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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 1500x844, bestrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10892534 No.10892534 [Reply] [Original]

post your poorpipo food. pic related is my one meal of the day.

>> No.10892552

>canned corn
Why do people always do this shit. If you want a cheap filler canned vegetable use beans.

>> No.10892554

salt? pepper? why are you so poor

>> No.10892563

u kno how 2 keep ur man

>> No.10892565

Beans are legumes, not vegetables, David.

>> No.10892575

Why do so many people eat on paper plates?? It's so depressing just to see that. If you're poor, at least go to a thrift store, find yourself some half decent tableware, and you'll at least bring your spirits up by not eating like you are literally a barn animal.

>> No.10892580

barn animals don't eat on paper plates
t. farmer

>> No.10892589

if you're poor like me and live in a shitty apartment with no dishwasher, i would much rather spend the 10cents on a paper plate then wash the dish.

us poor people consider paper plates luxury. sad but true.

>> No.10892592

Yes, barn animals eat far better than this

>> No.10892595

salt was added to the water in cooking the rice. and i'm actually out of black pepper. ingredients: 3/4 cup basmati, 1.5 cups water, a couple pads of butter, one habanero sliced, one roasted chicken breast cut into pieces, one can of corn. served and drizzled with soy sauce.

i wanted something sweet. yeah, i know beans and corn or beans and rice are a complete protein. i didn't want to eat beans. i wanted corn. :dealwithit:

>> No.10892599

>no dishwasher
>can't be assed to do dishes
>wastes money on paper
I know why you're poor

>> No.10892612

oh yea and a couple hits of coriander and garlic powder. kinda makes up for the lack of chicken broth. along with the chicken of course.

>> No.10892615

Brown rice and a can of ranch beans. Also a fresh salad. 6 bucks worth of veggies will give you about a weeks worth of salad. Olive oil and lemon as dressing

>> No.10892616

spending 4 dollars a month isnt why im poor u fucking prick, it's because my job is shit.

>> No.10892627

get a job at a dish factory
dem dish perks

>> No.10892634

my man. food for that thinspo life.

>> No.10893298
File: 53 KB, 700x700, actually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unnecessary pedantry
Who fucking cares. They're beans.

>> No.10893303

>10 cents on a paper plate
I buy the ones that are 100 for 2 bucks. 10 cents each should come with a guy to throw them away for you.

>> No.10893360

For me, it's kidney beans + rice + lentils + ground beef.

>> No.10893367

what do you do for a living?

>> No.10893393
File: 93 KB, 1140x1074, poor bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has chicken
>claims poverty
pick one

srsly, I've been there. So poor I didn't eat for three days. I know that chicken tastes good and it's good to have food that isn't awful, but stick with lentils and rice. If you have a means to cook it and can swing a 10-12 dollar outlay, buy a pork shoulder. You'll have meat for two weeks if you portion it. Shop sales. Never buy anything that isn't on sale. Learn to be creative with the store's loss-leaders. Don't buy the buns when the hot dogs are on sale. Salt is basically free and can make donkey butthole taste OK. Scavenge condiment packs from fast food places. Rice is your friend. Bulk, calories, and if you don't rinse it, some vitamins. Shop the clearance section whenever possible. Don't be afraid to visit the local food pantry. Pride is for people who can afford it.

>> No.10893676

>canned beans
Why do people always do this shit. If you want a cheap filler canned vegetable use corn.

>> No.10894311

> i didn't want to eat beans. i wanted corn.

This attitude is why you're poor.

>> No.10894327

>tfw so oppressed you have no buns

>> No.10894543

The plate and dark room. Is this the doll poster?

>> No.10894550
