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File: 201 KB, 900x1200, scotch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10887281 No.10887281 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for a decent bottle of Scotch under $40. Any suggestions? I've heard good things about Laphroaig. Also whiskey general.

>> No.10887358

Justerini & Brooks. Single malts are nice, but out of my price range lately. And tbhwyfamily once you start drinking in volume they are kind of a waste. J&B has that good smoky scotch flavor, and is satisfyingly complex if an ice cube is added, and it doesn't break the bank or reek of pretension.

Ignore anyone who recommends Cutty Sark. That shit is nail polish.

>> No.10887537

J&B is trash, at least buy Teachers if anything.

>> No.10887553

>under $40
Mentions Laphroaig


>> No.10889003

The only value of Cutty Sark is the price.
It certainly isn't a good scotch, but it is cheap as shit.

>> No.10890483

i imagine scotch is cheaper here in the UK than it is in america, but personally my go to is glenfiddich

>> No.10890638

Sipping on that right now actually. I'm not sure whether or not I can recommend as it's definitely not a whisky for everyone.

>> No.10890652

fucking love laphroaig, all peaty whiskies in general

>> No.10890688

Why bother going for "expensive" ones when you have to mix coke anyway? Fucking paint thinner drink

>> No.10890696

you have to mix with coke because you drink shit whisky

>> No.10890700

Well, I won't bother shelling out more than 15 for something I might not like without 7up or coke

>> No.10890710

yeah i mean its an acquired taste, you have to kind of want to acquire it

>> No.10890719


>> No.10890725

If I knew somebody who'd take it off my hands in case I don't like it, I might try a higher tier one. No point in buying an expensive drink and then have it rot in my shelf or wherever because I don't like it

>> No.10890751

Try something cheaper that's still generally considered a good whisk(e)y. Try Four Roses Single Barrel. Strong notes of cherry and cinnamon, just the right amount of rye. My favourite bourbon by far.

>> No.10890769

>Four Roses Single Barrel
That's still 30 a bottle, but doable. Should I not be this short of cash some day I might actually try it

>> No.10890779

yeah it always sucks when that happens

i bought a bottle of haig clubman because it was on sale one time only to find out it tasted like absolute shite

start out with american whiskeys, theyre normally a lot sweeter and easier to drink, drink them with a small amount of ice to get used to it

dont drink jack daniels its trash

>> No.10890912

>jack daniels its trash
Gotta back this one up. JD is for mixing or shots, not sipping, and if you're gonna mix, you might as well go with Jim Beam or Evan Williams 1785, they're similar quality but much cheaper

>> No.10890932

JD Single Barrel is quite nice though

>> No.10890967

Ardbeg 10 is $40, is my go to budget scotch if you like islays'

>> No.10890975

This more or less. Try the Quarter Cask if you can.

>> No.10891339

Why bother buying cheap scotch if youre in US? Surely you can get much better value for money buying bourbon.

>> No.10891671

>30 bucks
>too expensive
Why are 50% of drinkers on this board always such poverty trash?

>> No.10891895


Probably a lot of college people who are typical broke college people. That or failures.
I have a feeling a lot of people come here to either learn cheap cooking or look at nice cooking that they can't have.

>> No.10892792

it's on sale for 19 now at my local grocery chain. picked it up to try and I love it. great for the price.

I do believe op asked about scotch however, not bourbon. try Isle of Arran 10yr. it shouldn't be too pricey and is great.

>> No.10892806

that or folks that go through a bottle in a couple of days and like to have it on hand. gets expensive to drop 60bux on a nice scotch five times a month versus having cheaper shit around and the good stuff now and then.

>> No.10892952
File: 37 KB, 960x539, 20479460_1815137761835579_6930303514989325374_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laphroig quarter cask is phenomenal, and the triple wood even better
the best bargain peated scotch is probably the machrie moor from Arran if you can find it; the 6/7th editions were the best
I rarely dram anymore, although I love me some nikka from the barrel or sauternes cask arran

>> No.10893262

$35 bucks for Laphroaig 10 and Quarter Cask is only $47

>> No.10893265

4R SiB is the tits dude, definitely pick it up

>> No.10893294

Single Malts
Laphroaig 10 ~$35
Glenfiddich 12/Glenlivet 12/Glenmorangie 10 (Original) ~$25-30
Glen Moray Elgin Classic is passable but cheap as shit for a single malt ~$18
Balvenie 12 Doublewood ~$37
Highland Park 12 just had a price hike in my area from ~$40 to $43 or so
Talisker Storm ~$30
Dalmore 12 ~$40

Johnny Walker Black is decent for ~$25
Johhny Walker Double Black is much better for only ~$33 but at that point you may as well just get Laphroaig
Monkey Shoulder ~$24 (blended malt)

Prices may vary in your area, these are a combo of Total Wine and another local store's best non-sale prices in my market.

>> No.10893296

J &B is the fucking shit! And it's only 21$-23$ around here. It's blended, not single malt, but has a really great flavor that isn't too harsh.

>> No.10893306

This isn't about scotch, but JB extra aged is fucking great. It's my favorite and under $23.

>> No.10893318

Those are good prices! All of those cost almost double around here.

>> No.10893352

Not broke. Just don't want to spend that much on something that will just turn into piss for the next couple of nights.

>> No.10894427

I love Laphroaig. Once you develop a taste for heavily peated whiskies you will never want to try anything else.
I have a bottle of Ardbeg now that I absolutely love and am saving bit my bit to get a bottle of Lagavullin.

>> No.10894439

You're definitely not American. Add about 15-30 dollars to everything you said and that's how much good Scotch costs here.
A decent bottle of something here will set you back 50, at least.

>> No.10895706

Actually I am. Twin Cities

>> No.10895772

Just got a bottle of this and its damn tasty, actually the first Irish whiskey I really like.

>> No.10895779
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Forgot the pic

>> No.10895841


>> No.10895955

"Generals" aren't banned, addictposting is. I swear to god if I see some boomer whining about "muslim" mods again.............

>> No.10895967

I'm worried about falling deeply in love with heavily peated Islay's. It's expensive up here at $88/bottle for Laphroaig QC or $100 for Ardbeg 10. My daily drinks are usually a good bourbon though, but I've had 3 drams of Laphroaig 10 and 2 of Ardbeg 10. It's going to get expensive.

>> No.10896100

I can’t drink my whiskey unless it’s room temp and straight.
Is something wrong with me?

>> No.10897006

they have one that tastes like a campfire.
i'd steer clear unless you're looking for that specific characteristic or make sure you don't end up with it if you're new to scotches and can't appreciate it. i like scotch, but i'm not an enthusiast. i didn't like it.

>> No.10897192
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Laphroaig is $60 home boy, but it's damn good neat.
Monkey shoulder is my go to cheap scotch that is still good neat. $35 A bottle

>> No.10897203

All Islay scotch tastes like campfire, but it's a good taste, better then paint thinner

>> No.10897256

Monkey shoulder is incredibly overmarketed for what it is, a heavily branded, but cheap blend.

They put more money in the bottle design and marketing than into actually making a decent whisky. The stuff has no body whatsoever, just perfumed blandness.

Just get actual glenfiddich with actual age and some substance, instead of leftovers blended together.

Sorry to shit over your fave scotch, I just can't stand this stuff. If you enjoy it, good for you, seriously, but consider the possibility that you (like me, who bought a full bottle without testing it first) have fallen prey to a massive marketing endeavour.

>> No.10897287

I said "go to cheap scotch". It isn't my favorite, just my go to when I don't want to drink down ten bucks, or be at a party with shit glassware or even plastic cups.
Everything is fucking expensive here as well.
Also, I try all my whisky before I buy bottles, have you ever heard of a whisky bar?

>> No.10897304

Ah, ok, makes sense how you describe it. Life must be rough overseas with prices so high.

And yeah, usually I buy bottles after trying (and liking) a glass at a friends place or in a bar. Just bought the monkey on a whim online, maybe that's why I'm so bitter about this one, classic mistake.


>> No.10897320
File: 67 KB, 398x500, whiskey[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get this shit for $45 and it has no right being that cheap. Complex caramel vanilla oak malt flavors, so smooth i can't even justify putting it over ice. I go through it so fast I have to be careful how often I buy it.

>> No.10897359

Where the fuck do I even buy it?

>> No.10897384

They're probably too new to get it outside the area, but if you see it in a few years you should grab a bottle.

>> No.10897387

Went down to the mart today to pick some stuff up and low and behold for the first time ever I shit my pants in the store. I was standing there with the shit flowing down my pant legs, and I thought to myself, "You know what? I'm gonna finish my errand. I'm not leaving until I get what I came for. I'm PROUD. I'm PROUD that I shit myself, this is America and I can do what I damn well please."

>> No.10897419

What happened next

>> No.10897423

everybody clapped

>> No.10897680

>Laphroaig is $60 home boy
where do you live? its like 30€ here in germany

>> No.10897696

California, but I'm guessing it's the same for all of the US because it's an import.
I also assumed op was in the US because he used $.

>> No.10897718

well thats just sad laphroaig is not a 60$ scotch
also isn't everything overpriced in cali?

>> No.10897727

>commiefornia has shitty prices
it's $36 in Monroe, LA

>> No.10897782

Glen Moray is my favorite for a little more than 30$

>> No.10897867

It could just be Bevmo is overpriced, but I can't find it in any other stores.

>> No.10897998

From what I understand, California has quite low liquor prices. State liquor prices are always weird since they're dependent on whether at some point some moralists or tax enthusiasts snuck regulations into the books, i.e. Montana's a classic Wild West state where it was basically legal to drink and drive for the longest time, but their liquor prices are high as fuck because they have a state liquor monopoly for some reason

>> No.10898018


Go to a local higher end bar. Somewhere nice. Maybe a nicer resteraunt that has a bar included. Ask to sit at the bar. Order a few appetizers. Now look at the booze selection. Find a high end whiskey or scotch. Ask for a glass of whatever.

Enjoy your time and your taste of the drink without spending 50 for a whole bottle.

>> No.10898447

2 doubles of good scotch at a high end restaurant will easily cost you $50. Go to a scotch bar if you can find one, do some tastings, and then go buy bottles online.

>> No.10898560


I live in New Orleans, so I'm a bit skewed. I can get a doubles for like 7-10 bucks. Also, if he is just trying new boozes, he would be getting singles. Singles would be cjeaper

>> No.10898932

>All Islay scotch tastes like campfire

Not true.

>> No.10898949

Sheep dip or pigs nose

>> No.10899823

Just got paid, niggas
Recommend me a single malt to get for less than 60 USD

>> No.10899845

I think I'm in the minority. I worked in a fancy liquor store for almost a decade, and got to try all sorts of great whiskeys. For a while, I was able to try each yearly batch of George T Stagg and the Pappy and regular Van Winkle, among other cool things that came through. I still enjoy Jack, by itself occasionally too. I won't ever buy JD unless it's on a decent sale though. That said, I think the other ones like Gentleman Jack is not good, and Single Barrel is not really improved over the standard.

>> No.10899846

I love that stuff Laphroaig ten year is great. I also like the quarter cask

>> No.10900067
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Nuff said

>> No.10900195

I'll come down and visit. put me up in your guest room.

>> No.10901559

Mixing tier swill you'd find at every chain restaurant's bar

>> No.10901763

nothing wrong with a whisky made for mixed drink but don't parade it as something worth drinking neat

>> No.10901791
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Got this for nine bucks, where's it rank on the snob scale?

>> No.10901849

>80 proof NAS Bourbon blend

Going to go out on a whim here and say that it's bottom shelf garbage. Though in reality, I can't say without trying it.

>> No.10901858

I mean it tastes fine to me, I'm not picky. I'll happily drink bottom shelf vodka neat, I was just curious whether I could get an objective rating of what I'm sipping.

>> No.10902094
File: 121 KB, 1200x1960, Ten_High_Bourbon-a-Blend_80prf_750ml_Glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought ten high a little while ago with pic related labeling style, and while the label on yours looks different, its statement is still "Bourbon Whiskey - A Blend" so, like mine, it's probably 49% "neutral spirits" as labelled on the neck. Shoots fine but mixes like shit, with pervasive rubbing alcohol flavor no matter how you mix it

>> No.10902564

Not great, you can get straight bourbon at a similar price point i.e. Benchmark

>> No.10902877

Bowmore 15 darkest. Easy, smooth, a bit sweet iirc and tasty without all the smoke.

>> No.10903740


>> No.10903752

old st. andrews.

>> No.10904013

Thoughts on Talisker? I want to try but want opinions

>> No.10904146

My friend's dad owns excessive amounts of Talisker Skye

Although he also drinks "vodka martinis" so take that with a grain of salt

>> No.10904187

Talisker Skye is the cheap dogshit version.

>> No.10904197

Living in Edinburgh means literally every bar serves 10+ kinds of whisky at the same kind of price you'd pay for any other premium spirit. But Lagavulin is where it's at.

>> No.10904284

How is the 10 year version? My local liquor store has it

>> No.10904320

Talisker 10 is excellent, if you like a briny and peppery scotch it goes down well. Definitely an upgrade over Talisker Storm which has no age statement and is rough around the edges.

>> No.10904362

I love Islay whiskies and Skye is right next to Islay so i wonder how Talisker would be being the only Skye whiskey
I just hear a lot of mixed stuff about it

>> No.10904391

ice cube in his whisky..............

Why don't you jsut drink muddy water, the ice cools the liquid so you can't exp all flavours.... normy

>> No.10904645
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My cousin just gave me a bottle of this, not looking forward to drinking it

>> No.10904658
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For me it's the J&B Rare.

>> No.10904983
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Chivas 12 was the first scotch whisky I ever tried and I still like it quite a bit. I'm drinking some right now.
I like my Lagavulin as much as the next whiskyfag, but sometimes the mellowness of a decent blend is pretty nice. Variety is good!

>> No.10905288
File: 325 KB, 800x562, RODDY-PIPER-THEY-LIVE-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question time, I have a bottle of La Frog in which the cork disintegrated and ended up floating in the stuff. There's also a thin oily sheen on top.

What the heck do I do to clean the stuff up? When I pour it, the gunk that dissolved gets mixed in and it takes hours to settle out and float to the top.

So much this. Monkey Shit is really basic booze. The "Famous Grouse" stuff that they sell in 7-11 is seriously better.

This stuff is excellent mixed with Sunny D.

>> No.10905352

Some flavors unpack when you add a little water, you're missing out on complexity and nuance because you're a defensive man baby.

>> No.10905385
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>Here's your booze ration, private

>> No.10905406

>Cork disintegrated so much it fell in the bottle

Jesus fucking christ

I'm not an expert on fixing LIQUOR GORE but your best bet would be moving it to a larger container, leaving it covered until it settles out, then skimming off the top with something like a coffee filter. There might be more filth in the liquor itself that doesn't separate out, but again, my intuition tells me you'll probably have success with a paper filter with the top problem.

>> No.10905489

Get an empty bottle or decanter with a stopper, a funnel and a coffee filter. Put the filter in the funnel and use it to pour the whisky in the new container. Toss the old bottle as it probably has remnants of the cork left it and it’s not worth cleaning. The whisky may taste a little different now but it’s better than having to skim your drink every time you want one.

>> No.10905972

That'll work better if the contaminants are more particulate than dissolved, I recommended skimming since the "oily sheen" sounds like it'll go through a filter when it's mixed and there's force behind it, whereas when separated it could more easily be removed with low force and care

>> No.10907133

If you like peaty whisky, it top tier

>> No.10907597

I managed to buy a bottle of Talisker Skye with 2 glasses for €18 this week. I like it. The fresh taste of fruits carried into a sweet taste with a pepper smokey finish is pleasant to me.

I'd recommend it.

>> No.10908033

Whisky expert here, ask me anything.
>inb4 how are you an expert faget?
I’ve done tastings and professional seminars with dozens of brand reps from across the globe and have been on tasting panels for well known local and international distilling companies, so I have a good amount of knowledge on stuff regarding the ol’ woody spirit and I’m happy to help people interested in the hobby.

>> No.10908041

Talisker I find is more like a fruitier Caol Ila, at least that’s what I got from their 10 year, Storm and 25 cask strength. Pepper, brine and sea salt are the big components that make up their spirit and usually I find that sherried Talisker is amazingly delicious with that nice mix of sweet, salty and peaty.

>> No.10908051

how did you get so faggy? did whisky do this to you?

>> No.10908076

I was born into it. Molded by it. I didn’t see a pussy until I was a man but by then it was nothing to me but blinding.

>> No.10908398

fine mr expert. tell me about something that flies under most folk's radar. maybe it's deceptively good for the price, or maybe it's from a region not normally associated with whisky.

impress us

>> No.10908731
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I love this one, it’s hard to get a good and cheap whiskey in a third world country

>> No.10908762

>"vodka martinis
Nothing wrong w/ that

>> No.10908804


Alcohol is alcohol, it's for consumption - not to be held on to

>> No.10908991

Why would anyone want to drink watered-down high-proof vermouth except to feel cultured despite thinking gin is "icky pine juice"

>> No.10910418

In terms of international whisky I’d say Amrut is potentially underrated as prices have not gotten as bad as Japanese and Australian whisky along with Kavalan in Taiwan. Amrut Spectrum especially is an amazingly good single malt whisky. Other then that Zuidam in The Netherlands and Koenig in France have been making some interesting stuff along with Victoria Caledonian in Canada who have a single malt spirit that tastes like an 8 Year Old whisky despite only being aged for 2 months. Dr. Jim Swan, one of the big men behind Kilchoman’s success, helped their distillery out before his passing away and currently they’re waiting on their first 3 year old and now are peating their own barley so hopefully they’ll be a cool place to look at in the future along with another British Columbia distillery called Shelter Point.

In terms of underrated scotch distileries I’d say the two that haven’t seen insane price gouges yet from hype that make great stuff are Deanston and Glen Garioch, two very good Highland distilleries with some of the best distillery bottlings for the buck in Scotland. Blair Athol is also very nice but they don’t do distillery bottlings so you have to find indie bottlings of their stuff, I’ve had a 27 Year Old Cask Strength of their stuff from a German bottle and it’s very complex but delicately delicious.

>> No.10910426

Bulleit and Van Winkle are my favorites on there, but what is the Remy doing in a whiskey thread?

>> No.10910720

aight, you seem to know your stuff. I'll give some of these a try.

>> No.10910747

who /canadian club/ here

>> No.10910755
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>> No.10910766


I-it's all I can afford at the moment

>> No.10910777

you can afford four roses

>> No.10911060

I've never tried Whiskey of any kind before.
Any good entry level stuff?

>> No.10911153
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That's a good idea, thanks. I have filters and funnels from some chemistry experiments I did a while back.

No worries, I'll do both. Filter it, then let it settle and skim. I think the chemical film floating on top will probably stick to the filter paper, it looks a little oily.

It was a three-wood bottle of La Frog, so it wasn't the greatest. I'm still grateful to /ck/ for alerting me to the end of the #003 cask-strength batch; I picked up the last few bottles of that from my local liquor store.

>> No.10911165

Buy Old Overholt instead if you want cheap ass rye. Hell even Mellow Corn is better then CC.
Usually Jameson’s is a good way to ease yourself in. Go to a decent whisky bar and try some whisky that’s inexpensive. Gentler scotches like Glengoyne and Glendronach might be a good way to ease into the better quality stuff.

>> No.10911171

Well if you do look into what profile you like and compare with the better rated stuff from those distilleries. Whiskybase is usually good to get tasting notes from.
What kind of whisky do you generally enjoy the most? I can probably link you some more available stuff from the above distilleries depending on where you live.

>> No.10911174

Laphroaig ten-year. See OP. If you can't handle it, then go back to drinking milk.

>> No.10911800
File: 200 KB, 900x1200, Evan Williams white lable .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evan Williams master race reporting in... also, any other good cheap whiskeys like this I should try?

>> No.10913207

EH is meh to me. Heaven Hill BIB is best budget bourbon.

>> No.10914267

Old Grand Dad punches above its weight class.

>> No.10914304
File: 60 KB, 900x1200, japan_tak5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a bottle of this the other day
Surprisingly good.

>> No.10914403

all whiskey tastes like drain cleaner

>> No.10914419

For the 10 year old? It's 45 here.

>> No.10914493

You should have drunk more drain cleaner, anon.

>> No.10914574

>can't drink whiskey neat anymore because it gives me heartburn
I miss scotch so much

>> No.10914607
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Whiskey is like a 3.5, just drink baking soda.

>> No.10915142

Buffalo Trace every time.

>> No.10915275

>good Scotch under $40
Does not exist. You can find a lot of good ones (including Laphroaig) for $40 exactly, but not under.
Four Roses Single is still my favorite bourbon. It's a steal for $40.
Those prices are amazing. You lucky fuck.
Those prices are terrible, you unlucky fuck.
If you can find it at a good price, the 10 is terrific. Smoky, briny, peppery goodness. Prices around me range from 65-80, but I've heard some can find it for under 60, where it would be a steal.
Try Four Roses small batch. It's a little cheaper than the single barrel, and less complex too. It's basically all vanilla and caramel flavor, but it's creamy and delicious. If you insist on Scotch, maybe Black Label, if you can find that under $40. It's got a decent mix of Scotch flavors and a pleasant taste overall. Don't get it if it's over $40 though, because it's thin.

>> No.10915555

So I bought a bottle of jack daniels on a whim and it tastes like shit and the burn sucks. What am I doing wrong. Keep in mind this is my second time drinking booze since I turned 21 a year amd a half ago.

>> No.10915562

Buy some ginger ale, and drink it mixed with that. That's my solution when I unwisely buy a litre bottle of something and discover that it's shit.

There's very few whiskies that are both cheap and pleasant to drink neat. I need to retry Jameson to see if it still qualifies. Used to think it did, but haven't had it in years.

>> No.10915563

Alcohol burns. You only get used to it if you drink it a low. Put a bunch or water or ice in it and drink it like that till you get used to it and slowly bring it to neat. That or get used to it in cocktails.
Also, Jack is shit for the price. Get literally anything else.

>> No.10915569

Well it's 3am here and I don't think I can drive well.
Oh like on the rocks. Csuse I've just been taking swigs from the bottle.

>> No.10915571

I should also probably mention I don't know "how to drink". Since on my 21st I bought a bottle of Midori and drank that with a Mike's Watermelon lemonade ale. I just want to know what being drunk is like since I assume my last state eas "tispsy" where I was woobly wobbly but still at least 97% mentally intact.

>> No.10915576

>What am I doing wrong
For one, you're drinking Jack Daniels. It's absolute trash. Mix it with something or pour it down the drain. It's no good for sipping. For when you get a drinkable whiskey, make a small pour (one or two fingers.) put in a few drops of water, and take small sips. Don't swig it, move it around your mouth before swallowing. If it burns too much, add more water until it's comfortable.

But seriously, Jack is just filth. Throw some coke or ginger ale in it.

>> No.10915591

I don't think I'm cut out for it. At least I tried. But now I need to just drink it with a chaser. Dont want that 24 dollars to go into the trash.

>> No.10915606

>taking swigs from the bottle
I'd advise against this. Even if you're drinking to get drunk, this is an easy way to lose track of what you're drinking. Plus, it's gross.

Keep in mind that adding ice diminishes the flavor and waters down the whisky tremendously. Not necessarily a bad idea for Jack, but I wouldn't recommend it for any decent whiskey.

>> No.10915627
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Well obviously I'm not going to down a whole bottle in a few hours. I've only had this much. Since I opened it maybe three hours ago. Or is that still too much? I don't feel any effects so far.

>> No.10915630

>leaving the top off

Son, all of the alcohol is evaporating.

>> No.10915648

I had just poured some into a glass during the photo shoot. But I think I'll call it a day. I should probably work on not falling for memes. I've fallen for the No.7 meme, /deenz/, /sips/, 'vark, etc.

>> No.10916110

get the gentlemans jack if youre going to be drinking that shit, its at least a bit smoother.

>> No.10916122


Unfortunately not, the taxes in the UK is ridiculous making it more expensive there than the states and many places in Europe.

>> No.10916880
File: 463 KB, 1492x2132, Laphroaig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’ve got a bottle of Laphroaig in my cabinet that’s been there 25+ years now, as none of my whisky drinking friends will touch the stuff. They say it tastes like Liquid Smoke.

>> No.10917832

Even in bottle away from sun 25 years means the peat's almost all gone.

>> No.10917837

if you're running on such a tiny budget and want something drinkable then you're better off forgetting all of those crappy blended scotches that people mention and for a start you can't afford any decent single malt. I recommend you try to find something from Canada as leafs do make some decidedly passable whiskies

>> No.10917861

Id still drink it

>> No.10918144

It should be interesting, like the independent unpeated bottlings of Laphroaig.

>> No.10918589

>independent unpeated bottlings of Laphroaig.
I’ve never seen one of those before, and I’ve drank a lot of Laphroaig.

>> No.10918765
File: 140 KB, 900x1200, lrgob.non11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laphroaig even did an official unpeated a few years back but they're hard to find.

>> No.10919212
File: 1014 KB, 4928x3264, ling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright my nigs, I used to be really into trying whiskey several years ago and just sort of stopped and recently began getting into Scotch again. I love it and now I want to get into bourbon.

Give me some bourbon recs. What does everyone here think of Wild Turkey 101? I remember liking that back in the day but it's been probably 3 years since I've had a bourbon.

>> No.10919294

> Even in bottle away from sun 25 years means the peat's almost all gone.

Interesting, I just uncorked the bottle (that was in the cardboard tube in a cabinet) and it does seem to have lost quite a bit of its peaty smell.

>> No.10919357

well what does it taste like? do you have a picture?

>> No.10919867

Why do I feel like that’s an April Fools bottling from the glass colour alone.

>> No.10919982

Go to total wine

>> No.10920029
File: 1.08 MB, 900x1200, Slyrs 51 single malt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one a lot. Debate me.

>> No.10920039

never heard of it.
what is it even? scotch? rye? bourbon?

>> No.10920049

not him but can't you read?

>> No.10920073

no, go ahead and enlighten me

>> No.10920098

Not him, there's context clues. "Single Malt" and "Whisky" rather than Whiskey. Means it's Scotch.

>> No.10920126

"single malt" isn't exclusive to scotch. it can apply to other types of whisky. I've had French and American single malts
not that it really matters, if it's good stuff then more power to you

>> No.10920135

Apparently it's Bavarian. Never mind.

>> No.10920140


>> No.10920152

I saw an American single malt today aged 18 months. Whatthe fuck

>> No.10920183

Wild Turkey 101 is great for the price. The Russell Reverve 10 yo is even better, but more money. I’ve been drinking Old Grand Dad bib pretty regularly & it’s starting to grow on me. Old Grand Dad 114 is also really good for the price.

>> No.10920214


actually him. Calm down guys... I would call it an Bavarian Bourbon. It is one of the best bourbons I ever had I have to say.

>> No.10920651

their website has it listed at 8 euros.

that is stupidly cheap for a whisky, not that price and quality are necesseraly directly related, it's still suspect.

what would you compare it to?

>> No.10920660

Glenmorangie is around $40. It's incredibly sweet, though that's a plus for me. It's pretty damn good as a rusty nail, or just straight or on the rocks.

>> No.10920755

Old Grand Dad, if you can still find it cheap Henry McKenna BiB, Wl Weller Special or Antique, and Eagle Rare.

>> No.10921477

WT101 is a solid starter bottle thats almost always available and is inexpensive.
As another anon said McKenna BiB and most Wellers are good if you can get them for MSRP. Same with Smooth Ambler Old Scout and any barrel picks of SAOS.

>> No.10921494

I enjoy the Glen Moray Classic. 20 Euros in my place.

>> No.10921663


Yeah, the 5cl bottle is 9€. The one is posted is about 60€.

I woule compare it to Woodford Reserve Double Oaked. Slyrs most expensive Whisky sells for more than 400€ or even more.

>> No.10923124


>> No.10923822



>> No.10924529

man fuck you.