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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.26 MB, 1859x970, 1529177511745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10826035 No.10826035 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save him?

>> No.10826075

You can't save someone who don't wanna be saved.

>> No.10826294

RayWilliamJohnson really let himself go.

>> No.10826313


>> No.10826468
File: 300 KB, 1154x604, Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 11.49.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever this is, it looks like he deserves it.

>> No.10826500

I don't get it

>> No.10826506


>> No.10826514
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x720, bob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Bob destroyer of thots.

>> No.10826629

Why is the cheese stretching from his mouth to the rest of the pizza and not the slice he's holding? What did he do?

>> No.10826662

Wait. Did he have another stroke?

>> No.10826688

Yeah, he had a second one a few weeks ago.

>> No.10826692

Shooped Joey lost weight and went vegan

>> No.10826779

What happened to his retarded girlfriend?

>> No.10826784

what is this dude's youtube anyways?

>> No.10826791

At some point you should get the message.

>> No.10826835

Traded her in for a better model.

>> No.10827059

Why do Americans eat in the car?

>> No.10827063

We do it to piss you off. Glad it's working.

>> No.10827156

thanks a lot for reminding me he exists.
I just fucking googled him and
>"Ray William Johnson is an american actor, comedian, producer, director, and rapper"
Hold the phone. Actor? Rapper? What the fuck?

>> No.10827232 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 960x960, 31882962_1521726101287887_1124112775245725696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I'm vegan

>> No.10827248
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>> No.10827342
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>I just had a whole bag of onion rings. . . I couldn't help myself

>> No.10827393

He had a channel called 'your favorite martian' where he sang/rapped. Channel is closed, but there are videos still out there.

Actor... Well. I mean, he's had a long YT run. Acting was probably somewhere in there, as well.

>> No.10827404

I eat all day every day, and I'm only mildly tubby. I don't understand how it's possible to get that fat

>> No.10827407

how dare you speak that way of vegans. don't you know i'm morally superior to you in every conceivable way?

>> No.10827424

Unless one of you has an underlying endocrine disease, it's simple. Calories in, calories out. One of you is either more active than the other, or one of you is ingesting less calories than the other. It's probably the latter.

Also, we don't see him off camera. He probably eats much more than what he eats for his channel. And it's probably the same kind of food, as well. High carbs, high fats, little to no nutrition.

I want to say that there was a study that people who ate the same calories, but one had more nutrition than the other... And the one who had no redeemable value in their food ended up gaining a lot more weight... But I can't find the source for it, so let it remain conjecture.

>> No.10827439

He must have fuck you money.

>> No.10827482

The video where the screenshot is from is him basically stress eating two big slices of pizza he just decided to start filming after finishing the rings. Fooduse is worst than Joey.

>> No.10827485

It was a comedy animated band
Kinda decent for pre-monetized youtube

>> No.10827493

At this point, the best you can do is die quick and in pleasure
Someone fill a pizza with bacon and butter and mail it to him

>> No.10827534

Hot damn that thot was annoying. His car looks nice what broad would smoke in it?

>> No.10827542

Good to see an all American boy.
Foreigners take note.

>> No.10827544

How are you morally superior when you are eating all the food of the animals you claim to be saving?
You're going to starve them out soon.
Control their population and reduce their numbers down so they food doesn't run out.
Eat meat guys.

>> No.10827694
File: 3.55 MB, 2055x2229, gmofree2-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat vegan meat

>> No.10827977

Yeah, why was there still so many big budget youtubers even before monetization? How did they get the funds back then? Just through Paypal donations or being independently wealthy from the get go I'm assuming?

>> No.10828716

Never understood the appeal of this knock off Joey.

>> No.10828725

I suspect that a lot of them were people filming an already extant hobby.

I knew a guy who collected fancy guitars. He had a collection before youtube existed. Once it did, he just started filming the collection he already had. The money came from his job and from his buying and selling guitars for a hobby. He didn't do it because of youtube, he just decided to broadcast what he was already doing.

>> No.10828873

HE looks like a fat and deugged up vin diesel.

>> No.10828891

what does his gf/ex look like? I had no idea

>> No.10828898
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>> No.10828935
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>save a guy who is eating himself into a stroke
Why? Why him? We have plenty of other psychologically damaged people that we parade on stage. We don't save them. We shouldn't save him. We should sit tight as we always do, and watch how this unfolds.

>> No.10829033


Food dip. It is called food dip.

How did I find it?

Searched "fat guy pizza review" on YouTube. Second result.

>> No.10829044

He deleted the channel featuring her after she got upset because everyone was teasing her for being retarded (she has a legit intellectual disability). She was some little skinny chick with glasses who looked like she was about 14.

>> No.10829056
File: 269 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_20180629-065503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feminism. Let's be equal with our fat good reviewers.


>> No.10829059

Damn. Any archives of it?

>> No.10829061

>got a qt retarded gf


>> No.10829073
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>Thinks that feminists want equality when they really want supremacy

>> No.10829086
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We can't he isn't the first and probably won't be the last
Good night sweet prince

>> No.10829106


Lol no dude, look at the fat cow. Clearly idgaf about feminism, I just want us all to look on in horror, then laugh at this fat mongoloid.

Triggered much?

>> No.10829163
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>> No.10829167

this that real?

>> No.10829176
File: 1.28 MB, 2672x418, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at 8.55.47 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.10829243

That man bitch has some sweet tits mmmm

>> No.10829264

We don't, instead mount his bloated rotting corpse in the center of our nation's capital, a sobering warning against the deadly sin of gluttony.

>> No.10829297
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, Joey eating pizza like it's pusy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10829336

oh fuck I actually remember that he tried really hard to feature her but she clearly had severe anxiety and it was freaking the poor woman out

>> No.10829355

I feel like if forced kids to watch Joey's Super Cool Food Reviews in like 3rd Grade they would develop strong table manners and long-term obesity would drop by at least 40%.

>> No.10829359


Licks it like a pussy because pizza the only box he opening to run his tongue

>> No.10829384

I miss the old broey threads.
I guess food use threads are allowed but joey is still banned.

>> No.10829722

quick rundown on this guy

>> No.10830377

If it's that chick in the video that's a straight fucking downgrade

>> No.10830406

As Joey becomes more mainstream and less ridiculed, and don't even mention "reviewbrah", people like this serve the tastes of refined people, not corrupted by everyone else.

>> No.10830414

It's not often you see such a long-running Youtube channel where every video is a blatant cry for help.

>> No.10831601

They're real video titles but the content is all fake/jokes. Theres no real drama or happenings.

>> No.10832174

that fruit is annoying

>> No.10833781
File: 59 KB, 716x1024, d0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be nice to Bob "right back at you" food reviewer!

>> No.10833796

The plant-based whole foods diet (vegan) is not about that. It's about saving the planet, preserving health, and ending unnecessary violence.

>> No.10833806
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>killing animals is violent

>> No.10833809

>licks the inside like a cheese engorged vagina
Joey, you know better than that. Where are your vehicle manners? WHOO-WHOO-WHOO-WAHWOOewwwwwooooooo!

>> No.10833813
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>> No.10835214


>> No.10836459


>> No.10838793

aka pretty much every one of those "review fast food in your car" reviewers (except reviewbrah of course)

>> No.10840265

Why bother? He looks too far gone

>> No.10840278
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How do we save this guy?

>> No.10840290

I like Bob. He's the least pretentious food "reviewer"... Its literally just "well, this is what it is, I'm just gonna eat it"...no theatrics, no bullshit, just a tubby guy eating. I honestly think he's some sort of caregiver, either to mentally handicapped people or something similar because he's always got some weirdo in the passenger's seat.

>> No.10840295

cannibalism is a as old as humanity tho

>> No.10841971

lol this
at least he doesn't try to pass off his obese gluttony habits as "food reviews" like those others (we won't name any names)

>> No.10842749

Placenta Bacon

>> No.10843654

Watching faggots suffer is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.

>> No.10844996
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why do white people do this

>> No.10845144
File: 2.92 MB, 1280x720, JoeyDrumstick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10845612

too ugly to be saved

>> No.10845636

He uses it as a dinner table where he eats sloppy greasy food. I'm not saying it's cool, I guess I'm saying who cares.

>> No.10845645
File: 720 KB, 471x321, 1493120159877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I honestly thought that was Joey and I laughed my god damn ass off. But then I realized it's some other disheveled fat fuck.

>> No.10845661

The funny thing about that is he's now essentially on a death timer. He's got a year to live before he croaks unless he dramatically changes himself, which he'll never do.

>> No.10845683

My mom's black, but acts pretty white half the time. She also did this after her fifth child (she should've stopped at three,) but never grew the balls to eat any of it. No child should have to smell the odor of their mother's oven-drying placenta...

>> No.10845699

I'm sorry, name one of these youtube landwhales that are actually attractive.

>> No.10845945

Monetization was around a lot earlier than people think, they just kept it quiet

>> No.10845956

Why would you save that attention whore?

>> No.10845969

>saving the planet
bullshit, its an emotionally driven lifestyle that has some positive environmental impact but pales in comparison to real world problems.

>> No.10846021
File: 866 KB, 1080x2220, 1530448221645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't one of these guys turn their channel into a fasting channel for a few months giving daily blogs showing their progress and obstacles they're overcoming?

They'd get healthy af in a few months, and would attract a new audience, more subs, then can go back to food reviews without being human debris.

>> No.10846033

We don't.

He'll either die of a stoke in his piece of shit ford or get killed by a drifter/drug addict he lets in his car and house

>> No.10846038


lol will be a manlet forever, No curing that

>> No.10846044

That's his gf bro she has CP or something

>> No.10846046

5'9" isn't a manlet

now if you're 5'4" you might be in trouble

>> No.10846057

>This is nonsense it isn't making you any money

wow, what a bitch

>> No.10846076

What about all the random dudes?

>> No.10847152

>Anotha one

>> No.10847157

5'9" is manlet. 5'10" is the cut off

>> No.10847174

floppies are still relevant as a back-up medium and loopy looms own. shut your whore mouth nigger

>> No.10847181
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>> No.10847245

>tfw 5'10"
>told them to write 5'9" on my licence
When the war comes those big guys aren't going to survive. The manlets need less resources, they'll outnumber and swarm the big men, climbing them like in Shadow of the Colossus. I'll be safe within their ranks so long as i stay off any curbs and don't wear boots.

>> No.10847277

>small penis detected

>> No.10847523

few would watch them, most people trying to lose weight have 0 willpower which is why they are still fat and trying to lose weight after years when it takes a few months tops, they don't want to be reminded of this

>> No.10847589
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disgusting spics

>> No.10847968

You faggots always give that mark weins dude a hard time for his facial expressions while eating.
What about this dude?

>> No.10847988

He's probably already fucked, usually the first one already massively lowers your life expectancy regardless of anything you do.

>> No.10847994

would he not have all that loose skin if he dropped weight slower? that seems really fucking fast to drop that much

>> No.10848387

Is this guy ripping off JoeysWorldTour ? lmao

>> No.10848441

He's been around for awhile but I think he started out as a rip off.
People like him more now cause he has a gf or something.

>> No.10848464

>that chicken sandwich asmr video

Shit gave me nightmares.

>> No.10848469

is this backwards or something?

>> No.10848472

>the woman in the back

>> No.10848486

>chicken sandwich asmr
literally what

>> No.10848513


It's fucking aweful

>> No.10848536

Jesus christ I feel genuinely unsettled after watching that.
I need to take a shower.

>> No.10848548

kek what the fuck do you think, son? His mouth is powerful enough to slurp a chewed-up piece of chicken 6 inches from the surface holding it?

>> No.10849064


>> No.10849614

wonder if that's his aunt connie

>> No.10849803

It's been a decade since I heard this name.

>> No.10849824
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Moral outrage over animal welfare is for meat eaters, thank you.

>> No.10849832

>broke up on instagram

>> No.10849920

Yes, that one inch REALLY counts, anon.

Unfortunately you don't get to choose where it goes.

>> No.10849950
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this depresses me

>> No.10849957

I can't stand Jack, but as someone who watched their father go through a stroke I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

>> No.10849982

Joeys a fat piece of shit
He doesnt even describe anything about the food
>the onions and the lettuce and the buns WOoOooOOOo
Thats it
fat fuck

>> No.10849993

This is why I like Bob/Food Dip. He doesn't even pretend, no gimmicks. It's just "welp, I guess I'm gonna eat this shit" and then mostly takes polite sized bites.

At the end of the day it's sad still but not wooowooowoooo sad

>> No.10850197

let darwinism take care of joey

>> No.10850358
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>that video he did with some random Elvis Costello-looking pedo he met that day in McDonald's



>> No.10850375
File: 2.55 MB, 1280x720, american.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally a man of the people.

>> No.10850384
File: 81 KB, 605x451, inappropriate-funny-kid-drawings-391__605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dude is baller

>> No.10850450

12,000 people subscribed to this. what the fuck?

>> No.10852124

Reasonable bite as opposed to
Gulping down an entire slice in one bite. Holy shit what a fatass.

>> No.10852668

We can't.
The free market has him now. Capitalism will slowly destroy him.

>> No.10852674

real ass nigga

>> No.10852681
File: 185 KB, 300x388, E25E0E81-682A-4974-930C-87F067027272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace him with pic related

>> No.10852683

Is that Bob Magrann?!

>> No.10852943
File: 320 KB, 427x398, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, he had a second one a few weeks ago.
>continues to eat bacon

>> No.10853091

I want to lick Joey's steering wheel

>> No.10853117

his heart bows to the fast food industry
that's basically it.

>> No.10853149

who's that guy?
he doesn't even look that fat, how does he have kidney failure and diabetes?

>> No.10853176

Seat sniffing crew checking in!

>> No.10853290

His newest video is even weirder than the last one.


>> No.10853351


>> No.10853836
File: 43 KB, 1080x1080, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Why should we try and save HIM, when we already have our based food reviewer who is safe. Godspeed Reviewbrah!

>> No.10853868

He is no longer based. We have lost him to the normies acting as if they even knew him before he was famous.

>> No.10853892

Its no use!

>> No.10853951
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>> No.10854784

He doesn't, he's just a fake sperg gay normie who does clickbait videos, if you skim those videos he'll say stuff like "food gave me an upset stomach and I thought I was dying of cancer"

>> No.10854789

OK, first off, that's not his wife's placenta. That's his child's placenta. The tissue is generated by the embryo and fetus. So, he cannibalized an organ his kid shed.

>> No.10854795

Fuck off. His wife made it. It's his wife's.

>> No.10854799

Something is seriously wrong with him but it can entertaining sometimes

>> No.10854809

If you performed a genetic test of the material, it would match the child, not the mother.

Women's uterine linings simply provide an environment for an embryo to build its support network into. The placenta is no less a part of the child than the inner membrane on a bird's egg, which supports egg-borne organisms before hatching.

>> No.10855160

>complains about being fat
>eats cheese and bacon right after
nice pic xddd

>> No.10855166


>> No.10855234

mentally ill people should be banned from youtube

>> No.10856813

You realize that's like half their revenue right?

>> No.10856843


no, it's like half their expenses. the other half is fags.

>> No.10857926

who fucking cares jesus christ shut the fuck up

>> No.10857966
File: 11 KB, 311x317, 1520001631774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this assblasted that you are eating your wife's son's placenta and not "your" wife's placenta all along

>> No.10858227

This guy gets laid

>> No.10858267
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>> No.10858306

That's a meme by retards. Losing it slower wouldn't do shit.

>> No.10858316
File: 90 KB, 640x640, 31982474_2248051335422385_6917218961067081728_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same man Jack may be a /ck/ lolcow but he is not a bad man.

FFS stop eating like a faggot and you might live to see grandkids

>> No.10858344

So now you're saying an egg doesn't belong to the bird that laid it. You're unbelievable.

>> No.10858354

He boasts about choking his son out. He likes the idea of blanket napalming entire nations. He's a bad man.

>> No.10858399

Is this how americans eat?

>> No.10858444

someone post his ex gf. if this dude can get one I have no excuse. he does seem to be very low inhibition though... fuck. i guess the real takeaway is "just be neurotypical" in which case im fucked

>> No.10858591

Or maybe don't play women up in your head since there's plenty of women with low standards like men. Women want affection and to get fugged also

>> No.10859414

if you dont teach fear of god in your kid the police will do it for you

>> No.10859749

did they fuck afterwards?

>> No.10859766

even his eyes are fat

>> No.10860091

Full retard.

>> No.10860092

a bullet

>> No.10860179

>Women want affection and to get fugged also

Wrong. Women do not enjoy sex, they engage in the activity solely to manipulate others.

>> No.10860216

jesus christ kid, your life sucks.

>> No.10860286

Amazing health, I think I would be dead if I lead similar lifestyle. But this soulless husk is still breathing, slowly turning himself into the first victim of the Seven movie.

>> No.10861278

god I wish that hot dog were me

>> No.10862397

Can you imagine the SMELL?

>> No.10862475
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