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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10864764 No.10864764 [Reply] [Original]

Gluttony thread. What's the most you have ever eaten during one sitting or throughout the day? Have you ever eaten so much you threw up?

>> No.10864770

No i have some dignity. But my uncle used to throw up during thanks giving and come back for more.

>> No.10864789

I used to fill a large bowl with an entire bag of tortilla chips, smother it with chili cheese dip, and then top it with an entire bag of shredded lettuce, a jar of pickled jalapenos, a small can of sliced black olives, a diced tomato, a diced onion, sour cream, and about a cup of homemade guacamole (about three avocados worth). I was doing this once a week for awhile.

>> No.10864791

Boomers know how to make room for seconds.

>> No.10864808
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Sounds pretty nice, would be good for a group setting. How fat did you get doing this?

>> No.10866011

How is this guy still doing this shit?

>> No.10866021

5-6 slices of Costco pizza is probably the most I have ever eaten. I'm on a diet now so I haven't had pizza in months

>> No.10866048

Going to a&w, i ate so much i felt like i was about to vomit

>> No.10866055


>> No.10866211

>Have you ever eaten so much you threw up?
Once. I was at one of those kitschy meme burger places, and I hadn't heard anything about it. I ordered a cheeseburger with everything on it and a small order of fries.
What I received was a tower of a burger that was bulging within its aluminum wrapping, and a massive box of fries that could have fed a small army.
I finished the burger and foolishly tried to eat the fries. I got about halfway through, felt thoroughly sick, and went to their restroom to vomit.
The burger was really good but I guess the fries are for families and shit.

>> No.10866268

Could there be a more disgusting human being than joey?

>> No.10867055

I ate 3 large bowls of fruity dyno bites w/milk while I was waiting on my Red Baron pizza in the oven. I then ate the whole pizza. That was just lunch. I have done much much worse than that in a sitting and have eaten more in one day then I can even remember. I was homeschooled and left alone often so I would just eat all fucking day. Felt bad man

>> No.10867074

this upsets me every time
>soggy chips

>> No.10867113

was super drunk with a friend one night and we got 7x7 burgers from steak n shake. demolished mine and then finished half of my friend's. threw up shortly after. i can't eat steak n shake anymore

>> No.10867139

From White Castle:
>10 sliders
>2 orders of fries
>2 orders of chicken rings
>2 extra large drinks
Was up all night shitting

First time I had dim sum:
>15 dumplings (mostly shrimp)
>2 pork buns
>2 orders of mung bean noodles
>order of beef chow foon
>noodle soup with pork and duck
This was the most i’ve ever consumed I think

Chipotle (most autistic):
>chicken burrito bowl
>chicken burrito
I had lifted for like 2 hours before this one

>> No.10867141

Can't remember the most ever but about 2 weeks ago I had a stuffed crust pizza w/ extra cheese and the Hershey's smores cookie pie. I ate it throughout the day, however. In the first sitting though I ate 4 slices though. Not entirely why, but before I used to be able to eat 7 slices straight before feeling I couldn't eat any more like I do at 4 lately. I've lost some weight recently so perhaps my appetite is smaller, but even when I was thinner I could eat more.

>> No.10867151

i used to eat the entire fucking macaroni box until i stopped

>> No.10867154

>In the first sitting though I ate 4 slices though.

God damnit put one too many thoughs.

>> No.10867160
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I ate and drank so much I puked a week ago.

I went to a brewery for board game night since I wanted to have fun I only ate a breakfast bar for lunch. I had a big plate of poutine that was probably 1600- 1700 calories and I drank a 20 oz pour of beer. I remember my stomach feeling pretty full but I remebered I had not drank much water that day so I drank maybe ~15 oz of water.

I guess that was the tipping point because my mouth started watering and I had to run to the bathroom and puke up a ton of liquid. I havent been back to the brewery yet and I am afraid they saved my picture and I am on some kind of shitlist

>> No.10867232


What in the actual fuck :o


I have no words

>> No.10867249

Four mcdoubles, four mchickens, large fries and then two of those strawberry cream pie things they had. The vomit was tasty

>> No.10867280

leafposter detected

>> No.10867283

I mixed rumchata and fireball and I wanted to see how it was like to specifically pass out from alcohol. I was going through a rough time and I wasn't in the most stable of mental states.

So I had only a slice of toast for breakfast and then I got a biggest glass I could find in my house, and then dumped in on part rumchata and one part fireball, give or take a little fudging of the numbers. I added a dash of cinnamon powder to top it off.

It was awesome. It tasted like eggnog but with more rum in it. I downed the entire cup.

I wasn't QUITE as fucked up as I wanted to be. I probably just didn't really want to wait to get hit with it. So I filled it again and downed it. I don't know how big it was--all I know was that it resembled a big glass beer tankard, kind of like the ones they serve at medival pubs.

I was so fucked up I lay down on the ground and struggled to get up. I didn't do anything dangerous, I just made some weird posts on twitter and had some strange interactions with my friends but nothing other than that. I also somehow got a nosebleed in the chaos that was going on in my brain. It just started bleeding. Thankfully I remembered to pinch my nose, which I did. I finally managed to get up and collapse asleep on my bed, and when I woke up I felt so fucking miserable. I puked goddamn everywhere in the bathroom and my nosebleed returned.

I just wouldn't stop puking everywhere, so I started to drink copious amounts of sink and bath water because I live downstairs to the kitchen and I was too fucked up to go up stairs or even probably stand up without the counter supporting me to get some actual clean water. I was probably in the throws of alcohol poisoning.

It was a miserable experience for me and I'm not touching alcohol for a long time because of it.

>> No.10867302

45 hot wings and some beverages

>> No.10867309

Back in the day, I could eat an entire 42 ounce can of chow mein, plus noodles, as one meal.

>> No.10867317

>can of chow mein
oh no no no
Do Americans really eat canned Chinese takeout?

>> No.10867409

homeschooling is fucking cruelty

like half the purpose of school is socializing your children into society, keeping them home guarantees wierdos

>> No.10867435

>been on diet
>lost 2 pounds this week
>at end of week end up eating 2 croissant sandwiches, slice of supreme pizza papajohns, 2 white chocolate cookies and some broccoli w pork

lost like 10 pounds this month and fucked up I couldn't help myself. Time to starve myself to make up for this

>> No.10867441

>can of chow mein
is that really a thing? I have never seen that at a store before

>> No.10867466

You actually lose more weight having one overfeeding day per week to let your body know you're not really on a deserted isle starving to death. Trust me. I'm an oldfag who has lost 36 lbs in the last several months. 25-30 more to go...

>> No.10867518
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I walked into a Tim hortons and ordered every doughnut they had in the display and ate them all.

>> No.10867780

>Get drunk
>Walk to mcdonalds
>Order a double quarter pounder, a mcchicken and some fries
>Go home
>Put fries in mcchicken and put that all between the quarter pounder
>Eat it all while drinking more
I had this strange feeling of disgust yet satisfaction. I threw up in the morning but was also hungover so who knows maybe it was just the rum. Gotta say I'm not going to have that finishing uni "meal" anymore

>> No.10867788

today i ate a medium pizza, loco moco w/ mac salad, lumpia, gyoza, and musubi. hungover as fuck. i usually eat rice cabbage and eggs

>> No.10867865

Once i vored a doublestack and became preg with an alien fetus.

>> No.10867904


I am obese, not morbidly and thank God I'm tall or I'd look like Joey. I was a victim of child abuse by my dad, then my 5th grade teacher. Then my mum died of cancer. Sister was sick all her life, so I never got noticed then she killed herself and I had no family left.

Anyway long story short, my life is a gluttony thread as I can't stop gorging, it makes me feel full inside temporarily. It's the only thing in life that does.

Every weekend meal consists of eating so much I either feel throwing up, 1 times out of 5 I probably do because I drink lots too and that bloats me and pushes me over the edge.

Today is Saturday. For breakfast I had 8 hash browns and a 750gm bag of chicken nuggets with hot sauce. For lunch I had an ultimate bbq smoky angus hungry jacks large meal with 2 sets of cheeseburger minis, 2 whoppers for $8 thrown in because the drive thru person offered it. Had that with 3 large cokes. Then got 4 krispy kremes and a chocolate thickshake for dessert.

For dinner it will be a chicken and wings meal from KFC. 10 pieces hot n spicy, 10 wicked wings, 1 large fries, 1 large potato and gravy and a 1.25L pepsi.

If I have dessert it will be a tub of creme egg ice cream. Pretty sure they're a litre, or a 2 L tub of vanilla ice cream with a medium size nutella jar mixed in.

>> No.10867912


No shitlist, believe me. Management don't care because they pay some kid or some foreigner a pittance to scrape the crap you puke up. Think noob noob before his first mission.

If you damaged property, sure, shit list. But management caring about mess? Nope. Either you were sick and they're glad you came, or you over indulged and spent lots so they're glad you came.

If the janitor knew you did it, they would cringe to see you again. But the venue manager will not.

I have been a hospitality manager for 12 years now. Done 2 fast food chains, 2 pubs, a small hotel as their food and services manager and a nightclub.

AMA too IG

>> No.10867916

God damn
What's wrong with people.

>> No.10867947

Don't care for your sob story. Nice gains tho. What's your weight

>> No.10867975
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Most I think I ever ate in one sitting was 10 cheeseburgers, a sack of chicken rings and a sack of onion rings with a large coke from White Castle. To add up:

10 cheeseburgers = 160 calories each = 1,600 calories
20 chicken rings = 52.5 calories each = 1,050 calories
Sack of onion rings = 640 calories
Large Coke = 500 calories

Combined total = 3,790 calories

I'd feel like absolute shit in the hours after but my god it's delicious. I'd only get it once every 3-6 months depending on what I was up to at the time. Late night WoW raids back in 06-08, it was definitely closer to once every 3 months. Now my local WC doesn't stay open 24 hours anymore so that limits how often I go. Would always go at like 2 in the morning, but now they close by 11 so not going to waste other potential daytime food binges on this food.

>> No.10868003

I've eaten like 97 buffalo wings in one sitting once but I couldn't even manage 50 now
when I was really young I used to eat huge bags of peanut m&ms and then vomit

>> No.10868074


You ain't meant to care, just for context. And 170kgs.

>> No.10868099

how many times do I count, lmao? All the fucking time, anon.

today I ate an entire box of pancake mix with 4 large eggs in it, with 3 pounds of blueberries for breakfast. idk how much syrup, a fuckton
ate 4 jumbo cheese sausages for lunch, a box of frosted shredded wheat cereal for dinner, and half a watermelon.
also energy drinks and coffee at work earlier

but my worst?
an entire double crust stuffed family size pizza with literal pounds and pounds of sausage in it.

or, I ate 34/40 tacos in 2 giant tacobell boxes, and that was 13 years ago, I was 13 lmao

I mean I eat like this at least 3-4 times a week so, idk.. I'm still 6 foot 150 though, so fuck it

>> No.10868104

4 dominos pizza and 26 beers.
didn't throw up.
was backpacking.

>> No.10868116
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Quite a few years ago my father, his father, and myself were taking a trip out to Mt Rushmore. At one of the random hotels we stayed a night I ate like 3 waffles, 3 bowls of cereal, several muffins bacons and fruits. Plus 2 of those little cups each of apple and orange juice. I was going through puberty around then so that I'm certain that had to do something with it, but I've never come close to eating so much food since.

>> No.10868127
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that isn't even that much lmao, hope you're a femanon poster, because if not your faggoty wrists have to be less than 2cm wide

>> No.10868190

>That one sketchy friend offers me a pot brownie when I turn 18
>I don't know that you're only supposed to eat like an eighth of the thing, so I eat all of it
>2 hours later I'm full DUDE WEED LMAO
>I order a pizza, forget I ordered it, and also order chinese
>End up eating a large pizza, a 3 entree combo plate, and 4 slices of french toast
My body hated me for the next 2 days. And I haven't tried weed since. I didn't throw up though.

>> No.10868278

I'm not a lardass if that's what you mean. I've probably had more calories in a single sitting before, but never that much volume.

>> No.10868321

I once woke up hung over and fucking hungry, went to local kebab and ordered one pizza and one durum, wrapped the durum in the pizza and proceeded to eat. I'll admit i didn't finish it in one sitting but i got fairly far.

my usual glutton treat is to cook 2 pizzas with pineapple, spicy salami and extra mozzarella, and then superpose them both like a pizza sandwich. fucking delicious too

>> No.10868392
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Absolute unit.

>> No.10868420

I don't recall this habanero episode
is it s2 promo?

>> No.10868504

>guarantees wierdos
can confirm. made me. online video games aren't much of a subsitute for actual socialization

>> No.10868903

I'm 6'8" and 240, but I used to be 310 for a while. I need about 4.5k calories per day, so I'm used to eating an obscene amount, so here are some highlights.

>ate so much with my basketball team and all you can eat Chinese food buffet comped our very expensive meal, beer included, if we'd stop eating and leave
>used to order a "double quad bk stacker". Eight patties, eight peices of cheese. 16 strips of bacon.
>when I was fat, I ate two meals every time I went for fast food, as in went to KFC and then Wendy's. Was often hungery enough to still eat a box of nuggets after
>now that I'm skinny I eat about 2kg of mangos, bananas, and pineapple every day in a smoothie with 100gs of protien and like 60gs of fiber. And then I eat a normal meal after that.
>went for shawarma with my dope work friends. Ate three full plates of tandoori chicken with rice and naan.
>in one night a week ago, ate a whole Sarah Lee key lime pie, a bag of mango habanero chips, 6 imperial stouts, a full rack of ribs, a bag of spicy Skittles, and one of those 4 packs of twix

I'm sure there are more, but that's just off the top of my head.

>> No.10868916

I want to binge right now on icecream but im cutting and when I see how good I look now in the mirror and how my face looks the desire to binge goes away.. fuck I hope getting shredded will be worth it

>> No.10868924

Cut or uncut?

>> No.10868948

cutting calories but my dick is uncut because im strong european, I just wish I could eat whatever I want again but I was obese for 15 years and it was horrible

>> No.10870137

one time after a sporting event, first time at white castle:
>22 white castle sliders (gave 3 to friends)
>5 french fries
>a large diet coke
>half a big pack of sour patch kids later on that night

i had the worst gas

another time sometime after I first got a car:
>4 mcdoubles
>4 mcchickens
>10 piece nugget
>large mcDonalds fry
>4 chilli-fritos burritos from sonic (back when they had them, RIP)
>large diet coke

It was the only time I ever went to two drive thru's in succession and I remember feeling pretty dirty about it. I felt like absolute shit afterwards.

There's also been plenty of times where i've eaten more than 1 medium/large pizzas.

>> No.10870318

>You ain't meant to care, just for context. And 170kgs.

i'm pretty sure that is joey tier obese my man. i'm sorry

>> No.10870364

>Have you ever eaten so much you threw up?
yes but it was after 4-5 days of being sick and not eating anything so when my appetite finally came back I sat down and probably ate like 5 meals worth of food, and way too fast
I think that was the hungriest i've ever been in my life

>> No.10870534

4 days ago I was so angry that I got an extra large meatlovers stuffed crust pizza and 4 monster thickburgers with 4 orders of fries because there is a hardees next to the pizza hut. 2 large chocolate shakes. When I got home I laid everything out, got out the sausage gravy and ate and drank it all using the gravy on everything as well as a 2 liter of coke while I was doing it.

>> No.10870579

>got out the sausage gravy and ate and drank it all using the gravy on everything as well
unironically sounds delicious

>> No.10870916

2 whoppers and an entire cheesecake. I was 15 and had been trapped in the house living off crackers due to hurricane ike flooding

>> No.10871124

LOL you people are SICK! but i know why you did it, you hate yourself tat day, or just get super drunk. I use to be a big drinker, and would purposely eat only fruit if i was gonna go to a party that day, and that way if i threw up, only tasted like banana or other fruit

>> No.10871737


If i was Joey tier height, definitely. Hes 5'3", I'm the same weight as him but 6'8". I am still obese on the BMI scale, but due to my frame look like a regular heffalump. I don't have the Humphrey B Bear gunt or the Lil Kym saggy man tits, but I'm pretty sure unless I have some sort of breakthrough mentally I will end up just as big as him (if I survive that long).

>> No.10872811

Got drunk as hell at yearly parade in my city stumbled to a domino's and eat a whole large 3 topping pizza plus 12 wings.

5"10 240 fat boy

>> No.10873161
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>quantity = enjoyment
I hate this damn American meme

>> No.10873168

The worst are mainland chinese at buffets. It's like a zombie apocalypse.

>> No.10873174

i miss joey generals so much

>> No.10873698

An entire Costco pecan pie in 1 sitting. And I guess a couple glasses of milk. Holy fuck thinking about it just makes me want to buy another pie

>> No.10874045
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>Triple Whopper with Cheese
>4 Double Cheese burgers from McDonalds
>A large bag of Hot Cheetos
>4 giant slim jims
>2 liter of Dr Pepper
>2 liter of Mtn Dew
>4 Large BK fries

All in one sitting.

>> No.10874073

I used to be bulimic so eating tons and throwing it up was pretty routine for me. A standard sort of binge for me would be:
>two pizzas
>one can of ravioli
>one family size lasagna
>one mud cake
>one family size bag of M&Ms
>one tub of ice cream

Wash it down with a fuckton of water and it comes back up easy peasy.

>> No.10874587

A kilogram of fried pork, 300 gram of pasta, some green onions, some olives and a bottle of vodka.

>> No.10874595

5 mc doubles, 4 jr chickens, 2 daves singles, 2 junior hamburgs from wendys and large fries in one sitting. i was extremely hungover

>> No.10874609

Finished a whole 40" pizza in under 8 mins

>> No.10874624

Wait which Brewery was this at? Poutine, games and local brew sounds good tier.

>> No.10874637

I haven’t gotten super indulgent on food outside of ordering too much all you can eat sushi and having to help 6 others to finish the food, must’ve been like 30 pieces of sushi at the end.

Worst for me though was liquor, went to a whisky show and had like 30+ samples and almost fell flat on my ass before loading up with water. Definitely won’t go back unless i have a mate and if they have better food to curb the drunken stupor with because shitty noodles is not a good pairing with whisky.

>> No.10874903

Temblor Brewing Company in Bakersfield I don't love the beer that much but it is centrally located in town so easy for people coming off work

>> No.10875406
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I went to an Argentinian-themed buffet.
There was tons of wine to go with everything, and a vast amount of delicious little pastries and cheeses and Lord knows what else, it was that long ago.
I ate so much I wanted to die.

>> No.10875486

A few weeks ago I ate a gallon of ice cream half choco cookie dough half moose tracks followed by a family sized bag of Snyder's honey mustard and onion pretzels, a digiorno pizza and 4 jumbo sized honeybuns. I recently stopped smoking weed but I would easily eat twice that in a day when high.

>> No.10875762
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>> No.10876264

me too, broey. me too.

>> No.10876398
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Yeah send your kids to get a public school “education” is a great idea. It definitely isn't a glorified daycare to propagandise people and crush any creative spirit they might have.

It's pretty easy to socialise your kid with sports teams, clubs, friends and regular outings. Homeschooling from age 5-10 is ideal. Obviously don't abandon your kid at home to stuff his fat retard face.

>> No.10876723

I've eaten a whole quart to a half or even as much as 3/4 gallon of ice cream in one sitting. Worst decision of my life as my tongue was painfully numb halfway through. It was cheap neopolitan ice cream from walmart but still dumb as fuck to do.

>> No.10876738

Some Christmas probably.

>> No.10876847

Enjoy your diet-induced BED. I've had it for ages. The cycle is vicious.

>> No.10877651

I just ate a large All Meats pizza in one sitting. All that sodium can't be good for me.

>> No.10877675

I can slam a whole "extra best" whatever pizza from Little Caesars.

>> No.10877681

just ate 10 meximelts
not feelin too shabby all of a sudden

>> No.10877703

I ate an entire watermelon before going to sleep once. Don't do that.

>> No.10877799
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One weekend the wife was out of town with her mom. I got seriously hungry. Saw a Chili’s commercial on tv talking about a 2-for-$20 deal. Got 2 10oz steaks, medium, with 4 sides to go. And it included the chips and salsa. Got home and started eating. Nearly killed me but it was so fucking good.

>> No.10877834
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Has anybody here ever done a bang bang aka two full meals at two separate restaurants one right after the other? It seems like it would be fairly difficult