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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.20 MB, 2060x1236, 1471654612758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10894667 No.10894667 [Reply] [Original]

>"Let's start a restaurant that only sells cereal!"

>> No.10894670

You think it's funny but these guys probably made a million dollars off of a simple idea

>> No.10894671

These guys, especially the one on the left, look like massive faggots.

>> No.10894688
File: 231 KB, 643x537, 1528497908553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a million dollars off of a simple idea

>> No.10894701

are u BLIND or what there's clearly cake aswell u double nigger

>> No.10894710

Look closely, young ones of ck. This is what it looks like when you refuse to grow up. Take it as a stern warning.

>> No.10894717

And growing up is criticising every single fucking thing?

>> No.10894731

Calm down and go watch your cartoons, kid.

>> No.10894913
File: 1.08 MB, 1102x1306, The Alien World 3 Michael Whelan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They opened another place in Camden and have them in Kuwait and Dubai.

They laugh at your cast iron memes

>> No.10895111

I can't imagine anyone but literal cucks eating there.

>> No.10895132

>le 4chan epic cynic
And he's the kid?

>> No.10895180
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>> No.10895202

I feel like there is some kind of deeper meaning to it.

>> No.10895203

USA did it first bongs.
Enjoy second place...again.

>> No.10895214
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>> No.10895257

ironically, I had this idea when i was 9 years old, i thought it would be a great place.
naturally i grew up and realised it was a stupid idea and only children would find it cool.

>> No.10895258



>> No.10895289

>Being proud of being this degenerate first

>> No.10895368 [DELETED] 

And this is why I hate niggers

>> No.10895634

They have the easiest job in the world: Putting milk and cereal in the same bowl.
I thought that surely, they would have to be bankrupt by now. But the place still exists.

>> No.10895652

pretty sure they went bankrupt

>> No.10895715

>using imagined facts to argue a point when it is easily found through any search engine

>> No.10895724

>million dollars

>> No.10895752

I'd uptoot that.

>> No.10895765

Weeeeeeeed bro!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!! Haha! Yeah, Rick, tell 'em how it is!!!! Haha God ain't real! *takes hit* woohoo wubalubadingdong! Get schwifty, Rick! Haha! Abhhh *considers life choices, starts to cry* oh man, what am I doing with myself? Shit I'm 32 still smoking pot and watching fucking Rick and Morty, God damn cartoons, I'm fucking working an office job but anyone could do it, I learned everything on the job never learned a thing in college. Oh shit I'm so depressed, have bad relationship with gf because I'm too selfish, so is she, we're both just kids still, should be married.. goes to bedroom... shit dude look at yourself you have a fucking beard? Fucking cereal is stuck in it. I never grew up, I just took everything from my childhood and kept doing it and use weed to negate that part of my mind and conscious that may have actually forced me to do some good for myself so I could keep being a kid, a freaking man child!

>> No.10895770

You should probably stop smoking weed and get your act together, actually.

>> No.10895998

>naturally i grew up and realised it was a stupid idea and only children would find it cool.
too bad you didn't foresee the manchild epidemic we're in now

>> No.10896002

Are they soy clones what the fuck

>> No.10896037

Everyone that drinks alcohol is a gutter rat that contributes nothing to society too, right?

>> No.10896079
File: 92 KB, 500x452, 6692F7EC-8E5E-449B-AFB4-C4BF36D59B6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is frankly a cleaver way to wrangle money away from millennials if you consider shelf life, employee costs, etc... that being said I don’t know if these dorks were thinking about any of that when they started the business.

>> No.10896292

In the end, yeah.

>> No.10896302


Why would millennial hipsters start a cereal bar when trucking millenials don't even eat cereal?

>> No.10896307

Are they twins (or gay lovers)?

>> No.10896312

>millenials don't even eat cereal?
You have never been unfortunate enough to find yourself in Shoreditch I see.

>> No.10896333
File: 34 KB, 920x584, StepsStarIanHWatkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Let's model ourselves after a notorious rock star paedo!"

>> No.10896338

>I am very upset that people are profiting on a simple idea
Don't get too angry, dude.

>> No.10896342


I'm just a bit older than a millenial, but literally none of my friends eat cereal anymore. And this is in progressive california.

>> No.10896346

To be fair, they are a pair of faggots but they're playing their part in the gentrification process so not all bad.

>> No.10896633

stay mad kid

>> No.10896640

Good post

>> No.10896647

What "facts" were said?
The post clearly says "probably", you're literally just making up a random argument just to argue. Kys

>> No.10896651

So it's just a gay mafia money laundering outfit, right? It has to be.

>> No.10896653

There is nothing "degenerate" about eating cereal you sperglord

>> No.10896656

no, but if you're an alcoholic you should quit completely because you can't control yourself

>> No.10896665


>> No.10896686

oh look, it's this thread again. anon, they've been in business now for three years. they're making money and running a somewhat successful business. no one gives a shit that you sperge out over the fact that this exists. sage in all fields or something.

>> No.10896701


>> No.10896708
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-they made money s-s-so therefore they're not untermensch

every time

>> No.10896712

This is the state of the modern numale. Absolutely disgusting. And you know these fucking manchildren have gfs and will reproduce

>> No.10896713
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i see what you did there

>> No.10897164

>I have a beard?
Why do faggots who can't grow beards pretend it's some Soy related thing? Men have had beards for longer than soyfags have been around.

>> No.10897234

Men have also had fedoras before annoying atheists were around but everyone still makes fun of them. Literally every soy fag has a beard or isn't clean shaven

>> No.10897257
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>> No.10897262

Beards were always shunned by the greatest civilisations. Roman Republic and the USA (Pre-Cold War) for example.

>> No.10897263
File: 298 KB, 1000x563, pewdiepie-n-word-response[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is PewDiePie a paedo?


>> No.10897289

>greatest civilizations

>> No.10897311

Yeah sure faggot but a style of hat and fucking facial hair are not comparable.

>> No.10897328

That IS uncanny.

>> No.10897395
File: 657 KB, 1200x1600, Ulysses_S._Grant_1870-1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre cold war for example

nigger get the fuck out of here.

>> No.10897400

>Beards were always shunned by the greatest civilisations.
Not always, they would come and go in popularity for whatever reason. Usually depending on what a leader did with his.

>> No.10897460

Because full beards are in vogue right now.
Depending on the circumstances it's usually either someone desperately trying to be hip, or is supposedly hip among a very specific kind of group (the like minded).

>> No.10897522
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>> No.10897526 [DELETED] 

Reported for obvious shit posting. Get lost.

>> No.10897537

Hello, newfriend.

>> No.10897553

Don't reply to me again thanks

>> No.10897562

>I'm just a bit older than a millenial
you're in your late 30's?

>> No.10897572

You don't need to announce a report.

>> No.10897580

Fuck off and die

>> No.10897624

(sam hyde voice) FAGGOTS!!

>> No.10897665

>I-I'm-I'm not the retard, y-y-you're the retard!

>> No.10897878

There are normal beards, and then there are the soyboy beards which make up the majority of beards seen in white civilization today. But all beards are still shit, unless you live in an intensely cold area.

>> No.10897898

Mid-level quality troll but extra points for four replies, not including this one.
6/10, let it be.

>> No.10897924

opinion discarded.

>> No.10897938

I'm honestly surprised they didn't have a store in Camden already seeing how that is a hipster and numale hotspot.

>> No.10897961

opinion discarded

>> No.10897984

Yes, yes, youre a big boy honey. Now go outside to do your "big boy" thibgs and let the other kids alone, ok?

>> No.10898139

If somebody shot up the place, would he be a cereal killer?

>> No.10898143

That's actually the name of the place - Cereal Killer Café. Good job, you made the same joke as those two soyboys.

>> No.10898152

Why do Americans call pure sugar 'cereal'?

>> No.10898209

Fruity Loops literally all taste the same

>> No.10898218

This fucking retard

>> No.10898223

That guy would be a mass murderer, unless you were there. Then, it would be a hate crime, because you are a faggot.

>> No.10898551

Die slow

>> No.10898571

seethingly retarded

>> No.10898613

I'd go to a cereal buffet with all varieties of cereal/granola. You choice of milk (Heavy Cream, Whole, 2%, or Skim) or Goat/Sheep/Camel/ Milk.

>> No.10898629

Do people seriously think smoking makes them look mature?

>> No.10898690

the one thing hipsters are rednecks and no one else agree on: "Smoking is good"

>> No.10899840

UK already has a hotel with this same premise and it seems to be doing well


>> No.10899843

start at 32sec

>> No.10899853

>doesn't serve oats
I literally do a 360 and get the fuck out of there.

>> No.10899860



>> No.10899862

>hipster and numale hotspot

hello flyover

>> No.10899986

>Mike's Cereal Shack

>> No.10900215


You will never be Aryan

>> No.10900240
File: 87 KB, 562x1000, cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cereal bar recently opened up in my city a few months ago. This is their cookie monster bowl that will set you back 6-8 dollars.

>> No.10900261

>bowl of cookies with chocolate sauce
no wonder ameritards are so fat

>> No.10900268

instagram was a mistake

>> No.10900282

This. I know so many girls who pretend to like sushi just so they can put it on Instagram to seem "cultured."

>> No.10900294

Just because you get scared by food that isn't chicken tenders and ranch doesn't mean everyone who eats a vegetable, a seafood, or an avocado is just pretending to enjoy it

>> No.10900297

Of the thousand people I know who has eaten such things and appeared to enjoy it, all of them were pretending. I know because I asked them. What proof do you have?

>> No.10900302


Or how it led way to foods that look great in pictures but taste like crap. Like something Asian/Mexican fusion.

>> No.10900306

You forgot

>> No.10900309

>edible candy-coated chopsticks

>> No.10900316

how does a 'restaurant' that supposedly sells only cereal equate to "every single fucking thing"

>> No.10900329

lmao, what proof do YOU have? you apparently asked 1000 people if they were just pretending to enjoy sushi; how the fuck did those autistic conversations go down?

>> No.10900333
File: 106 KB, 750x1000, birthday bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Birthday Bowl cause there's no better way to celebrate than to eat cereal.

>> No.10900443
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>> No.10900457

just fucking end society

>> No.10900515

They do though

>> No.10901396

as expected of amerisoys

>> No.10901413

>what the heck

>> No.10901421 [DELETED] 

Was a 4 star cook, look, and you'll find there were lawsuits and settlements. They also have a very poor track record on LGBTQ rights. You're probably just too young and naive to the think that a restaurant that serves soft foods that appeal to white boomers , with roots in the slavery era, could be racist. The whole menu and concept is a throwback to the """"""good old days""""""" when African Americans knew their place, women were barefoot in the kitchen, not murdering their unborn children, and homosexuals were still imprisoned for the crime of love. I could see Trump and his quislings supporting such a place, but they really have no place in a free democracy.

Cereal restaurants: Making racist food great again.


>> No.10901423


>> No.10901431

You sound like a jealous seething virgin

>> No.10901436

Nice Reddit stutter

>> No.10901446

U jelly, nigga?

>> No.10901507

>hating that a business is making money off morons
>being that much of a fudge-packing commie

They're entrepreneurs, making money off of manchildren. Literally nothing wrong with it.

>> No.10901525
File: 232 KB, 879x788, 1530428695728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so dumb, just because food is sweet doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. It's way more pathetic that you gotta try so hard to act like you're such a mature adult

>> No.10901560

Sweet food isn't for manchildren.

Breakfast cereal however, is.

You're a manchild if you eat anything other than black coffee and self hatred for breakfast. Maybe a bagel.

>> No.10901575 [DELETED] 

get off my internet, roastie

>> No.10901582

You're not using that word correctly newfag

>> No.10901593

You just outed yourself, jew

>> No.10901598 [DELETED] 

>I don't have a huge disease infested vagoo

>> No.10901614


>> No.10901619

A cereal cafe has opened across from where i work in brighton and its cringe to look at every day

>> No.10901703


>> No.10901749

There's no bigger red flag for a kissless virgin than using the word "roastie". Have sex

>> No.10901753

>couple of faggots waste thousands on a stupid restaurant idea that serves cereal
They deserve the chapter 11 that's inbound soon.

>> No.10901758 [DELETED] 

there's no bigger stink in the world than your tomahawk gash. have douche

>> No.10901771

Wrong guy

>> No.10901793

You're such a typical virgin lol. I guess once you go on so long not being able to talk to women you just give up on hiding it, then you spend hours and hours resenting women and going on these websites spouting off nonsense and manchild like phrases like "tomahawk gash" and "pussies r sooo smelly, gross" if any women in your life knew you were this pathetic and angry towards women you'd literally be laughed into a suicide. Hopefully you grow up, you might still have a chance to save yourself.

>> No.10901801 [DELETED] 

I'm a girl, btw

>> No.10901847

Post the reply of
"Happy happy happy, need to feel happy, always happy" It was the best and simplest dissection of this faggot

>> No.10901865

>Waaaaah I don't like this post! Delete it!
Perhaps reddit is more your speed, kid

>> No.10901991


>> No.10902015

This desu is right af.

>> No.10902332

Do they add grey color to their hair?

>> No.10902449


Apart from their shop is on Brick Lane in London.

>> No.10902453


>> No.10902454

yes its the Lynch look. makes me gag

>> No.10902461

Yes, they are comparable. They both have to do with how you present yourself. Retard

>> No.10902479

Great, a restaurant revolving entirely on brands

>> No.10902484

(Pre-Civil War)*

>> No.10902486
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>> No.10902487

Next you will say you were only pretending to be retarded

>> No.10902825
File: 39 KB, 529x312, UNC-School-of-Medicine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyone that drinks is by definition a brainlet

>> No.10902834


shave faggot

>> No.10902841


>eating betis

>> No.10902843 [DELETED] 

I have to drink to get my brain down to other people's levels. True story.

>> No.10904657


>> No.10904669
File: 425 KB, 715x939, milk in separate bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place sounds great

>> No.10904670


I did that once as a kid at a breakfast buffet. Just had my fill of cocoa rice krispies and bacon. It was one of those guilty pleasures as a child

>> No.10904699

In fact it's a reportable offence to do so.

>> No.10904710

Social media in general was. It has contributed to the brainwashing of so many young women, changing the way they see beauty and womanhood and stunting their maturity and emotional growth in favor of camera filters and 'likes'. Shame really

>> No.10904753

How moderate is the right brain? Cause that looks like wake up drink and go to bed drunk

>> No.10904771

>instagramifying your food so much that it completely missed what was so great about it in the first place

I mean how the fuck do I even eat this.

>> No.10904778

I do this but ironically

>> No.10904916
File: 20 KB, 313x469, 1521669201182tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do I get to the cereal before it becomes a soggy mess?

>> No.10905440

I don't get it. It's just fucking cereal?

>> No.10905449

>and I'll call it Mike's Cereal Shack

>> No.10905457

>Cuck and Cucker's Söyreal Restaurant

>> No.10905649

dear God,they give those things knives

>> No.10906642

>There's no bigger red flag for a kissless virgin than using the word "roastie".
it's even worse on /tv/,they call children,CHILDRED,roasties.

>> No.10906655

I'm not taking sides here because this thread looks like a train wreck, but I've had sex and I call women roasties on 4chan

Just saying

>> No.10906660

Lets give this a look...
...he pleaded guilty to 13 charges, including the attempted rape and sexual assault of a child under 13;these offences were committed against the infant children of two women who were also convicted.[3]
...On 19 December 2012, Watkins was charged with conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a one-year-old girl, and with possession and/or distribution of indecent images of children and "extreme animal pornography"...

I don't need to read any more.

>> No.10906666

It also seems like a fun way to lose weight without giving up the tendies.

>> No.10906689

>curated choices for the week.
So some college grad recomends cookie crisp to serve you palate for the fall,Boo Berry married with almond milk is more of a spring meal.
Get it right,or get the hell out!

>> No.10907182
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>> No.10907233

>Takeaway cereal

Just burn it all down

>> No.10907236
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>If you don't grow up, you'll end up working at your dream job!

>> No.10907272

>Korean Oreo O's

Why? Can't they get 'em off amazon or someshit

>> No.10907298

The one on the right has such an intensely annoying face. I can't put it into words.