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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 290x290, Matty-Matheson-290x290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10841286 No.10841286 [Reply] [Original]

>FUCK, haha yeah swearing SCREAMING is awesome haha I love BEER, I love MEAT, I love WEED and I love COOKING!! Vice is awesome, tattoos are awesome. I'm edgy and I'm a cook haha yeah that's so cool I mean I'm so cool!!

Wish he'd choke on his own shit already.

>> No.10841294

I don't think he drinks or smokes. You're trying too hard.

>> No.10841301

Nobody's making you watch his show.

>> No.10841302

>being this assblasted about someone not being a dull fuck

>> No.10841305

This guy isn't too bad but in this picture he looks like a fire hydrant that has graffiti on it

>> No.10841308

yeah fuck Matheson, he is just trying to rip off the genius of Action Bronson, the best food vice guy

>> No.10841362



>> No.10841366

Hello OP, thank you for your post. I watched may of Matty's videos. At first I thought, "I greatly enjoy this because he is fun and entertaining!." However, now when I watch his videos I associate him more with descriptions like 'annoying.'

I do not wish death on Matty. I look back fondly to the time in which I enjoyed his content.

>> No.10841373

purge when?

>> No.10841526

annoying piece of shit and his tatoos... fuck I like tatoos, but his hands make me vomit

>> No.10842459

>Action Bronson
Action Bronson is literally the epitome of DUDE WEED LMAO.
>waddles around some random city eating everything in it's path
>smokes a joint
>eats some more food

>> No.10842471


at least he is honest about it. matty only produces trashy food that would satisfy drunk/stoned people and tries to pass em off as the shit. plus baby blue was a great song.

>> No.10842478

I like Matty. He just throws shit together haphazardly and it usually comes out to a good meal

>> No.10842506

I find Matty extremely annoying, but I could watch Action all day, even though he's usually too high to put together a coherent thought or cook something that isn't a giant mess.

>> No.10842999

I like him, pretty inviting to new people learning how to cook but >>10841362 is annoying as fuck.

>> No.10843053

Yeah, I hate that. Doing a whole recipe, then proceeds to pour a whole bottle of cholula into it

>> No.10843057

You know the fatfuck expends all his daily energy for those videos.

>> No.10843308
File: 267 KB, 1400x786, 7A7E94D2-EDEC-4D43-A9F5-5AC409F6344F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best Vice food guy coming through.

>> No.10843318

almost forgot about this chink. I love him

>> No.10843331

I also like this guy.

>> No.10843350

Weedfag urbanites really are the worst.

>> No.10843361

Vice channel is total shit. Too bad, because their war coverage and topic pieces were good on Youtube.

>> No.10843375 [DELETED] 

Unironically went to shit after they got bought out by Jews

>> No.10843382

>watching anything on VICE
you get what you deserve OP

>> No.10843394 [DELETED] 

Which Jews? What outfit they with?

>> No.10843424

A&E and Disney I think.

>> No.10843447

Can't be Disney, can't get that channel at the Parks.

>> No.10843467

A&E owns Viceland.
A&E is owned by Disney. Disney also has a separate 10% stock of their own.

>> No.10843499

Too bad, the park TV channels still suck.

>> No.10843510
File: 234 KB, 1140x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi guys, it's Chef John from foooOoOod wishes

>> No.10843512

>publically urinates outside your shop

>> No.10843675

Only Eddie Huang video I watched was the Detroit one.
>Starts out with him pissing outside some dude's business. The guy gets really pissed off and yells at Eddie, people in the comments defend Eddie and say the dude shouldn't be offended.
>Asks the black guy showing him around Detroit with disbelief if he's fine with white people being in Detroit
>Goes to a muslim supermarket located outside the city
The only food spot he went to in the city was a burger shop selling giant burgers.

>> No.10843685

Yeah that’s Eddie

>> No.10843693

>Action Bronson
He literally tried to fuck my girl. Fuck that fat piece of shit.

>> No.10844022

I actually think hes sober

>> No.10844026

She gave it up

>> No.10844036

His original series was OK but his new stuff is sjw bullshit

>> No.10844076

I wanted to not like the guy from all those ridiculous tats, but watched his show and found him pretty entertaining.

He's owned several restaurants and is quite knowledgeable. Plus just the right amount of cursing.

>> No.10844084 [DELETED] 

She looks like Lena Dunham >>10844036

>> No.10844097

How underaged do you gotta be to make a thread like this?

>> No.10844103

People only hate bronson because he's masculine and legitimate about his life. You gotta be a major cuck to hate on him for enjoying his life

>> No.10844111

Bronson legit smoked himself retarded and it shows

>> No.10844112

Yea doubling this he is in recovery

>> No.10844123

I dont like him because hes a wannabe nigger east coast faggot.

>> No.10844130
File: 71 KB, 567x564, 1505324175911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know very little about this guy, but from what i can gather
>has an MI at a young age due to being fat fucking piece of shit
>gets a show on vice abiut his new lease on life
>I'm going to live life up because I know how fragule it is
>continues to be a fat fucking piece of shit on his show

>> No.10844137

>people only hate bronson because he's masculine and legitimate about his life.
No, it’s because he’s a degenerate piece of shit and glutton.

>> No.10844157


It's a fun show fuck off

>> No.10844168


Well the heavy drinking and cocaine usage probably impacted his health a bit more than his weight, lets be real.

>> No.10844178

anyone tired his lasagna recipe?

>> No.10845368

It’s shit

>> No.10845412

based and redpilled

>> No.10845418

Fuck this guy so much

>> No.10845432
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1FA0BB53-4C7A-46FC-82AC-A52ECE2617EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10845589

>watching the electric Jew

>> No.10845606

The Cape Cod show last season was fucking hilarious-had a female poltard too

>> No.10847576

His show where he cooks is terrible

>> No.10847597

So do you not pay for your own internet either?

>> No.10847652

>Gowt damn I hate whypipo so much. Fucking whypipo piss me off. Oh yeah, food is pretty good to eat sometimes .

>> No.10847838

But he actually is cool, and educational