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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 349x505, bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10832026 No.10832026 [Reply] [Original]

what do we do when the honey runs out?

>> No.10832034

I feel like this bee problem is the forced meme of the decade.

>> No.10832060

We will finally all die. Well, maybe not all, but most. Thank god. This whole "life" stuff has been entertaining, but it's time to pull the plug.

>> No.10832064

Well, you're a fool. Sorry, can't help stupid.

>> No.10832072

>Can't grow tomatoes without bees

>> No.10832268

Artificial bees. We just don't get any honey.

>> No.10832310

t. bee

>> No.10832318

No joke, I wouldn't mind more food scarcity if it meant poor people can finally starve like nature intended

>> No.10832322

Rely on the natural pollinators like birds and mosquitoes in the Americas. Honey bees are from Africa and Europe. That's not st say monoculture isn't a huge fucking problem but bees are the least of my worries.
It is.

>> No.10832325

This. Poor people are bad people. It's a fact.

>> No.10832351

Many farmers are poor but they will thrive. Many rich people are reliant on others for basic needs. Poor metric for survivability, try again fags.

>> No.10832363

Most poor people aren't farmers you little shit. There are probably more richfags that farm as a hobby than poors that know jack shit anything about agriculture.

>> No.10832370

It kind of is. Colony collapse crisis has all but been averted and it turns out pesticides play a negligible role. There's more bees in Australia then there ever have been.

>> No.10832379
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>> No.10832384

rly makes u think

>> No.10832385

>mosquitoes drink nectar
>the only birds that pollinate are hummingbirds and only certain flowers
>we don't need no stinkin' bees
Enjoy your hand pollinated $30 apple, tard gobbler.

>> No.10832392

why can't the incoming killer bee swarms just take over

>> No.10832396

You forgot sweat bees, bumble bees, carpenter bees, hornets, wasps, flies, gnats, moths, butterflies, gnats, beetles, bats, etc etc.
Also see:
Dumb doomsayer malthusian.

>> No.10832402
File: 59 KB, 500x375, 1529529928200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think happens in flyover states? Only rich people garden? Yikes, nigger. Just putting it out there, how much money you have means fuck all when SHTF.
It. Briainlet

>> No.10832407
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Those went out with 90s Anon

>> No.10832410

The majority of those animals aren't as crucial to pollination as the honey bee and the majority of those animals are only pollinators in large jungle areas
Sweat bees, bumble bees, and carpenter/leaf cutter bees aren't don't actually pollinate as much as honey bees do.

Honey bees aren't actually the bees that are in danger. We hear about colony collapse in honey bees because we cultivate them, but nobody is caring for the other types of bees that are actually in danger.

So if Honeybees die out, it means that basically every other pollinator is probably gone too.

>> No.10832413

oh, so all the palm oil farmers in SEA are rich hobbyists then?

>> No.10832420

Well, guess I just found out my vegetable garden is a tropical jungle that defies the laws of biology.
Stop bullshitting. What are these "other bees" that just so happen to be so much more crucial than the actual other bees that aren't at all threatened? The crisis always focused on European honey bees that didn't even fucking exist in most of the countries until relatively recently.
This is why I called myself a conservationist. I reuse and recycle everything I can but environmentalist just comes with the stigma of being a hysterical retard.
Just say you want pesticides banned and be done with it.

>> No.10832446

If pesticides were 86ed that would be fucking great. We would reduce pollution and lots of people would be in a position of adapt or die. It would likely bring the societal collapse I pray for. I could make a strong case for using pesticides as a violation of the NAP.

>> No.10832459

That would annoy me, so I'd turn my pesticide warehouse into a war head and deliver it to you through your roof while you slept to send a message.

>> No.10832460

I think you might have misunderstood my post.
1. Theres absolutely no way your garden is pollinated by things that arent bees. Maybe one or two animals that pollinate arent bees, but the vast majority of plants in your garden ar going to be pollinated by bees.

2. Honey bees aren't in as much danger as other types of bees because humans don't cultivate other bees. What this means is that other bee populations will decline but honey bees will not because we will breed them because they are useful to us.

3. No other bee pollinates more than the Honey bee. The Honey bee constantly pollinates because they make so much honey. If they didn't make tons of honey, they would not go out and collect as much pollen, thus pollination would go down.

>> No.10832463

>Theres absolutely no way your garden is pollinated by things that arent bees.
Stopped reading here. You are literally retarded.

>> No.10832467
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>implying I haven't stockpiled gold bars by then

Try again, serf

>> No.10832469
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, 1521795002522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're forgetting the whole subject of the thread here. Without bees, who's going to pollinate the crops? Farmer no more crops, oops.
Rich people will invent machines to do that. Farmers will have to pay dearly to survive.

>> No.10832476

>stopped reading
>next sentence explains context of first sentence
Do you have a learning disability or something?

>> No.10832477

Do you know any farmers?
Every farm you see out in the midwest is several thousands in debt. They only keep farming because it's what they know, if anything they are actually more reliant on the rich for subsidies etc

>> No.10832480

prove it faggot
go grab a pollen laden beetle or whatever and take a pic

>> No.10832499

Okay, I started reading again and I regret it.
European honey bees WERE threatened, the other bees were not.
Honey bees we're threatened because we monoculture them in huge groups and mites fucked up their day.
Turns out pesticides to treat the mites were the solution, and now we're fine.
So it's all one big moot point by now and you're fucking tard.
Yeah, they pollinate a lot because they get trucked in by the, well, truckload, to increase yield through sheer numbers. It's a matter of making more money off your bees, not that they have some mystical power other fuzzy fliers lack.

>> No.10832507

Then don't misuse the word absolute if you're just going to prevaricate. Literally retarded. What a messy word salad of misinformation you proffered up as if it were an argument.

>> No.10832512

Retard, honey bees are not the natural pollinators of the Americas and that's my concern. Fuck everyone else.

>> No.10832514

Get me a pic of a pollen covered eurpoean honey bee you found first. I bet I could catch a bumble bee or a pic of them literally pollinating.

>> No.10832515
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>> No.10832518

I'm a farmer. If shit hits the fan I have food, guns, and know-how. What do you have?

>> No.10832522
File: 808 KB, 2048x1536, Green_fruit_beetle_artichoke_flower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another

>> No.10832526

theres plenty of evidence to show than all bee populations are declining, asshole
the other bee species are more in danger of being endangered because nobody breeds them en masse
post some sources to back up your idea that non honey bee species havent been declining

>> No.10832531
File: 36 KB, 865x526, hapyapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A respectable frog collection

>> No.10832533

Bumble bees are in more trouble than honey bees desu.


Fungus strikes again, first they took our chestnuts, then they go after the amphibians, and now the bees.

>> No.10832538

>Fungicides are the driving force behind declining bumblebee populations in isolated areas
Just like neonicotinoids cause colony collapse... Oh wait, that got debunked as FUD.

>> No.10832543

>i have a garden full of non-bee pollinators, but you have to prove me wrong by capturing the worlds foremost pollinator
but really, if your garden is propagated by things that arent bees, then prove it

bumble bees are still a species of bee, youd only be proving me right

my point is that bees pollinate more than every other pollinating animal, not that only bees pollinate

>> No.10832548

my point isnt that certain things cause population decline, but that population decline exists
come on, theres plenty of evidence to show that all bee populations in the US are declining

>> No.10832550

>thinks it's just the bees that are dying
>not all pollinators
Oh, you poor sod.. Americans are kept so ignorant.
Although I'm getting pretty sure it's entirely willingly.

>> No.10832551

Sooner or later disease will probably take a big chunk out. Once some drug-resistant superbug gets out into the general population fugeddaboutit, especially in this social climate of insisting that it's transislamophobicsexracist to have federal borders.

>> No.10832552
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I'll swap with you

>> No.10832554

I've literally seen maybe 5 honey bees in my entire yard in the fifteen years ive lived here. They must be working doiboe overtime night shifts seeing as they are the one and only true pollinator.
And you're moving the goalposts. My very first post was replying to a person talking specifically about honey bees. Hence me even mentioning bumble bees.
Stop being willfully retarded do you can smack a strawman.
Truth be told, most of my pollinators are hornets. So still a mostly moot point. The bald hornets are fucking sketchy, though.

>> No.10832558


>> No.10832559

A 50 guns, 50 men, an armored vehicle and a deal. Trade you bullets for corn.

>> No.10832562
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>larping as a yuro
y tho?

>> No.10832565
File: 65 KB, 1210x956, Screen-Shot-2018-01-08-at-10.18.19-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1998 called, it wants it's doomsaying back.
We already reversed the trend.

>> No.10832566

>i saw a bee yesterday in aus therefore bee populations are fine worldwide

>> No.10832569

Not the same person tardo

>> No.10832573

>decline in all winged insects in general including the entire world
Gee, it's almost like we've been waging a century long war on mosquitos and screwflies.
Try to keep it relevant.

>> No.10832577

>Honeybees are the only kind of bee
Your high school called, it wants its retards back.

>> No.10832579
File: 21 KB, 211x255, 1529945623918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
Well then read the thread before you jump in to stay stupid shit, retard.

>> No.10832581

>kill farmers
>on their own land
>where they have guns
>and know the terrain
1) Very sustainable plan, bravo
2) Typical nigger mentality
3) I'll point to Vietnam
4) No one is going to join your mad max group, loser

>> No.10832583

>my goalposts are moving on their own senpai!

>> No.10832586

>For example, populations of European grassland butterflies are estimated to have declined by 50% in abundance between 1990 and 2011 [7]. Data for other well-studied taxa such as bees [8–14] and moths [15–18] suggest the same trend.
Try to read before commenting.

>> No.10832589

So if honey bees are the ultimate pollinator, as you goalpost moving fucks said mutliple times, why is it bad they're doing well and replacing inferior pollinators?
If you have to change your position every post, it's not a very strong position.

>> No.10832591

>Moving goal posts
you directly quoted posts that referenced all bees and not just honey bees
see: >>10832463

its pretty clear that my points are
1. bees pollinate more than every other animal
2. honey bees pollinate more than other bees because they make more honey
3. bee populations are in danger, but honey bees are more safe because more people breed honey bees than any other kind of bee

what kind of wasps do you have in your garden
just because you see wasps, that doesnt mean they contribute to pollination
plenty of wasps are in gardens to eat other insects located near stems and leaves, meaning they wouldnt even touch pollen

>> No.10832593

I'm not the same person you quoted;. Regardless, in that post you quoted it's clear they're talking about more than honey bees.

>all bee populations in the US are declining

>> No.10832595

Butterflies aren't honeybees. Why are you suddenly done worrying about honeybees, whom you worshipped as the only true pollinators earlier in the thread?

>> No.10832596

You're the retard one, maye

>> No.10832602

Maybe because I'm not the same person?

>> No.10832604


>> No.10832611

Then read the fucking thread and point that out you retarded newfaggot.
I can't argue with a wall of similar retards all pushing separate contradictory points if you don't single yourself out.

>> No.10832615

1. ive maintained that honey bees arent as in danger as other bees because people breed them
2. that chart doesnt show population increase, which would actually be reversing the trend.

>> No.10832619
File: 80 KB, 960x800, 1530090894217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less bees dying means nothing
I'm out, you're hopeless.

>> No.10832620

I'd literally just going to show up and offer to trade with you, then leave if you refuse. Eventually someone will accept the deal and we'll come back and burn your house down while you're asleep and give the land to the farmers who accepted the deal, increasing the amount of corn we can put out. I'm white btw, so lots of people would probably join my corn trading union.

>> No.10832627

>Gets called out by multiple people who don't single themselves out because they don't have to, as is the norm on our lovely anonymous mongolian movie-making board
>Cries about newfags

>> No.10832630

US bee population is at a 25 year high.

>> No.10832632

see: >>10832615

>> No.10832636
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>acts like an ignorant newfag
>gets called one
The horror.

>> No.10832639
File: 57 KB, 644x583, Screen-Shot-2016-12-15-at-5.04.47-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD insnt impressive.

>> No.10832643

what about other bees?
give me a source that doesnt just talk about honey bees

ive said at least 5 times, honey bees arent as in danger because people actively breed them
this means that honey bee populations are more safe than other species

>> No.10832652

Hate to sound like /gif/, but I'm gonna need a sauce on that one pal.

>> No.10832653

see: >>10832643 and>>10832615
honey bees arent in danger as much as literally every other bee

>> No.10832657
File: 104 KB, 960x925, bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants honey
As long as there's some money

>> No.10832660

Well, your peers seem compelled to say that honeybees are the ultimate pollinators; so taking your unsourced claim at face value, shouldn't this increase pollination?
Replace good with better. I'm not seeing the issue.

>> No.10832666

>shouldn't this increase pollination?
Anyone with a basic understanding of math knows that's not necessarily the case.

>> No.10832667

Ya got me, it's more like 23 year high. Combine this chart:
With this article
To get the general idea.

>> No.10832669

my point isnt that pollination wont increase, my point is that other bee populations are in decline

>> No.10832675

>one species of bumble bee is every other bee
At last I truly see.

>> No.10832681
File: 134 KB, 410x309, moving-goalposts-gif-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Well funny how you guys made such a big deal about that upthread, saying how natural polinators could never fill the void, and then totally dropped it after getting BTFO.

>> No.10832690

Where do your guns and bullets come from? You already got em? You know how to press bullets and have the equipment? Unless you do this scenario has a lot of holes, notably in your chest made by buckshot. Why would farmers, who are already armed, need your deal?

For the record, I plan on building a home into the side of a hill using shipping containers.
FOR THE RECORD: Pond on land with a stream running into it, stocked with fish. Food forest, greenhouse, solar, water catchment. I just don't see your fantasy working out.

>> No.10832699

there are plenty of sources to prove my point
i just dont see the value of going out and finding them just to have them ignored by a bunch of people who twist the argument and ignore the things im saying
if you post sources that show non honey bee populations arent in decline, ill post sources that say the opposite and we can reach a conclusion using evidence instead misquoting each other over green text

>> No.10832703

>only have like 300 rounds for each of my guns
I'm a bad hasguns. Gonna rectify this soon. Just kept hoping ammo prices would drop. Stupid angsty school shooters.

>> No.10832712

Put in the leg work if you want to be taken seriously, chief.
Bottom line, the thread is based on the concept that we won't be able to pollinate out plants because honeybees are still collapsing. Which is laughably wrong on so many levels.
The rest is just massive damage control after being called out for bullshit.

>> No.10832713

>you guys
maybe instead of replying to a bunch of peope all at once, you could try responding to one
just so you dont accidentally confuse one person for a group of others who dont have the same argument

>> No.10832716

Or say "not him, but" like you aren't a fresh from reddit transplant. It's not hard, turdburger.

>> No.10832720

>Put in the leg work if you want to be taken seriously, chief
you first, newfag
youre an idiot if you think that putting effort into an argument means youll be met with equal and opposite effort
source: you, in this thread, not backing anything youve said up with actual evidence to prove my argument wrong

>> No.10832724

not my fault you cant lrn2imageboard

>> No.10832726

There's a Black Mirror episode about that

>> No.10832727

You didn't even bother to properly punctuate. Project harder, crybaby bitch.

>> No.10832729

Or you could learn to discern people based on how they type and post timers, like anyone who's posted here for more than a month has learned because literally no one bothers to do that.

Shit, you accused me of being someone who doesn't bother to use periods or capitalization.

>> No.10832736

I've gotten way off topic, colony collapse is a meme. If you're worried about bees then you're retarded.
You can thank the media for that at this point.

>> No.10832737

Or, you could stop being a newfag. Don a trip if you're so offended you resemble the retard next to you.

>> No.10832740

see: >>10832720

>> No.10832745

see: >>10832727

>> No.10832747
File: 16 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTUzMDM4Nzk2MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTcwNjExOQ@@._V1_UY317_CR1,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the last bee finally dies

Good riddance.

>> No.10832784

I have workshop and my cousin runs an indoor range a block down the street from me, so yeah, we know how to press bullets. It's not difficult to do if you're not a sub 80 iq bigmac eater. Farmers would be compelled to accept my trade deal because they would want help fighting off the inevitable hoard of niggers coming from the cities. Have fun building your house when you're busy trying to stop tyrone and jamal from fucking your wife and shitting upstream. Realistically speaking, we'd probably see this event coming and just move into the mountains for a year and live off of stockpiled supplies while waiting for all the retards to kill each other/die of drug overdose before moving back into the depopulated city. Riots probably wouldn't have destroyed the water treatment plants or power stations because they don't have gucci sneakers there, so the bounceback would be reasonably fast since the. government would just have to fix the powelines to restore most of the important shit.

>> No.10832827

I'll be set up by the time society goes bonkers, I'm betting on social security failing to be the main cause, but back to the point of the thread it wont be because bees dying off. Not worried about that at all.

>> No.10832835

>we know how to press bullets
given how you use the terminology, I don't think "we" knows a damn thing. I think cousin might and you don't have a clue.

>> No.10832851

To be fair I'm the anon that said press bullets, I thought that was correct but I dont actually know.

>> No.10832880

There is such a tool as a "reloading press". however, the actions it performs are decapping, sizing, neck expanding, and seating. Those are functions used to assemble components into finished ammunition.

As far as making bullets themselves go, you either cast them or you swage them. Swaging requires a different and much stronger press than the type used to assemble ammunition. An alternative would be to machine them on a lathe, but that is very costly.

>> No.10833200

I heard it was torsion physics that is causing CCD. but I haven't kept up with it lately
how does the saying go. put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye. something along those lines

>> No.10833258
File: 29 KB, 550x260, pollen-powder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hand pollination, or collect the pollen and spray it or some other such method.

pic related pollen, as you can imagine you wouldn't need much dissolved in a carrier and sprayed from above to pollinate a bunch of plants

>> No.10833407

how do you efficiently get that amount of pollen from arbitrary crops?
stuff that is only harvested once should be fairly easy, because you don't have to keep the plant alive after aquiring its pollen, thus you can just harvest some of the blooming plants and send them through machine that does the fine work.
things like fruit trees that need to last years to turn a profit and which are too valuable to simply shredder and extract pollen from would be a problem.
also once you gathered the desired amount of pollen you need to apply it too, and I'm willing to bet that simply spraying the trees from a plane would not cover the lower blossoms reliably. ground work would be required if you want to keep the pollen consumption as low as possible.
Bees are cheaper

>> No.10833416

Bees are scary. I hope they die or we make genetically modified ones, that can not sting.

>> No.10833454

>being this much of a faggot
Bees are cute and helpful you simpering pussy

>> No.10833473

EVEN FUCKING WORSE. Think about it for just a second; if gold is such a potentially valuable resource after societal collapse, then why are brokers selling it instead of hoarding it for themselves? What makes you think that people will trade you their resources and information for intrinsically worthless minerals when not dying of hunger is the No. 1 priority? And how are you going to move any meaningful quantities of it when some nigger as stupid as you comes knocking with a gun?

>> No.10833475

I've seen it done with workers and small vacuum cleaners.

>> No.10833503

The hunger problem sorts itself right the fuck out fairly shortly. At that point gold will remain valuable, especially since it has a variety of industrial uses.