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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 634x530, shitty bong food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10875035 No.10875035 [Reply] [Original]

who is worse at cooking?
The bongs or the dutch
I say bongs

>> No.10875058

No bong would serve this and be proud. It is a disgusting mess of a roast.

Both foods are disgusting and similar desu. Fuck roast and gravy, and fuck stampot. The dutch do better desserts though, so I give them the edge

t. bong that lives in the Netherlands

>> No.10875060

The Irish, its British food but somehow worse.

>> No.10875106
File: 52 KB, 481x345, Capture2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to Google and image search Great British Menu Dishes.

>> No.10875517
File: 23 KB, 638x382, 28872710_10215878434460614_5803754539324538880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOw is that possible?

>> No.10875537

What country is ja/ck/ from?

>> No.10875582

I have an Irish cookbook circa 1900 and it's great. Colcannon is great, lots of recipes with thistle and pork lard.

>> No.10875587


>> No.10875588

Imagine British food with spines and gravel.

>> No.10876097
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>> No.10876108

neither, they both have good food you semen sipping sack of suburban shit

>> No.10876114

I prefer fried to boiled

>> No.10876134

dont dutch people eat chocolate sprinkles on bread for breakfast?

>> No.10876926

Don't Americans eat sprinkles in milk for breakfast?

>> No.10877291

i would honestly eat that on a chilly day, but since it is summer, it looks not that appetizing

>> No.10877306

>better desserts
Like which?

>> No.10877307

Literally every country in Europe, even hot ones like Greece or Spain, have better cold-weather appropriate stews than this abomination.

>> No.10877329

only been to Germany, France and Poland. i dont remember seeing stews listed on menus in France and Poland (seasonal thing? i dont know). I did have a good hearty stew at a restaurant in Germany.

>> No.10877386

Dutch are bad...fuckers put onions and mayo on their fries...no fucking taste...

>> No.10877388

Well their national dish is Bigos (a stew, pic-related and delicious)
Boef-Bourgignone is the most famous and is amazing
Too many to mention they have endless variations of creamy stroganoff type stews, saucy gulasch type stews and broth-type stews/soups

I guess this type of food is more popular in rural areas rather than your average urban restaurant.

>> No.10877398
File: 43 KB, 480x360, Bigos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

That's probably the only thing they do right. Mayo or salt/vinegar are the only acceptable chip condiments.

But both of those only work with thick cut chips not thin american style fries.

>> No.10878477

In terms of traditional food, the Brits win. They're a lot more experimental with flavors and dishes in general than the Dutch.

On the other hand, Britain has some distopian fucking pleb food which is way more common.

t. Anglo-Dutchfag

>> No.10878481

>*puts ketchup on his fries*

>> No.10878488

I'm not convinced Dutch cuisine exists. I'm not saying for sure that it doesn't, but I've seen no evidence so far.

>> No.10878642
File: 98 KB, 500x333, 1529707432262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're Dutch and really like your own and British food

>> No.10878693


Both countries have some great food but you’ve cherry picked some disgusting bowl of shit. The amount of (nutritionally poor but subsidised) sweetcorn suggests that it might be from the land of the “free” (kek) anyway. Try not to shit yourself.

>> No.10878871

are you talking about cuisines or how bad the general population is at cooking anything?
Scandycucks comes as my choice

>> No.10878900

That is a very level-headed take for once

>> No.10878902

>Try not to shit yourself.

>> No.10878906

I pity you, you haven't tasted heaven yet.

>> No.10881221

That's because I have eaten quite a lot of food in both countries, instead of looking at 9gag pictures of it.

>> No.10881238

I don't know much about traditional Dutch food, but had some really good Indonesian stuff the last time I was there. I've never had anything good in the UK - even when they're trying to do immigrant cuisine - so I'd have to say that the bongs are worse.

>> No.10881262

i like dutch wife

>> No.10881271

why the fuck would bong food be good, they cant even cut things

>> No.10881479

That actually looks pretty damn good, like a gumbo. But if a Brit made it, then I completely lose interest.

>> No.10881533

bongs overall
bongs by a long shot if that for some reason includes Scottish food

snacks and anything "quick" goes to the Dutch, great street food and bar food type stuff, but that's about it really

t. living in NL for 6 years

>> No.10881538

*by which I meant bongs have better food, dunno why someone would compare things by saying which is worse instead of saying which is better but I guess negativity is a helluva drug

>> No.10882137

Dutch food done right is bretty good. Fiance's grandma would make halushki and dutch style chicken n dumplings whenever we went over.
That woman put my own grandma's cooking to shame.

>> No.10882144

I should probably clarify that by Dutch, I mean pennsylvania dutch, like amish.

>> No.10882223


>> No.10882269

i was only in the UK once.
>shepherds pie
>lamb chops
>bangers and mash
>various other pub foods
Never had a bad meal.
Had the best mashed potatoes I'd ever eaten.
But then, I was always drunk as well.

>> No.10882561

>he pretends he doesn't know pennsylvanian dutch (deutsch) are g*rmans

>> No.10882658

the brits have a couple edible things
the dutch have 2 (pannenkoeks and kroquets)

>> No.10882973

i like these fried meatballs you can get in the netherlands

>> No.10883426

I want to try this

>> No.10883680


>a couple of things
anon, I...

>> No.10885375

You've clearly never been to Germany, honey.

>> No.10885658

both kinda suck, but both of them have some nice stuff, too. Like full english or neuvie haring (it's great, I have no idea why shit like frikandele is more popular in Netherlands).

>> No.10885701

As a Dutchman I envy your pies and puddings.

>> No.10886024

what the fuck is a bong? im guessing you dont mean a water pipe. as for the worst cooks its definitely british people

>> No.10886036

bong = britbong = a British person.

>> No.10886041

europeans are fucking weird man how do you get bong from brit?

>> No.10886050

Big ben goes "bong bong bong"
It's been 4chan culture for a few years now. Like Americans being burgers, Canadians being Leafs, and europeans being europoors.

>> No.10886056

I think it was some dumb joke that had to do with the sound of the bells from the Tower clock.

>> No.10886061

americans came up with it, it's an insult you mong. how new are you

>> No.10886067

leaf and bong are good. europoor is still kind of a lame insult. burger is kinda stupid too. keep working on it

>> No.10886084

Started as britbong, got truncated to just bong.

>> No.10886086

nope americans call them brits never heard the term bong. usually not on /ck/ haven't seen the word on any other board

>> No.10886092

i mean americans on the chans, newfag

>> No.10886100

>haven't seen the word on any other board
In the past two days since you first got here, I assume.

>> No.10886102
File: 109 KB, 500x555, 2c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never seen the word used on pol, x or b also im an old fag

>> No.10886105

My favorite word for British person is cockroach. I am also quite fond of referring to such a person as the perfidious Albion.

>> No.10886113

there is absolutely no way you are an oldfag. just go to /int/ and wait five minutes

>> No.10886115

>t. oppressed nation

>> No.10886121
File: 21 KB, 515x379, Never_8195c0_1291565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think your caught in your own echo chamber there buddy

>> No.10886157

>He doesn't know the glorious invention that is the Eszet-Schnitte
What a fucking pleb you are, anon.

>> No.10886586

shaddap nerd

>> No.10886596


>> No.10887206

>spoonfeeding the newest of fags without a moments hesitation
Shame on you

>> No.10887218

it looks like it was taken with a flip phone from 1993 of something pulled out of a clogged drainage pipe. Bongs are retarded.

>> No.10887304

photo is jpegged to shit, but that is literally objectively good plating. youll see shit like that at any top restaurant. cant say I personally like it but that is the norm. the main clue is that theres no "british style" of cooking, so the standards are international

>> No.10887354

how can anyone know the cooking skill of the local population? i imagine it largely levels out

>> No.10887360

pub food is generally pretty good if you go to the right places. I have had many a great meal while out in the countryside. its not gourmet but god damn if it isnt comfy.

>> No.10887444

>that is literally objectively good plating
no it's not

>> No.10887467

could you not?

>> No.10887535
File: 252 KB, 1536x1536, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. Some of the cultures with the some of the best food make some of the worst.
It's like men ranging from retarded to to ultra genius, while women most fall into 95 IQ mediocrity.

>> No.10887539

Looks good, tee bee aytch fampei.

>> No.10887546

Congratulations, you're not reddit.
>Gah, I fucking hate whypipo.

>> No.10887560 [DELETED] 

Looks greasy but tasty. Would totally eat on a cold winter day because I have a fat, long dick instead of a clit with a glans.

>> No.10887585

Followed by
>I fucking hate christfags, they killed like 1 million gays last year, unlike peaceful muslims!
>Christians deserve to die by the millions!
>Oh boy! In-n-out and/or chick-fil-a are my favorites!