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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10866372 No.10866372 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussing all things vegan ethics, politics & health
Vegetarians and vegans welcome!

>> No.10866429

Beyond burger is too good Bros

>> No.10866450

Yeah man, it's pretty tasty. Have you tried the Beyond Burger?

>> No.10866467
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Did I say something wrong?

>> No.10866470

I love that. Also, consider Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger

>> No.10866480
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>Replied to himself

>> No.10866482

Beyond burger is the best burger that is vegan and beyond burger

>> No.10866487

At least make it interesting.

>> No.10866492
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Check out these "impossible burgers"


>> No.10866506

Thoughts on him?

>> No.10866519

Oh man, what a brainfart, I meant to type Impossible Burger.

>> No.10866546

Vegans are gay. Haha enjoy your grey skin and weak bones malnourished faggots.

>> No.10866652

I love gardein tendies bros

>> No.10866655



>> No.10867122

I wish that meat eaters (and people in general obviously) would not react so emotionally and defensively when the subject of veganism comes up.

I also wish I didn't know that someone is without a doubt going to react defensively to this comment. I can't talk about veganism or my perspectives at all without preparing for an obnoxious fight. It's like when meat eaters just hear the word "vegan", they instantly become mentally ill. Their defense mechanisms are at their peak and their logical capabilities cease to exist. It's exhausting and depressing.

I wish I could just rant like a normal person without getting ganged up on immediately.

I definitely suffer from this:
Definitely the hardest part about being vegan.

>> No.10867195

A coworker eats lunch at crazy hours just to avoid having to talk about his food every fucking time. People just cant keep their mouths shut and fucking eat their beef and broccoli.

>> No.10867202
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>> No.10867256

>decide to go vegan for a year
>gf doesn't really like it.
>friends all taunt me with "You can't have this, that and a third"
>always feel like a pest when the only thing I can get when going out with people turns out to be a salad without ranch, or I request a restaurant that might have more than one option.
December can't come soon enough tbqh.

>> No.10867276

>When the only thing you can eat is a salad
I feel you

>> No.10867305

Yeah. I don't even eat with meat eaters anymore. Now I have my mom bitching at me all the time about all the stuff I'm "missing out on." Like I'm supposed to watch my family gorge on the flesh of tortured animals and put on a smile when they harass me every time the subject of veganism comes up and couldn't be fucked to do the tiniest favor for me. They don't even realize how entitled they're acting.

>> No.10867391

How the fuck often do you eat out that this is a problem? Most restaurants I go to have vegan options and the ones that don't have vegetarian ones. It's not gonna kill you to break your diet and eat some cheese a couple times a month. Treating this shit like it's a religion is why people hate you.

>t. vegan who eats vegetarian meals on occasion in order to avoid being a massive inconvenience to my family/friends

>> No.10867410

In Georgia right now, not lot of vegan options in the places my family eats. But I don't eat out a lot myself. I often ask to dishes that wish they remove the meat from

>> No.10867411

I've got a sort of principle problem going on in my head. I'm currently vegan, and the principle behind it is that I don't want to endorse the exploitation of animals against their own autonomy to produce goods for me. Given that said statement, how do I reconcile using technology, smartphones, televisions, etc. when they are often all made in circumstances where people in poor socioeconomic conditions aren't being treated ethically either. I feel like in order for me to be consistent with the principle I've set before myself, it extends far beyond food and clothing and into the items I use on the regular. I would think it perhaps even more important since I do prioritize the ethical treatment of people over the ethical treatment of other animals, though both do deserve it.

>> No.10867419

I mean it extends beyond that. People sometimes don't even want to try the food I cook if it features any sort of substitute, which I find to be a bit insulting.

>> No.10867721

From a meat eaters perspective, it doesn't matter what a vegan does, they will be hated no matter what. You'll hate the "vegan" who eats mayonnaise without realizing it's not vegan, you'll hate the one who realizes it's not vegan but doesn't care, and you'll hate the one who absolutely never eats it.

And then they call US judgmental... Give us a fucking break.

>> No.10867732
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You're the type of "vegan" who makes it so people are always asking us if we can just pick the meat off.

>> No.10867794

I just stopped caring tbqh. I've embraced the villain role of ruining everyone's dinner plans if it happens. They know I'm vegan, we're not hitting up a sandwich shop, we're going to a place that has vegan pizza.

>> No.10867817

For some of those people that literally is their best source of income, to work in production factories. It's also a pragmatic problem, not a problem that conflicts with veganism. Just by nature of being alive and competing with other humans you will necessarily cause some amount of suffering in the world. In a perfect world, the poorer countries wouldn't have terrible working conditions.

When you compare it to eating animal flesh, there is no perceivable way to obtain animal flesh without killing animals, even in a perfect world. That is unless we had lab grown meat, which I don't think is objectionable even if you had to get a sample.

>> No.10868112

If it makes you feel any better the people aren't treated anywhere near as badly as the animals.

>> No.10868248

how are you finding it ? gimme your perspective.
Im in my 3rd year or so, why did you decide to do this and for a year, no less..

>> No.10868255

>would not react so emotionally and defensively when the subject of veganism comes up.

And vice-versa.

Why can't I enjoy eating my burger without some crazy vegan woman come screaming into the restaurant crying about how meat is murder? Or having to read the new stories about another pair of vegans who killed their newborn because they put them on a strict vegan diet?

>> No.10868263

I work for PETA Los Angeles, and have a shrine to Morrissey in my living room. AMA. No, this is not a troll.

>> No.10868267

There's shit people on both sides of the fence. I'd just say that most of the annoying vegan/vegetarian ones are more vocal because of "muh moral high ground"

>> No.10868511

Going into vegetarianism
What vitamins should I be looking for to add to my diet?

>> No.10868580


>> No.10868765

What is Maca and Fenugreek

>> No.10868778

Some supplements idiots are conned into paying money for.

>> No.10868791

no but I tried the Beyond Burger and it was pretty good.

>> No.10868808

Scrambled Tofu is good, wtf

>> No.10869003

>I wish that meat eaters (and people in general obviously) would not react so emotionally and defensively when the subject of veganism comes up.

vegans have spent the past decade basically doing nothing but spread moralizing attacks and slander against meat eaters.
by now, the well is poisoned so badly that everybody on the planet instantly associates "vegan" with "annoying, arrogant, preachy, self-rightous retard"

its similar to atheists going
>dude gods not real lmao
>haha christians are so dumb lol
>le magic sky fairy xD
all day and then wondering why they are unpopular among christians. only with vegans the matter is even worse, becaue they are a much smaller minority than atheists but at the same time manage to come off as much louder, much more annoying, much more disrespectful and a lot more preachy.

>> No.10869039

Is this irony?

>> No.10869125

>Biting bait

>> No.10869225
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Call me defensive again you little shit, I dare you.

>> No.10869597

Are you single?

>> No.10869633
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1. I doubt that's actually ever happened to you.
2. Animals are tortured and the environment is being destroyed for your burger, so I think people have a right to be upset and want to educate people about it.
3. Babies don't die from vegan diets, they die from people feeding them nothing but apple juice. Way more omnivorous parents kill their babies through diet but you'll never read sensationalized stories about that even though it happens every day.

This is what I mean.....

>> No.10869744
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>Why can't I enjoy eating my burger without some crazy vegan woman come screaming into the restaurant crying about how meat is murder?

>> No.10869768
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Choose one.

>> No.10869824

Choose both.

>> No.10869846
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>Animals are tortured
>walking meat plants that can survive without head, defecate unconsciously and don't even look cute

>> No.10869911


>> No.10869916

There is absolutely no way that you can believe animals are tortured. They are killed with a nail gun after being herded and living normal lives. And our environment is fine (other than green-house gasses) and the people "informing" us are screaming in our faces with no actual facts. And by the way, if you don't eat meat, thr animal is still dead. Someone else is just going to enjoy it instead of you. I can support veganism if its to be healthier, which some people do. But people like you are just liberals who think they are helping while all they're doing is making normal people uncomfortable. Btw, there is actually a LOT of new stories involving babies dying from vegan diets their parents force them on.

Try bring facts next time buddy.

>> No.10869928

>I wish that meat eaters (and people in general obviously)
Would have been a lot less provoking if you had just said "I wish people would". The majority of rapists - I mean meat eaters - don't like being called out on being defensive of eating meat
t. fellow meat eater
It's funny to me to see how heated people get over defending their food preferences, like how there's people that conjure up ludicrous reasons as to why they're too good for ketchup

>> No.10869936

The vegan community on youtube put me off veganism completely. Those people are suffering from obvious mental illness and it's sad.


All sick people.

>> No.10869977

Christ, dude. I hope this is bait. I love eating meat but even I think you're stupid
>there is absolutely no way you can believe animals are tortured
There are probablybably hundreds and even thousands of different videos on the harsh living conditions of some farms. How can you be so dismissive about animal cruelty when there's actual evidence of it? If you took 10 seconds to search it, you'd finally see that you're talking out your ass.
>The animal would still be dead
Vegans are trying to stop the animals from being killed. If they died from natural causes and a vegan would still disagree with eating it, they're just stupid.
>LOTS of news stories of ________
>no source
granted the other guy didn't provide a source, you're both disreputable. I have heard of both happening, but it's not enough for you to just say it's happened.

>> No.10869983

Is mentioning vegan really nessesary.

>> No.10870012

Well ur stupid and go eat a potato vegan

>> No.10870024

Avoid trendy feminine vloggers

>> No.10870032
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>>>10869911 (You)
>Is mentioning vegan really nessesary.
It instantly shows that you're not a disgusting, immoral, brainless slob- so yes, telling people that you're vegan instantly creates a bond of kinship. Unless, of course, you tell an omnislob that you're vegan. They tend to lash out, get offended, start naming their animals after meat labels, and throw their feces everywhere. Disgusting, the lot of them.

>> No.10870044

Okay buddy at least with my bait I didn't defend vegans

>> No.10870050
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>Case #1

>> No.10870670
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My favorite food is rice with tempeh. I'm a simple guy.

>> No.10870695

How do you cook your tempeh?

>> No.10870709

Sauteed in olive oil and garlic, salt, pepper. Finish with a splash of shoyu and sesame oil and a dash of red pepper flakes.

>> No.10870773

You are the kind of dumbass that hates when muh animals are slaughtered for food, but destroying an entire tribe of people for my precious quinoa is completely okay right? Because hey at least it's not the animals?

>> No.10870848

And you're the kind of person who doesn't do any research on quinoa yourself but will believe anything a sensationalized article attacking vegans says.

>> No.10871019

No I'm the kind of person that eats what I want because, like it or not one way or another everything eventually dies and your choice in eating isn't any more humane or any more environmently healthy. /friendly anon.

>> No.10871225

Oh, so you just deny reality because it hurts your feefees. Just say that next time.

>> No.10871277

You're intentionally being a retard. I'm not vegan and I'm not going to read back to find out if the guy you're arguing with even mentioned quinoa before you did, but I can easily side with his assumption of you having read (at least the headline right?) of an article about quinoa's popularity having something to do with the suffering of some "tribe" somewhere. Ok. Who wrote that article? Who funded it? Who published it? Who quoted it... you. If that article is what you are basing your argument on, you'd better have all the facts ready for backing it.

From the posts I've read between the two of you, I see you are attacking him for not eating meat, but he didn't attack you for your diet. Its the same fucking bullshit all the time. Do everyone a favor and just shut the fuck up already.

>> No.10871315

This is why no one likes vegans. They can't get along with anyone. It's especially amusing to watch the infighting in the vegan community. They're a miserable lot.

>> No.10871346

Meanwhile, the exact opposite continues to ring true.

>> No.10871439

I realize that I was wrong, it wasn't fucking up the land it was grown to the point that the people that grow it in Peru can no longer afford it. My bad.

>> No.10871524

You are respectful. Thank you.

>> No.10872064

Do you guys prefer dishes containing meat analogues or traditionally vegetarian/vegan dishes? Personally, I avoid meat analogues. I don't really like'em much and they're costlier than what I'm willing to spend.

>> No.10872124

I'm not interested in alternative meats, but does make it very easy to cook.

>> No.10872154

How do I make a vegan hotdog that can match the taste of the real thing? I need it bruhs

>> No.10872763

Is there a way to cut carbs while also being vegan? Is it basically eating just nuts and high protein greens?

>> No.10872797

You want to look up ketosis.

>> No.10872874

Where do y'all get good vegetarian recipes? Chef John and alton brown are usually my go-to, but they don't have many purely vegetarian options. I'm sick of making the same thing week after week - burritos, chili, stir fry, etc. It's all delicious but I wanna learn how to cook other stuff.

I'm also looking to step my spice game up. What are some good resources to use? Like use x spice for y vegetable, z spice for w vegetable, etc.

>> No.10872924
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>> No.10872926

If it bleeds, we can kill it.

>> No.10873240

>cheese UNDER the patties
What the fuck were thery thinking?

>> No.10873249

Thanks, >>10866480 I snorted when I laughed out loud.

>> No.10873277

Not so.

I could care less how you choose to eat as long as I don’t have to hear all about it. Enjoy your vegannaise. If vegans weren’t GENERALLY so arrogant and condescending (not to mention rude) in regards to other people’s food choices, the stereotype wouldn’t exist and no one would give a shit.

t. Meat eater

>> No.10873290

>Just by nature of being alive and competing with other humans you will necessarily cause some amount of suffering in the world.
It's by nature of capitalism, not by being alive. Both of these problems have solutions, but I do doubt whether they'll ever happen.

>> No.10873297

What's your take on them killing such high percentages of the dogs they shelter?

>> No.10873408

>the environment is being destroyed

Hysterical bullshit.

>> No.10873416

Marxism is a religion

>> No.10873450

>t. never goes outside and existence can be summed up by 4chan but will lecture u about the libruls

>> No.10873845
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I came to the realisation that by eating animal products I'm effectively saying it's acceptable to kill and eat innocent people which I have a few ethical qualms about
if I didn't, I would have tried human flesh at least once by now
I'm not eating anything animal related for the rest of my life but wondered if you guys have any tips for a noob so to speak

>> No.10873895

why not try human flesh? if it were legal and safe, i would, why wouldn't you?

non human animals have no moral agency and thus cannot be acted upon in any moral or amoral manner.

>> No.10873907

I would if they died of natural causes or if it was consensual
>cannot be acted upon in any moral or amoral manner
so do vegetables and cripplingly unintelligent people not count for beings that can be acted upon morally?
also how are we so sure they have no moral agency?

>> No.10873913

>so do vegetables and cripplingly unintelligent people not count for beings that can be acted upon morally?
nope. they can't. bonus points if they can't even spell morals
>also how are we so sure they have no moral agency?
morals are a completely arbitrary set of codified behaviors unique to humans.

>> No.10873931

I just don't really see why our own individual moral compasses can only be applied to things concerning other beings of seeming sentience
I can't even be sure that other people are conscious

would decisions concerning the environment be of a moral nature if you were the only human left on earth?

>> No.10873932

>giving equal value to sapient life and merely sentient life

Made me reply.

>> No.10873934

My family are Oriental Orthodox. When your culture demands veganism 151 days out of the year, you learn to make that shit at least taste good without the use of TVP and soy over its 1900 years of existance.
As a result, I strongly dislike fake meat. Tastes weird and bad.

>> No.10873942

would decisions concerning the environment be of a moral nature if you were the only human left on earth?


>> No.10873966

See this I can get behind. I'm a meat eater and though I will crack jokes and vegans/veggos (you read the room a little) as long as people don't go out of their way to be an imposition to others about their dietary needs there isn't much of a reason to be angry with them. I don't like bell peppers for example but i'm not going to sit there and bitch about them if I get a meal that has them in there.

>> No.10874645

Honestly ending the life of creatures below a certain intelligence is merciful. If i had been born with a subhuman intellect i'd wish for a quick death as well. They'll just have to try again next round, and hope they become sapient

>> No.10874959

>i'd wish for a quick death as well
I doubt that, you'd need to have at least a moderate amount of self awareness for contemplating suicide to even be possible
literal brainlets would cling on to their lives for as much as it takes
they enjoy their existence, why would I take it from them?

>> No.10874978

I thought war predated capitalism.

>> No.10875372

So what's something easy to make?
Other than rice & wok

>> No.10875382


show Moz shrine pls

>> No.10875635

vegetable soup!

>> No.10875656

A nice salad sandwich.

>> No.10875926

buy old indian recipe books

>> No.10876605

Indian recipes are the best

>> No.10877102
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Really dumb question, should I be worried about the black spots and white fuzz that grow on my garlic?

I store them in a pretty tight bag, but for some reason, they just keep on appearing.
How can I prevent this?

>> No.10877117

Yes, it's mold. Never seen these on mine and I can store them outside. How's your humidity?

>> No.10877126

Okay. That's what I thought and wanted to triple check. Thank you!!!

Right now, Humidity's at about 30%
Should I buy a jar or something? I feel dumb for asking this, but how does one store garlic?

>> No.10877128

That's mold.

Don't keep moist foods in plastic bags. Plastic bags trap moisture and lead to mold. Just leave it out. If you need to put it in a bag then use a paper one.

>> No.10878566

>itt: middle class urbanites crying woe is me because they have slight social difficulties in eating out
I know veganism is the epitome of first world problems but the lack of self-awareness is pathetic. Tell your friends to go fuck themselves and get yourself some proper fare if they don't want to come with. Better yet: don't go out, cook your own fucking food. Fuck's sake, it's a point in veganism's favour. That it forces you to plan your own meals rather than waste money on a wasteful food industry which just gives you inferior shit anyway

>> No.10878630

Ethical vegans, How do you deal with the indisputable fact than plants, fungi and bacteria have sentience

>Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive or experience subjectively

>> No.10878646

It's 2018, most of us ethical vegans have cheat days. We finally decided we can't consolidate this basic scientific fact, but we can try to stop more sentient things from suffering 6 days a week. I know we're doing the right thing.

>> No.10878738
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There should be 2 vegan threads, if anything, one for recipes and advices, the other for discussion and information. Otherwise we get flooded by omnicucks.

>> No.10879150

>There should be 2 vegan threads
Because vegans aren't vilified enough on here. Great idea, sweetie.

>> No.10880248
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>Be vegan
>Strongly believe in animal rights, my dedication is unmatched
>Meal time with my bros rolls around
>Go to a restraunt
>No vegan options
>Litterally can't skip a single meal to re-enforce my morals
>End up getting the mozzarella sticks anyways

>> No.10880262

>Well, I only rape 6 days a week instead of 7
>I know we're doing the right thing

>> No.10880515

That burger recipe is just a tad complex.


>> No.10880519

>gf goes vegan
>brings assortment of vegan cheese
>as we unpack she drops the "mozzarella" it bounces
>texture of a cooked egg, tastes like sour margerine with hints of sweet and salt

Is there any vegan cheese that doesnt taste this bad? Or just something to make things creamy

>> No.10880526

Why aren't there more African-American vegans?

>> No.10880580

>was hoping for recipes and ideas for sides I can make my vegan friends for game night
>Its actually a bunch of preteen girls with a puddle deep philosophy complaining how persecuted they are for their own choices and actions
I was hoping for a way to spice up my cheeseless caprese. I do a basil bread with beefsteak tomatoes and light olive oil but it feels a little bland to make more than once a month

>> No.10880582

literal cuckoldry

>> No.10880583
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>Or just something to make things creamy
Not a vegan, but cashew seems the go to for them. They make cream cheese and even moldy rind cheese from it.


>> No.10880591

>was hoping for recipes and ideas for sides I can make my vegan friends for game night
Check out the Vegan Experience at Seriouseats. I'm not even vegetarian, but some of that stuff is straight up delicious, even if it's a pain in the ass to make.


>> No.10880595

I make little caprese skewers with cubed uncooked medium-firm tofu. Marinate tofu in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and oregano.

>> No.10880602
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I've been travelling around the world, trying to teach these ignorant, illiterate people why they're been living wrong, and I feel great!

You can help teach others too! Like me!

>> No.10880610

Being vegan ain't cheap

>> No.10880616


In my 5 years travelling around the world and teaching these kids how not to behave like savages, I must have saved over a hundred children from a life of immoral eating.

Saving children makes me feel good, and I'm proud of what I've been able to accomplish!

>> No.10880649


Is that you? Wow! I wanna travel the world and look down on poor people and talk down to them about their immoral choice in foods! How do I sign up?

>> No.10880655

Just eat beans and rice and some green as your staple, that can be cheap.

>> No.10880667
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This famous bodybuilder is 100% vegan

There's literally no excuse not to go vegan at this point.

>> No.10880678
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Is this how you picture yourself when you're preaching the morals of veganism to the unconverted?

>> No.10880679

thats a bodybuilder? why is he so small?

>> No.10880685

He is insane and is probably going to kill someone. Does the diet make you crazy or are crazy people attracted to the crazy diet? Truly a chicken or egg question.

>> No.10880695

>Why can't I enjoy eating my burger without some crazy vegan woman come screaming into the restaurant crying about how meat is murder?
Did you take a stand right there and put her in her place by explaining how the human brain evolved? That women's name was Albert Einstein.

>> No.10880703

>I make little caprese skewers with cubed uncooked medium-firm tofu. Marinate tofu in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and oregano
That sounds pretty good, maybe I could grill the whole thing over a mild smoke wood after a quick sear. I do whole dinners fine its the snacky stuff I cant do well, I make homemade crackers and hummus so maybe that could get the tomato basil treatment as well, also just any mix of non-hand fruits.

>> No.10880722

I totally made that up to fuck with you, sorry.

>> No.10880744

Get me a job, I'm sick of driving to orange county for work every day.

>> No.10880750

I mean tofu and good mozz have similar appearance and texture, since it isnt cheese it can be heated a little. I knew you were fucking with me when you didnt put balsamic vinegar as the marinade base, uncooked garlic doesnt belong within 10 meters of this mild snack and basil is the main herb taste, oregeno is for flavoring the oil. I got my idea for Wednesday now

>> No.10880753

Too much carbs are linked to depression and anxiety

>> No.10880762

>indisputable fact than plants, fungi and bacteria have sentience
Explain how it is indisputable. What research or observations lead you to this? Response to stimuli is not enough by the way, your own body cells individually do that, but you can hardly assign sentience to each one.

>> No.10880772

Low cranial processing. The 3 main reasons, health, environmental, and ethical, are beyond their scope of reasoning so instead they pursue the instant gratification of processed fried junk.

>> No.10880813

Because veganism is a fad for the middle class who have enough disposable income to waste on supplements and alternatives to actual food

>> No.10880825


If anybody needs a containment board, it's the fucking "I'm better than you" vegans.

Please stick these asshats in their own containment board and let them shit on each others threads instead of shitting up /ck/

>> No.10880835

You can't assign sentience to anything other than yourself.

>> No.10880838

>If anybody needs a containment board, it's the fucking "I'm better than you" vegans.

/CK/ is all about DIVERSITY & Inclusion. That means meat. Any kind of meat. We don't discriminate.

/CK/ is not about Exclusivity, Bigotry, Elitism, or White Savior Complexes.

Put the vegans into containment.

>> No.10880895

You're confusing sentience with agency and sapience. Practically every form of life can be argued to 'feel' in some way because we're so different and it's impossible to completely rule out the possibility that they can 'feel', hence the whole 'can lobsters feel pain' debate. It's really hard to judge what 'pain' is when you're talking about animals which are wired so very differently from the higher vertebrates in which its existence seems obvious

>> No.10880900

Source: Mianus

>> No.10880904

Broccoli isn’t actual food?

>> No.10880907

Lobsters have dominace hierarchies.

>> No.10880932


This vegan elitists & bigots BTFO

>> No.10880960

>eating a shitton of carbs, especially simple ones, isn't going to fuck woth your cortisol levels and affect your mood, especially if you're at risk of having deficiencies in other areas
I'm hardly of the mind that carbs are entirely evil but c'mon man

>> No.10880976

Eating isn’t making you a fat miserable fuck. You’re a fat miserable fuck because the fruit you eat is strawberry preserves on white bread

>> No.10880978

*Eating fruit isn’t

>> No.10880984

You're just going to eat a shitload of broccoli to replace the nutritions you would get from a piece of meat? Of course not, it's either going to be carefully selecting non-animal sources for those micros, or buying them in supplement form; neither of which is going to be cheap, and isn't helped by some vegan e-celebs and sites spreading disinfo about where they're naturally-ocurring

>> No.10881009

>Youre just going to eat a shit load of broccoli
Wow, what a nice goalpost, from “no real vegan food” to “broccoli is the only real vegan food!!!l

Stupid shithead

>> No.10881065
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>And our environment is fine (other than green-house gasses)
>everything is fine except for the #1 thing making it not fine

>> No.10881074

Fructose is still fructose, you tard. If half of your diet is fruit or sugary syrup it's still going to have an effect regardless of the other nutritions.

It's hardly unlikely that diet could've excacerbated Vegangains mental problems, especially considering he said he didn't take B12 supplements the odds that he's anemic on top of that.

>> No.10881107

You're the fucking retard for strawmanning my post. The point is that the nigs are going to have to replace the meat with something, and it's going to be meme veggies they never heard of and artificial supplements when a piece of chicken a week is going to be miles cheaper without a shitton of extra micros and macros they don't need. I wasn't saying 'broccoli isn't food lol', I was pointing out the need for a varied diet you moron.

>> No.10881109
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>eating an apple is THE EXACT SAME as drinking apple juice

Ketoniggers brains are clogged with more horseshit than fat

Carcinogens are carcinogens guys!!! A minute in the sun is like a minute in Fukushima!!!

>> No.10881117
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Your exact posts you fucking unread sperg.

>rice beans oats and broccoli are muy expensivo!!!

>i was pointing out for a varied diet
Then you wouldve said so to begin with rather than be a fat sperg who thinks kale is artificial brocessed alien carbs!!

>> No.10881178

Not a ketofag, but saying
>the C6H12O6 in this food is completely different from the C6H12O6 in this one!
is broscience akin to
>you need to eat rice, beans etc. in one meal to get the complete protein!

>> No.10881179
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All vegans are homosexuals. This is a fact.

>> No.10881199

What are you even rambling about? How dense do you have to be to not realize at first glance that I was refereing to supplements? Even if you get your protein, iron and so on from other dietary sources (which will result in overeating) you still have some animal micros you can't get from plant matter in any nevessary quantity. It's either buying supplements or risking a potentially grievous deficiency. Responding with 'ha ha but what about broccoli checkmate atheists' isn't a fucking argument

>> No.10881227

Is car milk vegan?

>> No.10881247

>Not a ketofag
Had me fooled, you’re pretty fucking stupid

Do you know what fiber, phytonutrients, polyphenos, simple carbs, complex carbs, refined sugars are? Of course not you retarded fucking tub of lard. Apples are the same as apple juice!!! Gallon of Ocean Spray a day keeps the doctor away.


You clearly werent. You clearly emphasized this when you ranted about only eating broccoli. You’re CLEARLY missing my point that you’re a fat retard

>> No.10881251

Why are vegans so angry and argumentative all the time?

>> No.10881254

>All vegans are homosexuals. This is a fact.

Please, let's not insult homo's like that. That's too much.

>> No.10881269

>Why are vegans so angry and argumentative all the time?

You'd be angry too if you arbitrarily limited yourself to one thing, while all the other happy people around you are enjoying their lives and those delicious things that you can't eat or doing those things you can't do. You'd lash out in hatred and envy too.

>> No.10881276

You're right. I would much rather have a gay son than a vegan son.

>> No.10881286

Why did you choose to do this?

They're only tortured if it's kosher. And even that is better than out in the wild. Other day I saw a deer carcass, mountain lion ate it alive from it's asshole. If there is ever a reason to not eat meat it's that most stuff is super poor quality unless it's free range, and most free range stuff isnt quite that free. I only eat meat from people I know or things that I've hunted.
To contribute, red lentil kofta is goddamn delicious

>> No.10881295


Agreed. Being gay is just something he's born with. Being a vegan is a sign of a spoiled rotten, self-important kid and piss poor parenting.

>> No.10881309

They have bee, proven to percieve their enviornment which is literally all it takes
>Response to stimuli is not enough
it literally is as per this guy >>10880895

>> No.10881318

>per this guy

>> No.10881407

It is a vegan thread. I wanna fit in

>> No.10881415

Then plow your pig disgusting mother like everyone else

>> No.10881429

cemetary's too far

>> No.10881455

is this bait

>> No.10881541

Who said anything about equal? It's just a mockery of the "well I'm just doing something that most people would consider immoral if given enough thought, but hey you can do your own thing too" trope.

>> No.10881564

It's the most reasonable post in this whole thread.

>> No.10881570
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>Do you know what fiber, phytonutrients, polyphenos, simple carbs, complex carbs, refined sugars are? Of course not you retarded fucking tub of lard. Apples are the same as apple juice!!! Gallon of Ocean Spray a day keeps the doctor away.
Are you legitimately mentally ill? I'm going to explain this slowly for you.
Of course an apple contains various micro and macronutrients which don't exist in equal measure in apple juice or a soda. That does not negate the massive amount of sugars in all of them, eating too much of it will be bad for you regardless of what else might be in the product. Sugars can be divided into three types, of which glucose and fructose are the most important. Glucose is what the body prefers as fuel and turns all carbs into, fructose is worse for a variety of reasons. So the balance of fructose, glucose and sucrose is whats important. And a lot of fruit have a shit ton of fructose. That's why we like them.

So yes, if say 50% of your daily intake is going to be apples or soda, both of them are going to fuck you up with their massive amounts of fructose. Whatever beneficial micronutrients apples have in comparison are going to pale in comparison to the massive amount of fructose which is harmful. We're not supposed to eat massive quantities of it. Hence why
>eating fruit isn't making you a fat miserable fuck
is wrong, because it absolutely can if you're retarded like you and don't know shit about nutrition.

>> No.10881609

>You clearly werent.
>Because veganism is a fad for the middle class who have enough disposable income to waste on supplements and alternatives to actual food
>supplements and alternatives to actual food
How the fuck you managed to interpret this into 'he's saying broccoli isn't food' is beyond me.

>You clearly emphasized this when you ranted about only eating broccoli.
I literally never mentioned broccoli until you started sperging about it for no reason. Just like you started shouting about the difference between apples and apple juice (and you're even fucking wrong about that, as I just showed), when I never even mentioned apples in the first place. I was talking about fructose. You've just been rambling against phantom arguments of your own fabrication, which have absolutely nothing to do with anything I said.
>You’re CLEARLY missing my point that you’re a fat retard
Don't forget to take your meds and eat some meat you schizo, you've been a walking demonstration of both points I made.

>> No.10881674

I'm broke as fuck. I don't even pay federal income tax because I make so little money. Please tell me how lentils, rice, potatoes, fruits etc are only affordable for middle and upper class people.

>> No.10881682

Daily reminder that /ck/ thinks you're going to die of rabbit starvation if you eat a rabbit loin at a fancy restaurant, and if you even glance in the general direction of a garbanzo bean you'll turn into Jailey Bay or whatever

>> No.10881731

This is my favorite omnivore meme. When someone says this, one of two things is true

>mommy does all the grocery shopping for me
>all anon buys is chips, processed frozen food, and soda

whole foods are cheap as fuck

>> No.10881736

Why aren't there more African-American vegans?

>> No.10881765

They're called Rastafarians. I used to live in atlanta and there are a ton of black vegan spots in one corner of Atlanta. This one place called Tassili's and it has the best fucking wraps I've ever had in my life. Even my meat eating friends preferred that place over others.

>> No.10881774

I don't know and it's not relevant. Fruits,vegetables, grains, legumes are demonstrably cheaper to survive off of.

>> No.10881788

I wish we had vegan threads that were about food and cooking instead of the same shitty debate every single day

This is a fair point and it's silly to say either that veganism is expensive or cheap.
If you look at the world in general, it's silly to think that cutting out meat and dairy would be more expensive. The poorest people in the world have traditionally eaten more vegetarian, India is a great example.

In poor parts of larger cities these days, especially in places like the Bronx, there's a real lack of grocery stores with quality produce. One grocery store I visited literally had 3 tomatoes left, all of which were rotten. Employee said they'll get more tomatoes next week. On the same corner you'll have a McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and fifty fried chicken shops selling extremely cheap, extremely terrible food. So that's the natural choice for the poor person who works two jobs and has 3 kids to feed.

Of course, this isn't the case for anyone with access to a supermarket.

>> No.10881803

Poor people make dumb choices that contribute to keeping them poor. This has been true forever.

>> No.10881820

Food deserts are a myth.

>> No.10881969

Might help to read the rest of what I said
It isn't that it's impossible to subsist on plant matter alone, it's that the relative abundance of nutrients varies so much compared to animal products that you'll be likely to overeat if you want to compensate. And you'll probably still have to buy supplements if you want to be healthy.
Take iron. That's something that *should* be able to be easily supplied by a vegan diet. Yet vegan are recommended to consume almost twice as much of it daily because the variant found in plants is less bioavailable and a lot of them have other nutrients which actually inhibit the absorption of iron, whilst meat can actually enhance it. Might explain why a very large percentage of vegans are anemic, because the nutritional values reported are deceptive.



>> No.10881999

And you can also boost the absorption of iron by consuming Vitamin C and eating varied foods within the diet. It’s almost like everyone actually should take care of their nutritional needs!

>> No.10882017

>If you look at the world in general, it's silly to think that cutting out meat and dairy would be more expensive.
Really depends on where you live in the world. A Western country where everything that ever grew under the sun is available canned in your local supermarket? Sure. Some bumfuck village in the Third World with frequent crop failures? Probably wiser to keep a few animals.
>The poorest people in the world have traditionally eaten more vegetarian, India is a great example
Not really. There's a few Indian groups that do so for cultural reasons, but most eat animal products regularly, and (especially red) meat sparingly. A lot of cultures have eaten like that until quite recently, and India benefits from having a very good climate. It would be a lot harder to be as vegetarian in Iron Age Northern European winters. What influences diet most is simply what's available and possible.

>> No.10882028
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The vitamin C methode doesn't appear to be working that well for you guys though.

>> No.10882138
File: 36 KB, 425x282, 580b585b2edbce24c47b29f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the deal and if you don't like it you can fuck off.

I'm vegan, but if I want meat, I eat it. If I want dairy, I eat it. I don't have a """"cheat day"""" or go out of my way to avoid animal products, they are just no longer a staple of my diet.

>> No.10882170

This is how everyone should live their lives

>> No.10882203

Well you're not vegan then. It's alright to be an omnivore that eat less animal products anon. People won't blame you for trying to be a more responsible eater and you don't need that vegan sticker for good boy points. Now you fuck off.

>> No.10882224

>give vegan food laced with bacon
I am. Just because I eat it every now and then doesn't make me not vegan. Not even religious people take diet restrictions that far.

>> No.10882230

Ignore the greentext, was going to be a smartass but I changed my mind.

>> No.10882326

desu yeah you're not a vegan then but that's a good thing. Who gives a fuck about labels as long as you're eating responsibly. This black-white thinking is retarded when there's far bigger fish to fry and anyone who cares at least a bit about where his food comes from is okay in my book.

t. responsible meatcuck

>> No.10882342
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it's a good idea

>> No.10882385
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jesus christ what a hideous body
whats the point in religiously working out if you're going to look like the creature from the black lagoon

>> No.10882494

Meat eaters are far worse than vegetarians/vegans where I live. I became vegetarian when I was 22 and I have never heard a vegetarian/vegan complain about meat, and now everytime i try to eat at work there is always co-workers going on about meat-eating in my face in a smug manner.
Why can't meat eaters just eat their food and shut up

>> No.10882535

It's not about eating vegetables every so often, the idea behind veganism is not using animal products. Feel free to keep saying that if you aren't afraid of sounding stupid but keep in mind that real life can be less forgiving than 4chan.

>> No.10882552

Oh the irony.

>> No.10882718

>implying I give a fuck what anyone thinks about me

>> No.10882731

This post proves it. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't have to tell people.

>> No.10882734

no homo, but this dude is way better looking than the weird alien vegan faggot

>> No.10882747

>the idea behind veganism is not using animal products.

Right, it's an emotionally driven cult

to be clear, no I wouldn't eat my pets
but if I had to... i'd eat yours

>> No.10882748
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, DurianRider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he /ourguy/?

>> No.10882762

He looks old and used up like a 40 year old woman who has been smoking since she was 12.

>> No.10882767

I'm going vegan for the week in support of my friend who is going vegan. I'm normally pescetarian, but I might start working in being vegan a week or two every month.

>> No.10882769

>hehe im so clever ill write a post where you lose if you reply

Fuck you. I'm immune to the rules of your little game. I do what I want and say what I want.
If you can't handle that, go back to plebbit

>> No.10882793

u mad

>> No.10882848

Yeah but hes always at 3% bodyfat and therefor is health-maxxed! Bet your a 13% bodyfat fat fuck

>> No.10883090

Looks like you need to man up and evaluate if your friends are even your friends if all they do is talk shit, my dude.

>> No.10883102

I don't give a shit about niggers in third world countries.

It's that simple.

>> No.10883107

I am more powerful than any vegan

>> No.10883224
File: 2.82 MB, 5312x2988, 0709182005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this for dinner, it's slow-fried salted medium firm tofu basted in a sage and date vinegar butter, the butter being made of twice-blanched, pureed and double-strained butter beans, refined coconut oil, white miso paste, salt, and lactic acid.

The outside is a bit crisp and very flavorful from the browning and the butter, while the inside has a velvet smooth, custard texture that flakes slightly and has a soft, gentle sage flavor boosted by the sweetness of the date vinegar and just a hint of salt.

>> No.10883305

>Babies don't die from vegan diets
you should be sterilized. kill yourself

>> No.10883325

>most people would consider immoral

>> No.10883660

Yes, if they thought about it honestly the vast majority of people would be vegan. If they would act on those beliefs instead of doing ethical moonwalking where you start with the conclusion you want and cherry pick positions to support it.

>> No.10883671

I was in the breast feeding thread yesterday and the amount of advocates for cow milk was astounding. My one reply to a person spamming cow milk propaganda (it's natural and contrary to popular opinion, cows lead happy lives) was downvoted pretty consistently before coming back to even.

But vegans are the problem.

>> No.10885488
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>> No.10885497

>I’m one of the few enlightened ones who has actually thought about this

Keep telling yourself that faggot.

>> No.10885609


>> No.10885696


>> No.10886054

u not vegan

>> No.10886418

>condescending tumblr gif to express disapproval
Yeah, you can fuck off to r*ddit, t*mblr or whatever Facebook group enables your mental illness

>> No.10887061
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>> No.10887086

How do I fry tofu? Every time I try it it ends up tasting like shit.

>> No.10887418

You get the water out and mariniate it the night before

>> No.10887459

I tried to make black bean burgers once. They tasted fine but the texture was real bad. Slimy almost. I guess I'll use more breadcrumbs next time