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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10882158 No.10882158 [Reply] [Original]

Tenderloin is the optimal beef cut for steak

Only poors will disagree

>> No.10882162

optimal for what?
i like a healthy solid chunk of fat, ribeye

>> No.10882165

It’s great fo chili.

>> No.10882167

Sirloin is for if I want to go cheap. Porterhouse is if I want to class it up. I don't really know which role tenderloin fills, because it's not filet mignot yet it's practically sirloin but at a higher price.

>> No.10882174

Ribeye, my friend

>> No.10882192
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The difference is sirloin tastes like garbage compared to tenderloin

>> No.10882237

>the most flavourless piece off the entire cow

>> No.10882278

They both taste as good as the steer you get it from, the tenderloin just has a bit of a better texture.

>> No.10882780

>not recognizing the pros and cons of every cut
that being said, i do prefer tenderloin

>> No.10882899

then learn how to not burn it
just salt and peeper is all you need
sear it to get a good crust then baste in thyme butter until medium rare

>> No.10882952
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>filet mignot
mignot hahahahahaha fucken retard hahahaha stupid faggot hahahahaha mignot

>> No.10882975

Betcha almost feel like a real man now.

>> No.10883007
File: 402 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20180709_211151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a girl btw
>inb4 tits or gtfo
heres a pic

>> No.10883023

Not sure if man or Afghani...

>> No.10883030

im a latinx

>> No.10883038

Why didn't you just say man? You're not a woman, you confused fag.

>> No.10883048

then you post dick pic with timestamp to prove your a man. even if youre a man who cant spell

>> No.10883061

This isn't /fit/, but you're fat as fuck. Like, lazy fat.

Do pushups in between video games. Then situps. Then squats. Then run after a few weeks because you feel good for the first time in years (or you fucking life because you never had a father.)

Girls start hitting on you and staring you up. Life moves on in a positive way.

You're welcome.

>> No.10883066
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>> No.10883068

Because we're all men unless stated otherwise. You, on the other hand, are a man who fancies himself a lady. Or a beanboy who's just fucking with me, can't quite decide so good show.

>> No.10883078
File: 469 KB, 1600x1200, 1531192415046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not fat
you just cant handle real women

>> No.10883086

nice moobs ya greasy piggy

>> No.10883087

pic was taken at wierd angle by the way this pic proves it
also im a girl

>> No.10883111

follow your own advice
im pretty sure your a neck beard who doesnt do any of that stuff and also you have reddit spacing and by the way girls hit on me all the time cause iam also lesbian

>> No.10883127

How did you get manboobs that big withou feeling awful about yourself?

>> No.10883131

Not him, but the beer makes it easy peasy, one two threesy.

>> No.10883139
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>> No.10883144

hormone treatment

>> No.10883166

Doesnt seem to be going too well.

>> No.10883178

>follow your own advice
Faggot. This is why I assume lazy fucks don't even know how good it feels to be healthy and also the lack of a father figure.

>your a neck beard
Work on your fucking grammar. If it were misspelling, I'd let it go, but you're all fucked all over. It's a reflection of yourself. Read a book.

That said, do it. It's honestly good advice.

>> No.10883184

your and idiot

>> No.10883206

clearly a man

>> No.10883242

Imagine being gay enough to do or suggest someone else do cardio.

>> No.10883312

imagine insulting someone's identity and sexuality because they made fun of you for thinking mignot was a word

>> No.10883320

Looks like you forgot to quote someone.

>> No.10883322

cardio is good for you, anon. go ruck with some weight in the pack and you can get over your vagina

>> No.10883331

Not enough marbling

>> No.10883332

looks like you haven't been reading the posts in the thread in the order they were posted in

>> No.10883336

When I cook, I prefer bone on. You are always guaranteed a better flavour.

>> No.10883338

Yeah, you're right. I can't tell if you were referring to the """girl""" or are the """girl""".

>> No.10883344

Shut up you hairy-nippled mexican guy, nobody's taking your manboob bait.

>> No.10883348

damb ive been found out
well good night guys

>> No.10883356

i perfer the bone on flat iron; better flavor and texture

>> No.10883369

A good steak requires decent marbling through the center of the meat.

No thick sections of fat like the ribs eye in >>10882192 but more veiny lines of fat as seen in the sirloin.

I cook mine for 10 minutes per side at 300 degrees Fahrenheit, adding a little irish butter on five minutes before taking off

>> No.10884112
File: 1.48 MB, 750x1334, 5EDB0841-2360-4358-9277-ED109DCE8C85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or just buy better tenderloin..