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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10827811 No.10827811 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /ck/ get so triggered when you eat pizza with wings? It's a good combination plus gives you some extra protein instead of you just eating all carbs.

>> No.10827813

because they aren't chicken tendies

>> No.10827815

Probably because overall it's not that healthy and diet-related health issues are a big problem today. But eating stuff like this once in a while isn't really a big deal and people shouldn't overreact to it either.

>> No.10827912
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>> No.10827916


because whatever you're paying for those wings it's waaaaay too much. there's no reason to ever eat wings.

>> No.10829448

The basket on the right side is tendies.

>> No.10829455
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>> No.10829463

They're tasty and fun to eat

paying $12 for a pizza is way more than it costs to make a pizza, doesn't mean it's dumb to eat

>> No.10829466

Wings are not good and the perpetuation of the lie that they are is retarded.

>> No.10829469


12 dollars for a pizza (which is middlingly expensive, you can get them for 5-8) can feed 4 people. 12 dollars of wings can... leave one person hungry. and they're not fun to eat. they're a chore. they're messy. and they're probably the least tastiest part of the chicken.

forget wings.

>> No.10829471

taste good to me

>> No.10829479

Yeah because vinegar is such a good pairing with chicken bones.

Fucking retard

>> No.10829485

>12 dollars of wings (12 wings minimum at any respectable place) leaves one person hungry
Fat fuck alert

>> No.10829488

manlet pls, the men are talking

>> No.10829496


twelve chicken wings is barely 800 calories. that's a meal for a woman or a child, but not an adult male

>> No.10829497

>12 dollars for a pizza can feed 4 people.
Yeah right.

>> No.10829500

12 dollars buys two large pizzas.

>> No.10829521

There is nothing wrong with ordering wings with pizza if you want to save them for later. There is something wrong with eating wings with pizza though because it means you are an overeating fat fuck.

>> No.10829536

Because /ck/ gets triggered at everything.

>> No.10829616
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>not eating obesity-tier quantities or chicken wings makes you a manlet
>being this fatfuck

>> No.10829622
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"healthy" is such a bullshit loaded word to begin with, but there really isn't anything wrong with wings. I'm a /fit/fag and if I am out with friends and they want to go to some restaurant that really only has "unhealthy" food, wings are a solid pick. It varies depending on where you get them, but something like 600-800kcal and 50-60g of protein is decent. Really start looking up menus and track your diet and you'll see there are a fuckton of "healthy" trap foods out there. Most any salad you get at a restaurant is a good one. Sushi is surprisingly another. Nuts as a snack is probably the fucking worst offender I see.

>> No.10830578

WIngs and pizza are really more of a party food, ordered with a couple good friends to eat and watch football with etc. it's not really something people order and eat alone, that I know of anyway

>> No.10831818

microwave pizzas dont count. a respectable large pizza is 12-16 dollars

>> No.10831856

Sometimes the sauces they put them in can be loaded with salt and butter, probably what their referring to but its still likely better than anything else on the menu since its usually just a thin coating

>> No.10832211

What are you on about? I live in Finland, a country known for its relatively high cost of living, and you can easily get a good pizza for around 10 €.
Also, pro tip: frozen pizzas are a thing.

>> No.10832217

One normal size pizza can feed up to eight people.

>> No.10832226

A large brooklyn style plain/cheese pizza was about 12-14 and my household of four so yes can confirm

>> No.10832229

I can't speak for the rest of /ck/, but for me it's because they're fucking expensive for the amount you get. Otherwise they're p yummy and agree they make a good compliment with the extra protein.

>> No.10832233

Actually while I’m in this thread, how did wimgs get associated with pizza? I order from a pizzeria to get pizza or maybe other italian food like veal cutlet parmesan samdwiches or garlic knots.
I don’t remember ever seeing wings on the menu until I look at chain restaurants and small places outside brooklyn.

>> No.10832241

Bars in

>> No.10832245

Bars specifically sports bars made it accessible and would make it Tuesday or Wednesday mid week specials pizza places followed suit to take advantage of the trend and never stopped

>> No.10832304

Stop going to shitty chains retard.

My local pizza place sells 6 dollar larges with flavored crust as a loss lead.

>> No.10832366

>only eats food they dislike because it is cheap.

>> No.10832375

But wings are terrible in every way