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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10867856 No.10867856 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many american shows season the meat using only salt and pepper. Don't they know there are more than 2 flavours?

>> No.10867926

Our meat is good enough to not need a bunch of shit on it to make it taste good

>> No.10867931

What are the other two?

>> No.10867938


>He's going to lecture Americans on how to prepare steak

I'm laffin. I like my steak with a Cabernet from California. Fight me.

>> No.10867941
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>bleach chicken

>> No.10867964

For me it's cumin and garlic.

>> No.10868287


Pajeet detected.

>> No.10868328

>he thinks salt is a flavoring
first day out of summer school?

>> No.10868343
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You don't even need pepper, salt is enough. I'm sorry your prion riddled and flavorless meat necessitates blasting it with every spice from here to Marrakesh in order to have any taste.

>> No.10868393

Salt and pepper will bring out the favor of the meat, while other seasonings will mask that flavor. This is why people get upset about ketchup on steak, the vinegar completely ruins the taste of the meat. Source: I'm a chef and butcher.

>> No.10868405
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Here in America we eat non-rotting meat and don't need to over spice our meats. Black pepper is the best spice ever made and salt is the best flavor enhancer.

>Don't they know there are more than 2 flavors?

Yes, The meat.

>> No.10868425

He's probably wh*Te

>> No.10868430

Here's a tip, shit for lips. Salt doesn't burn, almost every other spice burns at 500F or higher. So you DONT SPICE YOUR STEAK WHILE SEARING. Ok? Got that? you can baste and butter in the pan, but even that is risky. Do your faggy flavouring at the end or after cooking.

>> No.10868478

how does it bring out the flavour?

>> No.10868620

don't know if pepper does that, salt certainly does though

>> No.10868623

are you asking what chemical mechanism causes it? chefs don't know that or need to know that. it just does. i'd say salt only though, pepper is definitely a flavouring

>> No.10868629

Nobody serves chicken with just salt and pepper, retard. The "only use salt and pepper" thing is almost exclusively for beef.

>> No.10868635

Because here the fine dining chefs all use livestock that were fed specific diets to produce far different natural flavours compared to grocery store fare. It's like the meat was already marinate while the animal was alive, so they just put on the finishing touches during prep before cooking and if the dish needs anything else it gets added later.

>> No.10868636

The other flavors come from searing the meat so the juices are locked inside.

>> No.10868656

>500F or higher
lol you know that you can't get cooking metals that hot, right? it would melt/bleed into the food

>> No.10868661

>what is a grill

>> No.10868674
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>> No.10868729

We add aromatics later

>> No.10868799

so it's not just salt and pepper. We also use bleach

>> No.10868821

Cast iron and stainless steel don't melt until well over 2000F. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10868827

I'm so fucking retarded you're talking about the salt melting aren't you? Regardless salt doesn't melt until over 1000F.

>> No.10868901

Cumin is delicious you dumb newfag.

>> No.10868907

It is if you use enough. I personally enjoy the taste of salt, and use a corse grind for things like corn and eggs so I can actually taste it.

>> No.10868911

I sprinkle it on penney with butter and pepper. So good

>> No.10868959

Good choices.

>> No.10869801

I use cumin, black pepper, onions, garlic, salt and sometimes chilies

>> No.10869858

mutts ruined this board

>> No.10869860

Who is mutts?

>> No.10869923

Taste the meat not the heat(or seasonings)

>> No.10869934

You mean WHITE Americans. Blacks, Latinos, and Asians actually know how to cook

But black people like well done steaks so they're questionable as well.

I think that US born Latinos have the best taste in food. They can make proper, non burnt steaks and burgers, aren't picky usually, and have ties to really good ethnic food via their parents' countries.

>> No.10869942

At least we can eat pork and drink booze, Mohammed

>> No.10869949

>muh roasted goat head
/ck/ is a fedora-free board gtfo

>> No.10869955

>implying you don't have a whole rack of fedoras
>implying you're not a homosexual racist weaboo

>> No.10869960

Salt is one of the 5 most major flavors

>> No.10869974

>making it a race thing
Go back to /pol/, incel

>> No.10870013
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>> No.10870030

But he's right. Different racial groups in America have different food and cooking cultures. You should go pol, incel.

>> No.10870037

>using the term incel
i know where you two you should go back to

>> No.10870042

>falling for the "flavor" meme
fucking tastelet

>> No.10870053

But anyone can cook anyway, you dont have to be x-race. Just cause you're Mexican doesn't mean you're good at cooking. Plenty of Mexicans cant make more than boxed mac n cheese


>> No.10870076

That is true. I'm dating a Mexican-American girl and she barely cooks anything and has a weird taste in food.

>> No.10870080

this site started with americans and it has only gotten worse with all of the non-americans who shit here

>> No.10870088

They won't be able to access this site for much longer.

>> No.10870097

But generally speaking, different racial groups in America have entirely different flavor profiles, seasonings, spices, ingredients, cooking techniques etc.

>> No.10870104

Could it be... people like the taste of meet rather than 500 spices?

>> No.10870111

>more than 2 flavors
why do SJWs ruin everything?

>> No.10870115

Und das ist ein gut Ding.

>> No.10870124

I mean...I guess? Bit of a blanket statement but whatever.

>> No.10870145

Those are tastes you retard. Flavor is at bare minimum taste+aroma.

>> No.10870151

What is food's equivalent to timbre?

>> No.10870159

I have no idea in that regard and lack the creativity to give you a satisfying answer.

>> No.10870177
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Thoughts on this?

>> No.10870285

Texture, obviously, you moron.

>> No.10870317


Not defending meat quality in shitholes but fyi if a single prion is in a cell during consumption you're fucking dead. There's no coming back from it and no way to cook them out.

>> No.10870335
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>> No.10870385


Do you also call mayonnaise aioli?

>> No.10870804


That depends on the meat, the cut and the dish.

Ribs are meat. They are most certainly not just seasoned with salt and pepper. A New York Strip cut is desired for its beefy flavor, you dont want to eclipse it with onion powder and paprika.

If you watch people cook ribeyes over and over, it can get repetitive. But that's on you.

>> No.10870833

Proteins denature at cooking temperatures and low pH, plus our digestive system is full of proteases. It’s not 100% effective obviously, but a single prion in a single cell probably won’t be able to harm you

>> No.10870891

onion powder
garlic powder

these four seasonings should be on every piece of meat you cook, no exceptions

>> No.10870898

im blue dabadeedabady

>> No.10870901

>what is marinade
I only ever marinate chicken though.

>> No.10870919


See, the point of different cuts, is that they're different.

>> No.10870997

I just season everything with MSG

>> No.10871074

opinions on mccormick montreal steak seasoning?

>> No.10872144

Cumin is used in a bunch of different cooking, especially Mexican. But I guess you wouldn't know that if you only eat Doritos and tendies.

>> No.10872194

Why do so many non-American anons post about Americans? Don't they know there is more than one country?

>> No.10874076

Everything in it burns and tastes like shit.
too salty, maybe the reduced sodium is better, but I gave up on lawrys

>> No.10874480
File: 54 KB, 286x500, 1502835310407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salt, pepper, garlic powder

sometimes with Creole seasoning

>> No.10874500

Underrated lol

>> No.10874712

Do you cook with tin pans?

>> No.10874882

i fucking love paprika

>> No.10874896

How is that pronounced, catchers?

>> No.10874921


>> No.10875193

>the vinegar completely ruins the taste of the meat
>meanwhile the best steaksauce is bearnaise

>> No.10875770

>vinegar completely ruins the taste of the meat.


>> No.10876082

>tastefags disagree with current science
Makes you really wonder how some people can even operate computers

>> No.10876107

>US born Latinos
>Best taste in food
Mate, every Latino I've met busts their nut over Takis and Cheetos with chamoy. They fucking dip their burgers in ketchup and think tacos are a gift from God.
Make it less obvious that you're Latino next time

>> No.10876115

I like garlic, rosemary, thyme, salt, and black pepper on my steaks. But a good steak really doesn't need much other than salt and pepper.

>> No.10876168

This must be bait.

>> No.10876608

Holy shit I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.10876645

I disagree with the naming. Just call it fucking savory like a non-autistic weeb.

>> No.10876735

Really, man? Eurofag here, and I don't usually season my meat with more than salt and pepper.