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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10880021 No.10880021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /pol/ so triggered by tofu? Is it because it's healthy. Did they simply hate vegetarians? Call me a newfag but I just don't understand. Tofu is delicious. You can make it taste like anything. It's basically a healthy bean curd.


>> No.10880028

Tofu literally makes your dick soft and that's a good thing.

>> No.10880030

tofu is trash. it tastes like nothing and the texture is terrible.

>> No.10880034

tofu made my wife's son grow bitch tits and that's a good thing.

>> No.10880037
File: 74 KB, 1024x553, 5C255895-0ACA-4E3E-A52F-AADB6497C446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre a bunch of jew sheep

>> No.10880038

Do you know how to make it? Are you knawing on it raw? The fact that it doesn't have much flavor means you can change it to any flavor you like. Are you lacking in spices, knowledge, and experience or are you just retarded?

>> No.10880043

For me it's that it makes the frogs gay and that's a good thing.

>> No.10880045
File: 402 KB, 1810x2751, 9aitbi2opim01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it? Isn't better blood pressure and a healthy heart better for erections? Thus eating lots of tofu is obviously good for your dick, right?

>> No.10880047

Top cherrypicking. Durainrider looks like a wrinkled mole rat in most of his videos dont fucking lie. My dad is his same age and looks younger.

>> No.10880058

That's a weird way to spell cruciferous vegetables.

>> No.10880059

i made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrib8x0CKb8
go eat wood shavings flavored with some random crap if you want to eat blank canvas food. do you boil the fuck out of all your vegetables so you can change the flavor rather than just eating food that already has flavor?

>> No.10880067

/pol/ can't into facts and blindly believe what Infowars hosts tell em.

Luckily, the soy meme was debunked using actual FACTS:


>> No.10880069

I like tofu and tofu based products but vegan cheese can take a hike

>> No.10880073
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>> No.10880077

Yeah, vegan cheese is usually pretty gross. I recently tried some vegan mozzarella that was surprisingly convincing though.

>> No.10880083
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>> No.10880088

>the left

>> No.10880094

Tofu is for faggots, vegans and asians. no thanks, im not a beta male.

>> No.10880095

Yep it's blue food coloring

>> No.10880098
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Hello incel

>> No.10880101
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>> No.10880102


Carnivore diet is the future

>> No.10880106

>when facts are Jewish lies

>> No.10880113
File: 84 KB, 739x537, v62woudyjb811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha this fag thinks his diet makes him masculine.

>> No.10880121

JIDF started a campaign to dump soybean futures, they are buying the dip now and will shill at all costs. Mark my words.

>> No.10880137

>sucks dick

I ain't gay bro lmao. You think not sucking dick makes you straight?

>> No.10880153

Why are you so obsessed with /pol/?

>> No.10880156
File: 3 KB, 290x174, Vegan Virtue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non religion-based Veganism is one of the last few differences between whites who cling onto "cultural superiority" and brown people.

>> No.10880158


>> No.10880246
File: 52 KB, 525x700, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is simply a projection of their enemy: the bugman, soyboy, etc
/pol/ is toxic and subhuman. The few who can post all day every day, who have been posting all day every day, the bots and the true shills- they call the shots. You literally soak information from these select few while browsing /pol/. I'm not condoning this faggot vegan thread, but I'm telling you that I've gone down the /pol/hole and somehow recovered. /pol/ is a retarded place filled with wayyy too many teenagers. Leave while you can.

>> No.10880271

It's the purest manifestation of Processed Food, yet people who whine about canned ham won't bitch a peep about tofu.

>> No.10880278

Enjoy your Hypervitaminosis A and kidney stones

>> No.10880286

How is tofu processed? It's basically pressed, unshelled beans. Do you think black beans are processed too?

>> No.10880294


ok, back to /pol/ with you fucking vegans

>> No.10880306

Wish it actually contained so other boards can have discussions. Especially one like /ck/ where a variety of cultures could be discussed.

>> No.10880310

My night vision is impeccable.

>> No.10880376

I saw fags that had more testosterone in one nut that half of /pol/
jesus Christ how pussy you are that you are afraid of a fucking pseudo cheese turning you into a Tranny

>> No.10880385

>muh cultural relativism

>> No.10880427

>It's basically pressed, unshelled beans
Uh, no. It's made by grinding and straining soaked soybeans to obtsin soy milk, heating and adding a coagulant like gypsum and pressing the resulting curds.

>> No.10880442

they are prone to pseudoscientific "explanations" for why people behave the way they do. They can point to the IQ of africans to explain the behavior of black people, but they needed something to explain the behavior of white hipsters and vegans. Thus, the soiboi was born.

>> No.10880469

muh tendies and hamburgers
shut up faggot

>> No.10880473

Did you know that Plaster City, CA is one of the countries largest producers of gypsum.
I'd sure like to visit there one day and have a look around.

>> No.10880575

So it's soybeans and a coagulent? Wow Holy processed! Must be terrible for you!
Added the sarcasm flag because I doubt you'd pick up sarcasm via text.