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File: 46 KB, 775x436, Five-Guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10844177 No.10844177 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is their problem?

>> No.10844179 [DELETED] 


>> No.10844185

You get what you pay for, its good

>> No.10844196

>hepatitis b

>> No.10844203

The fact that they believe peanuts go hand in hand with cheeseburgers.

>> No.10844242

It's pretty good food, but every meal is honestly $3-5 more than it really should be.

>> No.10844286

overly impressed with themselves.

>> No.10844294

But they do. I just eat those instead of ordering fries.

>> No.10844321

I hate faggots who treat joints like 5 Guys like they are culinary arts academys or some shit. Seriously, its not supposed to be the Ritz. Its fucking fantastic but I dont eat there everyday because my balls would shrivel from the sheer ammount of penuts. It tastes fucking fantastic for fast food, the only problem is their price. I know penut oil is more expensive but come on. You could drop like 2 dollars off every item. At least the toppings are free.

>> No.10844333

I would like it a lot more if the place didn't reek of cooking oil.

>> No.10844339

Their burgers look like someone sat on them. Wrapping a burger tightly in aluminum foil is retarded. Their fries are limp.

>> No.10844429

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.10844442

>omg anon
>you've never had [meme food] before?!?!?!
>eat [meme food]
>thoroughly disgusted

I've never had 5G, but I have had In N Out. It's the same over-hyped bullshit.

>> No.10844466

Its reasonably priced in the original DMV area, especially for what you're getting. Its a little expensive up and down the east coast but not too bad

Then franchisees started playing fast and loose with the prices in the midwest and decided they could charge sit down restaurant prices because of a lack of competition.

>> No.10844507

I didn't know it started here, I'm in VA. I went a few days ago, got a bacon double cheeseburger, and a small fry and drink, My bill was $16.14. Pretty fucking ridiculous, It's a good burger, and mediocre fries, but there's a reason the biggest complaint is about price.

>> No.10844536

Fuck off already cunt. Sick of seeing your shit in every god damn fucking thread.

>> No.10844574

are you alright Australia?

>> No.10844593

the workers are fucking melvins and rat on each other often because of another fry cook's process being different from what the guide says to do. The burgers just taste like a lump of beef. Burgers have too many toppings so it just results in a messy experience.
The only good part is the edge of the burger.

>> No.10844613

They hire blacks. In-n-out doesn’t do this, and they have no problems.

>> No.10844643

I think a former redskins player started 5 bulls

>> No.10844919

They recently opened their first restaurant here in Germany.
Insane lines so I waited around 10 minutes to even get inside, when I finally saw the menu I was about to leave again.
12€ or whatever it was (10+ anyway) for a fucking cheeseburger, 5€ fries, 5€ milkshake.
Anyway, the hype made me buy some and honestly I don’t see where all the ridiculous praise is coming from.
It’s a burger. Wrapped in their meme foil.
It’s not a bad burger at all but it just tastes so simple and basically home made that I’d rather spend 5 min in the kitchen grilling a patty than paying for that shit.
At least McDonald’s and Burger King have that fast food taste you can’t copy at home.
Fries weren’t that special either and putting them in a drinking cup is kind of stupid.

Tried it once, won’t have to try it again.

>> No.10844935

This, to be honest. It's at a point where the price for convenience isn't worth it anymore and I'd rather just make my own burger at home or go to McD's

>> No.10845240

They kind of shot themselves in the foot.
We have a few in the UK, one near my home town.
Took my wife there so she could try it.
Only burgers she likes is a plain beef burger from Burgerking. Just beef in a bun.
Seeing at the quality of Five Guys is superior, I hoped she'd enjoy it and expand her horizons.
Ordered just a small burger single patty plain.
For some reason they upgraded it for free to a full size double patty burger.
Ended up getting soggy and a bit overwhelming.
Like free stuff is normally good, but it literally wasn't what we ordered. Put my wife off sadly.

>> No.10845278

their loud music scared me away
am autistic if that helps

>> No.10845349

It was 16 bucks because thats enough food for 2 people

>> No.10845363

>come from Denmark that only had shitty choice of burgers then (a food revolution has happened in the meantime)
>heard only good recommendations for five guys
>travel to London
>try out five guys
>it was a fucking revelation that fast-food chain burgers could taste this good, it was bloody amazing
>the patty, the fries, that black magic soda machine
>never tried five guys since
>in the meantime they get increasingly worse and worse reputation in places like here

I don't know if I will enjoy it as much next time I try it. I have only tried it once, and it was good.

>> No.10845373


>> No.10845374

Its honestly mediocre, and the fries arent even that good. It only got popular where I live because of the size of the orders, but there are much better local burger places.

>> No.10845396

Five Guys is an overhyped and overpriced burger joint. I don't consume fast food very often because I think I seriously don't eat hamburgers very often and when I do I make my own, which is far superior than theirs. Their burgers are okay - not bad but not remarkable either. The free peanuts are neat I guess, but seem to compensate for the wait time to get some decent burger. For all of you autists who claim it's the best burger out there....learn the basic skill of grilling your own hamburger. If you're not retarded, I assure you that it will be 1000x better than this slightly-better-than-burger-king establishment.

>> No.10845398

>seriously don't eat hamburgers very often

Stopped reading there

>> No.10845407
File: 701 KB, 1200x1200, five guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10845656

Not anymore. Too expensive for what you're getting.

>> No.10845671


>> No.10845781

everything on the menu needs to go down about $2 but other than that it's good

>> No.10845789

What is it, like $20 for a burger and fries + drink? Lmao

>> No.10845791

Chick Fil A has a similar hiring standard

>> No.10845800

>10 dollars for a burger thinner than a Mcdonalds patty
I guess it's to make up for the people that take 50 toppings.

>> No.10845835

Same experience anon but different european country, they opened a few news place in my city and i went there because one on my friend insisted and i don't wanted to be the usual asshole refusing to go to a place because i ''heard'' it was overhyped anyway and the burger aren't even worth the wait and the price.

well, guess what ? overhyped overcrowded, overpriced, not a "bad" burger but i won't be paying 15 euros again for this. I would have been happier with a mcdonald menu and i would have been way cheaper and quicker.

>> No.10845893

>Judging things you've never eaten
That's retarded.
But yes five guys is overhyped and overpriced bullshit. $9+ for a fast food burger is pretty damn steep.

>> No.10845929

I do not eat beefburgers.

>> No.10846508

Limp soggy fries

>> No.10846530

yuro detected

>> No.10846535

I went to America once. We went to a five guys. It had only 3 women working there. They fuck up my burger order (give me literally a burger on bread with no toppings at all). It took them 10 minutes to fix it. It should be called 3 girls burgers and fuckups.

>> No.10846541

I don't know whether you or the women deserve more scorn in this situation. I mean, who the fuck orders a fucking plain hamburger? Are you Kevin McCallister?

>> No.10846544

it’s still good, it just costs more.

>> No.10846553

>reading comprehension

>> No.10846564

I didn't you retard, that's the point.

>> No.10846582

>give me literally a burger on bread with no toppings at all
well, screw you guys for actually reading, ya stream-of-consciousness, disjointed motherfuckers

>> No.10846611

$13 for burger fries and drink no fucking thanks why not just go to a restaurant at that point where they have a liquor licence to boot

>> No.10846818

What ESL anon meant to say was "they literally gave me a burger on bread with no toppings at all"

>> No.10846992


How come they never got Chipotled with health violations?

>> No.10847094

>too many toppings
>you order the toppings yourself
Do you just order food you know you hate for the sake of complaining

>> No.10847100
File: 962 KB, 171x172, 1496997212689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everytime I visit a Five Guys there's at least one homeless person going to town on the free peanuts. Often times they take napkins to wash themselves as well. I think the restaurants let them get away with it because kicking them out would get bad media attention and possibly a lawsuit.

>> No.10847496

They get more than enough to cover the cost of homeless people eating their peanuts from their overpriced burgers. It's probably better to just let them so that they don't resort to breaking into someone's house or something to eat

>> No.10848852

Five Guys, unlike Shake Shack, has maintained their quality. People mostly bitch because every new chain that opens up has a higher price

>> No.10849022
File: 47 KB, 639x347, 1509926204867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>euros have to pay this much for 5Guys

>> No.10849103

No one splits a burger though. Another burger is like $8

>> No.10849128

A double patty burger doesn't require a soda or fries unless you're 300 pounds.

>> No.10849136

They taste good together. Its not something you should hace often, especially soda, but if youre gonna go for a double bacon cheeseburger youre not worried about health anyways. Might as well make it $23 and get a shake too

>> No.10849568

Finally someone who speaks the truth. In N out was the most over hyped restaurant I've been too in the last decade. Their fries suck btw

>> No.10850501

>Lemme tell you about this book I saw the cover of

>> No.10850504

according to my older brother the one in Madrid was shit when it first opened. mostly cuz due to the hype they had long fucking lines and that over-stressed the kitchen.

went back there again a few months after (now with me) with normal sized lines and was surprised it by the quality between the two meals.

still overpriced but it's cool.

>> No.10850507

literally nothing requires a soda

>> No.10850551

We're getting one soon. What should I order?

>> No.10850564

just fries

>> No.10850573

Anyone else like their hotdogs more than their burgers?

>> No.10850578

had my first meal from these guys last weekend
burger with bacon/cheese all the way
chocolate shake
medium fries

burger was delicious, bit heavy on the sauces but the patties were tasty and the bun fresh
shake tasted similar to a mcdonalds variety which for the price i was disappointed with
fries werent crispy, the amount was plentiful and i prefer hand cut fries but their limpness left me wanted more

>> No.10850579

Why do people complain about the price there so much when Jimmy Johns' prices are even more ridiculous for what you get and the food sucks balls. Five Guys is a little overpriced but at least it tastes decent.

>> No.10850584

paying $30+ for a fast food meal for 2 is a bit ridiculous

>> No.10850598


hot dog, fries, shake


this one knows

>> No.10850614

Burger for 8 bucks and it's a huge burger all toppings included.

>> No.10850616

now add a drink and a side to that

>> No.10850664

sorry i'm not an amerilard LOL

>> No.10850673

are you a girl then?
how the fuck does a double hamburger satiate you

>> No.10850674

Too expensive for poor people. Threatening to faggy californian meme chains like in-n-out.

>> No.10850687

So why the fuck are you in this thread you cretin?

>> No.10850755

>how the fuck does a double hamburger satiate you

Oh my god you amerilards crack me up XD

>> No.10850777

>reddit space

>> No.10851123

no u

>> No.10851128
File: 353 KB, 629x505, 1513269333352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one small cheeseburger and a drink, that'll be 500 dollars plus tip!

>> No.10851133

It's better than In-N-Out, but still grossly overpriced.

>> No.10851145
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 3547657656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mandatory 110% gratuity

>> No.10851147

Seriously, why in the hell do they do this? It's a pain in the ass just trying to shout over the music to order something. Are they catering to deaf boomers or something?

>> No.10851167

>Seriously, why in the hell do they do this?
To get rid of spergs, duh.

>> No.10851628

Forced memes just make you look foolish, little kid.

>> No.10851640
File: 9 KB, 234x215, 22 year old boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10851736

>its good
It's not thát good

>> No.10851749

>I don’t see where all the ridiculous praise is coming from.
Nobody knows. My guess is that people simply need to justify the insane amount of money they spent.

>> No.10851751
File: 208 KB, 1561x1162, 1530287767956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10851752

What do you pay for a cheeseburger with fries and a shake?

>> No.10851789

They use cheap meats and douse them in good spices. If you have a decent sense of taste you can tell pretty easily. I inquired with a franchisee about one of his locations and got the same basic answer. What I overwhelming get out of their food is shitloads of salt, almost Chili's levels of sodium. I won't eat there anymore.

>> No.10851858

You smell like fried shit after eating there

>> No.10851869

Nice dubs, but check these triples

>> No.10851907

Ask for the fries to be well done. They are insanely good if you get a fry cook willing to double dunk them, which they aren't supposed to do.

>> No.10851911

Let's try again


>> No.10852527

Nobody actually likes Jimmy Johns, except for the interns that post on here

>> No.10854021

Five Guys is about 30% too expensive for what you get, and 40% too greasy and soggy.
It's definitely the best quality fast food beef you're ever gonna see, but... it's fast food that costs twice as much as all the other fast food without having a product that justifies that price difference.