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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 800x534, thick-guy-prefers-unhealthy-eating-hungry-fat-man-biting-pizza-greed-sitting-sofa-looking-forward-83786411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10822931 No.10822931 [Reply] [Original]

I'm kind of poor at the moment.
What food is cheap, nutritional and lasts a while?

>> No.10822936


>> No.10822938

Dried beans.

>> No.10822941

rice and beans

>> No.10822942

Reconstituted 'Vark drippings go for $0.95/Fl Oz

>> No.10822960

Nice idea but aren't they just empty carbs?

>> No.10822971
File: 306 KB, 684x640, 84287182[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10822979


>> No.10823011

Pine needle tea.
Tree bark.

>> No.10823016


Rice and beans. Use cheap shit like smoked ham hocks to help give flavor to the beans.

>> No.10823018

>I'm kind of poor at the moment.
But you are rich in spirit. GOD bless you, we're praying for you. To answer your question, what did Jesus give his followers when they were down on their luck? Fish, wine and bread. You should follow in His footsteps.

>> No.10823024

White rice, eggs, chicken breasts whole in a big bag, tuna, almonds, broccoli, green beans, beans in general, hot sauce, milk, quark, soy milk, tofu...

Healthy as fuck and literally the cheapest stuff you can buy in large quantities

>> No.10823035

>empty carbs

White rice is literally the only carb that bodybuilders eat to stay in shape

>> No.10823036

>White rice, eggs, chicken breasts whole in a big bag, tuna, almonds, broccoli, green beans, beans in general, hot sauce, milk, quark, soy milk, tofu...
Might as well just recommend Soylent since it contains all of that and more.

>> No.10823039

Vienna sausages

>> No.10823043

oh I forgot the most important one, oatmeal

>> No.10823047

Pretty sure they use brown rice.

>> No.10823048

Bread, beans, rice. If you want meat, either buy whole chickens, or go fishing

>> No.10823049

Bodybuilders aren't necessarily healthy. And unless you're going to eat and then do a vigorous workout, you're probably better off with brown rice.

>> No.10823053

Bodybuilders use white rice exclusively, brown rice takes way too long to digest because it is high in fiber and doesn't hit their muscles fast enough

>> No.10823058

>aren't necessarily healthy
t. fat tumblr dyke

>> No.10823061

He said cheap

>> No.10823068

Soylent is cheaper than regular meals in the long run especially if you buy the powder in bulk.

>> No.10823075

Nah, they just usually prioritize physique over health to a certain extent. We're not talking about all people who exercise and lift weights but specifically bodybuilders which isn't the same thing.

>> No.10823076

Chicken, milk, rice, beans.
Most Asian cuisine is also pretty cheap and fast to make, you need veggies tho

>> No.10823080

"Im kind of poor at the moment"

>> No.10823091

If he can afford white rice, eggs, chicken breasts whole in a big bag, tuna, almonds, broccoli, green beans, beans in general, hot sauce, milk, quark, soy milk, or tofu then he can afford Soylent.

>> No.10823098

>replacing solid food with flavored powders

Not a good idea

>> No.10823108

On amazon a 12 pack goes for $32

that's 2,6$ a meal which is crazy hi if youre on a budget. If you buy real food everything in big bags you're talking $1,50 a meal maximum. A chicken breast, some broccoli and a cup or two of rice is like $1,60.

>> No.10823118

Ok fatty go cry more at the world because of your genetics

>> No.10823120

It is if you want to save money and time while also losing weight in the process.
Why do you use commas instead of decimal points? Are you high? Dyslexic? Anyways $32 for 12 meals is an insanely good deal. You can't feasibly go to any grocery store and walk out with 12 meals for that price.

>> No.10823134

>empty carbs
What are full carbs?

>> No.10823138

Yes you can, i just broke it down you illiterate fuck

>> No.10823146

I may be illiterate but at least I'm also e-literate and I know a good deal when I see one

>> No.10823155


>> No.10823158

>$2,60 per "meal"
>good deal

First off you would probably suffer major malnourishment if you went on a soylent diet and second: it's expensive. Just buy everything I named in large quantities and you can save ridiculous amounts of money.

>> No.10823171

See if the stores in your area carry seasoning bacon, it’s the scraps and big chunks that were not long enough for selling as bacon. They had it on sale for $2.00 a pound and it is sooo smoky and flavorful.

>> No.10823172

Lol dunno why you're so butthurt but I personally know a bodybuilder who ended up with liver problems because of all the shit he was taking. Refined carbs just aren't as healthy and a bodybuilder eating refined carbs is prioritizing physique over health. Not saying all bodybuilders are unhealthy but they aren't necessarily the best group to look at when considering your diet.

>> No.10823200

The data actually indicates that people who eat high fiberous diets don't age well and die younger, probably because you wear and tear on your body when you age, and digesting high fiberous foods takes it's toll because it consumes a lot of energy

>> No.10823202

Try dumpster diving. Save big $$$$$

>> No.10823204
File: 59 KB, 373x248, pol-pot-torture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice and beans and any cheap vegetables or marked down meat and stop drinking and doing drugs

>> No.10823212

>$2.60 is expensive
Ok poorfag

>> No.10823223
File: 5 KB, 345x283, 1529949234036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.10823224

>Ok poorfag
>OP: "I'm kinda poor at the moment."

You have literally just admitted that $2,60 per meal is too expensive for OP and therefore Soylent isn't an option. Your words.

Next topic?

>> No.10823232

If OP can't afford $2.60 then he deserves to live on the street. Dumpster diving is always free.

>> No.10823242

Well then get the fuck out of this thread because we are talking about foods that OP can actually afford

>> No.10823245
File: 94 KB, 470x600, 037c197c04baae09943c33e5e9d09dfb--my-yearbook-yearbook-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10823246

Is a "high fiber diet" what the average person would have by eating whole grains and stuff or way beyond that? Can you give me some sources? I've heard stuff like this before but there were never any studies or sources for anyone claiming it, just people pushing fad diets. I'd definitely consider the data from a reputable source but that's still not why a bodybuilder would be eating refined carbs.

>> No.10823251

That woman is an ABSOLUTE UNIT. Proud of her.

>> No.10823259

And if he can't afford Soylent then he deserves to be homeless

>> No.10823261

Sometimes people make jokes that aren't intended to be bait. Weird huh?

>> No.10823269

Oh they were serious? Damn, and I thought /ck/ was devoid of the truly incompetent.
God ain't real, bro. Cook more, be happy.

>> No.10823419

Little Caesars Hot Carl every day.

>> No.10823443

Most of them are dead in their 50s. And when they quit lifting they balloon up.

>> No.10823553


>> No.10823566

tree bark

>> No.10823584

Lard + multivitamins

>> No.10823616

not him, but nice one being edgy when having been entirely BTFO. dont you have a McD thread to shitpost in, you dense cunt?

>> No.10823636

OP, where are you from?

asking for a friend etc.

>> No.10823649

then make beans and oats. tastes better anyway

>> No.10823657
File: 287 KB, 1024x746, KingOscarFeaturePic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The almighty Deenz

>> No.10823746

Stop spreading this stupid fucking quark meme. I've been looking for it in grocery stores for years since I started browsing fit, and I've never FUCKING found it. Stop acting like it's commonly available and cheap. You cunts are the original vark sauce dueches

>> No.10823761

my dude bodybuilders take steroids and shit that is NOT good for you.

>> No.10823775

Not him, but he is right.

>> No.10823780

I'm making some lentil curry for dinner. Cheap as fuck and very good.

>> No.10823806

some languages switch commas and decimal points in maths
for example
>1million or 1.000.000
>one half or 0,5

>> No.10823815

I just think it's funny that 4chan can't accept that food is changing from what our parents knew.

>> No.10824006

Ultimate poorfag recipe: take 1 washed russet potato, peirce multiple times with a fork, coat with cooking oil of choice, sprinkle with kosher salt. Preheat oven to 350 and place potato directly on the rack above a sheet pan to catch drippings. Bake for 1 hour.
Serve with butter salt and pepper, add sour cream and chives when you're no longer a poor fag. This recipe got me through my studio apt years

>> No.10824996

Potatoes, beans, rice.
Bacon is relatively cheap where I live, but I don't know about how you have it.
Mince meat can go for like 3 dollars per pound around here, but again, your results may vary.

>> No.10825010

Not untrue, some bodybuilders have impressive muscles, but dogshit for cardio, for instance.

>> No.10825025

Are you fat?

>> No.10825026

Well I mean, I guess OP can go foraging in the wild for meat, assuming there's no regulations to stop him, or if he wants to play dangerous and do it anyway (watch out for lawmen). A cheap WalMart .177 caliber pellet gun can be used for small birds and squirrels and stuff.

Fishing is good if nobody is there to stop him, however.

>> No.10825032

Oh fuck, did anyone bring up onions? They're cheap as fuck and add flavor to near anything.

>> No.10825044

Homemade fermented pickles. A few cucumber plants will yield you at least a new jar of everyday. Oak leaves or grape leaves you can find freely in your neighborhood. Your only required real expense is salt and mason jars. All of the herbs and spices are just for taste and unnecessary.

>> No.10825054

1.00 sardines
cheap tuna
Bulk chicken

Goto bargain stores
Goto a food bank

>> No.10825063

Exercising regularly also wears your body out and causes you to die earlier too.

>> No.10825066

Thought you were poor. You dont get to choose

>> No.10825073

Go to asian markets, shit is cheap. Get dried mushrooms and eat them shits with butter. Or eat from a trash can

>> No.10825075
File: 98 KB, 1080x1078, mogged f'real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty sure they use brown rice.
most bodybuilders eat white rice not brown rice like the other anon said. a lot easier to consume and digest. when half your job is consistently eating, having food that is agreeable is key

>> No.10825151

You can buy 12 boxes of mac n cheese at shartmart for ~ 50 cents per 200g box here in Canada. That's 12 boxes (12 meals) for just over $6. Get rekt.

>> No.10825155

>empty carbs?
starch is the cornerstone of the human diet. You should be eating mostly starch!
beans, potatoes, bread, oatmeal. It's fat you gotta stay away from.

>> No.10825164

>it's fat you've got to stay away from
When will this meme die

>> No.10825188
File: 69 KB, 397x397, oil-fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fat is good meme is what needs to die. What a crock of shit. fat is not good. especially refined fats.

>> No.10825795


>> No.10825797

>t. fatfuck

>> No.10825818
File: 41 KB, 621x414, food-pyramid-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you not know this

>> No.10825845
File: 120 KB, 784x866, 4004489f5a44d30f052dd0b2ccb086fd[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit's outdated.

>> No.10825866
File: 30 KB, 536x274, 1529352915188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refined grains and sugars

>> No.10826177

Dysgenic dietary advice, strictly for the goyim, muggles and the profane. If you want to be smart, healthy and strong eat eggs, yoghurt, butter, oily fish and fatty meat. Plato wrote about restricting meat to the lower classes and keeping them on a predominately grain-based diet to keep them weak and docile so they are easy to manage by the oligarchs in any given society, who enjoy a nutritious diet of mostly meat and wholefoods. Plato wrote The Republic 2500 years ago or so, it's not exactly breaking news. The majority of these government or NGO promoted food pyramids can be harmful to your health, both mental and physical, if followed. Stop posting these nonsense infographics shills.

>> No.10826527

olive oil is pure fat with no nutrition at all. why would I eat that every day? What is wrong with you?

>> No.10826670


>> No.10826820

lol, using a point as a decimal seperator X'D

>> No.10826823

lol, good argument, did mommy never say:"I love you"?

>> No.10826856


>> No.10826868

every fucking day this gets asked can we just have a sticky that says rice beans and chicken

>> No.10826902
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Only on 4chan could I read something this fucking stupid. Nice work.

>> No.10826904

Yes, nice deflection though poorfag

>> No.10827167

why eat rice when you can bake bread? rice is mushy grossness.

>> No.10827173

That's why I only like brown rice, it has much better texture

>> No.10827197

Beef heart

>> No.10827261

>That's why I only like brown rice, it has much better texture
gritty mushy grossness? nutritionally, wheat is better than rice, so just eat wheat, and wheat is enriched, boiling rice removes some nutrients from rice.

>> No.10827440

Frozen ham hocks are no joke six bucks a pound here

>> No.10827455

That's a bit much.
What's the most meat you can get per dollar where you live, and respectively, what's the cheapest meat you consider edible?

>> No.10827465


>> No.10827518

Jack Lallaine lived almost a century and was still in good shape when he passed from pnemonia so the guy had some idea what was up.

>> No.10827527

Where the fuck is fishing illegal? I mean a fishing license costs like $15 for a year and that is just to pay for the gamewardens to not fuck with you basically. The amount of fish you can get in a day is worth more than that if you take supermarket prices.

>> No.10827566

I Litterally had pennies to my name for about two months I lived off of rice, beans and cat kibble

It’s a rough ride but it’s doable, get yourself some ramen if you’re feeling lavish, often on sale for .15 a pack. God speed anon

>> No.10827589

impressive trolling

>> No.10827646

Is that Scorch?

>> No.10827797

>Where the fuck is fishing illegal?
I don't know where OP is, so I'm just accounting for possibilities.

>> No.10827830

Looks like Manch-Vegas to me.

>> No.10827917

The SI Brochure permits both the comma and the dot on the line as the decimal separator.

>> No.10827938

They eat sweet potatoes

>> No.10827971

Definitive answer:

Chicken thighs, whole chicken, whitefish like tilapia, ground pork, and canned oily fish like sardines are cheapest per lb. Use a variety of meats if possible and hunt for sales. Also, tons of eggs.
Canned and frozen veg is extremely cheap, but so are fresh things in season like zucchini, sweet potato, green beans, and spinach or other leafy greens. Eat many veg. Compare the price per pound of frozen, canned, and fresh veg - you might be surprised what yields the most for your dollar. Keep in mind that cans include the weight of water in the weight of the product.
You don't need bread, rice, beans, tortillas, potatoes, or cereal. It's wasted money when you are eating for nutrition and frugality, because these things have no nutritional value other than making you FEEL full. Add them when necessary to "fill out" a meal but try to avoid if possible.

You can make pasta bakes with plenty of meat/veg, you can make stew or curry, omelet, midwest-style thrown-together casseroles, or just cook and serve meat with side dishes.

If OP had a solid figure as far as budget per week I could give some more specific info.

>> No.10827994

I think he means they are food sources that are 'empty' of the full range of vitamins and minerals your body and gut flora need to maintain health. You need a varied to diet, the more variety the better.

>> No.10828005

>White rice is literally the only carb that bodybuilders eat to stay in shape
Bodybuilders don't eat white rice to stay in shape. Bodybuilders eat extremely high-carb foods for energy right before a vigorous workout, because carbs are an easily available energy source. The average person should not be consuming that level of carbs or basing their diet off of anything that involves bodybuilders and strongmen, because their diet is extremely specifically tailored for their lifestyle.
Many bodybuilders eat whole pizzas and other junk food because they burn so many calories even at rest, due to their massive size, that they couldn't get enough calories to sustain themselves by just eating chicken and broccoli. I think we could all agree that eating a whole pizza isn't healthy, however, and there is a lot of merit to what
this anon said, in that bodybuilders prize muscle gain and physique over being objectively healthy. Many of them roid themselves to fucking death, no shit they're not some vegan gurus, they don't give a fuck about being healthy, only getting swole.

You are now confirmed for having a shit opinion and not knowing anything about anything. White rice is actively bad for you.

>> No.10829628

Are limes really a good food, or are they more of a condiment?

>> No.10830261

Raw onions are also supposed to be good for raising your testosterone.

Supposedly, back in ancient Greece, athletes would eat a diet with tons of onions in it, and would even bathe in onion juice or rub chopped onions over their body.

I'd suggest just putting some raw onions in your diet and not taking things quite that far.

>> No.10830307

I wonder how much of that is an old wives tale.
They're cheap, tasty, and have some vitamins though, so I like to use them in my cooking a lot.
I can get a lot of fresh onions for my dollars around here, too, so it's easy justifying throwing one or two in.

There are probably people out there who don't eat onions at all, and I kind of puzzle on how they go on with life.

>> No.10830321

7 limes can sustain someone on food stamps for 1 week

>> No.10830322

Limes are a meme based on a hollywood celebrity's tweet. I think she was the one who played Pepper Potts in the Iron Man movies.

She posted what a week's worth of food was if you only had $26 a week from government benefits. SNAPs? I don't know what it's called in the US.

She made a lot of mistakes, unsurprisingly.
>These benefits are supposed to be SUPPLEMENTARY income, not someone's entire food budget.
>She probably went to an overpriced grocery store that caters to multimillionare clientele like herself.
>The haul she picked up actually looked like a decent week of food, overall. It could be better, but it'd at least be nutritious, and would likely keep you full enough to keep going.
>Inside this bunch of groceries, there were 6-7 limes. Unless she's eating a lime a day in place of something like an orange, I have no idea how she'd be using them.

>> No.10830475

If I was limiting to $26 weekly, I probably would not be buying limes in those quantities.
I mean maybe she eats them just plain, but an orange seems like it'd be just better for that.

>> No.10830616


black beans and brown rice is legit.
make sure to strain/wash the black sediment that comes out after soaking the black beans.

maybe slow cook it all with cheap bulk chicken
youll need a green of some kind or youll start to feel like ur dying

>> No.10830619

Soy? gay! suck my dick on the way out faggot

>> No.10830650

It's objectively wrong no matter how you cut it you dumb third world redditor

>> No.10830655

0 nutrition bleached flour pasta and cheese powder?

>> No.10830710

Beans Rice Eg

>> No.10830759

Make a big batch of chilli, you can vary dinners with rice, pasta and mash potato. Everything for a big batch of chilli would be $20 MAX

>> No.10830959

Best post I've seen on 4chan since I've visited this site. The birds and creatures of the earth do not worry about food and yet God feeds them. Are though not more important than they? So worry not about what one eats for he shall be fed. But become fishers of men, with the spirit of Christ in you working through all things, become one with him at his table and show the light of Christ to the world through you deeds and actions.

>> No.10831240

oats for breakfast, rice and beans for dinner

>> No.10831544


>> No.10832820

Bulk frozen broccoli, beans, eggs are really filling and not that expensive

>> No.10833479
File: 79 KB, 432x566, snapgwyneth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top meme

>> No.10833530

You still need those macros, you can not survive on vitamins alone, you need enough calories and those will come from carbs, fats and protein.
Add some frozen vegetables, they are usually cheap and have even more vitamins than most fresh vegetables, because the "fresh" stuff is usually several days old, while the frozen stuff conserves its vitamins.

>> No.10833536

beans, lentils, eggs, rice, potatoes are all cheap af and nutritious at the same time

>> No.10833570

Did she ever break down her decisions in another tweet or is this all she left us with?

>> No.10833595

It's funny that without the limes I get well under under 20 USD in that image.

>eggs 1.09
> kale .90
>corn .50
>scallions .80
>avocado .90
>onion .98
>sweet potato 1?
>18 Guerrero tortillas 1.29
>cilantro .99
>one chile .30
>some other head of green .99
>bagged peas 2 tops
>whole grain brown rice 3
>black beans 2 tops
>tomato .50
>garlic .38
>cilantro .68

>> No.10833607

celebrity """activists""" are so cringe

>> No.10833723


>> No.10833734

rice, you can get a big bag of rice and make quite a few different meals with it

>> No.10835593

It's funny because when I was poor and got SNAP I'd get 200$ a month and spend around 50$ on redbull, than the rest on tuna/rice/eggs/bread/peanut butter and jelly

>> No.10835599

a full family would get around 600-800 a month btw
which is why you see all these concrete jungle heathens buying party sized bags of chips and pizzas.

>> No.10835756

>empty carbs
the absolute state of /ck/ where do you people even get this shit
this place isn't good for you guys