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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 319 KB, 584x577, Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-01 um 15.30.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10841007 No.10841007 [Reply] [Original]

I refuse to believe that this is not fake.
I really can't wrap my mind around the idea that people cook like this and are satisfied with the result.
I'm by no means a culinary snob or some sort of wannabe elitist, I eat my fair share of trash as well but her videos are just so outstandingly awful that it makes me shake my head in confusion.


Do you think she is legit? Or is she a master troll brought to life by her cameraman son?

>> No.10841020
File: 665 KB, 869x666, Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-01 um 15.35.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10841041

It's real. Her son however is a method actor:


>> No.10841054

She's part of the lowest rung of british society. theyre not known for their culinary skills. I think they think the rest of the country is like them and understands the same point of references as they do. Just watch jeremy kyle

>> No.10841059

Aright Ziggy? Ere's ya suppa pal.

>> No.10841065

I can't comprehend her 'big mac' video. She must have eaten a big mac before, so how can she think what she produced tasted anywhere near similar or okay?!/

>> No.10841077

Kay is an inspiration to us all.
She is shit, she knows she's shit but she keeps trying.

She obviously has absolutely no knowledge of adequate cooking practices, nor the equipment and space, yet she still keeps trying.

>> No.10841100

It was literally just a ton of ground beef fried in lard on a bun with butter. But she did put "My Way" in the title of the video. So I guess she is being honest.

>> No.10841110

I've never given her a watch but everytime I see her posted here, I imagine she must have the most northern monkey accent possible. Everything about her, from her looks to her poor cooking reputation, lends evidence that she may be from Tyne and Wear or somewhere near.

>> No.10841143

Fucking southern fairies

>> No.10841155

I love how after dozens of videos, they still don't know how to edit their footage and put it together in way that doesn't look like dog shit. I bet her son says "3... 2... 1... ACTION!" before pressing Record.

>> No.10841172

Her Creme Brulee recipe is a masterpiece.

>> No.10841199

How does a person fuck up a creme brulee that bad?

>> No.10841208

oh god
how many of those likes and comments are sincere?

>> No.10841214

What breed of doggo is that?

>> No.10841218

Jack has a fan base of people telling him not to let the haters get him down. Despite being a complete retard. Idk if they're clueless or if it's like cheering for someone in the Special Olympics

>> No.10841227

As someone who grew up low middle class in a house where people don't know how to cook anything that's not frozen or overly simplified
Example my mom thought the easiest way to cook steak was in the oven at 350

>> No.10841229


the latest one isn't too bad actually

>> No.10841231

looks like some sort of sighthound

>> No.10841261

Same, my man. Family is dirt poor, mom thinks all meat should be blasted in the oven till it's dry as leather, no matter if it's beef, pork, chicken or fish. I lived on my own, learned to cook and now when I came back and try to give her advice she just gets angry and makes me look like in the crazy person

>> No.10841263


>> No.10841292

at least Jack has semi-decent presentation, this woman's videos just reek of poverty

>> No.10841303


>> No.10841322

best part is that she's considered cooking a hobby since her school days and still can't do it at all
...is she /ourguy/??

>> No.10841327

>I've never given her a watch but everytime I see her posted here, I imagine she must have the most northern monkey accent possible
You must have seen her because you're spot on.

>> No.10841380

If you actually pay attention it's pretty obvious that she's taking the piss

>> No.10841388

seems wasteful

>> No.10841414

>boiled mess of brown and grey crap
Looks like traditional British cuisine to me.

>> No.10841423

How is being poor an excuse?

>> No.10841434

middle class isn't poor

>> No.10841471

Can you call it trying if she constantly makes the same mistakes and ends up with the same awful results? How does one get to their 40s or 50s without picking up any capacity to learn?

>> No.10841906

"for my tea I'm having..."
NEETBritbongs really talk like that? For my tea means lunch?

>> No.10841914

an uncle of mine is swimming in money but has similar living standards
rich people are eccentric

>> No.10841953

No, "tiffin" is what britbongs call lunch for some inexplicable reason, I guess just to sound utterly faggy.

>> No.10841961

Is she like the female ja/ck/?

>> No.10841973
File: 44 KB, 200x164, 200px-Le_56_Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, "tiffin" is what britbongs call lunch for some inexplicable reason, I guess just to sound utterly faggy.

>> No.10841979

The lower rungs of British society call the meal you would have around 1pm dinner, and the evening meal would be called tea.

>> No.10841984

I think it's a combination of both real and fake. I think she's a shitty cook, but her and her son both realized early on that the shitty cooking was what was drawing all of the attention. She's had plenty of time to improve her technique, but instead of utilizing the advice for the videos, she purposely taps into her old ignorance because it guarantees more subs.

>> No.10841987


>> No.10842024

>"tiffin" is what britbongs call lunch for some inexplicable reason
Tiffin is a dessert made with dried fruit and biscuit covered in chocolate, not lunch, you daft septic.

>> No.10842048

ITT Americans have no idea what phrases British people use

>> No.10842073

school dinners are eaten at lunch time
or you can have a packed lunch
therefore: it's a dinner if it's hot, and it's lunch if it's cold

>> No.10842076

why would they care?

>> No.10842087

I don't believe you.

>> No.10842108

They wouldn't. Americans have made it very clear that a little thing like ignorance won't stop them.

>> No.10842112
File: 50 KB, 780x520, Mosaic-Hotels-Tiffin-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that's a triffle, tiffin is one of those metalic lunchboxes frome india.

>> No.10842116


>> No.10842117
File: 8 KB, 217x250, 1423874836644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem upset

>> No.10842126
File: 218 KB, 700x411, tiffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, a trifle (one F) is a layered dessert made from sponge cake, fruit, custard and cream. This is tiffin.

>> No.10842133

this looks delicious af

>> No.10842144

Unless you've got some bizarre aversion to one of the ingredients, there's nothing about it not to like. It's easy as fuck to make as well.

>> No.10842146

I went to London this year and had afternoon tea. It was so comfy! You britbongs don't know how good you have it.

>> No.10842151
File: 2.74 MB, 4032x3024, 2018-06-17 13.12.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super comfy.

>> No.10842159


>> No.10842180

You should try a Cornish cream tea at some point. Best enjoyed in a cosy little seaside tearoom.

>> No.10842185

Yeah, look at all those Brits

>> No.10842187

London is like 75% Chinese nowadays.

>> No.10842195

I will do that! Cornish means jam first then cream? You get some tea and scones rather than the whole afternoon tea stack (the scones are the best part, although the whole thing was comfy).

That's at my hotel, Brown's Hotel. So yeah lots of Asians, Muslims and Americans. There were brits though, I was just there kinda early (I had it at 1pm since I was hungry and it didn't get busy until 2-3pm).

>> No.10842207
File: 510 KB, 502x486, seriously comrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I DEMAND the world use and understand my arbitrary retarded terminology

>> No.10842208

Pretty much, yes. Cream tea is a pot of tea with scones, jam and clotted cream, which you may or may not have had with your afternoon tea. It's a very thick cream, almost the consistency of baked camembert, with a buttery crust on top.

>> No.10842211

when BBC says "asian", they mean pakis and pajeets, not actual chinks

>> No.10842216
File: 26 KB, 485x443, 1507763035565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me murrikan, what I need stupid thing like right words for stuff

>> No.10842218

quite silly

but not as silly as sir billi

>> No.10842220

Yeah I had that clotted cream. It was super tasty. I want to start making scones and clotted cream at home. I hope I don't get fat.

>> No.10842223

My hotel was authentic Chinese and Japanese. Some Arabs since Ramadan had just ended. Zero pakis or pajeets.

>> No.10842325

In Northern England, it's breakfast, dinner, tea. We don't lunch, and as a northern monkey bastard I've never, ever heard of tiffin.
I can cook though because I'm not council scum like the reprobates in the video.

>> No.10842335

It isn't a class thing, it's a geographical thing. Everybody is different, for instance I've never eaten jellied eels washed down with a pint of shandy, but some poofs swear by it.

>> No.10842480
File: 1.92 MB, 300x225, 1469348840746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European cuisine, everyone.

>> No.10842791

I was talking to my mum about cooking the other day and she casually mentioned the fact she doesn't understand how to pan fry a salmon so she cooks it in the microwave for 5 minutes instead. Things like that make it very easy for me to believe that Kay isn't acting.

>> No.10842821
File: 157 KB, 409x409, neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the meal you would have around 1pm
Do people really wake up this early?

>> No.10842909

>server is the model anglo britbong
>customers exclusively asian except for one dried up husk of an alzheimers ridden petit bourgeoise woman thinking she's being aristocratic
Oh my, how terribly fitting!

>> No.10842943

>Tiffin is an Indian English word for a type of meal. It can refer to the midday luncheon or, in some regions of the Indian subcontinent, a between meal snack [1], or in South Indian usage, a light breakfast.[2] When used in place of the word "lunch", it does not necessarily mean a light meal.[3]

>In the British Raj, where the British custom of afternoon tea was supplanted by the Indian practice of taking a light meal at that hour, it came to be called tiffin.[4] It is derived from English colloquial or slang tiffing meaning to take a little drink, and had by 1867 become naturalised among Anglo-Indians in the north of the country to mean luncheon.[5]


Oh fuck, bongs in full damage control to try to deny they have a faggy word for lunch. Fucking poofters!

>> No.10842947

now go to the UK and see how many people using "tiffin" to refer to lunch

>> No.10843190
File: 22 KB, 401x401, 1515120741325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feed the dog Kays "Cooking" as dinner
>Comatosed next shot
Dogs aren't supposed to be half dead after being fed

>> No.10843206

Perhaps that is what leads to his own lethargy. Without Kay's cooking he would be earning seven figures with a hot wife and 5 houses.

>> No.10843218
File: 8 KB, 261x195, 1521257553235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kay is poisoning her son and his dog to keep them weak dependent upon her
>Her entire channel is a ruse to insulate her from being punished if she's ever caught

>> No.10843241


she doesn't know she's shit. she's retarded.

>> No.10843299

>Slowly adds spoonfuls of sugar to the egg yolk
>Mixes cold cream with the egg yolk
>No water bath the for custard which led to them being improperly cooked
>Caramelized sugar inside oven which leads to them being burnt
It's understandable if she doesn't own a torch. But a few of those steps such as filling the pan up with water that the ramekins are in should be straight forward.

>> No.10843808

I'm glad that cunt and her furfag son have lost their meme status and views

Their wilful incompetence is literally offensive. Cunts