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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 450x450, Bar-s-Franks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10882187 No.10882187 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a shit ton of these since they were cheap.
Is there any way to make these actually edible?

>> No.10882200

Sell them on eBay

>> No.10882212

Dry them out for Slim Jim’s (if they suck give them to kids as Lincoln Logs or the dog as “treats”).

>> No.10882226

I mean, a hot dog's a hot dog. You're just going to put a bunch of shit on it anyway. Boil them with a sacrifice dog and get to work.

>> No.10882232

..sacrifice dog?

>> No.10882245

No. A long time ago we got some and they were so bad we gave them to the dog. The dog even passed on them.

>> No.10882259

Dirty water dogs. You cut up one to make a hot dog broth before you throw the batch in, like the push-cart street vendors.

>> No.10882276

>a hot dog is a hot dog.
You have no idea what youre talking about and your post serves only to illustrate your ignorance regarding the myriad hot dogs available. To the man in the ghetto...the world is a ghetto.

>> No.10882283
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>> No.10882295

Dogs may be low on the totem pole, but they're not all created equal. If you're going to buy Bar S you might as well just pick up a few cans of Vienna Sausage and drown it in whatever the fuck you use to make your "food" palatable.

>> No.10882298

They're all relatively the same. It's not like American cheese where you can get anything ranging from deli stuff made straight from good cheddar with emulsifiers and unmeltable carbonizing yellow-colored slop. The FDA has a bit tighter regulations on this garbage tube that you're just going to drown in condiments anyway.

Also, you're a garbage person if you're not just buying a hot dog from a vendor or making them at a cook out. If you're doing it for a regular weeknight meal, then you need to reevaluate your life choices.

>> No.10882302

PSA: Even the best hotdogs are still shitty fuckin hotdogs

>> No.10882303

>They're all relatively the same.
but you couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

>> No.10882321

They're fine. A little smaller than other brands but you can do what you always do with lower quality hotdogs. Put all the hot sauce and other toppings you want
personally i use them as a delivery service for chili and yellow mustard

>> No.10882323

Sorry, I never slummed it more than generic store-brand equivalents to the cheapest Oscar Meyer. If you willingly buy dogfood for yourself, then I guess you reap what you sow. And this coming from a guy who shoots rodents on his property to make stew out of.

>> No.10882337
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>> No.10882341

I used to make grocery store print advertisements, and this one place made me blast Bar-S all over the page. I thought it was pretty overkill with that alone, but then I read the whole package images and its the same shit, hah. "AMERICA'S FAVORITE"... really? I don't think it is. "Only the best is branded Bar-S". The best at/of what, exactly? There are definitely better options. "Quality Taste Value". What the fuck does that even mean?! The cheapest option in the damned store, being a mix of 3 different animals and god knows which parts of them, that is their concept of quality. lol, absurd. Muh gubment at work.

>> No.10882350

I agree with the other person you are arguing with. While not the pinnacle of cuisine, there are most definitely higher tiers of hot dogs.

>> No.10882374

I don't know how shit these Bar-S's are, but I don't think we're even talking about comparing shit-tier hot dogs to cured, natural-case, coarse-ground specialty market frankfurters. I don't know the kind of idiot who goes lower than Wal-Mart's Great Value brand hot dogs.

>> No.10882375


You gotta boil em

>> No.10882392

if you're refering to the wimmers, they're not specialty market. They're in every run of the mill grocery store around here.

Granted, they're a bit more expensive than BarS, but they're actually good hot dogs.

Not all commodity hot dogs are shit.

>> No.10882410

No, I'm talking about one-off meat markets that supply to regional grocery chains and do everything from grind to case to smoke them in house. I'm just saying I can't conceive someone could viably make a business providing something so shitty that anyone who tasted it would never buy again. Because Great Value dogs are just fine for a cookout, and that's generic Wal-Mart brand.

>> No.10882435

>slice or dice, fry with an egg or two

>wrap them in bacon for sonoran/san francisco style dogs

>small dice replace meat in shrimp cocktail

these are from my ghetto days..

>> No.10882444

> fry with an egg
could be scrambled (sliced) or an omelette filling(diced)

>> No.10882451

>since they were cheap.
you realize that brand is always cheap, right? There's no reason to stock up...

>> No.10882478

chili+cheddar or sauerkraut and mustard. on a hotdog bun of course

>> No.10882480

>Also, you're a garbage person if you're not just buying a hot dog from a vendor or making them at a cook out.

All I read is "wahhh every meal needs to be meticulously prepared each night and god forbid anyone be poor and need protein"

Pure bullshit.

Really though OP, just slather it in toppings and it won't matter.

>> No.10882507

If you weren't a garbage person then you'd buy sausage instead of dogfood, that was the point.

>> No.10882549

I just made that for myself last week, using Bar-S dogs no less.

Pan fry the dogs in butter until they get nice and crispy. Turn down heat slightly and add eggs. Sriracha or hot sauce of choice for dipping.

>> No.10882558

when i get drunk, that's one of my go-tos. usually use andouille. though

>> No.10882563

sausage is expensive, 8 hotdogs is $3.48, 6 sausages is 5.99

>> No.10882588

And only a piece of trash would let a buck fifty determine his entire dietary choices, based on made-up polarized numbers of both price and total weight.

>> No.10882604

We used to butterfly them and fry them in a pan. I really like natural casing dogs made Chicago style.

>> No.10882618

Use them as crawfish bait and have a crawfish boil.

>> No.10882638

Crawfish are so much work for so little meat. At least with crab legs you get more than half a forkful.

>> No.10882653

It's obvious you've never had Bar-s hot dogs or bologna. I'm not exaggerating when I say I'd prefer to starve to death than ever easy that shit again

>> No.10882662

You don't get crab in the local pond you fuckwit

>> No.10882682

But it takes like an hour per pound to gather if you're just hand-catching, so it's pretty much just something to do on a lark instead of actually trying to put meat on the table.

>> No.10882698

>what is a trap
And I'm not talking about the fags with tits y'all seem to lust after

>> No.10882721

Still, takes like 15 seconds per each quarter-bite of food. They're alright, just seem like more work than eating shellfish at that rate. They make a damn good gumbo if you're making a stock out of and peeling all of them, though.

>> No.10882736

Sometimes, shitty dogfood tier hot dogs have their charm.

When bus fare for seven days is $20, suck it up and eat the shitty hotdogs so you can get to work.

I haven't been in that income bracket in a long time, but when I was essentially homeless, that was a worthwhile sacrifice.

>> No.10882741

sometimes a buck fifty is the difference between having gas to get home or lunch for a day.

>> No.10882754

These are all I ever had growing up. Oscar Meyer brand is considered a rarity.
Growing up poor sucks sometimes.

>> No.10882776

Like I said, garbage human beings. When a buck fifty meant a shitload to me, then I'm sure as hell not buying hot dogs. But I guess that's why the cycle of poverty can give this company a caveat to leverage meat-waste into the human trash market.

>> No.10882778
File: 101 KB, 736x736, f12d256561b6191978a1d2a653d72e02--cheddar-cheese-bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G these are gud n cheep

>> No.10882802

yeah, you really are a piece of garbage, aren't you.

>> No.10882809


>> No.10882830

Ah, tell me about all of the time and resources you had to buy a bunch of frozen chicken breasts to cook for every meal! And a big sack of beans and rice you had a place to store! And all the time and materials you had to cook them!

Surely you were in such bad shape that you were too good for hot dogs.

>> No.10882841
File: 112 KB, 600x600, dawgs my dawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4 Bar S Pig Lip and Anus Sausages
2 cans Pork n Beans
1/4th cup BBQ sauce of choice
hot sauce of choice, to taste
red pepper flake to, to taste

drain 1 can of the beans
chop dogs, throw them in
simmer 30 mins

You can also make dogs with toppings. For chili dogs a can of your favorite chili, *finely* chopped onion, and cheddar. From there you can do bbq bacon w/ onions, or hot peppers and mustard. Up to you to make a good dog.

Hot dogs are not a high quality meat product. It's what you put around it that counts. And how much you like the actual product you bought which is subjective anyways.

>> No.10882873

I'm not white trash so no, out of a cookout or leftover chili, I've never bought hot dogs. Shit, if you want to care about pinching pennies then make some red sauce with italian sausages, and eat it on pasta with some hard-boiled egg slices. A lot more cost efficient than dogs on a bun, and stretches much further.

>> No.10882896

or add the hotdogs to beans. cook it low and slow with onions. serve with johnny cakes and hot sauce.

>> No.10882898

You're missing the point. When you're functionally homeless, you can't bring a red sauce with you, or pasta.

I lost everything with a college degree in 2008 and just finding a spot to lay down for eight hours was a challenge enough.

>> No.10882902

Make this with the hot dogs instead of Vienna sausages.


>> No.10882905

If I'm functionally homeless then I would be scrounging for beer, not hot dogs.

>> No.10882930

You can drink more if you eat a little bit but stick to protein. Lesson I learned.

>> No.10882934
File: 63 KB, 550x366, hot dog charcuterie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I guess. I mean, when I want a hot dog I'll make myself a real ballpark dog and have fun with it. Just like when I really want sausage I'll do up a really good brat.

Or just as likely make a little charcuterie. Something is both fun and fulfilling to make.

Which if you weren't a fucking bitch tastelet you would have offered to OP. gtfo.

>> No.10882942

That's way too much mustard. You'll hurt yourself.

>> No.10882953


worth it.

>> No.10882981

These are some of the worst "foods" I've ever had. Maybe I just had a bad batch but I wanted to vomit the last time I had bar-s hotdogs. Tastes like biting into chewy plastic.

Sorry op but you fucked up. Toss them out and cut your losses. Next time try a higher quality wiener.

>> No.10883003
File: 11 KB, 232x293, 1529842322396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bait is excellent quality, bravo!

>> No.10883043

Literally what about that post can even be considered bait?

>> No.10883271

>75 cents for a pack of these
>99 cents for a pack of buns
>Eat all 8 for a meal, once a day
>I lived like this for 3 months
The worst part? I enjoyed it.

>> No.10883686

I'm fat and I can only manage to do half a pack for my one meal a day. What the hell?

>> No.10883743

i don't like you, i've read several of your posts and can identify you immediately every time i see them. i hate you

>> No.10883751

It's just lips and assholes. Ain't nothing wrong with lips and assholes.

>> No.10883756

My family's been eating this crap since I can remember. I came home one day and made some real hot dogs and they treated like I cured cancer. They've never eaten a real hot dog before. It was priceless.

>> No.10885391
File: 30 KB, 500x507, IMG_1866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I was a kid, I had a day at my grandparents old place and my grandpa served me one of these. I took a bite and couldn't finish it. When he asked what the problem was and had a bite for himself he paused for a moment and threw out the whole pack. kek

>> No.10885425

This is what they're referring to when it comes to eyelids and assholes. I'm committing suicide by vodka but I have more respect for myself than that.

>> No.10885490

Getting shitfaced in the woods and burning them over a campfire till they are carbonized is literally the only way to "enjoy" a bar s dog.

>> No.10885515
File: 44 KB, 602x521, pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry anon. I was lucky to only have bought one pack, didn't think it was possible for a hot dog to be this off-putting in every possible way. I threw them in the garbage, the texture alone was not of this world

>> No.10885531

jej, based grandpa

>> No.10885612

happi boye

>> No.10885785
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>> No.10886097

r u me?

>> No.10886168
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1521915068994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America's favorite
What the fuck Americans.

>> No.10886197

For me I don't eat food with nitrites.

>> No.10886201

put it in a frying pan with some butter and then put it on a slice of wonderbread with ketchup and mustard

>> No.10886213


You can butterfly it and brown it on both sides too. Split it in half partway (without cutting it in half), then open it up and fry it on both sides in butter until browned.

>> No.10886223


nigga europeans eat rotten cheese with worms in it known to burro into the gut.

>> No.10886226


>> No.10886231

>Cazu Marzu maggots can burrow into the human gut
Dumb nigger. Go and confront a cop and fulfil your destiny, Jamal.

>> No.10886252
File: 87 KB, 640x377, at least we process our low grade food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10886254

I didn't know larva morphed into donkeys

>> No.10886260


you fuggin serious kid? of course they do

>> No.10886459

Every shitty brand says this. But the only time I've seen these hotdogs is on this board.
Usually it's Ballpark or Hebrew National.
Oscar Meyer or store brand if they're being cheap.

>> No.10886467

>Ctrl + F
>Nobody has suggested grilling and instead has come up with weird needless recipes.

Just fucking grill them, makes them actually taste delicious if you smoke them as you grill them, otherwise they just taste weird and bland. Grilling is the only way to cook hotdogs anyways, it's just cooking a burger in a microwave. You just don't do it.

You could also try this recipe:

>> No.10886492

You've clearly never had a BAR S hotdog.
They are fucking inedible bro. Literally the only use for them is fish bait.

>> No.10886535


>chili dogs

Real exotic there. Kinda like assuming OP has a grill is insightful.

>> No.10886549

What kind of man doesn't have a grill?

>> No.10886551

Chop them up and put them in:
- Macaroni and cheese;
- Bush's baked beans;
- Scalloped potatoes/potatoes au gratin;
- Fried rice

>> No.10886669

It's something shitty brands love to claim for some reason because "favorite" is not quantifiable.
Works even better because the company exports a shit ton to other countries, where consumers are even more likely to take the bait.

>> No.10886675

Use them to catch some fish to eat.

>> No.10886685

City folk who don't have yards. I feel sorry for them.

>> No.10886819


One that doesn't own a fucking grill, dumbass.

>> No.10886840
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>> No.10887002

>Dry them out for Slim Jim’s
has anyone tried this? pics?

>> No.10887020

You mean a virgin?

>> No.10887046

Question from the uninitiated: What exactly is so bad about Bar-S? I have no problem with putting away a pack of Walmart of Kroger brand cheddar dogs once in a while, can some no-name brand be that much worse than store brand?

>> No.10887054

had a bars dog once, bit into it only once, then threw it and the rest of the package away.
tasted like mushy garbage, practically fell apart in my mouth.
now i'm worried that there are actually cheaper brands, like FUD, for example...

>> No.10887182

>fud hotdogs
Don't leave us hanging show pics of what must be an utter monstrosity.

>> No.10887328
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>> No.10887856

Dude they're unreal. I'm not even sure how they're legal.

>> No.10887904

No hot dog is a hot dog. Theres levels in the hot dog world, but even the best hot dog is shit compared to a mediocre sausage.

>> No.10887914

Corndog it

>> No.10887963

They're mostly mechanically separated chicken. Not that minimizing food waste is bad or anything but it's not really considered meat either, which is probably why people complain about the texture.

>> No.10889519

The fact that these are the only hot dogs sold at Dollar Tree is an immediate red flag in my eyes.

>> No.10889543

Don't eat anything for a few days and these will be amazing.

>> No.10890838

Still better than Oscar Mayer.