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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10872824 No.10872824 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.10872837

Well, for one I can say Joe got heavy into methamphetamine. He went way downhill after there was the idea he may be a girl. So then after HRT for 2 years Joe not only became a trader, he became a sex trader. And then Joe became Joette. Yes, he changed his name to Joette.

Also, their products are way overpriced and every time I shop there I see hot chicks and I get nervous and forget to check my list. Walk out with only half of what I went in for.

That's what went wrong.

>> No.10872850

Actually Trader Joes is owned by the same German corporation that owns Aldi.
The brothers who owned Aldi were former Nazis. (Karl and Theo Albrecht)

My only problem with trader joes is that it attracts all the uptight yuppies and bohemians in the area, and as such there's an overwhelming leftist atmosphere.
99% of the employees in any trader joes are blue haired dykes in hawaiian shirts

>> No.10872855

When Joe brought in Trader Jose and Trader Giotto. That was the end for me.

>> No.10872879

>Also, their products are way overpriced and every time I shop there I see hot chicks and I get nervous and forget to check my list. Walk out with only half of what I went in for.

Every time.

>> No.10872934

>a person who has informal and unconventional social habits, especially an artist or writer.
>shopping at overpriced stores
Hmm. They must be trust fund kids.

>> No.10874033

trader joe's is actually really cheap for a lot of things

>> No.10874041

are you joking? trader joes is fucking cheap. people liken it to whole foods but the prices aren't anywhere near the same.

trader joes is probably cheaper than your average grocery store for non-organic stuff. i buy cheap cereal, spices and other stuff from them solely for that reason.

>> No.10874042

Can you explain why TJ's attracts the crowd it does? I thought they were like a health food store or that all their food was organic or something, but after going there recently I realized it's not. I understand why these people like Whole Foods, but why do they like TJ's?

>> No.10874055

someone has never been in trader joe's before

>> No.10874058
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It's a common misconception that trader joe's is an organic health food store, but that is just the face that the company advertises. it's all a show to appear as yuppy as possible to attract rich customers. it's 100% intentional to appear that way. they want to appeal to the uppity, yuppy rich leftists.

this is the truth behind trader joes: they buy supplies directly from suppliers, and distribute it themselves. most grocery stores buy foods directly from the distributers which adds costs. that's why trader joes has so much stuff for cheap. that also means that "Trader Joes brand 'oreos'" are nearly identical to regular oreos.

the advantage trader joes has are small stores that are easily managed, small amount of well-trained staff, and a huge selection of products per their footprint.

>> No.10874060

So basically what I'm hearing is that TJ's is the best grocery store to go to, you just have to tolerate the stupid people shopping there

>> No.10874071
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It's definitely not the best grocery store to go to for staples like eggs, meat, milk, fruit and vegetables. Big box stores will have those for better prices. also, their fresh-baked goods department is nearly nonexistent, to save space.

However, TJ's has a lot of other high quality products for cheaper than a typical grocery store. usually when i go there i buy frozen products, cookies/candies, or spices and cooking ingredients. i'm personally a fan of the options they have for frozen stuff. i never buy produce or meat from them.

>> No.10874075

>you just have to tolerate the stupid people shopping there
Are you really so autistic that you can’t go to a grocery store because some people you don’t agree with also shop there

>> No.10874081

did I say I wasn't going there because of that? dipshit

>> No.10874082

Another thing to add: Trader Joe's is very selective about where they put their stores. They aren't going to put up stores in a ghetto. They pick and choose high income areas. That's another reason why a certain crowd goes there so much.

>> No.10874085

yeah they especially aren't good for cheap meat. They do have some OK higher end cuts of meat though.

>> No.10874102
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only grocery store i know where you can buy a 4 pound chocolate bar.

>> No.10874122

Imagine being this mad that other people have money.

>> No.10874321

nigga wut? overpriced my ass

>> No.10874326

They stopped carrying car milk.

>> No.10874356

No it isn’t.

>> No.10874555

Shit man, I've only been there a couple times, but a lot of the stuff being sold looked just as expensive as WF/Market of Choice

>> No.10874561

Look dude, if you're gonna make stuff up at least be reasonable. Trader Joe's oreos are absolute fucking trash, and I'd rather shoot my fucking foot off than ever make the mistake of buying another box of those dirty fucking lies.
Some stuff at trader joes is ok. But don't ever. EVER try to pass off those circular pieces of shit as oreos

>> No.10874566
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>stuff for cheap

>> No.10874845
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90% of the shit in trader joe's is in-house brand and super cheap.

>> No.10874856

They aren't owned by the same company. In Germany there are two seperate companies, Aldi Nord (north) and Aldi Sud (south). Aldi Nord owns trader Joes and Aldi Sud owns the Aldi in the US.