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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.10861282 [Reply] [Original]

if he doesn't want people going through his trash why doesn't he offer them food better than what can be obtained from a typical dumpster?

Why is this sign on the entrance and not near the dumpster?

Why doesn't he realize that there's not shame in digging through trash so long as you aren't spotted, but definitely shame in admitting to someone you want a free sandwich?

>> No.10861286

It's almost like it's marketing ploy or somethibg.

>> No.10861290

Publicity stunt

>> No.10861293

A lot of homeless people are veterans.
I wish more business owners were this compassionate.

>> No.10861306

If you're too lazy to work for a living, then you're not worth more than a meal from a dumpster

>> No.10861314

Yeah and plenty of them lie about being vets and are actually drug addicts and drunks. Most of them in actuality are scam artists and have cars and homes of their own because a day of panhandling pays more then a hard days work if you're unskilled

>> No.10861328

That's a pretty negative view of humanity, anon.
Try and see the good before the bad in people sometime, you'll be happier for it.

>> No.10861334

leftists vote for trillions to be taxed from honest hard working americans yet none of it goes to the homeless, strange

>> No.10861336


Are you implying that being a drunk/addict and being a vet are mutually exclusive? Are you retarded?

>> No.10861339

I worked at Publix. We threw out so much decent food because the display has to be presentable, there's only a very small kiosk of "discounted" products.
The stuff we threw out was still within date, and from all departments. regular grocery/majority of the store, seafood, deli, meat, frozen, and floral (which I hope no one eats)
You'd get a lot better food from the dumpster than the shit sandwich and cup of water. My worst night was when they threw out skewered cajun shrimp (already cooked) and Chris caught me trying to hide it around the corner

>> No.10861343

No. I'm just saying a lot of 'homeless' people are anything but.
Plenty of burned out junkies and mental cases get churned out by the military though.

>> No.10861347

Sure thing m80.

>> No.10861351

>people lie
>that's negative!
Lol you're retarded

>> No.10861355

Go back to >>>/r/eddit and take your closed eye faggoty world view (see: delusions) with you.

>> No.10861356


Is Chris your homosexual lover?

>> No.10861357

Redditor, normie or summerfag?

>> No.10861359

So you’re going to say “fuck all the people who ar genuine because there are people who aren’t that exist”
I want trumpfags to leave

>> No.10861360

yeah you got me lmao

>> No.10861365

No, the two aren't mutually exclusive. I also grew up in a big city, and I've dealt with panhandlers and homeless my entire life. Most of them, unfortunately, are bussed in by their "handlers" who take a big % of their daily earnings in return.

What I will say is, if someone is genuinely homeless you'll be able to tell within a few seconds of talking to them. A cardboard sign and an Iphone X set off red flags, while a guy with a shopping cart full of everything he owns doesn't. I gladly give money to people that are actually homeless, but I'm not a fucking sucker either.

>> No.10861367

t. Reddit tourist.

>> No.10861376

"To the hipsters reading this sign; look how progressive and virtuous we are. Please come in and pay $8 for avocado on toast"

>> No.10861379


>mental cases and junkies

Why else would somebody be homeless? Like truly homeless, not “homeless by choice faggot street kid/drifter/hippie/lazy fuck”..

Think about it for a second. People who are truly homeless have burned ever bridge theyve ever had..

>> No.10861384

If you realize most beggers are junkies, what makes you think they're so rich? Junkies are mostly unhireable and unfit for work.

>> No.10861391


Right. You can tell instantly whether its a “street kid” or homeless by choice type vs a career homeless.. Plus you see the same person day after day for months/years on end its clear they could use some help.

>> No.10861435

I know you're trolling desperately, but so no one gets the wrong idea here, OP's pic reeks of small town, midwestern, single father business owner who posts his deli's specials constantly on the town's Facebook page and posts "support local businesses!" constantly. i live in a hipster area: homeless people are most definitely not welcomed inside at all. hipsters ignore the homeless.

>> No.10861499



>> No.10861816

I'm working on it my dude

>> No.10861857

Maybe it’s cheaper to give a sandwich rather than pay employees to clean up the mess made...

>> No.10861928

Veterans belong on the streets

>> No.10861966

Soldiers get a military pension on top of their normal pension though and they get more money if they've been deployed. The "homeless veteran" shit is a meme.


>> No.10861970

Literal boomer propaganda. My mom used to believe the same shit cause she’s dumb. A day of panhandling is not worth more than an honest days work. Maybe it’s worth about a minimum wage job, but minimum wage can’t sustain a person either.

>> No.10861987
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>> No.10862063

>A lot of homeless people are veterans

Wow it's almost like people kill people for a career because they have no other value or skill sets on a basic level. Even criminals are better human beings because at least they're usually aware that they're shit people.

>> No.10862093

>he doesn't know the easiest way to get free shit is to lie about being a a vet because nobody checks for ID

>> No.10862160
File: 17 KB, 220x267, 220px-Louise_Elisabeth_Vigée-Lebrun_-_Marie-Antoinette_dit_«_à_la_Rose_»_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if you retired at 20 years. There are a shitload of vets who put their life on the line for muh rightwing notion of a domino effect in SEA and drumpf's dream of Jerusalum and the multinational oil cartels, who don't get any benefits other than education and many got completely fucked psychologically from their service and have no capability to use that.
>be drumpf who avoided service 'cause muh bone spur
>pretend to honor vets while cutting benefits 'cause muh corporate tax breaks
>fuck the psychologically damaged vets, 'cause you, know, they're weak, ok, just weak, just like McCain, who got captured, what a puss, ok? Let them eat cake!

>> No.10862207

>walk in
>claim you're the dude dumpster diving
>free sandwich
I see nothing wrong with this

>> No.10862216

I ask to see their DD-214 or GTFO.

>> No.10862237

My friends work at the VA. It's not a meme

>> No.10862258

is this like when the cops tell you that you won a free tv, and when you go to get it they aresst you?
>come on in beggar
5 across the eyes
>aaaand stay out

>> No.10862269


>> No.10862275

fuck yeah brothaman. HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON I GOT A GOOD ONE

>> No.10862307

do tell

>> No.10863354

You don't get benefits barring the whole "free college" (military pay taxes to fund that shit, too) unless you served 20 years, or get out due to medical issues that render you too broken for the military to use. And if you don't get out "honorably" then you don't even get that.

>> No.10863442

Of course! All unemployment is the result of laziness. Anon has solved the problem.

>> No.10863448

>Why is this sign on the entrance and not near the dumpster?
How else are people supposed to know how kind and generous the owner is?

>> No.10863456

>if he doesn't want people going through his trash why doesn't he offer them food better than what can be obtained from a typical dumpster?

Well obviously the food he's offering is at least as good as what he's putting in the trash, since how the food he's offering, is the food he he's putting in the trash, only before he put it in the trash.

>> No.10863459
File: 280 KB, 1236x820, 111015_homeless_dm_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This bum boasts he makes $200 an hour panhandling
>Panhandling is so lucrative, Andersen said he now rents a room in Inwood after being homeless for three years. He said he’s on the street only to collect handouts.
>“If you stop giving them money and help them with those other things, like blankets, clothing and food, they would definitely leave because they would know they couldn’t get the money to get high or drunk,’’ said Shaunyece Darling, 22, who panhandles with her boyfriend, dog and three cats.


>> No.10863463

over 50 percent of homeless people have jobs, but okay

>> No.10863477

and this is why I never give panhandlers anything

>> No.10864169

So you're saying people should just not eat while they're fighting to preserve their country?

>> No.10864171

>preserve their country
That's fucking rich

>> No.10864172

WOW a pb&j AND veggies AND water really breaking the bank for this public announcement of compassion that obviously the guy won't even see but all your customers will, WOWEE

>> No.10864209
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, journeyofJM dumpster dives.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know it's you, Mark.

>> No.10864212

How to identify Reddit on /ck/:
>vegan posts
>muh mcdonalds doesn't rot posts
>saying an old meme is from reddit
>arguing about how virtuous bums are and how they are actually employed yet cannot just buy a meal without also owning a home
>posting about the evil baby killer veterans
>posting about the poor poor trodden-upon veterans who the government fucked over guis!!!
>this fucking post right here:
>arguing about how we should feel bad for those poor poor addicts who had no choice in essentially killing themselves ahead of time
>le cringe frog posting

>> No.10864224

Wow, it's amazing how you doubt that without any detail. You must be super woke to the true evil of any successful business, country, or organization or anyone who does better in life than you. Wow stay true the struggle continues my man rebels without a cause 5 lyfe my brother

>> No.10864273

So OP when you dumpster dive, do you actually dive? Or is it more of a climb and rummage?

>> No.10864285
File: 29 KB, 536x378, cheap dining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10864311

I'm impressed

>> No.10864367

I'll just keep eating the good stuff from the trash, thanks anyway.

>> No.10864375

What if you're voluntarily impoverished?

>> No.10864414

>Be allergic to peanuts
>Suffer anaphylactic shock
>Sue the restaurant
>Buy small island in the Maldives

>> No.10864494

I was homeless for several months years ago. There were probably weeks with less that 2000 total calories, maybe less. Despite being tired and starving all the time I never started dumpster diving but walking around late in the evening you could find a bunch of untouched food forgotten by drunks having a night out and shit. I also had a little bit of money so I didn't literally die of starvation. I'm in a good financial situation now and remembering those days is kind of funny but it sure sucked back then. I'll never forget the pure joy I had when I found hot freshly baked loaf of bread some dude left at a bus stop. It was one of the best meals I ever had

>> No.10864520
File: 76 KB, 690x920, A572548F-8241-424D-A81F-DA2A6F3B4CA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most homeless are junkies self medicating for their schizoid issues in a society far more violent, desensitized, and populated than before.
The average homeless person of 2018 is nothing like that in 1968.

>> No.10864619


Uh, thanks... but I think I'll just stick to dumpster food

>> No.10864865

It's true though, my redditor friend
If they didn't kick the shit out of disobedient sand people whenever they dared move off the petrodollar, the american economy would immediately implode from the massive debt

>> No.10864866
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>> No.10864872

That's not the same as schizophrenic.
Why, I'm starting to think you're not a real psychologist at all!


>> No.10865775
File: 205 KB, 653x653, 1496106557272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>caring about mindless drones who sold their citizenship and soul to their government just to become trained killers for old out of touch men in suits


>> No.10865778


>putting real, edible food out as a "display" item
>not paying the few bucks to have an artist make an identical resin copy of your food that never spoils and never has to be swapped out

It's like the West never wants to get rid of it's culture of being wasteful.

>> No.10865780


>> No.10865783

How do people go homeless as a veteran? Keep in mind combat veterans make up a tiny percentage of the military. Can't they just continue their careers in the military given their experience? You can pretty much perpetually be in the military until retirement if you just keep reupping you time and can request different roles based on your rank and specialization. I cant understand why veterans in particular would struggle considering the mindset drilled into them, the physical capabilities (given they dont slack and become fat when they leave) and the connections they made.

>> No.10865785


>> No.10865787

You cant sue someone for knowingly eating something you're allergic to.

>> No.10865796

Do you guys not realize that only like 1% of people in the military even get stationed in the Middle East? And like 1% of that 1% even see combat in the first place? Its basically just a job opportunity since most people just do normal jobs and many are domestic or in allied first world nations.

>> No.10865809

>Can't they just continue their careers in the military given their experience?
Depends. Some people get discharged even if they want to continue their career. Other people have the opportunity to continue but don't like the terms.

One of my buddies was in the navy. Once his original enlistment was up they offered him a continued position. He thought that he deserved a promotion (higher pay grade), and said he'd reup if they gave him that. The navy didn't, so he was out.

Keep in mind that an awful lot of homeless people are that way simply because they have mental problems. That would apply to homeless vets just as much as any other sort of homeless. It's entirely possible they could have continued in the military but for whatever irrational reason did not.