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10846597 No.10846597 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here have a local bar where everyone knows your name? Tell me about it.

There's really nothing more cozy than grabbing a seat at the bar and striking up a conversation with whoever's closest.

Pic related

>> No.10846600

There's nobody there to know your name, anon

>> No.10846608


I'm known as 'yorkeynd' and often told I'm not welcome there.

It's nice having a nickname though.

>> No.10846625

The lady in the corner standing against the wall is the ex-owners wife. She probably doesn't know my name anymore, but she hasn't been in there for a few years.

>> No.10846642
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>> No.10846656
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I frequent a bar that is loud as fuck to hit on college chicks, anyone who notices me is probably just annoyed

>> No.10846679

>There's really nothing more cozy than grabbing a seat at the bar and striking up a conversation with whoever's closest.
no it isn't, people get tired of seeing same old faces and hearing same old stories
t. an alcho

>> No.10846686

>a local bar where everyone knows your name?
Fuck no, I don't want to socialize. I like old-man bars where all you do is settle in for a drink. Thrown through a loop when I'm at a layover and the guy wants to make more than passing small-talk.

>> No.10846688

I go to the redneck bar I used to work at. The staff all know me and a few people there know my name. I like talking to people so it's fun.

>> No.10846718

My bar is the only one in town that allows smoking inside. It is confy. Though I usually don't feel like talking until I've had quite a few whiskys. I alway put on Bowies young Americans on juke box. Pretty sure everyone hates it but it doesn't stop me from dancing to myself.

>> No.10846726

Wasting your life in a bar is one of the shittiest ways to waste your life.

>> No.10846727

I’ve never met a man who wanted to chat with me who didn’t want to fuck me. Just when I think I’ve made a friend he turns out gay. Doesn’t help I look like a twink

>> No.10846731

It’s fun when you don’t have any friends to hang out with over the weekend and want to socialize, hell my favorite bar has board games like battleship

>> No.10846734

You're probably gay. Wanna fuck?

>> No.10846741

I'm not very good socially so last time I went to a bar it was bad.
>messed up my order and foreign barman gave me some weird beer lime cordial mix
>put some music on jukebox, locals rolled their eyes at me
>there was some nascar channel but no one seemed to be watching
>turned over the television from sport (NCIS was on the CBS channel) and some big guy in a cowboy hat snatched the remote control off me and called me pussy and a fag.
>went home and cried myself to sleep.

>> No.10846750

lol, if only it were true you pussy fag

>> No.10846759

That's sad. How about getting real friends? Stop arriving alone at a bar and holding someone hostage with your mundane conversation.

>> No.10846763

What did you play on the juke box?

>> No.10846770

Well this bar >>10846656 is mostly a dance club with djs, it’s so noisy that you’re not going to have any audible conversation, which is good because I’m only there to dance with chicks anyway

>> No.10846786

Bars are not comfy and dance clubs are even worse.

>> No.10846793

Dean Martin and Deathgrips mainly.

>> No.10846800

americans will never know this feel because americans only go to popular chain places that discourage socialization between patrons that didn't already arrive together and especially discourage staff to even look customers in the eyes lest someone involved file a sexual assault suit

>> No.10846801

Well, no wonder then, you pussy faggot.

>> No.10846803

Not unless you’re attractive

>> No.10846838

I’m confident in the way I look. That doesn’t fix autism and noise sensitivity tho. And also I don’t drink so wtf would I ever be doing in a bar unless I was dragged there as some sort of job networking function (fuck those)

>> No.10846852

Idk I just try to get laid

>> No.10846860

go drink

>> No.10846865

This bar I go to all the time had this girl there that wanted to get my name right.

She tried to get my name right a couple times and would find a stupid reason to talk occasionally.. I'm autistic as shit and I simply didn't know what to do let alone wtf she was trying to do by speaking to me. I don't even know if she still works there.

>> No.10846876
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>> No.10846885
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>> No.10846890

>someone was so butthurt they made the time to make this

>> No.10846897

You realize you're proving him right? You still can't stop obsessing even when you're criticizing.

>> No.10846902

Hey man I go to dive bars to not talk to people. Leave me alone

>> No.10846903


>> No.10846904


>> No.10846905

t. buttblasted sharts

>> No.10846932

That's a pretty gay choice of song mate.

Stick on a bit of Iron Maiden next time.

>> No.10846948

Coloureds ain't welcome here neither. B'gone negro.

>> No.10846951
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My favorite bar is The Velvet Spike.
Everyone is so friendly.

>> No.10846958

Which GDQ is this from?

>> No.10846959

Nah, I only talk to the friends I went with in bars.

>> No.10846963

It may be a bit gay but for some reason when the whiskey gets flowing through my veins, for me it's the best.

>> No.10846966

This is somehow bad?

>> No.10846968

At first I was trying to figure out which ones I would fuck but then I realized it.

>> No.10846996

No, that's creepy. Why not tell us about yours OP survey bitch before asking us?

>> No.10846998

Hey OP, are weird "cozy" places what made you a creepy survey bitch?

>> No.10847003

two guys 'za is my favorite one, but usually i walk into any bar in america and people know my name

>> No.10847004


>> No.10847008

creepy fag

>> No.10847023

Black Market Radio "The Clash - Guns of Brixton" Yalla Yalla JuZe Bad Wörishofen

>> No.10847075
File: 1.14 MB, 1841x1227, juss havin a lounge ere lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur status has been shown to be that u are 100$ triggered and foreverially obsessed in addition to delitized

>> No.10847081


>> No.10847088
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>> No.10847109

Sounds like a gaybar you fag!