy writers
Could a majority of 4chan faggots be considered as such?

>> No.10897635

4chan is actually funny, but for every laugh you have to read through a few hundred posts. So no, most of you faggots aren’t funny, just me and a few others who carry the team

>> No.10897653

hey man, if you seriously get upset because some faggot on the a Taiwanese basket-weaving forum made a comment you for some reason interpreted as being offended, maybe you should take a step back and ask why you take social media so seriously. This is the problem with social media, it's created a generation of snowflakes who get offended when anybody makes a statement they disagree with. Everybody wants serious, straight-forward pampering and reads too much into stupid crap like this. This criticism has nothing to do with political affiliations, people on all sides are guilty of being crybaby faggots.

>> No.10897656

id let u cook me dinner every night anon

>> No.10897669

I didn't know I needed to be upset to share my opinions.

>> No.10897761

me neither

>> No.10897853

It's ten years old, man. You should know. You need to get hip and with it. Read Know Your Meme back to back and memorize every word. It is your bible.

>> No.10897923

Welcome to the Zoomer age. No OC, just shitty rehashes of existing content. Hope you enjoyed the internet while it lasted.

>> No.10897965


>> No.10897997

Kek, he was asking for that one.

>> No.10898010


>> No.10898038

No they don't, they're as scathing at a 16 year old girl who thinks she's witty.

>> No.10898066

inform me when a big corporation makes a kike or nigger joke and stands by it
then maybe ill think they have balls

>> No.10898086
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>just me and a few others who carry the team
ik u put this in to make me mad, but u made me mad

>> No.10898221

4chan is merciless, and I genuinely do think that the impassionate criticism you get here can, to some degree, actually improve your ability to articulate something in a punchy way. It's like the old french salons but with a lot more adults masturbating to japanese cartoon characters. Of course, the irony is that it also implies that unless you're willing to really take it to heart when an anonymous 16 year old autist calls you an unfunny cocksucker boomer faggot nigger, or responds to you with a cringe compilation macro, you'll never improve your writing.

>> No.10898233

Taking criticism from an anonymous poster thousands of miles away from your home is a completely different beast from being chewed out to your face.

>> No.10898245

When's the last time you've seen better bantz here that wasn't just a repost of a repost from 5+ years ago?

>> No.10898253

Not really, you're a lot more in control in real life. If you're not a pussy you can just selectively hear the important stuff and ignore the person's attitude.

t. artfag

>> No.10898316

Oh man, in 20 years there will be a movie made like Ready Player One but featuring memes

>> No.10898333

>marketing shill wants to be hardcore but CEO won't let him

They'd just claim they were hacked and remove the tweet. You know these (((people))) have no spine.

>> No.10899299

Bit gay, but accurate

>> No.10899501

>implying theres a fucking difference when it comes to vapid faggots trying into maymays Xd 4 atentshun
fuck off b8ing niggerfaggot

>> No.10899542

what's the joke?

>> No.10899607


>> No.10899617

>being a bitchy queen is cool now
what is wrong with you kids?

>> No.10899625

You're just mad that you have crow's feet and can't fit into those jeans that make your bulge look so nice.

>> No.10899627

i'm not mad about any of that

>> No.10899654

I feel old every time I say image macro. And what's this pfp nonsense? Just say avvy.

>> No.10899854
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>Mandible Effect

>> No.10899880

It's that Chines guy who strings random words together, in the hopes that the laypeople will share his disdain for the Western fields of study he has struggled to understand

>> No.10900508

The Mandela effect wouldn't be applicable

>> No.10900667
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>> No.10901232

Breakfast food btfo

>> No.10901257


>> No.10901264





>> No.10901268


>> No.10901271

This new "acting like such a mature adult" meme is retarded. Like soon just the very act of enjoying food will be considered immature

>> No.10901677

Yes it is, you lothario. The Mandible effect explains that reality has shifted into another timeline. A timeline where snack food companies use 4chan witticisms from circa 2006.

>> No.10901730

The Mandela effect is about false memories not /x/ memes about sliding.

>> No.10902993

this is actually called the "magneto effect"

>> No.10903019

How is a company getting away with joking about that?

>> No.10903108
File: 26 KB, 500x495, 1527871150099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was eating butter as a kid. Regular fucking butter. Not in combination with anything, I just ate that fucking solid butter without giving any fucks and I liked it. I still kinda remember the taste and consistence but but there's no fucking way I'm going to check how it feels now. The mere idea of it is absolutely disgusting.
There's something really wrong with kids' taste receptors or something.

>> No.10903415

>retards can come
Yeah we know, how do you think you were born? *emoji*

>> No.10903529
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>> No.10903536

this was a /v/ meme in literally 2011. why is it popular again?

>> No.10903560

Because of shit like this.
You can now reference loss with four panels and two bars. The possibilities are literally and unfortunately endless

>> No.10903574

I would just eat mayonnaise out of a jar. It was good mayonnaise though

>> No.10903614


>> No.10903816

it never stopped being popular you fag
loss is true comedy

>> No.10903828
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Gen Z humor being stolen by corps is pretty funny ngl

>> No.10903967

You're newer than you think.

>> No.10903997
File: 120 KB, 940x981, PicsArt_07-13-11.08.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boris stop making gaming videos and make more cooking videos

>> No.10903999


>> No.10904021

>Gen Z
millenial boomers.

>> No.10904389

Good man.
>enter soda thread once to post about low-sugar sodas like ginger ale and pink lemonade.
>noticed something that made me come back to check the next one.
>every similar thread since has minimum 5 people posting just to say they're big boys who don't drink soda.
/ck/ has a lot of kiddos trying to fit in with the people on here who can cook, its amusing how they think they can accomplish this just by spontaneously renouncing anything they think might be seen as juvenile.

>> No.10905354

spotted the genZ
its been revived by teenagers who've just discovered ED

>> No.10905388

Of course they haven't heard of him, he's not a product or brand. He's just a guy
the insult makes no sense. it's one of the easiest "disses" you can make because
1) it makes no sense
2) it doesn't apply
3) it's "i know you are but what am I" but even easier

>> No.10905710

is that a racemixing poptart

>> No.10905726

how do you think fuckley feels when he sees this?

>> No.10905817

Weren't the original salty Wendy tweets written by a middle-aged Jewess?
I think some autist doxed her and she quit. Guess the retard expected her to look like the company logo.

>> No.10905839

It's one of the dangers of marketing toward mouth breathers.

>> No.10906670

So to recap the danger is they will be redpilled on (((them))) being behind everything?

>> No.10906854

oh my fucking god

>> No.10907024

/cock/ 4eva

>> No.10907054

Not necessarily, it could just be someone looking to rape her as well.

>> No.10907078

What I don't understand is why? I don't mind companies letting loose, it's way more interesting then stiff emotionless suits. But why call us a virgin, how's that related to the poptarts?

>> No.10907143

Sneed Tarts

>> No.10907151

Was this a reply to a comment, or did they just tweet a poptart picture and say something about virgins? I'm confused. Why is sunny D there?

>> No.10907160

Loss was big on the internet in general for a few years before. I'm a 2011 newfag but I was already familiar with loss from the hundreds of other sites shitting on B^U

>> No.10907166


>> No.10907210
