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10864858 No.10864858 [Reply] [Original]

Is this stuff actually healthy or is it a scam like most “healthy” bread

>> No.10864898

Surely you can read the ingredient list and the nutritional information, compare that with the price and formulate your own opinion.

>> No.10864903
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I read the ingredients, idk if its healthy. Thats why i asked darling

>> No.10864910

What bread advertised as healthy is actually a scam?

>> No.10864916

>I can't tell if something is healthy or not from the nutritional information
Well then maybe you're kind of a moron?

>> No.10864922

Literally any bread thats not in a fridge at the supermarket

>> No.10864937

>I read the ingredients, idk if its healthy.

I can't fix stupid.

>> No.10864948


I believe that milling flour from sprouted grains(that is a sprouted grain bread) results in lower carbs and fat and slightly increased protein, and that bread doesn't use 100% wheat, and sprouting grains reduces inflammatory acids in the bread.

So if you wanna lean towards paleo/antinflammatory type diets, but are unnwilling to give up bread.....this is a way of maybe ensuring that you have something nearing traditional bread while minimizing its impact upon your diet.

>> No.10864954

Perfect answer thanks.

>> No.10864973

it's really fucking good with pb and honey

>> No.10865026

Anything with a bible verse on it is a scam to some extent.

>> No.10865074


I dunno, I mean, it's a gimmick. And it's not their first product. It's not a christian company. It was founded by like health nut Mexicans in the 60's. They're just selling bread with biblical recipes.

>> No.10865102

it'll start growing if you don't freeze it

>> No.10865512

why is it always in the frozen section? why can't it be on the shelf?

>> No.10865536

I can't speak for that product specifically because I've never bought it. But I'm guessing it's because it's lacking the artificial addtives that let industrial bread keep a long time without special storage. If true, that's a good sign.

>> No.10865564

There's a doctor in my area who specializes in biblical nutrition
It's a definite scam

>> No.10865610

>I read the ingredients, idk if its healthy.
then let your caregiver decide if it's healthy for you

>> No.10865652

No preservatives.

>> No.10865888

Yes, it's healthy. Tastes like shit however. You're better off getting Dave's Killer breads.

>> No.10865898

Yea no thanks, 1 slice has 11% of my daily sodium intake. Enjoy ur high blood pressure

>> No.10865908
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The "bible" reference is obviously marketing bullshit to appear to bible dieters or gullible Christians as well.

That doesn't mean it isn't good quality bread though. Good bread with a dumb marketing package is still good bread. I can't say if it's good or not, I've never had it or looked at the package.

I have had Dave's and it's pretty good! It's not god's gift to nutrition but it's a hell of a lot better than most supermarket bread.

>> No.10866144

the sprouted grains will start growing
it gets gnarly quick, even in the fridge

>> No.10866165

Why do you think it's called "killer bread"

>> No.10867101


#1: No preservatives(drawback?)

#2: Its much lower wheat content gives it a nifty trick: It can be frozen without harming its texture.

Regarding #2: Gluten(you know, the thing that holds wheat breads together and gives them that characteristic light, squishy texture) can't be frozen for long periods of time: It starts to crystallize and won't uncrystallize, and you end up with bread with a texture that's all gross. Freezing it will alter the bread. Having a bread that isn't entirely wheat mitigates this issue.

>> No.10867116

Bread is not healthy at all. Just avoid it entirely.

>> No.10867957

Fuck you for making this thread I was going to tomorrow and wanted all the (you's)

>> No.10868186

>a scam like most “healthy” bread
not sure what you mean by "healthy bread", whole wheat / rye bread is quite healthy already
I always buy bread without preservatives and it's never frozen or in the fridge

Americans are so fucking clueless about bread

>> No.10868257
File: 46 KB, 750x699, 1474268903162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-sliced bread packaged in plastic

Yeah, I'm sure it's great.

>> No.10868363

you can slice good bread and package it in plastic, what's the problem?

>> No.10868719

Dave's is good, but I'll be fucked before I pay more than $5 for a fucking loaf of bread. I bake my own bread and it is better and about 10x as cheap as that ripoff.

>> No.10868773

because all the bakers at Dave's are ex felons. I think it's nice that they look beyond the past and give them a chance.

>> No.10869168

CNN doesn't talk about important things anymore.
their caregivers are abandoning their best interests in lieu of ridiculous articles and jew propaganda.

>> No.10869182

>what's the problem?
Pre-slicing the bread makes it go bad faster. You see it done to mediocre bread, but never to really good bread.

Plastic is the worst possible thing you could store bread in. It traps moisture which leads to mold. Like pre-slicing, it's the sign of an inferior product.

>> No.10869196

>not sure what you mean by "healthy bread", whole wheat / rye bread is quite healthy already
I'm not that same anon, but I assume he means bread that's marketed as being healthy. I'm not sure about your country, but in the US the majority of "whole wheat" or bread is still a crappy industrial product and while it might be a little healthier than generic white bread, the margin is slim. Things like OP's biblebread and Dave's (among others) are significantly more expensive, and significantly healthier than standard "whole wheat" bread.

>Americans are so fucking clueless about bread
You're 100% right about that. We've had industrial bread for so long that it's become the standard.

>> No.10869231

>its another amerilard who thinks yuropland doesnt have bread factories or that baking white flour yourself somehiw makes it healthier because MUH TITANIUM DIOXIDE

>> No.10869948

a local bakery near me makes some pre-sliced plastic-packed bread for the local shops, it's very good as is all of their other bread

I agree that a big majority of bread packaged this way is mediocre mass-produced shit, but not necessarily all of it