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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10865242 No.10865242 [Reply] [Original]

Do you go to restaurants alone? Why/why not?

>> No.10865246

Yeah, why not?

>> No.10865253

Only for takeout. I'd rather eat naked in front of the TV with my own beer than sit awkwardly by myself in a public space.

>> No.10865257

But what if you've really wanted to go to a particular restaurant, but you have no one to go with? Would you go? The kind of restaurant you can't takeaway without looking equally awkward

>> No.10865264

I go to this one Vietnamese place by myself because its healthier & tastier than fast food for the same price. There are usually half a dozen people there eating alone too and they have small tables set up for it.

>> No.10865265

I've actually been doing this a lot because I'm out of town for the month for work. I felt like I was in a copypasta from /r9k/ the other day when a waitress came to my table with two waters and literally said "oh, is it just one tonight?"

I don't blame these people because it's flyover USA so they don't expect anyone from out of town to be here period, but it made me chuckle

>> No.10865266

Lots of restaurants have bars to sit at. Order some drinks and a meal. Practically everyone else sitting there is doing the same thing.

>> No.10865273

No. There are tons of restaurants I'd like to try that wouldn't work for takeout that I can't go to because I don't have anyone to go with. Lot's of nicer places have a small bar you can eat at, but I fucking hate bars.

>> No.10865280

caring what other people think is for half-autists. you guys need to go full on based autist and just be completely oblivious except for the occasional screaming meltdown when they serve my fries touching my tendies despite me clearly asking them not to

>> No.10865285

You're supposed to get drunk before ordering your food. Then you don't care that you're sitting at the bar.

>> No.10865287

But why do you give a shit? Literally worst case scenario is the servers chuckle about you in the kitchen and then completely forget about the whole thing.

>> No.10865290

it used to mortify to go somewhere and eat alone. but I'm in my 30's now so I dgaf anymore. if I'm hungry and no one wants to go eat I'll go by myself.

>> No.10865298

I ate by myself in a Hard Rock Cafe last night because I had never been to a Hard Rock Cafe, and they seated me right in the corner next to the door and I felt like people's eyes were stabbing me

>> No.10865303

But I'm always drunk, and half-autistic (>>10865280). I don't care what the servers think, and they probably don't give a shit about me in any way (I'm a cook and they really don't care about you unless you're an asshole); I just don't want to have to talk to whatever thing sits down next to me looking for company when I just want to eat a meal.

>> No.10865304

>Do you go to restaurants alone?
>Why/why not?
Because I'm not insecure, not a faggot and not concerned with what shitty teenage normies may or may not think about me. What's the worst that could happen, honestly, to all you scaredfags? Afraid someone you don't know who has no authority in your life might disapprove of you? I honestly don't understand how you can let yourself be so pathetic and have your life be determined by the irresponsible druggie faggots who work in foodservice.
-t. Works in foodservice.

>> No.10865305

>don't want to have to talk to whatever thing sits down next to me looking for company
You don't have to talk to anyone. If someone sits next to you at the bar, completely ignore them.
This is why I ask for a table and don't usually sit at the bar unless it's dead. People can't just go up and start sitting at tables. I also don't want to make small talk with strangers.

>> No.10865306

Then tell them to fuck off. You are not obligated to talk to anyone.

>> No.10865315

If the restaurant has a bar, i will

>> No.10865354

I would have taken both and thrown the second in her face and told her she was dining with me now

>> No.10865385

I wore my nicest outfit and ate alone at a nice little Thai place recently. The servers were all laughing at me. I plan to murder them all one by one. I hate people who laugh in public. Fuck you all.

>> No.10865534

based. They sound like assholes

>> No.10866173

I only go to one restaurant alone and it’s a Mexican buffet, reason being I do some atrocious shit there and no one I know must see or know of what I do, let’s just say it involves the unlimited quaso they have

>> No.10866210

Yes. Because I want to eat and don't always have someone able or willing to go with me. You don't need a fucking chaperone to be out in public. No one thinks you're a loser if you dine alone.

>> No.10866305

I eat out by myself all the time. Literally no one cares. Autists pretending to get made fun of are lying.

>> No.10866311

Do you drink the queso/eat it by itself with a spoon?

>> No.10866363
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I go to my local Indian place alone every weekend for their lunch special. It's comfy.
Being alone isn't so bad, man. You get used to it.

>> No.10866370

Only when I'm traveling for work and stuck in a hotel in the middle of nowhere, and I've already eaten at the local subway 3 times, and my company is paying for my food. Only then.

>> No.10868024
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>> No.10868223
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Yea, about once a month.
Usually a restaurant styled pub (ie Marstons or similar, UK) with good food and good WiFi. Mostly pick quiet days of the week ie no pub quizes so I get the comfy chairs, better food and better service from less stressed staff.
Take laptop for something to do so I'm not sitting there being Billy-No-Mates and feeling socially awkward.Sometimes social media, other times work / hobby related.
Sometimes I'll eat and leave, other times I'll stay an hour or so having a quiet drink enjoying being somewhere else for a change.

Real food = Win
Someone else cooks = Win
Someone else clears up = Win
No one actually gives a fuck = Win

Pick related, it's Billy no Mates.

>> No.10868232
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I spent like $150 at a conveyor sushi place I went to for my birthday by myself once

>> No.10868297

Why didn't you go with others for your birthday?

>> No.10868341

I dont have any friends and all my family hate me because I'm a tranny

>> No.10868342


>> No.10868353
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at least theres sushi

>> No.10868354

Lots of people go to restaurants alone. I do it all the time despite having a wife and a social group. Sometimes nobody is available so I'll go hit a place... No big deal

>> No.10868355

maybe dont be a tranny, or get new friends

>> No.10868359
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>> No.10868361

like games done quick tranny or line trap tranny?

>> No.10868364

or just get new friends who are trannies, you dummy

>> No.10868366

Yes, I’m actually traveling to Chicago in September and have a single reservation for Alinea. I find going to restaurants by myself extremely relaxing.

>> No.10868372

sometimes because i'm hungry and don't feel like waiting around for friends or i'm away on business and don't want to sit around in a hotel room after work.

>> No.10868379

I look like a GDQ creature

>> No.10868384

Place I go to often after work. They have good food at reasonable prices and since I don't pay out my ass on living expenses I can enjoy the place. I sit at the bar and if they don't have a place at the bar I'll take a seat at once of the smaller tables until a seat at the bar opens. The great part about it is you tend to meet people when you have a regular spot, then you won't find yourself eating alone as much.

>> No.10868795

LOl yea. FUCK YEA i do.

I use to go to a PHo place, during my lunch, and would take an entire table.. see people come in, its too packed so they leave.


Seriously. it makkes me laugh.

>> No.10868836

No, I don't even go to restaurants unless I'm doing carry-out. That way I don't eve have to leave a tip or fuck around waiting for the waitress to get her shit together.

>> No.10868856


Nope and boyfriend of 3 years.

Before hand I did, was a loaded nightclub manager. Would go to nice places in my suits, eat small but expensive classy meals, leave 50% tips. Life was good but I was young and stupid.

Club shut, couldn't find new club, back to 9-5, found love, now more reasonably priced restaurants and I don't tip (tipping is highly optional where I'm from, used it to pick up young skinny twink waiters and bang them in my office, shit worked a treat, big tip to "i see you here often, what do you do for work?", watch their blacks get moist when they get the offer of VIP for their mates, only time it didn't work was if taken, still porked their mates and sometimes the odd 3way).

PS the memories of fuck fest 2012-2014 were great but I'm 27 now and must have blown at least 150-200k across those years. Would rather have that money now tbqh.

>> No.10868961

I went to a restaurant/bar alone last Weds because it was the only place open with Wi-Fi and I didn't want to work from home at 9pm at night. I looked a little funny maybe in my nice button down and nice laptop, nursing a beer and working on some fin services docs, with other tables filled with mostly older couples, but I didn't give a fuck. The cafes close at 9pm.

>> No.10868992
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Sometimes my mom works long hours so she can't cook for me and I have to go out to eat by myself. To come full circle the reason she works long hours is so I can go out to eat alone. She's the best

>> No.10869057

Why would I go to a restaurant when I could just cook for myself and get
>the enjoyment of cooking
>full knowledge of what I'm eating
>full control of my nutrition
>full control of what goes in to the meal and any alterations to it
all for less time, less money, less time spent around other (potentially extremely undesirable) people, and in the comfort of my own home?
The only reason to eat out is if you're with others and don't want them in your house, or they don't enjoy any food that you currently have to cook with somehow, you don't have room to seat them, etc. or if you lack your normal cooking facilities (ie business trip, power's out).

>> No.10869122

I'll go if the food is good, want to get out of the house, and can't be assed to wrangle a bunch of people to go with me.

>> No.10869399

Sometimes after work, I live a bit outside the city so the food gets cold if I order takeaway.

>> No.10869965

I’m not an autistic lonely faggot and invite a friend when I want to go to a restaraunt.

>> No.10872263

if i just started dating a girl ill do it so that i know what to order when i take her there

but if we been dating for a while then i wont bother, and ill try it with her