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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10844859 No.10844859 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your coffee cu/ck/s?
For me its the black Arab™ (no sugarjew)

>> No.10844897
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>> No.10845389

drip coffee, black. i'm too busy to fuck around with french press/stovetop/etc

>> No.10846216
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Who /coffee/ here?

>> No.10846265

>heavy cream, no sugar
Sometimes I'll do French press if I'm feeling fancy, or if I buy beans from a local roaster I usually do them all with the French press.

>> No.10846430

I am not a coffee drinking faggot, it is like redbull mild

>> No.10846648

V60 or la pavoni. Soon will upgrade the pavoni to something else.

>> No.10846655

Isn't a French press pretty quick? I thought you just poured in hot water and waited like 5 minutes.

>> No.10846664

Ethiopean beans in Aeropress.
If I screw up and make it too acidic I add a drop of cream, otherwise black.

>> No.10846670

Medium roast single origin from Central or South America
Notch 10 on the LIDO

>> No.10846774

trader joes kenya aa, brewed in a french pess and topped with cinnamon

>> No.10846837

>makes turkish coffee with espresso grind
thanks, I'll stick to my aeropress

>> No.10847028
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>> No.10847066
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>not pouring a drop of pic related in your Arab coffee

>> No.10847070

There is no such thing as turkish coffee you retarded cuck, this is a levantine invention

>> No.10847141

>shit-tier lever espresso machine
hipster cuck

>> No.10847162

Quad espresso for me, anything else is utter faggotry.

>> No.10847177

Quad shots are for druggies prove me wrong

>> No.10847185


I'm not too fussy when it comes to coffee 2bh.

I don't really drink that much coffee either.

>> No.10847208

>My coffee must be Black.
>I'm not too fussy when it comes to coffee 2bh.
what did he mean by this

>> No.10847216

Yeah I worded that pretty poorly I guess, I mean I'm not fussy about what kind of beans I'm using and roasts and how it's brewed and all that jazz.

>> No.10847223

black cold brew or reg ice coffee

>> No.10847238

>reg ice coffee
eurofag here. Enlighten me. What exactly is ice coffee and since when has it become regular

>> No.10847502

I work in a shop and I've always been confused about this too, we offer cold brew and iced americanos but customers never seem satisfied with those options

>> No.10847514

Brewed (hot) coffee over ice?

>> No.10847524

The entire 21st century in America. You either cold brew it or just pour coffee over ice. The former gives a smoother flavor. The latter is far more common though

>> No.10847605

Ice coffee is brewed hot then chilled. Cold brew is brewed with cool or room temperature water.

>> No.10847613

Yeah it takes almost no time at all especially if you have a good electric kettle. Literally the only time bottleneck is how long it takes to boil the water. The coffee is 90% brewed as soon as you pour it into the press, you can drink it immediately or let it sit for a few minutes to let it brew a little stronger.

>> No.10847625
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Just got a bunch of samples. If you want free coffee just hit up a bunch of roasters and say you are opening a coffee shop. We actually are opening one but nobody has bothered to check or anything they just send out a bunch of stuff as soon as we say hi.

>> No.10847637

>The coffee is 90% brewed as soon as you pour it into the press
Brew time is completely dependent on your grind. Even coffee pre-ground for a drip machine should still be brewed for ~2 minutes. If it is fine enough to be "90% brewed as soon as you pour it in", it's fine enough to go through the filter of a FP and would be a mess

>> No.10847678

It never became a thing in Europe both as cold brew or poured on ice. I am yet to see it ordered anywhere, at least not on any meaningful scale.
Also, why would you ruin a perfectly hot espresso shot by pouring it on ice. Wouldn't that nullify the entire caffeine buzz and turn it into stale coffee?

>> No.10847697

Probably because most people in America don't care how it tastes anyways

>> No.10847720

>Wouldn't that nullify the entire caffeine buzz
What kind of science do you have over there
> turn it into stale coffee
Uh, no

>> No.10847722

You want perfectly hot espresso from Starbucks? Be my guest.

>> No.10847740

>Uh, no, cold coffee is not stale coffee.
America, in a nutshell.

>> No.10847742

Melitta pour over, black, generally decaf

>> No.10847750
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>caffeine disappears it it goes over ice

>> No.10847757

If you let it sit around and let it cool to room temp, sure. If you brew it over ice, it doesn't magically go stale instantly (or lose its caffeine)

>> No.10847759

Nicaraguan is the kind I always get

>> No.10847767

Why even bother drinking decaf? I've never had a decaf that tastes great and that kind of defeats the purpose of drinking coffee in the first place

>> No.10847777

aeropress with dynamite espresso roast ground semi-fine

>> No.10847779

nah there's plenty of places in europe that serve cb or reg iced (americano over ice). if all u drink is espresso, ur missing out bud

>> No.10847787

I like my coffee the way I like my women:

Bitter and Murky

>> No.10847822

Caffeine is meant to be consumed hot, be it as tea or coffee. It doesn't produce the same buzz when consumed cold, you might as well take a caffeine tablet in that case and not bother with the whole brewing charade. Cold coffee (though easy to make) didn't become a thing in the rest of the world for a reason.

>> No.10847834

I run my baratza encore on burr 1 and it doesn't make good crema when I attempt to make Turkish coffee.
Feels sad man.

>> No.10847842

>meant to be consumed hot
your opinion is not fact

>It doesn't produce the same buzz when consumed cold
do you think your stomach contents stay the same temperature as the beverage?

>> No.10847844
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>it doesn’t produce the same buzz when cold

>the absolute state of boomerscience

>> No.10847847

Now you're just making shit up for some reason.

>> No.10847851

I only do 1 or 2 sugars if the coffee is shit like McDonald's or BK coffee.

When I get meme coffee I usually get a Red Eye

>> No.10847853

>I've never had a decaf that tastes great and that kind of defeats the purpose of drinking coffee in the first place

Fair, good decaf is hard to find. I have an old relationship with a local roaster from back when I did machine repair on the side for the coffee shop I worked at in college, so for some free work, he lets me buy small batches and not in bulk. It sucks being so caffeine sensitive, but I really love the taste of coffee.

>> No.10847899

>needing science to explain the buzz one gets from a hot aromatic espresso shot, as opposed to the insipid cold trash masquerading as genuine "coffee" on ice.
why are you even on this board.

>> No.10847914
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>needing evidence to prove my astoundingly retarded claim!!!

>muh coffee tradition!!!


>> No.10847929

Why even bother with coffee? If the temperature is what gives you the buzz, just dump some boiling water on your face.

>> No.10847940

I have never once felt any sort of buzz from drinking caffeinated drinks.

>> No.10847987

you probably do not realise that "iced" whatever is barely a thing outside the US. Nobody ices anything over here, except sweet stuff for kids. And barely anybody has an ice dispenser at home.
Coffee is meant to be consumed hot. Now go ice it all you like, it is America after all.

>> No.10848003

Ok, that's great, but it doesn't make it stale or remove the caffeine....

>> No.10848013
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>you probably do not realise ice is barely a thing outside the US
Nobody said otherwise you retarded fucking boomer

>muh chemistry defying purist hot cawfee!!!
Stupid fucking boomer shit

>> No.10848026

>Nobody said otherwise you retarded fucking boomer
>Stupid fucking boomer shit
stay mad fatty

>> No.10848036

use of the boomer meme is a sign of low intelligence

>> No.10848042
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>> No.10848050

100% chance you're some neckbeard stinking weeb who posts about his waifu on 4chan

>> No.10848057
File: 57 KB, 574x522, 1B68D9D5-ABBF-4A71-9721-D1F1D689579A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% chance you're some neckbeard stinking weeb who posts about his waifu on 4chan

>> No.10848146

i can tell u cold brew is increasingly becoming more of a thing in a lot of europe. espresso everyday is boooooring

>> No.10848193
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>> No.10848197


>> No.10848426

I fell for this meme and I couldn't be happier

>> No.10848563

Who has condensed milk laying around the house?

>> No.10848588

Do you not bake?

>> No.10848598

I'm nearly a 30 year old boomer and I've never used it for baking once.

>> No.10849139

Clicked on the thread for the fedora Starbucks pasta and was disappointed, this place has gone to shit.

>> No.10849751

>in a lot of europe.
no it isn't it.
>espresso everyday is boooooring
There is nothing special about espresso but if coffee is to be consumed, it is way better consumed hot. Just like most food.

>> No.10849778

>enjoy you are coffee

>> No.10849841


This is all horseshit, you need sand.


>> No.10849848
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>not putting a pod of pic related in your Arab coffee
you don't have to kys but it tastes nice

>> No.10849854

How often do you drink them? If I start drinking them every day then the only thing they accomplish is making me feel less tired, but if I go weeks/months without any caffeine and then having a nice strong cup I get a noticeable buzz for a few hours and it kind of makes me feel like I'm floating.

>> No.10849858

The only thing I ever really use it for is tres leches once in a while, never saw it used in other recipes

>> No.10849859

>consumed hot. Just like most food.
I overheat pretty easily and live in a hot climate, so I eat/drink most things cold or room temp. Hot food and drink is unpleasant for me.

>> No.10849893

French pressed, black. I have a grinder but not a roaster.

>> No.10850723

For a while I was doing cold brew at home and straight espresso in shops but lately I've been doing caps at the store and pour-overs at home

>> No.10852442

Cafetiere, home ground dark roasted beans (normally from Tesco as meme tier coffee is overpriced for what is is)
4 minute brew.
Bit of skimmed milk, into the contigo to sip all day.

>> No.10852623

...and black

>> No.10852733

light roast coffee hot and black, any latte iced. I'f I have the time to use my chemex I do but usually just a drip machine