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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.10862320 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone suggest some estrogen-rich foods to avoid and/or testosterone-rich foods to seek out?Particularly store bought foods considering that it's not difficult to google ingredients.

Also, I need to find a balance between testosterone and general health, since I'm trying to cut calories. I've heard that milk is estrogen-rich, but it also contains calcium, and I'd like to keep my bones strong and healthy.

Any foods that are almost completely GOOD for you and your masculinity?

>> No.10862327
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No because no food will have any appreciable effect on your hormone levels. It's a shame there's also no food that can remove the /pol/ contamination from your brain.

>> No.10862349

>It's a shame there's also no food that can remove the /pol/ contamination from your brain.
But there is and it's the reason /ck/ folks are generally rational and btfo of the sturmdrumpfers. The interest and experimentation with other cultures' food. It's the great equalizer and humanises us all.

>> No.10862363

This. Trump voters are rural and suburban retards. City people all voted for Hillary

>> No.10862456
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>thinking that voting for Hillary is even remotely acceptable

>> No.10862519

>muh world war 3
>muh emails
>muh shill
Fuck off. The election was almost two years ago and you people still bitch about a candidate that lost.

>> No.10862589

>hoppy beers
>beer in general
>alcohol in general (with the exception of sardinian and spanish red wines)
>canned foods with BPA (or even supposed BPA-free liners since they just use BPS/BPF instead)
>plastic containers/plastic water bottles
>touching receipts ever
>'dirty dozen' conventionally grown produce
>smoking tobacco/marijuana
>low quality dairy/meat at a high frequency
>fatty fish at a high frequency (absorb a lot of fat soluble pollutants)
>being sedentary
>fast food (google 'PFC wrappers')

Eat a lot of:
>broccoli & cruciferous greens
>ground flaxseeds
>whole grains
>B12/zinc/magnesium/selenium/vitamin E
>DHA/EPA (from clean source)

not a complete list

>> No.10862607

What about smoking marijuana using inked receipt paper?

>> No.10862614

i thought flax seeds were full of xenostrogens

>> No.10862681

Boxing, mma, Muay Thai
Going to the gym
Having sex with woman daily

that should give you a strong testosterone boost, by making your fuckin balls produce more because that is why we have them.
If you abuse of external testosterone you'll end up with a lot of ugly beard, bald and shrink testicles
And a lot of humor changes due to hormonal imbalance

>> No.10862705

I am here to dispel misinformation.
1. They are called 'phytoestrogens', not 'xenoestrogens'. The prefix 'phyto' means plant derived, whereas 'xeno' means of questionable origin, typically associated with man made pollutants.
2. Flax prevents more potent estrogens from being metabolized and giving you cancer/bitch tits.

>> No.10862714

>claims to be rational
>uses terms like "sturmdrumpfers"

are you an actual child?

>> No.10862760
File: 174 KB, 735x1500, PhytoestrogensGraphic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that lower testosterone:

Chronic stress
Insufficient nutrition
Imbalanced microflora
Low vitamin D levels
Weight gain
Inadequate exercise
Prescription drugs (especially statins)

>add fresh onion juice to diet daily. Ratio is 1tbs per every 100 lb you weigh.

>add a lot of healthy fats in your diet. Avocado, coconut oil, fish oil, peanuts and high fat nuts. Most men with low testosterone consume too much junk food and too many carbohydrates.

>intermittent fasting
It’s been shown to increase testosterone by nearly 200 percent or even up to 400 percent.
skip breakfast, and you eat your meals closer together. You’ll eat three meals per day: one at noon, one at 3 p.m. and your last meal around 6 p.m. That allows your organs to rest, especially your liver.

even moderate weight lifting and light weightlifting increased serum testosterone levels in participants.

Heavy weight training plus interval training
>Strength training can induce growth hormone and testosterone release. Combining this with interval training like burst training is the best overall combo to increase HGH. In fact, burst training has been proven to not only boost T-levels, it helps keeps your testosterone elevated and can prevent its decline. Burst training involves exercising at 90–100 percent of your maximum effort for a short interval

>Liver Detox
Your liver is crucial to testosterone levels. The liver holds an enzyme that conjugates the 17beta-hydroxyl group of testosterone.

>Vitamin D
If you have vitamin D deficiency symptoms, it will absolutely crush your testosterone levels. Leave your basement 20 to 30 minutes every day to detox your body with the sun and get that all-important vitamin D.

>Avoid processed sugar (natural foods like fruit are ok)
sugar has been linked to depleting T-levels




>> No.10862965

Avoid peppermint, black licorice, hoppy beers, flax, and soy.

>> No.10863108

100% complete bullshit

>> No.10863347


>> No.10863715
File: 59 KB, 645x729, 1530604434586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever get tired of the cock in your mouth, or are you too distracted by the cock in your ass? Did /pol/ fuck you in the ass so hard that's all you think about on other boards? People like you are turning good boards like /ck/ into shitholes because you have a cuck-complex where you have to reply to obvious fucking bait. Even now, as you read this, you still feel the need to get butthurt and reply. This site has never been politically correct or tolerant. The whole fucking point is anonymous conversation, but your too fucking stupid and ignorant to understand that. You belong to reddit. Get the fuck out of here and never come back.

>> No.10863730

You political discussion sacks of shit have other places to discuss such matters. Fuck off!

>> No.10863821

Testosterone doesn't make you happier. I'm still miserable.

>> No.10863825

t. Manchild votes for momma corruption

>> No.10863831
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good post

>> No.10864105

op is retarded

>> No.10864124
File: 208 KB, 354x534, me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone suggest some estrogen-rich foods to seek out and/or testosterone-rich foods to avoid?

>> No.10864234

Eat nothing but my cummies

>> No.10864333

Just being a smartass here, "xeno" just means foreign to your body without any connotation. Phytoestrogens are also xenoestrogens.

Also this >>10862327, it's a retarded myth. You'd have to eat abnormal amounts for it to even make a detectable difference on your hormone levels, much less a noticeable difference.

>> No.10864373

>Boxing, mma, Muay Thai
Mmmm, brain damage.

>> No.10864432

Nice broscience retard

>> No.10864492

Eat meat of male human and avoid meat of female human of that's what you want

>> No.10864712

>eating chicken breasts gives you bigger breasts
>eating chicken thighs give you bigger thighs
>eating bull balls gives you bigger balls

It's simple senpai

>> No.10864720

Are you Chinese or something

>> No.10864722

>testosterone-rich foods to seek out?
Onions. At least one a day. Raw. Juice and shottgun it if you gotta, or eat it raw in salad

>> No.10864728

>have sex
>increase testosterone

Sex depletes testosterone, abstain for 3 days to hit peak levels (it stops increasing and flattens off after that)

>> No.10864771

Eat chicken dick to get large ding dong

>> No.10864801

City person here
I voted for Jill she's so cuuuuuute

>> No.10865000

Thermal recipt paper is coated in BPA. I has no ink, so inked or not would make no difference.

>> No.10865509

I made this post >>10862589, and nearly all of your post if true, however I'm not sure why you posted the infographic of foods containing phytoestrogens. You actually want to consume phytoestrogens because they mitigate the impact of environmental estrogens (much more potent) that you come into contact with on a daily basis just from drink tap water, handling receipts, eating food out of a can, even breathing the fucking air (nylon fragments shot out of dryer vents). Read the article I linked here >>10862705 to learn more. Also Dr. Axe is mega-bro-science.

>> No.10865567

If that shit did much, trans girls wouldn't bother with titty skittles. Fiber intake makes a much greater difference. Your excess actual estrogen gets dumped into your lower intestine where there's supposed to be fiber to absorb it and carry it away.

A quarter cup chia and pound of cruciferous vegetables can get you 2/3 of the way to the recommended calcium intake. Other unrefined foods can get you the rest of the way. There's also fortified stuff or cheap powder you can add to anything. Try using cronometer to check if you're hitting your targets.

>> No.10865602

>be type 2 diabetic
>eat nine pounds of tofu each day
>dick no get hard

>> No.10865612
File: 74 KB, 1024x553, 6AE95D6A-C289-440B-835D-89A89C87A04F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avoid: Dairy, chicken, plastics, aluminum, and beef

Eat: Soy

>> No.10865616

>3 pounds of onion juice a day

Polniggers are fucking retarded

>> No.10865667

You need better reading skills faggot

>> No.10865680

Sorry i just visited the board. Drinking onion juice is any capacity is fucking retarded regardless. You’ll just end up smelling worse than you already do. Eat fiber, whole foods, filter your water, and avoid anything plastic if you want to avoid estrogen. Injecting onion juice in your ass isn’t going to grow your hair back or get you laid

>> No.10865759
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You aren't contributing anything but cancer to this board.
Not contributing
Not contributing
Not contributing

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

1. Images and discussion should relate to food and cooking.
You're just as bad as the /pol/tards that you claim to hate.

To answer OPs question (as someone who has had personal experience with man boobs) diet can impact your estrogen.

Here is a study from Oregon State University:
lpi oregonstate edu/mic/dietary-factors/phytochemicals/lignans

This highlights a lot of foods that I regularly incorporate into my diet. I'd also recommend adding avocados and a lot of extra virgin olive oil. These are high in mono-saturated fat, which is supposedly good for insulin levels and blood suger control.

www anabolicmen com/fats-and-testosterone/

All this combined has made a big difference for me, including getting rid of man-boobs that I started to have. I'd also add that you should exercise alongside eating for best results. I personally make smoothies using these ingredients and the results have been very noticable. I've got called out for using steroids, but really my success has come from a solid diet. I still drink milk, but I also don't stay idle.

>plastic containers/plastic water bottles
>touching receipts ever
Mind providing a source on those? That seems like a bit of a stretch compared to the other things listed.

>> No.10865856
File: 53 KB, 668x621, 'good'-estrogen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol.. just lol
Where have you been for the last two decades?

plastic water bottles
>Polycarbonate Bottle Use and Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations
>One week of polycarbonate bottle use increased urinary BPA concentrations by two-thirds. Regular consumption of cold beverages from polycarbonate bottles is associated with a substantial increase in urinary BPA concentrations irrespective of exposure to BPA from other sources.

>Handling of Thermal Receipts as a Source of Exposure to Bisphenol A
>We detected BPA in 83% (n = 20) of samples at baseline and in 100% of samples after handling receipts without gloves. ... We observed no significant increase in urinary BPA after handling receipts with gloves

>> No.10865912

You got fat and then lost some through conscious eating.

There's no need to remove food from oil. You'll get plenty if you leave the food in it.

>> No.10865943
File: 15 KB, 500x385, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man, I was just asking. I heard the receipt thing before and thought it was just a meme that /fit/ came up with. I always heard that plastic bottles were only bad if you let them get too hot. I appreciate the information.