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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10883592 No.10883592 [Reply] [Original]

>purchasing meat and produce from wal-mart
I seriously hope none of you actually do this.

>> No.10883600

Only flyovers shop at wal-mart, and that's only because they chose to put all local grocery stores out of business with their short sighted bullshit. Typical republican voters.

>> No.10883604
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Of c-course not.

>> No.10884133

shitty bait 0/10

>> No.10884138

meat is meat

>> No.10884529

i live in toronto and putting our local grocery stores out of business wouldn't be a bad thing, save for the small corner stores

>> No.10884553

Yep. We don't even have Walmart in my city, I've been to one once about 15 years ago on a road trip across flyover country. It was disgusting and full of fat ugly poor people, as expected.

I wonder what those people are going to do once their flood of cheap Chinese garbage dries up. Maybe the coal mines will simultaneously reopen so they'll be "great again"?

>> No.10884667

>buying food from a trusted international megacorp that is regulated and ensures customer satisfaction
>or from one of the hundred mexicans selling """meat""" on the roadside

>> No.10884681

Jesus christ, /pol/ is so far from being "red pilled" that it's fucking pathetic.

>> No.10884686
File: 62 KB, 650x487, deliverance banjo-boy-e1296452279364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexicans work kitchens and dishrooms, idiot. I buy meat from a red-faced white guy at the Union Square Market, he's from upstate and wears gross looking Carhartt clothes and a John Deere hat. We glare at each other warily because I look like the kind of guy he wants deported (brown, glasses, nice clothes) and he looks like the kind of guy who would shoot at me for glancing in the general direction of his home town. Money is exchanged for goods and everyone leaves happy.

He overcharges me like mad ($10/lb for ground pork) but it's the best ground pork I've ever had. It's probably ground humans but IDGAF. Unlike feedlot meat it doesn't smell foul when it's being cooked. It smells wholesome and like something I want to eat.

>> No.10884691

I buy organic salad at Walmart. 16 oz for $3.66.. prewashed and mixed. can't be beat.

>> No.10884976
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Sure about that?

>> No.10884990

This. Fuck all these retarded cucks, free market bitch

>> No.10885012

I buy my meat and produce from Target

>> No.10885021

horse is a perfectly fine meat to eat and their hooves make decent glue

>> No.10885041

Target sells meat?

>> No.10885060

>I seriously hope none of you actually do this.
Why? Wal-mart has good meat and produce sections.

>> No.10885064

Target is fucking expensive.

>> No.10885070

It's good enough for MasterChef.

>> No.10885071 [DELETED] 

Kmart has the best steaks

>> No.10885073

>I seriously hope none of you actually do this.
I'd take it a step further:

>shoppping at wal-mart at all
Shit products for shit people.

>> No.10885075
File: 347 KB, 1600x1200, kmart meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kmart has the best steaks

>> No.10885076

Yeah it’s great, keeps all the negroes and white trash so I can shop comfortably.

>> No.10885079

sorry faggot... not all of us want to pay $5 /lb for common vegetables and fruits

>> No.10885081

>Kmart has the best steaks
I've never seen dry-aged grass fed beef at Kmart, anon. All I see is the same 'ol CAFE shitmeat....

>> No.10885086

>i'm an old money patrician because I eat boxed garbage from target

>> No.10885093

t. negroe

>> No.10885119

I dunno about where you live, but in my area there are numerous markets which are both cheaper and have better variety

>> No.10885321

>they aren't like me so they must be an escaped slave
living in the south must be trippy as fuck, is everything based on antebellum memes?

>> No.10885410

Same here. Independent Butchers and Produce shops usually give better quality for the same or less money. And you can get exactly how much you want.

>> No.10886143
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>> No.10886169


I ate horse when I travelled to Iceland. Shit was bretty good.

>> No.10886174

I usually split a whole cow with my parents. It supports local ranchers and the meat tastes great