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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 262 KB, 1663x1515, zoyiimqm2gx01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10856077 No.10856077 [Reply] [Original]

I'm British and I'd say the pasty.

>> No.10856089

French here
I'd have said kebab but man the french fries you can get in the north of France are really godly

>> No.10856102

Probably a decent Reuben or frikandel.

>> No.10856148

Wtf is a frikandel?
I’d say chips or a nice samosa.

>> No.10856154

Frikandel is a type of sausage which I think originates in Belgium.
You usually have it with mustard, curry ketchup or Mayo.

>> No.10856185

I’ve never seen it in Britain. Where are you?

>> No.10856447

It's french actually

>> No.10856457


>> No.10856488

the german sausage street vendors were phenomenal, as well as the other German 'sages.

>curry wurst

>> No.10856489

Ireland here
the chicken fillet roll

>> No.10856508

currywurst is great, if prepared correctly

>> No.10856514
File: 21 KB, 385x460, hotdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Dane would serve such a bland hotdog.
They look like this.

>> No.10856515
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>frikandel is French

>> No.10856516
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>finnish cuisine

>> No.10856558

yeah doner is fucking everywhere. i went to a brand new doner-style restaurant in my area and it was nothing like it. i wanna go back to yourop :(

>> No.10856588

I think just about every country in mainland Europe has some variation on frikandel/frikadel/frikadelle

>> No.10856622
File: 387 KB, 1194x709, Frikandel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably living in the north of france, which is historically flemish, hence the confusion. Otherwise:
>t. retard

>> No.10856696

Where do you get a decent reuben on the street? I've only seen those in restaurants in the USA.

>> No.10856703

For the USA, there's too much variation to pick just one as the best. There's a lot of shit, that's for sure.

>> No.10856717

We got this stall in town and the guy there makes this amazing pastrami/brisket.
He uses proper rye bread and Russian dressing as well, he usually sells out by mid afternoon.
He must be making a fortune.

>> No.10856719

Bocadillo is the food of the gods

>> No.10856737

>north of france is flemish
The north of Belgium (IE the part near the Netherlands) is Flemish (IE Dutch) and the south of Belgium (IE the part near France) is Walloon (IE French).
The north of France (IE Brittany) is Breton (IE Celtic/Gaelic), not Flemish. There are a few Vlamingen in French, but they're not considered a native population because the Vlamingen are from Vlaanderen (IE the north of Belgium), hence their endonym.
tl;dr you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.10856751

Chill out.
It was just a poor attempt at damage control.

>> No.10856767

neither of those things are british or widely-available

>> No.10856772

UK, i'd say something like doner & chips, or just a kebab. got a good turkish scene in london at least

>> No.10856778
File: 127 KB, 280x205, pig-roast-hog-roast-bap-birmingham[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK, hog roast in a bap is godlike, but rare to see outside of festivals and big events. Even better if you can get extra crackling on the side.

>> No.10856781

No one said they had to be British or widely available.
Go and read OP again.

>> No.10856784

Strange. You never see it in London. Is there a Belgium-Lincoln connection?

>> No.10856786

shit, forgot about hog roast, might have to change my answer. it is the bomb

>> No.10856789
File: 157 KB, 960x820, cuoppo-napoletano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting cuoppo

>> No.10856792

>thinking going by the literal definition of a post is always the best option

theres clearly no point in the thread if youre just gonna post something that a single place in your country does. you can get anything anywhere these days if you look hard enough

>> No.10856793

Lol you got fucking reached faggit

>> No.10856799


>> No.10856802


>> No.10856812

The county as a whole is very similar. Flat land, drainage systems, windmills, tulip agriculture.
It was known as New Holland in the old days.

>> No.10856819
File: 42 KB, 720x590, FB_IMG_1530731664316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.10856820

shit looks cash

>> No.10856824

Zapiekanka is a gift from heavens and a proof that polish race is divine in nature.

>> No.10856826

kebab is nice, but why the addition of bread? adds nothing, is boring and bland

>> No.10856834

The north of France shares way more common roots with the south of Belgium ( Flandres ) then from the british though

>> No.10856852

The south of belgium is wallonia not flanders you retard. flanders (NORTH of belgium) has more in common with the dutch

>> No.10856857


>> No.10856858

Pirozhki. Gyro is a distant second.

>> No.10856860

Fuck off retard

>> No.10856864

Agreed, while a breakfast roll and a tea is pretty nice, you can't beat a chicken fillet roll and a can of coke even in this weather

>> No.10856868

>north of france, which is historically flemish
You meant to say it is frankish, which is a germanic tribe, and the reason Hitler spared France. Was Charlemagne French or German? Exactly!

>> No.10856876
File: 47 KB, 640x425, FB_IMG_1530732238386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a photo, you can eat arrosticini with whatever you want (also actually good bread is anything but boring and bland)

>> No.10856910

I knew the geographic similarities but never knew about the food. Interesting. Thanks Lincsfag.

>> No.10856921


>> No.10856940
File: 51 KB, 638x411, Friet_met_stoofvlees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belgian here, and it's pic related.
Fries with Flemish stew

>> No.10856969

>what is french flanders
tl;dr you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.10856996

Looks like cheese-less Poutine.

>> No.10857011


>> No.10857021

Pirozhki, Chebureks, Kebabs.
But you need to know the seller.

>> No.10857039

i agree, that doesnt look like good bread though. looks like normal bread

>> No.10857045

but with meat

>> No.10857104
File: 209 KB, 1200x1000, retrogression_california_burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US is pretty diverse in food culture, and the state of California is wildly different in a similar fashion. So for southern Cali, I'd say pic related is probably the best.

>> No.10857113

Pirozhki, Döner and a good Frikadelle

>> No.10857135

am i danish because my friends make fun of me for making my hotdogs like this

>> No.10857165

As a western canadian street food is something that hardly exists. That being said it's usually something from an ethnic food truck. The pleb answer is poutine but 99% of poutine you get on the street is GARBAGE.

>> No.10857208

Colombian here
Arepas, empanadas, buñuelos and that stuff

>> No.10857372

You mean the area of France that Anon alluded to when he said that there are a few Flemish people in France (literally only 0,03% of the country's total population)?

>> No.10857755

what is that? burrito with french fries?

>> No.10857886

just a meat pie I love steak and kidney pie the best though mmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.10858030
File: 2.92 MB, 3000x2250, Delectabowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the best street food in your country?

Metro Detroit suburbs here, and we don’t really have food trucks unless there’s a street fair or carnival going on but I’ve the “Comfort Bowl” (Corn bread, BBQ meat, Michigan cherry coleslaw, cheddar cheese, BBQ sauce) off the Delectabowl food truck a couple of times when they were at Kuhnhenns Brewery and it’s really good, though for $8.00 it’s kinda expensive.

>> No.10858069

burek isnt a street food...
i hate the west so much..

>> No.10858079

>the absolute state of g*rmany

>> No.10858129

shit, looks pretty good man

>> No.10858134

go back to your wasteland, serb

>> No.10858252

More or less. It's a carne asada burrito with sour cream, cheese, french fries, and guacamole. You can sub the fries with another suitably prepared potato if you like. They are quite common around here but are the food residents tend to miss when they flee to other states to avoid the rising costs of living around these parts.

>> No.10858345

TIL $8 is 'expensive' to Midwesterners.
I don't mean this as disrespect, just that you have no idea how good you have it. The last time I could get something from a truck with that much going on for only $8 was about a decade ago. Something like that would be /at least/ $12 here, if not $16 or so.
FFS, I went out to a bao truck last week and spent $15 for my meal and was goddamn grateful for it, too. Remember this. This is your future. Everything that happens here hits the midwest about 15 years later.

>> No.10858357

sounds fucking mint

>> No.10858364

yeah lol, imagine thinking detroit is expensive compared to like, any other city in America

>> No.10858375

Where my nederlanders at?

Dutch street food is a rather large category. I'd have to pick the kroket (fried husk containing this gooy meat substance, sounds gross but it's great especially with mustard), or raw herring with some raw onion, niggas just grab a freshly caught raw herring by the tail and dip it into their mouth like they're deep throating Jamal. I miss living there.

>> No.10858417

>porilainen in finland
>implying we don't just eat shitty kebab and arab pizzas

>> No.10858419
File: 37 KB, 300x225, kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kebab made like this

>> No.10858461
File: 567 KB, 3200x1800, Delectabowl food truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> > Metro Detroit suburbs
> yeah lol, imagine thinking detroit is expensive compared to like, any other city in America

Delectabowl is based out of Ferndale MI, Kuhnhenn Brewery is in Warren MI and Oakland County MI for example, has the 7th highest median income in the U.S.

When metropolitan Detroiters say “Detroit”, they don’t mean the CITY of Detroit, (which is a 3rd world shithole) they mean the surrounding, white populated and perfectly normal suburbs.

>> No.10858501

in romania covrigini isnt even close to the best street food. even though its not romanian the most eaten/tastiest street foods are shawarma and kebab. and in the western side plescavita is common too. i guess gyros is also popular but people just call it kebab here as its basically the same shit

>> No.10858517


Poland here.

"We are drunk, we need food to drink more"

>Gas station french hot-dogs:
"Let's walk home drunk and have a snack on the way."

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

>> No.10858522

didnt know the city with $1 houses was so nuanced

>> No.10858534

polan pls

>> No.10858564
File: 282 KB, 1650x1275, Detroit population vs area.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suburban metropolitan Detroit isn’t the CITY of Detroit, they are completely separate political and cultural areas and in fact, the metro Detroit area is the most self-segregated city in the U.S.

City of Detroit = shitty ghetto full of Black people
Everywhere else = normal communities of White people

>> No.10858572


Keep on bashing kiddo, that shit just fuels our campfire ;^)

>> No.10858597

Not completely true, Inkster and other cities in metro Detroit are majority black

>> No.10859013
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Mercans here. My city is too heavily regulated to have street food.

Things that originated as street food are served in restaurants for $10 a pop if fashionable.

>> No.10859020

Aye, the basic burrito from a roach coach is the best street food in a lot of places.

>> No.10859208

nothing beats a brat in a roll with mustard and a cold beer to wash it down. krauts win

>> No.10859444

Dutch guy here and I have to say, this but with paardenstoof. Godly.

>> No.10859449
File: 342 KB, 1440x1080, Israel-Falafel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Israelie, and really depends on the place. A mediocre shwarma place is better than a mediocre falafel place, but an amazing falafel is often better than amazing shwarma, if that makes sense. It's like Jedi vs Sith. Schwarma (dark side) offers quick power, but a Falafel master (light side) will always beat a schwarma (sith) lord.

>> No.10859500

Carbs carbs carbs. Lol no wonder why europoors on average is fatter than the average American

>> No.10859501

What exactly is "spicy feta sauce"

>> No.10859508

You can tell the author has only visited the major cities. The right answer would be the croquette, or a herring.

>> No.10859553


>> No.10859754

French Flanders exists, retard

>> No.10859773

French Flanders existED, retard. See >>10857372

>> No.10859774

Exactly. The herring is my absolute favorite...

>> No.10859775
File: 562 KB, 1024x768, 3985076034_636e182297_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US is to big for me to pick out one for the whole country but I'm in New England and lobster rolls are fucking glorious

>> No.10859776

In Australia, we have dry Weet Bix spread with butter and marmalade. A tasty treat that fills the belly.

>> No.10859799

And you can buy that on the street, can you?

>> No.10859805

I had one once from McDo. Didn't care for it and I haven't tried any others though I'm sure McDo is scraping the bottom on that one, right?

>> No.10859807

Who the fuck makes these maps. Couldn't have fucked it up any more.

>> No.10859813

Yes. Most hole in then wall cafes serve it, as do many food trucks.

>> No.10859822

Just looked it up. Apparently, Aussies call it a 'truckie scone?'

>> No.10859824

Oh fuck yeah McDs is scraping the bottom. To be honest they dont even make good burgers imo...just eatable if you're hungry enough. Frozen / thawed lobster meat can’t hold a candle to the fresh-picked stuff you get at seafood shacks. McDs also use to much mayo and the lettuce is just pointless filler.

A real quality lobster roll is just big pieces of fresh lobster with just enough mayo(sometimes housemade) to lightly coat it. Some places offer browned butter lobster rolls if you dont like mayonnaise

>> No.10859971

US here
man all these look good. id love to tour the world minus muslim 3rd world shitholes. i hope all their women dry up with pussy cancer and their men get a blood disease that makes them not be able to taste or hear.

>> No.10861002

sounds weird, but once you recognise how potatoes are used in mexican food, they just threw it all in a burrito

>> No.10861013

I'm not trying to pay $20 for an underwhelming sandwich.

>> No.10861024

>all those empty carbs
European "pe*ple."

>> No.10861096

pls dont clump us all together I would rather eat porilainen all day erryday made by smol philipino dude than the same ählämsähläm kebabs and pizzas

>> No.10861105

>empty carbs
Retarded concept.
Stop reading woman's magazines.

>> No.10861122
File: 1.86 MB, 1200x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Paki Fried Chicken

>> No.10861148

They are retarded, there need to be pickles and onion on a hotdog

>> No.10861158

there's no French street food, if you eat in the street like an animal you are either a tourist or an african immigrant

>> No.10861159

Leeds is a shithole.

>> No.10861167

i thourght morleys is a london thing mainly, do they also have them in leeds?

>> No.10861170

>020 dialling code

>> No.10861226

I like Tunnbrödsrulle.
I am a Swede, from Sweden.

>> No.10861305


>> No.10862123

>patat, niet friet
dit is godverdomme rechtmatig nederlands cultureel erfgoed

>> No.10863289

Do they really sell fish and chips on the street there?

>> No.10863365

Of what bad wages and shitty jobs

>> No.10863431
File: 3.00 MB, 4208x2368, DSC_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denmark is great and i ate this and smorbrod. Love the country.

>> No.10863998

Its anything but mate, id rather leeds than most other cities in uk. Im from Worcestershire btw.

>> No.10864007

Raw herring

>> No.10864079

>Map has nothing on Norway
Accurate, can't think of a single street food for our country

>> No.10864133
File: 277 KB, 714x500, 3_porilainen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does not even remotely look like that.

>> No.10864144

what is all that shit?

>> No.10864147

Ketchup, pickled cucumber, raw onions, fried onions, remoulade
It's so delicious you don't even need the sausage, and most places will indeed sell you one without it. Called a "kradser".

>> No.10864149

sounds fucking delicious
I’m visiting Denmark for a family reunion this summer and will definitely try that.

>> No.10864152

It's fucking toast jesus

>> No.10864167
File: 153 KB, 519x507, toast jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10864227

the best currywurst is above all else togather with Berlin's kebab and swedish tunbröd, Britain street food is pretty weak in my experience

>> No.10864235

in Sweden we have wild boar roast in gotland

>> No.10864429

>frietsaus in plaats van echte mayonaise
>Heineken in plaats van echt bier
>patat in plaats van friet
Rot op, Hollander!

>> No.10864433

Mississippi reporting in. Chicken on a stick.

>> No.10864509

Texas (big as Germany, can't say anything about rest of US)
Best food for walking around and shopping at a flea market

>> No.10864838

Were you guys ever able to become human?

>> No.10864932
File: 341 KB, 1600x1200, lihis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porilainen is shit.

>> No.10864965

I've only had falafel couple of times but both times it was dry like the Sinai desert. Maybe I just had bad ones but they did not impress me.

>> No.10864997

I hate both of you. Please die!

>> No.10865010

This. French is elegance. You own EVERYTHING!

>> No.10865058

this looks good though

>> No.10865194

It's basically a deep-fried bun with minced meat and rice inside. Then stuffed with whatever you feel like when crawling from the bar at 3am.

>> No.10865626
File: 41 KB, 474x310, B1EB5782-4A5D-4E18-ADAA-F264B2592934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bangkok is number one for real street food.
Aroi mak maa krup.

>> No.10865654

This. The French take their time to eat

>> No.10866017

>Thinks lobster is expensive in the northeast

>> No.10866083

meat and chips, then

>> No.10866177
File: 63 KB, 774x430, 7b5f4b087c_1428998753_Juist-de-frikandel-speciaal-hier-in-volle-glorie-te-bewonderen__list-noup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frikandellen are dutch/belgian, and the for the real frikandel experience you eat them with mayo, a curry/ketchup type sauce similar to the currywurst sauce, and raw diced onions.

>> No.10866178

No wonder they look like skinny little twinks who smoke cigarettes and cock

>> No.10866222

damn you, now I want frikandel spezial. And fries with Joppie sauce

>> No.10866527
File: 256 KB, 650x327, Trompo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where im at in texas its these bad boys. But some elotes are fucking good as shit too

>> No.10866556
File: 579 KB, 800x600, 1466111254319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hard times create hard men. Also, you sound like you lost your job or a grill to some polack.

>> No.10866904
File: 211 KB, 1200x550, resize_225TheHalalGuys_033_COLOR-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i left flyover country for a more civilized place that smells like hot garbage and piss all summer. but at least you can get a fucking incredible plate late at night when you're drunk.

>> No.10868658

fellow romanian here, shawarma is indeed present pretty much everywhere and can be top tier depending where you buy it from
Covrigi are also nice especially if they're filled with stuff, like the ones from Luca

>> No.10869031

Because it's not a porilainen. That's a Finnish style meat pie, albeit one that has been souped up almost beyond recognition, because someone got the idea to stuff it with fries and sausage. They're made with doughnut dough. Good shit even without any fillings.

>> No.10869078

Czech here, our most popular street food is beer. No one gives a shit about párek v rohlíku.

>> No.10871216

Burger here.
Doner kabab looks cash.

Currywurst sounds gross