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10829064 No.10829064 [Reply] [Original]

What do people eat to get so morbidly obese?

>> No.10829072
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Too much

>> No.10830094

carbs and don't move

>> No.10830118

>carbs and don't move
carbs don't make you fucking fat. fat does. look at all the fatasses on those shows. they're gorging on fatty food.
You don't see an obese person gorging on plain potatoes, why? because it's impossible for a normal active adult to gain weight eating plain potatoes.

>> No.10830210

>fat does
fat doesn't make you fucking fat. calories do.

>> No.10830243
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>carbs don't make you fucking fat. fat does.
What's it like in 2003, how do I go back?

>> No.10830248
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fatass here
carbs are my favorite thing in the word, I basically just eat bread.
I also hate moving.

I'm just waiting to die.

>> No.10830269
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>dietary fat = body fat
this is why fatfucks think eating food labeled "low-fat" literally means they'll become low-fat

>> No.10830286

It doesn't matter what you eat.
If you eat more calories than you use, you'll get fat.

>> No.10830296



>> No.10830701

Panda Express, chinese buffet takeout, double quarter pounder with cheese and a dr pepper, chicken nuggets, honey vanilla flavored yogurt in a tub that i can only find at wal mart, lots of rice and soy sauce, klondike bars, meatloaf, fried potatoes with sausage, mac n cheese, fried pork chops, unemployment, depression, large mint chocolate chip malt, bag o burgers for only $5, thats all i can think of for now.

>> No.10830708

Too much too often, for years and years. Sometimes drinking is involved. Basically when insulin resistance sets in (genetics play a big role in how quick this is), you're already fucked, and will bloat out really quickly. Beyond that, you will develop fatty liver, and then you'll get to that point where losing weight seems impossible, and people will make fun of you.

Even old people's body fats will increase as their liver functions less effectively, even if they won't be obese.

>> No.10830712


>> No.10830725

Generally the same stuff normal people do, just a lot more of it.

>> No.10830753

>lots of bread (burger buns, sweets and pastries), potatoes (fries, chips), tortillas (taco bell) AKA high carb high glycemic index items, these effectively ruin your appetite and the way your body processes food
>lots of sugar hidden in things like bread, processed packaged food mixes, fast food
>lots of sugar in obvious things like juice/soda/sweet tea, candy, cake/cookies, ice cream/milkshakes
>the hidden calories no one ever thinks about in alcohol, even pure spirits without mixer are over 100kcal/1.5oz (one standard bar pour), and tonic water is as sugary as soda, other mixers and beer/wine are worse
>far too many calories for their TDEE
>far too much food at one time
>the wrong kinds of carbs and fats
>far too little fiber and vitamins
Also people eat on poor schedules and do too little exercise. Eating in front of the TV or other distraction doesn't help.

>> No.10830762

Calorie dense foods in large portions. Mostly a lot of meat and processed carbs packed with sodium. I mean one little McChicken has 310 calories, and is hardly filling by itself. I think it honestly comes down to a lot of processed sugar and sodium in their diets. Processed sugar makes people hungrier and excess sodium packs on water weight and causes bloating.

>> No.10830772
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>> No.10830784

I tries these kinds of diets for a week and everything containing sugar literally taste like nothing. It really dulls the tastebud.

>> No.10830788

What in the fuck are you trying to tell me right now?

>> No.10830791

Wrong reply


>> No.10831022

fuck keto faggots

>> No.10831059
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>> No.10831060


>> No.10831083

this guys retarded but desu ~3kg plain potate is like 2300 cal? so like just limit yourself to 2kg???

>> No.10831105

A high fat + high carb diet is the most effective at killing people in the most miserable way possible. And a ton of processed food/fast food probably ends up looking like those ratios

>> No.10831125

>Eating in front of the TV or other distraction doesn't help.
I'm dumb, but can I ask why this matters? I legitimately don't know what the difference is. I'd think eating with a distraction like a computer would be better because it makes you eat slower.

>> No.10831140
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>> No.10831196


>> No.10831200

everytime you eat you eat genetics

>> No.10831378
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>> No.10831386

for me it's the mchicken

>> No.10831391


>> No.10831409

Eating and eating and eating and eating. You ate Chipotle, you are another bag of their chips. You had half a bag of candy. You shoved your parents food down your gullet and you wanted more. And still you eat chicken biskets as you're laying in bed. And you do this every day

It's a disease and it should be treated as one

>> No.10831418

My teeth would literally fall out on a daily diet of that

>> No.10831437

Lots of Americanized Chinese food. The more sauces and fried items, the better.

>> No.10831441

Their self hate.

>> No.10831456

The same thing farmers feed livestock to fatten them up before the slaughter.

>> No.10831461

mfw 20 and 315 lbs. how long do i have to live?

>> No.10831476

100% calories from carbs
100% calories from carbs
50% calories from carbs
92% calories from carbs
100% calories from carbs
96% calories from carbs
97% calories from carbs
97% calories from carbs
wanna rethink that claim a little while, or are you just terminally retarded?

>> No.10831477

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.10831479

>high glycemic foods are bad

High glycemic index foods are good. They satiate the body more quickly, because they rapidly spike blood sugar and get insulin in the blood, absorbing the sugar, and energizing the body, so you stop eating sooner. High fat foods don't spike blood sugar so the brain tells you to keep shoveling in food until it feels sick.

>> No.10831506

> t. failed high school level endocrinology
not how it works. high fat low carb diets suppress ghrelin, which is the hormone that makes you hungry, and increase leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full.

>> No.10831516
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Forgive yourself anon. You were a beautiful baby once and you didn't get the love you needed to become healthy mentally. Forgive and love yourself and begin to move forward.

>> No.10831523

jesus fuck are you retarded. hunger and satiation are simply hormonal actions. falling blood sugar triggers ghrelin production which is the hormone that makes you hungry. eating fat and protein triggers leptin production, which makes you feel full.
how the hell do you think people like ghandi could fast for a month or more? once their blood sugar stabilises their ghrelin falls while leptin rises since they are burning their own at and muscles, and they feel full even with a stomach that has been empty for weeks..

>> No.10831540

>high fat low carb diets suppress ghrelin, which is the hormone that makes you hungry, and increase leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full.
Of course food will do that. Any food will make you feel full.
But low gi foods don't do it as much as high gi foods.
and low gi foods that are high in fat have more than double the calories!

>> No.10831546

Rising blood glucose levels trigger hunger suppressing hormones too!
and it isn't just about hormones. you ever try eating potatoes? the stomach literally fills up with food so you can't eat anymore. I can do this and not gain any weight. Starch is perfectly healthy to eat and you won't get fat eating it. Fat is deadly and will make you obese.

>> No.10831562

I think you'd have to be actively suicidal to eat like that, the same way gambling addicts seem to crave suicide.

Obesefags, feel free to dispute me on this.

>> No.10831576


>> No.10831612

You're not wrong. I constantly think about killing myself. Hell, two years ago during spring one of my friends who's literally Chad dragged me to the gym with him and within about 2 months I went from very tubby to normal. Turns out I'm able to drop weight like it's nothing if I feel like it (people were legit jelly) and that I'm like my dad in that my back and shoulders are broad as fuck, and women were literally mirin. Then Chad went back home over the summer, I stopped doing the excercise and started eating seconds again, and I'm back to where I was. When Chad came back, he was... disappointed.

I constantly debate whether jumping off a building would be better due to accessibility but people say you instantly regret it on the way down, or if a painless sudden exit bag is, but fucking that up means waking up with brain damage. I'm also trying to find out if I can line a motorcycle helmet with enough shitty homemade explosives to reliably implode my head in an instant.

>> No.10831668

And sugar levels drop again within 30-60 mins, making you hungry again. Ever wonder why you feel hungry so soon after eating Chinese? Now you know.
>Starch is perfectly healthy to eat and you won't get fat eating it
That's a laugh. Starch is what farmers feed pigs to make them fat before they take them to the slaughterhouse. It's what they feed to geese to make them fat so they can make the liver into pate. The very first case of type 2 diabetes documented in the US was a woman who worked in a laundry and had become morbidly obese. The starch she used to stiffen the shirts and collars was getting on her hands and she would lick it off. The doctor put her in a hospital away from the laundry starch and switched her to a high fat low carb diet and she recovered. Any form of carbs - including low glycemic ones - will make you fat. Enjoy your fat ass, carbtard.

>> No.10831687

>And sugar levels drop again within 30-60 mins,
A natural starchy diet includes plenty of fiber which slows digestion. Even a slice of white bread takes a couple hours to digest. This gradual digestion will release sugar into the blood for longer than 60 minutes. I experience this phenomenon every day. I live it every day. A meal of almost all starch will keep me feeling full and energetic for many hours.

>> No.10831726

Just build a suicide helmet with a bunch of buckshot shells

>> No.10831734

>I'm also trying to find out if I can line a motorcycle helmet with enough shitty homemade explosives to reliably implode my head in an instant.
please please please film this

>> No.10831748

you both aren't seeing the bigger picture.
LFHC can be fine if you eat slowly digesting (complex) carbs
LCHF can be fine if you eat fatty meat, fatty fish, and eggs
but when you combine fat and carbs, you'll get fat. e.g. donuts, fried rice, chocolate, etc.

these things make you insulin resistant, fuck up your hormones, and make you fat:
*eating often
*eating carbs + fat
*eating highly processed foods

>> No.10831752

Not sure if trolling...

>> No.10831758

You're still thinking simplistically. The glucose from the bread hits your bloodstream within minutes, the sugar levels spike within 30 minutes before your insulin yanks it back down. Yes the bread still contributes sugar for some time but it is completely overpowered by the insulin, meanwhile the sharp drop in serum glucose from the insulin flood will trigger ghrelin production making you hungry again.
Wanna verify it for yourself? Eat a potato, no butter or sour cream or bacon bits. Count the number of hours until you are hungry. Then eat the equivalent calories in butter and sour cream and bacon and count the number of hours/days until you feel hungry. Just a 1-time experiment, it won't kill you, and any theory that can't stand up to a falsification attempt isn't a theory at all.

>> No.10831765

The only carbs that are sufficiently slow digesting to not cause insulin spikes are the new superstarches that were only developed in the last few years. There are no natural sources of starch that are remotely slow enough.

>> No.10831772

They are retarded like >>10830118
And go for things that say low fat then don't realize they make up for the taste deficit by filling the food with sugar
Truthfully a lot of the reason American kids grow up obese is because of having shitty junkie/alcoholic lazy retard parents that raise them on fast food and ez premade frozen meals and koolaid

>> No.10831780

>shitty junkie/alcoholic lazy retard parents that raise them on fast food and ez premade frozen meals and koolaid

For sure.


>> No.10831792

>tfw genetics made you do this

>> No.10831794

>LFHC can be fine if you eat slowly digesting (complex) carbs
>thinks the Irish havent always been fat
Think before you type anon. HC only works you have severe calorie restriction (Japan) or high alcohol intake during a meal (France/Italy) which suppresses the liver's production of glucose while your body burns off the carbs from the meal.
The glycemix index of the carb has little to do with it. Glycemic index only matters to T1 diabetics who need to calculate insulin bolus. It's been misused by others because it disguises the slow insulin response by T2 diabetics and gives them an excuse for handwaving away their pathological metabolic disorder.

>> No.10831803

people who eat "proper" LFHC just aren't fat...

>> No.10831805

don't pay attention to what you're eating and it's extremely easy to overeat. Try eating a huge bag of chips while watching TV, as opposed to eating them without any form of entertainment. When your mind is focused on something else you'll know likely eat more than you'd like without noticing.

>> No.10831806

Had an obese roomate
His diet was nothing more than Marlboro reds and soda, he had the odd spot of food here and there but it was the ungodly amounts of soda, pretty sure he doesn’t know what water taste like

>> No.10831863

>le no true scotsman defense
Every time

>> No.10831871

What was the smell like?

>> No.10831907

now what do the scots have to do with this?

>> No.10831920

>carbs don't make you fucking fat. fat does
sugar industry meme from the fifties.

>> No.10831930
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I have several obese fatties in my family. They are all sugar addicts. If they aren't eating high sugar foods, it's meat or potatoes. They scoff at vegetables and say shit like "well that won't fill me up" or just coat them in butter or sauces.

The biggest thing though is that they never drink water. It's always soda, juice, sweet tea, etc. and a shitload of it. Liquid calories are brutal because it doesn't fill you up. You can easily consume 3000 cal/day in sugar just from drinking soda or juice.

>> No.10831948

>Retard detected

>> No.10832020

America won't start thinning until you fat fucks start using the metric system and drop all that "a cup of X, 4 ounces of Y" shit. It's confusing and doesn't really have a unified understanding of calories.

How many calories has a cup of butter vs 12 ounces of soda vs 4 ounces of sugar? This is a mess, if you people used grams and kilograms instead, you'd know 100g of fat is 800 calories and 100g of carbs is 400 calories. Simple numbers which you can use to deduce how many calories there is in a meal instead of having a thousand and one definitions of "per serving, per portion".

Jesus fuck your system is fucking retarded.

>> No.10832032

I'm not claiming the imperial system is worthwhile, but the problem you describe only exists for idiots who can't do basic arithmetic.

Asking how many calories are in 100g of fat is no different than asking how many are in a cup. It's basic arithmetic either way.

BTW, 100g of fat is 900 cals, not 800. 9/7/4/4.

>> No.10832053

I'll take "suspiciously round numbers" for 100, Alex

>> No.10832062

Yeah, my finger slipped there when I typed the calories for fat.

But what I mean with the imperial system is that it is VERY confusing, more so if you're brosing recipes. It's a fucking nightmare having to use different measurements like cups/tea spoons/ounces, and it is a nightmare to replicate the recipe and it's calories too. Who's to say your "cup" is the same as mine? Do you fill it to the brim or you leave a small space to not throw flour all over yoru kitchen counter?

On the other hadn, a gram is a gram. You just need a scale and you can replicate the exact recipe you consulted.

>> No.10832089

>Who's to say your "cup" is the same as mine?
A cup is a unit of measurement. you don't use a random cup, you use a measuring cup. It's 237mL exactly if you want to be anal, but it's easier to assume it's 250mL, which is close enough for most purposes and makes math very easy.

Again, I agree it's an outdated system but I can't help but feel that there's a lot of hyperbole here. What's "nightmarish" about doing a simple conversion in your head to metric if you aren't familiar with its units?

And for that matter, if you are insisting on following recipes exactly you're cooking wrong anyway (unless we're talking about baking). Foods vary in terms of moisture content, flavor, size and shape, etc. It's silly to worry about measuring out exactly X amount of this and Y amount of that since the flavor and the caloric content of the food is going to vary anyway. Taste your ingredients and adjust accordingly.

>>You just need a scale and you can replicate the exact recipe you consulted.
How do you know that the flour you are using has the exact same moisture content as that which the recipe author used? How do you know that the chili pepper you're measuring has the exact same heat level of the one the author used? And for that matter, how do you know that your personal preference for heat is exactly the same either?

>> No.10832105

America, the one you're lambasting, is north america. Mexico and Britain have the most obese people in the world now, sorry that you have to change your argument.

>> No.10832143

Mexico is third world and third worlders won't start changing their diet due to health reasons. They're too dumb to have that concern.

And Britain has a lower obesity rate than the USA but it'd still count since they too use the imperial system.

>> No.10832164

I actually read a book on my school’s summer reading list that had this as it’s main plot point
>kids get kidnapped by alien crabs
>crabs keep asking if they know good stories while bringing them to their boss
>boss crab offers literally any earth food they want, junk or gourmet but asks to hear stories during meals
>after dinner they get to go to a “spa” with lots of herbs
>eventually the female realizes something is up and calls the boy out on being a fatass and shoveling food into his mouth while he’s too busy socializing to notice
They eventually find out the obvious “instead of crabs being a delicacy, humans are and they’ve been marinating us for weeks” thing and escape.
Soo uhh yeah. It’s been a known thing for a while.

>> No.10832183

If it’s that easy formyou to drop weight (probably especially because the bigger you are the easier it is) why kill yourself over going back to exercising once a week or something?

>> No.10832191

>these things make you insulin resistant, fuck up your hormones, and make you fat:
insulin resistance is caused by fatty deposits in tissue, and fatty blood gumming up metabolic processes. The pancreas must release more insulin to get the glucose to be absorbed by tissues that are laden with fat, because the fat inhibits capillary action. Digesting fat is also harder on the pancreas in general.

>> No.10832197

what's your point?

>> No.10832199

The fat parts of America are also 3rd world.

>> No.10832213

A meal that is entirely starch will be rather large, since starch is only 4 calories per gram. It takes a long time to digest all the food. Add in fiber from vegetables and fibrous starches like oatmeal, and one will feel full for many hours.
And spiking blood sugar levels is very good. I want to feel like I'm getting full quickly, before I overeat. The difference between over eating and not is often minutes. Fat eaters have to deal with blood sugar levels not spiking, so they eat more before anything registers, and the food they're eating is calorie dense.

>> No.10832219

I've ballooned to 190 pounds, I'm 22 and 5'10, is it only downward from here?

>> No.10832220

my point is that it is obesity, not what you eat, that causes diabetes. Now eating a diet high in fat and carbs, like you said, will make you obese.

>> No.10832221

Carbs are literally one of the healthiest things anyone could ever eat.

>> No.10832236

that seems like a useless distinction to me.
eating highly processed carbs and fat often will cause chronically elevated insulin levels and thus insulin resistance.
also people's fat threshold differs. people can become insulin resistant and diabetic before they become obese.

>> No.10832238

>>10832236 meant for >>10832220

>> No.10832239

That model of insulin has been invalidated with the last few decades of research. Experiments done with radioisotope glucose shows that insulin isn't needed to move glucose into cells, and that what insulin actually does is convince the liver to stop making glucose while the basal cells munch away on the excess. Most of the blood sugar spike actually comes from the liver - the initial surge of glucose isn't radioactive so it isn't coming from the sample glucose, it's coming from the liver. The isotope tagged glucose shows up in quantity several minutes later after insulin levels are already spiking, and untagged insulin levels drop precipitously. On a phone or I'd post the links, but they should be easily googlable. Some of the tests were also done with t1 diabetics, the tagged glucose moved into the cells just fine even without insulin, but their untagged glucose levels didnt decline since there was no insulin to shut down the liver.

>> No.10832259

Nope. The results with bariatric patients shows the t2 diabetes is reversed in ~90% of the cases before any significant weight loss occurs. And studies with rats shows there t2 diabetes can exist in skinny rats. There's a guy in my office that looks anorexic but has severe t2 diabetes.

The usual pattern is insulin resistance by the liver, causing chronically high insulin levels, causing more insulin resistance. The high insulin levels causes extremely high levels of ghrelin which makes him feel like he's hungry (ghrelin is the hunger hormone), and can cause symptoms of hypoglycemia even at elevated sugar levels. All signaling frantically to the brain that he's starving to death.
Exercise makes this feeling worse.

>> No.10832263

Pure carbs are poison. Our bodies are not combustion engines in need of fuel, they evolved over thousands of years eating what was available and eating refined carbs is very detrimental to our health. Flour is a carb and brocoli is too; are they both the same? Of course not. Broccoli has a bunch of other nutrients and fiber that makes it healthy, flour is just carbs with a bit of a kind of protein which is also not that good for you.

There is also this little fact: carbs are completely unnecesary for our survival. Your own body is capable of producing the few carbs you need out of proteins. We're built to have an omnivore diet that eats pure carbs ocasionally and gets most of their nutrients from fat and protein. Bears are like that. They gorge on BERRIES (sugar) to build fat before the winter, they exploit that nasty side effect carbs have for their survival. We don't need that quirk though, we don't hivernate and our diets suggest we're always preparing for an hibernation.

>> No.10832269

>Agribusiness {{{shill}}} detected
Go away capitalist whore

>> No.10832279

There are no essential carbs
The minimum daily required intake of carbs is 0 grams

>> No.10832281

>eating highly processed carbs and fat often will cause chronically elevated insulin levels and thus insulin resistance.
processed food has more calories and other characteristics which cause people to eat too much of it. Overeating leads to obesity and diabetes.
as for skinny people getting type two diabetes. I think there are genetic factors with those people. Most type 2 sufferers are obese.
weight loss has been proven to end symptoms of type two diabetes.

>> No.10832285

Pick one and only one.

>> No.10832287
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I used to be morbidly obese. I've lost 170 lbs and am now at a healthy weight.

For me, I was really obsessed with sugar. I put down pounds of candy and sweets like it was nothing. I could easily eat 5000 calories worth of candy and confectioneries in a few minutes. And then I'd do it again in an hour or 2.

>> No.10832292

here I just found a study for you:

>Among people who lost more than 15kg (2st 5lb) in the study, more than eight out of 10 (86 per cent) went into remission. In those who lost 10-15kg, more than half (57 per cent) of those who lost 10kg (1st 8lb) to 15kg, and 34 per cent of those who lost 5kg (11lb) to 10kg. No-one who didn’t lose any weight achieved diabetes remission, where their blood glucose levels were normal.
>The researchers said that this was because substantial weight loss results in reduced fat inside the liver and pancreas, allowing these organs to return to normal function.

>> No.10832323

>weight loss has been proven to end symptoms of type two diabetes.
>thinks correlation = causation
You are about 20 years out of date.
T2 diabetes can be reversed without any significant weight loss (within the individual's normal weight variability) or indeed with no weight loss at all.
Type 2 diabetes is not caused by weight, nor is weight loss necessary to reverse it. In all documented cases where this has been studied, t2 reversal resulting in lower insulin levels preceeded the weight loss - the weight loss did not preceed the t2 reversal.

>> No.10832328

Embrace the power of 'and' trumpkin.

>> No.10832341

I never said it wasn't necessary to lose fat around the liver, I said it wasn't necessary to lose weight. You can eat a diet that will make you gain weight but lose liver fat - this will nonetheless reverse the t2 diabetes, and has been verified in rats and I believe also demonstrated in people in the Framingham study.

>> No.10832349

Have sex

>> No.10832355

if they're eating a reduced calorie diet during the study, then of course there will be an immediate positive effect. What needs to be seen is whether their metabolism can handle normal amounts of food without diabetes returning. And that's where the weight loss plays a key role.

>> No.10832381

Why should there be, if their obesity is the cause of their t2 diabetes? Why should a 0.5% change in weight result in a sudden reversal of their t2 diabetes? Especially when the subject's weight can vary by more than that over the holidays without affecting their t2 diabetes at all? The details have to be in the diet that caused the change, not the weight.
But that path of inquiry leads to the realization that insulin causes t2 diabetes and weight gain, not the other way around.

>> No.10832398

>stop overeating all of a sudden because diet
>insulin spikes stop immediatly

>> No.10832421

>eat same amount of calories, but only from fat and (moderate-small amount of) protein
>insulin spikes stop immediately

>> No.10832449

>forgive yourself
why? its everyone elses fault not mine

>> No.10832494

Depression's pretty weird. I feel like I should just blow everything off now because no matter what I do I'll always be a failure; I always feel one step away from screwing over my life irreversibly, like failing that exam and well fuck why even try just be a hedonistic asshole now (without actually enjoying anything because guilt) and when it all catches up to you put a bullet through your head ezpz. Only thing that snaps out of it is thinking about how absolutely devastated my parents would be, they always supported me and it's very clear they still love me. Thinking about letting my parents down like that usually sends me into a sobbing mess but it lets all the pressure out. I go to a psych for some now mostly resolved anxiety issues since a good long while now, but haven't been able to put it out there that I literally fantasize about dying on the regular since about 4 years ago.

>> No.10832535

>btfo but too mentally deficient to realize it.
that's ok anon, high-carb diets have been shown to cause alzheimers. you'll get used to it.

>> No.10833084

It's not just what they eat, but also the amount they eat and over a long period of time. While a normal person might eat one or two slices of pizza and feel full, the super morbidly obese will eat a whole pizza and still crave more.

>> No.10833147

You're a fucking retard. Americans had no problem with our current system and staying thin in the past, meaning the problem is something else.

>> No.10833171

and wash it down with 2L of coke.

>> No.10833176

>chicken biskets

Thank you for your submission.

>> No.10833348


the fuck is a "digestive" biscuit

>> No.10833408

>how do I use wikipedia?
>A digestive biscuit, sometimes described as a sweet-meal biscuit, is a semi-sweet biscuit that originated in Scotland, and is popular worldwide.
>Main ingredients Wheat flour, sugar, malt extract, vegetable oil, wholemeal, leavening agents (usually sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid and malic acid), salt

>> No.10833680

>eat less than 2000 calories a day
>lose weight


>> No.10833691

Mostly soda. Soda basically accounts for most people's empty calories. It's easy to ingest, doesn't satiate and is addictive.

>> No.10833984

this post just screams boomer faggot

>> No.10834035

>Fat is deadly and will make you obese.

And yet I've dropped 30 pounds since march avoiding carbs like the plague without feeling hungry at all.

>> No.10834042

>fat makes fat

hahhahahahahahaah you fucking retard

>> No.10834045

>whole milk
>50% calories from carbs

don't be stupid

>> No.10834073

>Fat eaters have to deal with blood sugar
>levels not spiking, so they eat more before
>anything registers, and the food they're eating >is calorie dense.

and yet, a "fat bomb" made of nothing but cocoa powder, almond butter, and coconut oil and not a single gram of carbohydrates, smaller than a Reese's peanut butter cup, will fill you right the hell up.

>> No.10834083

>I've ballooned to 190 pounds, I'm 22 and 5'10

According to a BMI chart, you're mildly overweight. BMI is just a crude rule of thumb, though...it doesn't take into account how much of that weight is fat and how much is muscle.

>> No.10834096

Dopamine. When you don't have sex, or exercise, eating also delivers this feel-good chemical. So when someone is so sad, or has such little self control, they tend to seek the dopamine fix to such an extreme degree until they become obese.

>> No.10834347

8g fat x 9 cals = 72 cal
13g sugar x 4 cals = 52 cals
8g protein x 4 cals = 32 cals
but protein turns into glucose in the liver at a 58% conversion rate, so thats 52 cals from sugar + 18 cals from gluconeogenesis = 70 cals from glucose vs 72 from fat.

>> No.10834352

not true. dietary fat suppresses ghrelin very quickly, much faster than a sugar spike (which takes about 30 mins) and dietary fat suppresses it for much longer.

>> No.10834904

more like Saturated Fat Bomb

>> No.10834927

They'd probably be a lot better off if the /only/ thing they ate was green vegetables drowned in butter and/or heavy cream to be honest. I can't imagine it'd be easy even for a morbidly obese person to overeat on broccoli or spinach due to fiber content

>> No.10834930

Those percentages are completely retarded. So many of those things have fats.

>> No.10834938

he has to justify his fat diet somehow

Ketofags are worst than vegan

>> No.10836642

Probably mostly sugar.

I'm 175 cm, 60kg, and usually feel very full after eating, even eating two plates of dinner, clearly eating same amount as lunch as co workers do. I rarely eat candy, only high sugar content food I eat is an occasional bowl of oatmeal with two tbsp of sugar and some dessert.

You also see fat fucks eating everywhere, I rarely eat anything besides breakfast lunch, dinner, and I don't drink sodas.

>> No.10836648
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A pizza is only 900 kcal, maybe a bit more for takeaway pizzas, but that's even below a normal dinner.

>> No.10837239

The people in question are all type 2 diabetic too. It's infuriating. Probably $3000 in meds a month on Medicare to keep each of them alive. And they'd go into remission if they just quit eating so much fucking sugar all the time.

>> No.10837251
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>> No.10837275

For your own sake, I hope you are just baiting

>> No.10838831
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fat = you get fat

>> No.10838913

butter and sauces aren't the problem, a lack of moderation is. and, of course, a lack of water, just as you said.

>> No.10838941

I stick to a mostly meat and veggies diet after getting diagnosed with prediabetes (was barely over underweight and 20 years old at the time) and I'm no longer prediabetic. The spots of darkened skin I had from it has also completely cleared.
I'm lazy and it still wasn't hard. If I don't feel like cooking I just microwave some frozen veggies for a few minutes and season with salt and coconut oil. I tried to suggest to my dad (type II diabetes) to at least switch out white bread and wheat noodles for buckwheat versions since it won't make blood sugar spike as high, if he's going to do literally nothing else, and he was like nah. It's honestly so frustrating because it seems like such a simple thing to do.

>> No.10838996

It was just a way of saying that they will not eat healthy vegetables. Everything has to be coated in either sugar or fat, and they will never touch any leafy green more complex than iceberg lettuce. They eat "salads" which are just lettuce and tomato coated in shredded cheese and full fat ranch. Every meal involves potatoes and white bread, and they wolf down potato or corn chips all day with soda and cookies. 9PM every night is ice cream time. They eat a lot of protein (meats) but aside from the 4x per week t-bone steaks, it's either some kind of chicken or pork that's absolutely fucking coated in sugar. They also drink 5 or 6 shots of liquor every evening.

My only personal vice is alcohol, I quit a few months ago and immediately dropped 20 lbs and 20 points of blood pressure.

>> No.10839006

god people with diabetes who refuse to make any lifestyle changes piss me off so much

>> No.10839014

sugar, mainly

>> No.10839025
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i haven't seen a post this american in years

>> No.10839041

same here, i meet with friends a lot and drink lots of beer during those meetups. i still manage to keep in shape because i limit my calory intake on these days and i go for long walks a lot while semi-regularly jogging. (surprisingly enough, since i smoke)
i just get kinda defensive about sauces and butter because i have often overheard people completely dismissing them when it all comes down to the amount and your general lifestyle.

>> No.10839065

I kinda get it if they just don't know jack shit and work 2 jobs, but when offered an easy way to at least alleviate the problem it's like why the fuck would you not take it? At least stop eating raisin bagels with nutella and chocolate muffins everyday you shit.
I really wonder if there's any way to trick that kind of person into not eating so much sugar

>> No.10839106

lots of people just don't fucking care. they can take their $2000/mo drugs and keep eating bear claws coated in nutella for breakfast and stay alive in a state of absolute mediocrity.

>> No.10839203

it would seem like it using third grade common sense, but carbs actually cause higher insulin levels which causes more cravings and hunger pangs and leads to excessive eating

not saying you should not have carbs in your diet, but if your diet is based around eating carbs you will likely never feel satisfied or full

>> No.10839212

Soda is the fucking devil. That stuff is fucking awful for you and will rocket you into morbid obesity.

>> No.10839349

What made the food industry so fucking awful; salt and fats are good for the body while sugar and carbs are awful. Now fat is removed from everything and sugar is in everything. Fucking boomers ruined everything.

>> No.10839360
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>the hidden calories no one ever thinks about in alcohol, even pure spirits without mixer are over 100kcal/1.5oz (one standard bar pour), and tonic water is as sugary as soda, other mixers and beer/wine are worse
>drink diet coke and smirinoff
>calculated the calories of one moderate night of drinking (1/3 - 1/5 of a bottle)
>fucking 600+
>now I can only drink on really heavy cardio days or I go over my cut
>have to eat Protein™ Brand protein goop for my meal that morning with MAYBE a light after gym snack
but I LIKE drinking

>> No.10839378

>tfw I used to drink 750-1000 mL of 90 proof liquor a day

feels bad man that I can't get shitfaced any more but drinking totally destroys your body

>> No.10839385

Every morning I have a nutella and peanut sandwich with my coffee, a bottle of water, and a multivitamin.
I don't eat for six hours after that, but once I do I gorge myself on whatever fast food strikes me, $10 limit, with two bottles of water and a can of soda.
Then I snack on various nuts (peanuts, almonds, walnuts, etc) until I go to sleep and repeat.
I'm not morbidly obese (6'1" 166lbs @ 11% bodyfat) but my diet is essentially what fatties do.

>> No.10839389

Those fatass bongs (they're like 3% less obese than the US) like to glaze over the fact that they are fucking pigs by calling it something like that. They'll eat a regular dessert, a "pudding" (not a dessert to them), then do help it digest, some "digestive bisquits" with some tea with 2 sugars.

>> No.10839391
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>1 pizza, 335g
these big boys are like 2-3lbs or 800+g

I could easily down 750ml on a heavy night, the last time I visited my friend I was the only one drinking vodka and I bought a 1.5l bottle and a 12-pack of diet coke. Half the bottle was gone and I had ALL of the coke. It doesn't help that I don't get hangovers because I chug waters, I never fucking learn.

>> No.10839397

I find that I still don't go over my daily kcal limits very much if I drink. Not because I drink moderately, but because I just don't eat much that day. Maybe one large 900-1200 calorie meal, then I'll drink about 1400 calories worth of beer over the whole night. Shameful, really, but at least I'm not fat.

>> No.10839400

can't tell if trolling but 5/10 made me reply

you are not doing what fatties do. you are 6'1 and probably burning every calorie you take in.

try sitting on a couch all day drinking soda and eating primarily refined sugars. you will get fat.

>> No.10839423

I did it every day for 4 years. Your entire body starts to fall apart after about two years. It's not just liver problems and weight gain.

My hair started falling out, cuts and bruises wouldn't heal, my skin was super dry and easily damaged. Face and neck got super swollen. Started having breathing problems and got super winded by minor exercise. Heat and humidity became completely intolerable.

Quitting sucked, I basically just locked myself in the house for a week and sweat my ass off. I had complete insomnia for two weeks, and horrific nightmares when I did actually fall asleep.

>> No.10839428

Sounds almost like autoimmune symptoms

>> No.10839433

>That game came out 13 years ago
We really are boomers, aren't we?

>> No.10839542

You have clearly never made or even read up on the ingredients necessary to make those foods you listed. The only one you got right was soda.

>> No.10839557

Fat tax when?

>> No.10839576

You don’t think they take that conversion rate into account when determining the number of calories?

>> No.10839607

It will be introduced simultaneously with universal basic income

>> No.10839632

Underage b& plz go

>> No.10839646

You clearly dont know how caloric value is determined. Save us all some time and yourself some embarrassment by looking it up.

>> No.10839696

so never?

>> No.10839807

>They'll eat a regular dessert, a "pudding" (not a dessert to them), then do help it digest, some "digestive bisquits" with some tea with 2 sugars.
As an obese bong, that is a lie. Most people don't eat dessert with every meal, and definetely not have a second. The tea & biscuits is right on the money though.

>> No.10841401


It starts young my fellow anons.

Let me greentext you about a friend of mine who at 17 could not cut to make it down to 275 for heavy weight wrestling.

6'1 300 lbs by 17.

Let me give you a typical evening for this man as a teenager.

>Dinner with the senpai
>Spaghetti and meatsauce made my mom
>garlic bread, the kind that comes in a box from the fridge.
>3 or 4 huge servings of this
>bread sticks
>more milk
>ahh Desert.
>2 hours pass
>you all getting hungry? lets fire up the george forman grill and make some buhbuh burgers...
>3 burgers later, it is now close to midnight
>No food left in the house
>left overs gone
>burgers gone
>eats empty bun before saying
>truly the only establishment open at this time on a tuesday
>we drive up to the waho.
>We take the big booth
>Waitress comes by
>what'll ya have handsome ;)
>leme see, leme see....
>ah let me get TWO all star breakfasts, with bacon and sasuage, extra cheese in my grits and oh hmmm what to drink
>a diet dr. pepper, thank you ma'am.

>> No.10843232

holy moly that list