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File: 39 KB, 903x600, L'Arpage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10823884 No.10823884 [Reply] [Original]

L'Arpege Egg
Serves 6

>6 T heavy cream
>~1 t sherry vinegar
>fleur de sel to taste
>6 fresh, room-temperature eggs
>3 t fresh-minced chives
>black pepper to taste
>3 t maple syrup

>Remove the bottom third of each of the eggshells
>Separate the eggs collecting the egg-whites in a medium sized bowl while retaining the yolks in their respective shells.
>Float the yolks/shells in 2 inches simmering water in a large, shallow pan.
>Cook for 3 minutes or until yolks just begin to set around the edges.
>Remove from water and place in serving cups, then season the yolks.
>Add cream to the egg whites and whip until stiff.
>Fold in remaining ingredients holding some chives for garnish.
>Fill the shells on top of the yolks and serve.

or any other recipes that you wish you had time for.

>> No.10823890

Sounds like shit, why not just make a nice omelette instead of this gay shit?

>> No.10823902
File: 303 KB, 627x317, 14517472_10155265713099046_338410346548207931_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maple syrup
Do americans really?

>> No.10823908


>what is custard
>what is creme brulee
>what is ice cream


>> No.10823920


and just how the fuck do you cut the shell like that without a laser guillotine?

>> No.10823935
File: 63 KB, 710x710, img20o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


outta the way, lads.. archetypal unitasker coming through.

>> No.10823938

Those are all things that do not take maple syrup, stupid canuck.

>> No.10823942


they absolutely can. i make duck egg creme brulee with maple syrup instead of sugar, fight me faggot. maple is so good.

>> No.10823943

All are deserts you listed.


>> No.10823946

My thought as well.
I'm guessing they use a Dremel or something like it.

>> No.10823949
File: 440 KB, 742x558, it's a French recipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw filename related

>> No.10823952

I had this dish once. I was baffled by this. I was so laughably out of my league eating at that restaurant. I couldn't even enjoy thr meal I was so confused. I wish i was joking.

>> No.10823965


he just said "durr eggs and maple are bad duhh", didn't specify specifically what kind of eggs.

besides, only a tastelet doesn't understand how well maple goes with savory things. especially sherry AND maple.

>> No.10823985
File: 260 KB, 352x315, 1392664417297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying im not a falseflag amerimutt

maple is bordering on meme tier for me at this point. Its a really strong flavor, Every time I put enough on my waffles to get them wet, its way way overpowering and strong. Im a just a trashy trucker that prefers regular syrup, I guess.

>> No.10823991


you realize there's a difference between dousing something in syrup vs using a little for some sweetness and depth of flavor to round out a flavor profile, right?

>> No.10824018
File: 324 KB, 382x585, TomCatkittycat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that thought has never occurred to me. Maybe if they made a lighter maple syrup, I'd use it more. Or maple flavored syrup, something like that.

>> No.10824027

Americans dont eat maple syrup, those are the canadians, how can you not know this?

>> No.10824147
File: 34 KB, 224x423, article-0-11949861000005DC-717_224x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try diluting a little regular syrup with some maple to see if it is more palatable to you
Honestly unless it's a really cheap brand that's artificially flavored or a really good high end brand that's naturally strong that shouldn't be an issue you might just not really like the flavor that much

>> No.10824499

Maple syrup is disgusting, you people don't even have a cuisine outside of those french wannabes, day of the rake soon.

>> No.10824601


i'm not french, pal.

vermont maple syrup is far superior to that cucked tree semen that our retard neighbors to the north consume